All Hallows’ Even

Christophe closed his eyes for a second as he considered his own salty taste. He opened them again to see Lucien naked. The older man’s nude body every bit as magnificent as Christophe imagined it would be. The coverlet was hurled from the bed, the nightshirt following and Christophe lay exposed to Lucien’s ravenous gaze. The younger man considered he should feel shy, but the love and lust in glittering grey eyes had him writhing with a need he could not name. He instinctively spread his legs, offering himself. He had no maiden’s portal for Lucien to unite their bodies yet he desired to house the long, thick shaft that hung hard and heavy between Lucien’s legs.

“For all the time I have lived I find I do not possess the words to adequately describe your beauty,” Lucien said, his voice a silken caress of Christophe’s ear. “Your skin is like the finest marble,” he continued, kneeling between the spread legs and stoking satiny inner thighs. “It is flawless, yet warm and living. Your face is more beauteous than any rendition of beauty I have seen by the best of artists’ hands. Your eyes are the blue of a cloudless sky and I could lose myself in their depths. Your hair is as soft as silk and as bright as the sun. I could never have presumed to have found one of such innocence and purity that could love me. That could be willing to share their body with one so dark as I. Tell me, my angel, let me hear your dulcet tones speak the words I have yearned for so many cold, empty years.”

“My body is yours, Lucien. I have no knowledge of how I might please you. But I trust you and I … I love you.”

Lucien groaned as if in pain and stretched to mate his mouth with his golden beauty. He felt warmth slowly seep into his heart, a feeling long since fled. As the kiss ended, he gazed into azure depths that held love and worry. He pulled one of Christophe’s hands over his breast and placed one of his over the slender chest of his mate.

“Feel how they beat in harmony, little one. My heart can only beat for the one I love.”

“Show me love, Lucien,” Christophe pleaded. “Make us one.” His body ached for this man in a way he was unable to understand or bear.

“I will, sweet one, I will,” Lucien promised, peppering small kisses over Christophe’s face. His lips kissed and nipped down the expanse of fragile flesh at the vulnerable throat. He sucked briefly over the thundering carotid. He nibbled briefly at the still red nipples, before descending lower. He stared avidly at the small, slender shaft that jutted from its nest of blond curls. Holding to slim hips, he enveloped the virginal flesh, the primal beast within appeased to be the only one to know this boy so intimately, would only ever be the one to have such intimate knowledge.

Lucien teased his lover with slow suction and swift licks. He nipped daintily at the sensitive underside and swirled his tongue over the smooth, domed head. He probed insistently at the tiny slit, his mate’s juices intoxicating and addictive. Dropping lower, his tongue explored the velvety sac, the precious orbs it contained high and hard. Lower again and he licked at the sensitive flesh between his mate’s sac and the hidden opening he was yet to explore. The impassioned cry reminded him of his lover’s lack of experience and he quickly engulfed straining flesh as Christophe found completion once more. Lucien drank deeply of the innocent offering, reluctantly releasing softening flesh. He kissed his mate, crooning pleasurably as leaden hands petted at his shoulders and back.

“You give me surfeit of pleasure, my lord,” Christophe murmured. “What can I do to please you?”

“Let me love you. Let me make you reach the heavens. I need to touch you intimately, to open and stretch you enough to receive my flesh.”

“I am ready, Lucien,” Christophe said.

With patience, tenderness and infinite care the older man began his preparations. Lucien poured oil onto his hand. Christophe jumped as a wet finger slid sensuously between his cheeks and probed at his entrance.

“Relax,” Lucien leaned forward to lick the head of his flaccid length.

Christophe jumped again at the unexpected action, but immediately sank back into the bed groaning. Lucien’s warm, wet mouth distracted him and before he knew it, his shaft was halfway enveloped within Lucien’s mouth and there was a finger fully inside him. Christophe let out a pained sound and tried to squirm away from the wanted invasion. Lucien’s finger felt too big. The finger moved and Christophe was on the verge of begging Lucien to stop when he sucked Christophe completely into his mouth.

“Oh,” Christophe cried, arching his back. Lucien pressed his hips down, further impaling him. Christophe moaned at the sensation. The finger still felt large, but it was no longer painful. Then, Lucien crooked his finger. The pleasure shocked Christophe. Stars exploded behind his eyes and he let out a cry that he was sure could be heard in the heavens. His body convulsed and shook. “What was that, my lord?” Christophe gasped when he could able to speak again. His mind was still a morass from the jolt of unexpected delight.

Lucien stroked the jewel within once more. Another cry freed itself from Christophe’s throat as his body received another pleasurable jolt. “That is your prostate.” His finger curled and hit the spot again, making Christophe twist in the sheets and pant harshly. “A special sweetness for us to enjoy, my love.” Lucien resumed sucking Christophe, his tongue doing wicked things to the head of the now fully resurgent shaft.

“Lucien” he whimpered, threading one hand again into his lover’s hair. He needed something to anchor himself. More oil was poured onto his entrance and then a second finger slowly pushed into him. Christophe bit his lip, expecting pain once more, but experiencing only fullness. He relaxed a little as Lucien scissored and twisted his fingers, probing deeply, yet mindful of keeping pain to a minimum.

Lucien added a third finger and Christophe’s hand tightened in his hair at the strain. Three fingers were uncomfortable. He lifted his hips a little to ease the pressure and inadvertently pushed his hardness deeper into Lucien’s mouth. He let out a soft sigh of pleasure. He pumped his hips slowly, enjoying the feel of his flesh moving wetly in and out of his lord’s mouth. He barely noticed the fingers moving inside him and jerked when they pushed against his jewel.

Christophe shook and gasped, pleasure was building up so fast inside him that he squeezed his eyes shut and his teeth ground tightly together. Lucien withdrew his fingers from his body and pushed Christophe’s legs up so his knees were aligned with his shoulders.

“I want you to get me ready for you,” Lucien said, taking one of Christophe’s hands and pouring the remaining oil into it, “Rub it on my manhood.”

Christophe stared at his hand and then at his dark lover. He reached forward hesitantly as if afraid he trespassed. His fingers slid slowly around the engorged flesh. Christophe took comfort from the realisation that it felt no different from his own shaft. He was amazed at its heat, as if the fire of desire was at its core. His hand slid up and down slowly, his eyes seeking continuous approval for his actions and he was emboldened by the groans of appreciation that spilt from the more experienced male’s lips.

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