Detention 7 by Michael Booker

“How big is your dick, Jason?” Chris interrupted. I shut up. Jason just continued to mean mug Chris and I could see the fury burning behind his bright amber-colored eyes. “You look like you might be packin eight inches…maybe eight and a quarter. Hey Bill, what do you think?”

Billy examined Jason’s crotch area as though he were studying some ancient artifact. “Yeah, I probably would say the same thing. Not too thick, but not too skinny either. Just right in the middle.”

“Probably has a really nice ass too,” Scott chimed in.

“So go on, pretty boy,” Chris said, crossing his large, muscular arms over his chest. “Tell us what you’re workin with.” Billy and Scott laughed; I groaned, extremely annoyed. This had just become the worst fuckin night of my life, and I could tell that it was not about to be over anytime soon.

“Don’t worry about how big my dick is,” Jason replied angrily. It was weird to hear Jason say ‘dick’ it didn’t sound normal. “It’s big enough.”

“Well, I’m just sayin,” Chris said. “B likes big dicks. I mean, I have my dick is almost twelve inches long–and I’m not fuckin kiddin–and Brandon just takes my dick like a fuckin expert. I haven’t ever seen nobody, male or female, that can take a dick the way B does. So if you ever planned on fuckin him, I just wanted to make sure you had the right size equipment.”

“It’s nine and a half inches,” Jason answered sternly. Wow. For Jason’s slender, swimmer’s build, that was really big. From the looks on Scott and Billy’s face, they seemed impressed too–everyone of course, except for Chris.

“Nine and a half is alright,” Chris said. “I mean, you know, I was nine and a half when I was fourteen, but that’s just me…”

“Congratulations. Do you wanna fuckin gold medal?” Jason replied sarcastically. He slouched in his chair, spreading his legs open a little bit. He opened the top to his soda, and at that moment, I realized that Jason was enjoying this crossfire match between him and Chris. He was waiting for Chris to strike next, and Chris aware that Jason was waiting, was very eager to oblige. This wasn’t an argument over me anymore, it was an ego match.

“Show us,” Chris said. “We wanna see this big dick you claim to have.”

“No fuckin way,” Jason answered.

“C’mon, pretty boy. Don’t be dick-shy. All of us in this room know what a dick looks like…” Chris turned to me. “And most of us knows how a dick ‘feels’ like.”

“You’re a fuckin asshole, Chris,” I said to him.

Winking at me, Chris responded, “That’s why you like me so much. B.”

Jason saw that little interaction between Chris and I, because all of a sudden, he seemed to have a change of heart. “Fine, I’ll do it–but only if you do it first.”

“What would be the point?” Chris wondered. “Everybody in this room has already seen my dick before.”

“Well, if it’s as wonderful as you claim it is,” Jason said, “they won’t mind seein it again. And plus, I haven’t seen it yet.”

I could really tell where this situation was heading and I sure as hell wasn’t about to let it happen. Chris stood up and was about to drop his jeans, when I said, “Chris, sit the fuck down. Nobody is pullin their dicks out tonight in my house. I want everybody out of my house now. I mean it! Everybody EVERYBODY get the fuck out now!”

“He looks kinda serious,” Scott said with a wide grin on his Gap-model face.

“You’re damn fuckin right I’m serious. Everybody out. Now. I’ve had enough of all this bullshit.”

Jason rose from his seat and walked quickly toward the door. Billy and Scott got up lazily and started to make their way to the door as well. “What a fuckin prick,” Scott muttered, loud enough for me to hear him. Chris remained in his seat, very determined not to move.

“That means you too, Chris,” I said.

Chris smiled. “Don’t think so, B.” He reached into his pocket, took out the keys to his truck. “Yo Bill, drive the truck back to the house. I’ll come get it tomorrow. I’m spendin the night here.”

Hearing that, Jason turned around, looked at the both of us, scowled, and walked out of the door. I felt an overwhelming guilt and I knew that I had to go after him. As though he had read my mind, Chris said, “Don’t do it, B. Stay here.”

“No, I need to go tell him somethin before he leaves.”

“Let the little pussy-ass go home and cry on his pink pillow.”

“One day, you’re really gonna get tired of fuckin around with me, Chris. And that day is gonna be soon.” I walked out of the house, leaving the front door wide open.

“B, get your ass back in here!” Chris yelled. But I ignored him. I caught up to Jason right as he was getting into his car.

“Jason, wait up right quick. I want to talk to you.”

“About what, Brandon?” Jason asked sharply. “I don’t really want to hear anything from you.”

“I’m sorry about what happened in there. I didn’t mean for shit to happen the way it did.”

“You should’ve told me you were seeing someone,” Jason said. “I wouldn’t have wasted my time.” It felt like a bullet to the heart when he said that to me.

“Me and Chris…we’ve only been…together I guess for a couple of weeks. I mean, we just…”

“I’m surprised that’s the kind of dude you like,” Jason said. “I thought you would go for a different type.”

“I thought so too.”

Jason leaned against this car. “This shit always happen. I like somebody and then they like somebody else. I guess this proves you gotta be an asshole to get somebody to like you. That’s all people ever seem to like.”

“That’s not true,” I said. “I like you.”

Jason shook his head. “Not the way you like him. I can tell. Like he said, it’s all in the way you look at somebody…he was right. I wanted to have sex with you tonight. I’m glad it didn’t, `cause it wouldn’t have meant shit to you. I would’ve been just another fuck to you.”

I wanted to say that wasn’t true, but I didn’t. Instead, I said, “Jason, I don’t want you to be mad at me. Can’t we be friends or something?”

Jason looked at me and the hardness in his eyes softened a little–but only a little. Softly, he said, “No. You’re not the kind of person I want to know Brandon.” Of all the insults and hurtful things anyone had ever said to me, including Chris, that had to be the worst. I felt like my heart had just sunk down to my stomach. “You probably should go back inside now,” he said, “your ‘boyfriend’ is waiting for you.” I turned around to see Chris standing in the open doorway, watching the two of us. “Bye, Brandon,” Jason said and got into his car. I watched as he turned on the engine and pulled away down the street. Afterwards, I slowly turned and made my way back into the house. Chris blocked my path.

“Move the fuck outta my way, Chris.” I pushed him aside and entered the house. I had never been so pissed off and emotionally weak at the same time.

“You still want me to leave?” Chris asked. He closed the door and came toward me. But I didn’t want him to be next to me.

“I don’t know what I want from you, Chris…I don’t know what I want at all.” I collapsed on the couch.

“C’mon, B. Let’s go to your room.”

I didn’t feel like moving from my spot on the couch, but reluctantly I got up and both of us made our way to my bedroom. My bed was still unmade. I didn’t feel like sleeping on dirty sheets, so I stripped the bed and laid on the bare mattress. Chris pulled off his shirt and shoes and lay beside me. He wrapped his arm around my waist and drew me close to him. “Don’t be mad at me, B. I just didn’t want him to touch you the way I do.”

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