A Canadian Story by StefanIsMe123

“Okay, I guess… doesn’t look like they are gonna let me play in the D-line, though” he answered with disappointment. He really did enjoy playing football, but he knew he was barely making the team, and now they wanted him to just play wide receiver on the third line; he knew full well that was going to entail lots of bench-warming, but at least he wasn’t relegated to support. Kids who had been adjusted, if they were in school at all, never actually played sports; they were support only, waterboys, towel-holders, massagers… nothing important. “Thank Good Lord I still have my balls”, he thought, unconciously cupping his said items with his hand. He noticed his dads pointed look, and realizing his action, let go of his package. Nudity was nothing for prepubescents, but playing with yourself, that was hardly appropriate.

Jeremys’ father furrowed his eyebrows, wondering again about his son. He never touched himself when they talked about girls, but it happend with grim regluarity when talking about sports, other kids he knew, and the boys at Scouts. He knew… just KNEW there was a problem here. To admit it out loud was something he was far to shy to do, however. All he needed was some sort of final proof, a definitive sign from the boy, and he could act. Perhaps he would be lucky and be able to keep the lad at home after adjustment; it did happen, after all, in certain circumstances; not often, but considering Jeremy Sr. had at least one well placed friend in the government, perhaps it could be arranged…. IF it turned out the boy was queer as per his suspicions.

Jeremy just watched the Netstream, trying not to think about how cute the boy on Sawing for Teens IV was.


The sleepover the next weekend was great, until late evening.

Jeremy must have popped a dozen boners throughout the night before his best friend and team-mate Kyle finally reacted. They had been friends for a while, Jeremy insisting to himself it being due to their mutual love of football, burying deep the feeling that he wanted to hug him. It’s hard to hide your reactions when every lower-Caste under the age of 13 habitually hung-out at home with no clothes on; for years, decades, this was the norm, strange as that may seem in such a religious state. However it allowed a child nothing to hide, and made spanking offences that much easier to mete out.

They were sitting on the floor, working on a 3-D lego layout; these tricky blocks were no ‘little-kid’ toys, requiring a fair bit of intelligence to build anything decent with. Kyle kept bumping Jeremy with his legs, as they moved around the area, building parts of their layout, and Jeremy couldn’t stay soft half the time; it was all he could do to keep calm, infatuated as he was with his year-older friend. Stretching out, Kyles foot sole was suddenly flat against Jeremys boner; without thinking, he humped against the warm, clean foot only twice before suddenly erupting in the most amazing orgasm he had had since he had his first one, a few drops of clear semen squirting out, dampening Kyles foot. Jeremy froze, his heart stopped for a beat, and a torrent of panic-driven tears threatend to fall from his eyes, the overwhelming emotions of erotic contact versus moral-driven fear confusing him badly. He was briefly relieved by Kyles mild reaction.

“Oh, ick… what…!? JEREMY!” Kyle gasped, pulling his foot away from his crotch. “I can’t believe you did that!” Jeremy sat in stunned silence as he saw his father, at his desk, peeking over his chair at the outburst. “Actually, I guess I can… you’re a queer, right? Are’nt ya? Like Franks brother! Oh, dude, you poor kid…!” Kyle laughed slightly at the confirmation of his suspicions, while he wiped at the small amount of slippery lubricant off his toes with a tissue. Seeing the look in Jeremys eyes, he assured him, “Don’t worry, bro… I won’t say anything, but dude, you’re as gay as a shitty cock, that’s for sure; how long you think you can hide it?”

Jeremy gulped, face turning redder than it was already, seeing his dad slowly shake his head, get up, look briefly at his only son, and leave the room. “He knows…” Jeremy sighed, fear and panic raising goosebumps on his body. “He knows..!” Slumping back to lean against the couch, he saw Kyle turn to see Mr. Cryderman walking away. At least Kyles’ wide-eyed look upon seeing his dad confirmed for Jeremy that his friend did not, in fact, know the man was within earshot of his comment. Kyle turned back and looked sadly at his friend.

“Yeah, guess he does, eh? Shitty… I’m sorry I spoke out loud, Jer!”

Jeremy just felt cold inside.


As it turned out, Jeremy Sr.’s biggest mistake was thinking that Mr. Davidson was really his friend. Considering the status that separated them, he should have known better, but he really thought the fact they went to the same grade-school mattered. Mr. Davidson listened to him, and gently assured the low-caste man that he would do what he could, but that Mr. Cryderman should tell one of the GovMen immediately what he just told him. In fact, quite suprisingly, Mr. Davidson called one up right then, insisting that his former friend “get this process started as soon as possible, any delay indicating support for, and therefor, an indication of willingness to hide, a queer-minded kid”. Jeremy Sr. figured that this must be a particularly heavy moral concern for Mr. Davidson, as he seemed very interested in immediate action. Thus, the Cryderman house received a phone call the next morning, requiring both father and son to visit the local Governmental Adjustments and Placements Department the next day.

Jeremy dressed as tough, as straight as he could; he would have worn his football uniform if his Dad had let him, but settled on jeans and a NFL t-shirt. Neither choice would have helped him one bit.

Upon explanation of what he saw to the official investigating the boys case, Mr Cryderman left the room after hugging his son. The offical wanted to talk to his son alone for a few moments. Jeremy didn’t bother denying anything, knowing that Kyle was willing and able to spill the beans despite what he said, the rewards for being truthful and voluntarily turning anybody in that they knew committed an offence of any kind being too great. Hell, Kyle probably already phoned this in, he figured.

The GovMan interviewing him was friendly enough, and consoled the young boy upon hearing all the evidence and reviewing the phone call they had, indeed, received from Jeremys’ so-called friend. The only question in the mans’ mind was where to allocate the boy for adjustment. Confirmed queers, ones with so much evidence against them like the poor kid in front of him who were also good looking were not so plentiful these days; either they were better at hiding their inclinations or they were being weeded out genetically, he figured, even though that flew in the face of the modern belief that gays aren’t made that way by genetics, but by environment. Which would have implicated his dad, if he had not already been investigated and found to be as straight as anyone.

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