Camp Counselors Pt. 02

On an impulse I stepped over to his bed, threw my leg over him and sat down, straddling his thighs. Our dicks were nearly touching.

I took his cock in my left hand and my cock in my right and started stroking both. Brian looked up at me, his mouth hanging open and delight in his eyes.

Then I took both our cocks in one hand. When they touched, shaft to shaft, it felt like a bolt of electricity shot through me. Brian made a moaning sound.

It wasn’t easy to get both cocks in one hand, we were both so thick, but I managed to get a good stroke rhythm going anyway. Meanwhile Brian gripped my thighs with both hands and made little gasping noises.

Considering that I’d come just 15 or 20 minutes before, It didn’t take at all long to start feeling the approach of another orgasm.

When I was really close I let go of Brian’s cock and wrapped my hand tightly around my own. Three, four, five strokes and I came again, not so hard this second time but hard enough to make me cry out.

Cum spurted out my slit and dribbled onto Brian’s dick. I grasped him with my free hand and began stroking, using my cum as lube. He must have been close, too, because in mere seconds his mouth fell open, his eyes rolled back in his head and a load of semen shot onto his stomach.

It wasn’t easy, but I managed to keep stroking both of us long enough to empty our balls again. When we were both finished I looked down, and saw cum dripping from both my hands and collecting in puddles on his stomach.

I looked at Brian. His eyes were closed. After a few seconds he opened them, and as our eyes met he said, “Oh my fucking God, that was the hottest thing ever.”

I could only laugh.

Brian felt around for his cum rag and handed it to me. I wiped my hands, then swiped his stomach.

On another impulse I brought the rag up to my nose and inhaled the sharp, bleachy, utterly male scent of cum.

Brian reached up and took the rag for me, then took his own deep sniff.

“I love that smell,” he said.

I got off of him and went to wash my hands. While Brian was taking his turn in the shower I put on a pair of boxers and got in bed.

“Well,” I thought as I listened to the sound of running water, “what on earth have you gotten yourself into?”


I slept soundly that night, lulled by a gentle rain that had started while Brian and I were messing around.

The next day, a Saturday, was transition day, when the kids who were staying only half the summer packed up and got picked up by their parents.

It’s typically a crazy day, with kids frantically trying to locate missing possessions and families milling about, and was made crazier by the beastly afternoon heat. Not until evening did things settle down again.

At dinner Amy sidled up to me and whispered something about going for a swim after lights out. I guess with the camp less crowded — second-half campers wouldn’t arrive till tomorrow — she was less worried about us getting caught sneaking around.

Apparently she’d made arrangements with Claire to lure Brian back to our cabin, because she and I had the secret cove to ourselves. We fucked twice that night, and again I was pleased to know that my experimentation with Brian hadn’t lessened my enjoyment of straight sex.

When I got back to the cabin Brian was just getting out of the shower. We exchanged a couple of sly remarks about the events of the evening, but we were both pretty beat and we turned in not long afterward.

The next day, a Sunday, was arrival day for second-half campers, and so a long and tiring one, again made worse by the heat. The kids were strung-out and noisy from excitement, and it was later than usual before we could get them all settled down enough for lights out.

When all was more or less quiet I went down to the lake and sat on a bench to enjoy what little breeze there was. I needed time to think.

Gazing out over the water, I marveled again at the strange way my sex life had unfolded that summer.

On the one hand, I was pursuing women the way I always had, and having plenty of fun with the one I’d “caught.” On the other hand, I had this increasingly intense thing going with Brian, and I couldn’t make up my mind what this signified.

That I was enjoying what we did was beyond doubt, which raised uncomfortable questions for a straight guy.

A person who enjoys both sex with both men and women is by definition a bisexual; is that what I really was, or was becoming?

Or was it actually possible to “become” anything, where sexual orientation was concerned? Isn’t it always there, even if it takes a while to show up?

True, I’d heard of people who had flings with members of their own sex, but remained essentially straight.

In this vein, I suppose I could have argued that what Brian and I were doing was, as he said once, “just a couple of bros helping each other out,” and not indicative of any deeper tendency.

In my heart, though, I suspected something deeper was involved. But what that meant for my life after this summer was a question for another time.

The more immediate issue was: How far was I willing to take this with Brian?

I wouldn’t have long to find out.


Before I recount what happened with Brian over the next few days, I need to tell you about something else that happened about the same time.

You might be wondering, as I was, whether Brian and I were the only guys fooling with each other that summer. It seemed unlikely, for a couple of reasons.

First, statistics suggested that at least one of the 14 guys working that summer was gay. It was also possible that two otherwise straight guys would be getting it on the way Brian and I were.

Doing so would have been a logistical challenge, however. Brian and I were lucky: we had a cabin to ourselves. But the other 12 guys lived in three four-person cabins, and opportunities for privacy would necessarily be limited.

On the other hand, I knew from my own experience that two horny people can almost always find a way to be alone for a few minutes.

Which I saw demonstrated once again as I made my way back to the cabin.

I was in no hurry to go inside on such a warm night, so I decided to take the trail that wound along the shore for a couple of hundred yards beyond camp until it branched. One fork continued along the water and into the hills and the other wound its way back through the woods toward the counselors’ cabins.

I didn’t have a flashlight, but I wasn’t worried about finding my way. There was just enough moonlight to make it possible to follow a path I’d taken many times before.

I was about 50 yards from the cabins, moving slowly with my eyes focused on the trail, when I heard a sound that made me stop and look up.

Maybe 25 yards away, two people were standing close together in a shadowed spot next to the trail. It was hard to see, of course, but eventually I was able to make out that it was two guys, and they were kissing.

Now, I’d seen guys kissing before, in person and on TV, but seeing it happen now, when I was messing around with a guy myself, felt different. It seemed exciting — erotic even, in a way it hadn’t seemed before. I felt my dick start to stiffen.

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