Detention 7 by Michael Booker

“I wanted to do this for such a long time,” Jason whispered.

Without thinking, I said, “Me too.”

Jason slowly drug his tongue up the length of my neck. I felt goose bumps pop up all over my body. There was a tingle that started at my ankles and continued up to my legs, to my knees, and finally my dick. “I like the way you taste,” he said, almost too low for me to actually hear him, “you taste kinda salty.” Jason sucked on my neck roughly, sending wave after wave of pleasure sweeping over my entire body. All of my muscles relaxed at once, and I kinda slouched in my seat. Jason took one of his hands off my face and started to make his way down my chest, down my stomach, below my navel. He started to unbuckle my belt and that’s when I opened my eyes and kinda pushed him away. “No,” I said, pretty much out of breath, “not right now.”

“Brandon, what’s wrong?” Jason asked. I liked the way he said my name. He rubbed my leg slowly, which made me start to burn all over in a very good way.

I didn’t want to say it, but it had to be said. “I can’t do this with you.”

Even though there wasn’t that much light, I could still see the hurt expression on Jason’s pretty face. “How come?”

“`Cause I’m…” I didn’t want to finish what I was about to say, and I was partway hoping that Jason wouldn’t ask me to finish what I was about to say,

“You’re what?” Jason questioned.

“I’m seein’ someone.”

The awkward silence that came after was horrible.

“I don’t…” Jason said. He stopped, recollected his thoughts and went on, “Brandon, what do you mean you’re seein someone? Like a boyfriend or somethin?”

“I mean, I don’t really know what other way to say it except–”

The telephone rang. I grabbed it immediately, grateful for the interruption. “Hello?”

“What are you doin?” It was Chris. I felt both relief and discomfort hearing from him. I rose off the couch and walked toward the kitchen so Jason couldn’t hear my conversation.

“Nothin’, just watchin TV.”

“That all?” Chris asked me suspiciously, as though he already knew what was going on. My heart froze for a quick second.

“Yeah, I’m just hangin around. Nothin to do…why? What are you doin?”

“Drivin,” Chris answered.

My panic continued to grow. “Drivin where?”

“To your house, dumbass. Me and the boys wanted to come by and see you.”

A cold chill zipped down my spine. “What boys are you talkin about, Chris?”

“Bill and Scotty. We got finished comin from the gym and I just thought we would come through for a quick minute and chill,” Chris said. “What you sound all weird and shit for?”

“I’m not soundin weird…how close are you to my house?” I could hear Billy Anderson and Scott Howard talking and laughing in Chris’ background.

“We’re turnin down your street right now,” Chris said. “We’ll be there in like a minute or two.” There was no way I was gonna be able to get Jason out of the house before Chris and the others showed up. So basically I was fucked, and not in a good way. From where I was standing, I could see Jason still sitting on the couch. The smile he usually had on his face was replaced by a horrible grimace. He looked really pissed off and it was all my fault, because I hadn’t told him beforehand that I was going out with Chris–but I didn’t even know that I was being exclusive with Chris until earlier that day–either way, it wasn’t a good situation. I probably fucked up any chance of Jason and I having any kind of friendship or– “Whose car is this parked up in your driveway?” Chris said, interrupting my thoughts.

I felt like my whole body had just shut down at once; I couldn’t move, I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t think. It was over now, I was in serious fucked up shit now.

“B, I asked you whose car is this in your driveway?” Even from the kitchen I could hear the loud music from Chris’ truck clearly. Jason turned his eyes in the direction of the front door.

“Is somebody here?” Jason asked.

All I could think was: Why the fuck is this happening to me? Why can’t anything ever fuckin go right in my life without me gettin wrapped up in stupid, dramatic shit. I could’ve told Chris that the car parked in the driveway was my mother’s car, and that she was home and he wouldn’t be able to come inside, but I didn’t feel like lying, and eventually, he would figure it out anyway. “Jason is here,” I told him. I waited breathlessly for Chris’ response because I knew he was probably gonna start yelling at me and cursing me out for doing something he asked me not to do.

But Chris didn’t say anything. He just hung up the phone. The dial tone buzzed in my ear for a good ten seconds before I hung up as well. And right when I put the phone back on the hook, I heard very loud knocking on my front door. Jason stood up.

“You know what, Brandon,” Jason said, “I think it’s time for me to go.”

In my head I thought: it’s too late for you to leave now. I was glad that he came but I wished he had never come–and I wish Chris had never come either–but then I was glad that Chris had come at the right moment before me and Jason really got started.

“Jason, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…”

“It’s cool,” Jason said quickly. “I’ll talk to you later.” He walked briskly over to the door and opened it, to reveal Chris, Billy and Scott Howard standing in the doorway. I saw Jason’s whole body kinda tense up when he saw Chris standing there. And when Chris saw Jason, a wide grin crossed his cunning, sexy face and he said, “Where you goin, pretty boy? The party is just bout to get started.”

My thoughts at the moment were: Oh fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck.

Chris brushed past Jason and made his way over to the couch and plopped down. Billy and Scott stormed inside, both wearing silly grins on their cute faces. They sat on the couch beside Chris. Jason remained standing in the doorway, a look of severe resentment on his face. “So B,” Chris said to me, “what were the two of you doin’ before we got here?”

I sat in an armchair directly across from Chris. My knees were shaking. “We were just watchin a movie.”

“What movie was it?” Scott asked, gazing at me with a grin on his face. For a freshman boy who was probably only fifteen, had an amazingly deep voice, tall and dark-haired, with an incredibly muscular body shape and the confidence of a dude who was a freshman in college, not high school.

“Just some old movie. You probably haven’t heard of it.” I told him. My voice was shaking.

Chris stared at me, very hard; he was trying to uncover my secrets with his eyes and he was making me more uncomfortable.

With his eyes still locked on me, Chris told Jason, “Shut the door, pretty boy. You’re lettin the cold get inside.”

“I’m about to leave,” Jason said flatly, looking at me. Everyone in the room was looking at me strangely as though I had just confessed to killing a bunch of people.

Still, with his eyes on me, Chris replied, “You’re not goin anywhere, pretty boy. You’re gonna spend some time with us.” Chris finally broke his stony gaze from me, smiled, and looked in Jason’s direction. “There’s a lot we wanna know about you.”

Jason still had his hand wrapped around the doorknob and his eyes still on me. His face had softened a little, but there was still evidence of anger left in those stunning hazel eyes of his. “No,” Jason said, “it’s really time for me to get outta here.”

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