An Unexpected Submissive – 02

A gay story: An Unexpected Submissive – 02 Authors notes —

– I’m not in love with the title of this piece. If you have recommendations, feel free to leave them in the comments!

– This story contains a consensual sexual relationship between two adult men that consists of a slow build romance, and BDSM (including bondage, dominance and submission, whips, and various sexual encounters). Not all chapters will contain sexual encounters, but many will. If you are uncomfortable with any of these elements, please pass on this story rather than placing yourself in an uncomfortable situation and/or rating it unfairly. Thank you!


I glanced at my watch and frowned as I made my way down the hall toward his rooms. Two am. I felt bad disturbing him so late on the day he’d moved in, but it seemed important to check in. I knocked and waited only briefly before he responded.

“Come in.”

I offered him a soft smile with my apology. “I didn’t intend to be so late. Something at the club held me up. How are you settling in?” A disruptive patron had required my attention and not only was I far later than I’d intended to be, I was still wearing the leather pants, boots, and corset I typically wore to the club.

He flashed me a brilliant white smile as he shifted to sit up a bit more in bed. “Pretty good thanks. It’s a bit odd to work your whole life to buy a house and then simply abandon it to move in with someone else, but it’s very comfortable here thank you.”

I simply nodded in response.

“I didn’t really expect you to knock.” It was a hesitant half statement, half question.

I stepped a bit further into the room and leaned against the dresser as I shifted closer to the tone I typically used with my subs. “It’s your place as my submissive to recognize that the things I ask of you are not requests, they are demands.”

He nodded quickly and sat up a bit straighter, clearly thrown by my abrupt change in tone as I continued.

“It’s also my place as your dominant to recognize that the reason I am able to make demands of you is because you allow me that right. As a result of that mutual understanding, while I always expect your doors to be unlocked and for you to admit me without hesitation, I will always knock before I enter. I will also never disturb you in your office during your business hours.”

“Understood Sir.” I shivered at his response. He’d added the Sir even though I hadn’t yet instructed him to do so.

I smiled kindly as I continued. “Your notes state that your workdays begin at ten, but that you typically eat breakfast at eight?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Unfortunately, the club is not exactly a morning venue and it’s common for me to come in around three am. While I’ll make as much adjustment as possible so as not to interrupt your work hours, I’m afraid that’s simply not practical for me. Nor will it be for you on nights you join me at the club.”

He nodded once more, looking slightly concerned. “Yes Sir.”

“The best I can do is nine am. I feel that will give you enough time to adjust your morning routine, eat with me, and still be ready to work on time.”

“Yes Sir.”

I smiled softly. “Then I’ll leave you to get some rest and I’ll see you at breakfast. I need a shower.”

“Goodnight, Sir.”

“Goodnight Alexander.”

As I stripped off my gear and settled into a hot bath, my mind wandered to the image of him shirtless in bed and I allowed myself more release in the tub than I’d originally intended.

I stabbed another grape without thought as I flipped through some financial reports, one of my least favorite activities. He entered the room six minutes to nine and made his way to the chair opposite mine at the table, settling in without moving to touch his coffee or food. Without a word I picked up my cup and sipped as I leaned back in my chair and let my eyes run slowly along his muscled form. It was a Saturday, and he wore a casual weekend look; fitted dark blue jeans and a simple white t-shirt. He blushed deeply under my intense perusal, clearly nervous. I allowed myself to continue silently. I watched him, holding his eyes with mine as I sipped my drink and idly ate a few more grapes. His jaw clenched from time to time and the small muscles of his shoulders and neck twitched on occasion. He was clearly fighting not to look away.

I let nearly five minutes pass before I smiled softly and finally spoke. “Very impressive Alexander.” His blush deepened. “You were clearly uncomfortable, but you fought to remain in control of yourself and offer what I clearly desired from you.”

His voice was tense with anxiety and relief. “Thank you, Sir.”

I allowed my smile to deepen to put him a bit more at ease. “While I always expect this type of respectful behavior, meals will be the least formal time for us and while conversation will be largely initialed by myself, it will not be one sided. I expect you to be open with me and to respond honestly to any questions I pose. I also have no objection to your initiating conversational topics that you feel would be appropriate.”

He nodded once. “Yes sir.”

God he was perfect already. “I also don’t expect you to ask permission for basic things and you’re always welcome to eat and drink as you wish in my company.”

He looked a bit relieved. “Thank you, Sir.”

“Come here for a moment first today.” I turned my chair slightly to the side as he quickly made his way to stand in front of me.


He responded without hesitation.

“Offer me your hands.”

He held them out quickly.

I lifted his chin lightly with my fingers and smiled kindly into his piercing, pale blue eyes.

“You are already amazing.”

He smiled nervously. “Thank you, Sir.”

I pulled what appeared to be a thick leather bracelet out of my back pocket. I opened the twin clasps and unwound the two strands as I explained the item. “While most dominants utilize collars to indicate ownership, I find that can be a bit difficult for those with more traditional day jobs and I’ve had these made instead.”

I wound the thick leather strands back together and redid the clasps. “When bound together, it appears to be a simple leather bracelet.”

I unhooked it once more and clasped one strand around each of his wrists. “When separated, the cuffs are strong and safe enough to be utilized for restraint in the same way as traditional cuffs. You’ll wear them at all times while you are mine.”

His lips twitched into a smile briefly before he nodded seriously. “Yes Sir.”

I gestured back to his chair and returned to my original position facing the table. “As you were Beautiful.”

He returned quickly to his place across from me and poured himself a cup of black coffee before beginning his breakfast. He listened well, and followed my instructions without having to be told again that he was free to eat as he pleased. I was enjoying him far too much to have only been in his company a few hours.

“What is it you do for a living?” I sipped my second cup of coffee.

“I’m an animator Sir.”

I was intrigued. “Really? That is extremely cool.” I heard it as soon as it escaped my lips, and I chuckled a bit. “I say allowing my language to reveal my age.”

He laughed with me briefly. He was clearly very nervous, but my attempt at humor had helped slightly.

“It can be Sir.”

“If you’re comfortable with your current use of Sir you’re welcome to continue,” I interjected briefly “But I only require its use outside of flowing conversation. Yeses, thank yous, things of that nature.”

“Yes Sir.”

I continued. “You make it sound as though it’s less interesting than I presume?”

He took another bite with the same exceptional table manners he’d used when we first dined together before he spoke. “It can be interesting at times. On large projects however, often tasks are assigned by item rather than scene or character.”

I raised an eyebrow in question.

“On a motion picture for example, one person might do all of the clothing, another all of the hair, etc.. Two years of animating nothing but hair can be tedious to say the least.”

I was stunned at the thought and found myself frozen for a long moment before my head fell back in laughter.

When he didn’t laugh with me, I fought to reign my laughter back into my control. A battle I only partially won. “Oh my God. I take it from your pained expression you have personal experience with the hair scenario?”

He cringed. “Two years now. Hopefully only another few months. Maybe I’ll even get to work on something else before my time with you ends.”

I chuckled again “My god I can’t imagine. No wonder you came looking for someone like me.”

This drew a smile from his full gorgeous lips. Breakfast continued leisurely as I learned a bit more about his career and a few other superficial things. When we’d finished, I led him on a tour of the house. As he’d be living with me for six months, he had access to all areas of my home. We ended by walking through my large bedroom into the connecting playroom, a space with black tiled floors, dark grey walls, and a multitude of stainless-steel accoutrements.

In the center of a room was a sturdy, steel framed, padded table that resembled a large gym bench or massage table that could easily support the weight of two large men. Along the walls were several tall, wheeled racks that held whips, floggers, harnesses, ropes, and various sexual toys. To the far end of the room stood a large, vertical steel X shaped frame with multiple attachment points for cuffs or ropes, and two floor to ceiling poles, spaced roughly five feet apart. They were also studded with attachment points. He seemed nervously curious as we explored space, remaining largely quiet, but reaching out from time to time to trail his fingers along items of interest. Tour complete, I left him to his own devices for several hours as I attended to the remaining financial reports before lunch.

He was already at the table when I entered the room, accompanied by a nurse. I settled in across from him with a smile and offered my arm silently as she quickly and efficiently drew several vials of blood.

“Your turn.” I spoke briefly in his direction as she finished.

He looked at me questioningly, but obeyed and offered his arm without comment.

“You should have the results in a few hours.” She said as she packed up her things.

“Thank you, Monica.”

“Anytime.” she grinned as she headed for the door.

He still looked nervous although to his credit he waited silently for me to explain. “I’m not a fan of unnecessary risk.” I offered, “If one of us is carrying something then we’ll need to make substantial adjustments to our safety protocols, and while I don’t believe that’s the case as I’ve been celibate for several years now and you provided a test from the clinic, I still always test here for both of our peace of minds.”

His jaw had nearly dropped to the floor when I mentioned my celibacy.

I sipped my iced tea silently as I watched him try to force his expression back to neutral.

“As I mentioned, our meals are not intended to be one sided conversationally. You’re clearly dying to ask.”

He blushed and offered a crooked half grin. “Several years?”

“I know. It’s not by choice per say. I’m a very sexual person, or this certainly wouldn’t be the right profession for me, but I’m also the kind of person that likes safety and long-term contracts. One night stands simply don’t appeal to me, and things have just worked out this way.”

Jake chose that moment to bring in lunch. I’d made sure it was a meal Alexander had placed on his list of favorites and his eyes lit up, searching mine out when he noticed.

“The first few days away from your normal surroundings can be a tough adjustment for some. I’ve found there’s nothing like comfort food to help lessen that just a bit.”

His grin was genuine and blinding. “Thank you, Sir.”

“You’re quite welcome.”

We fell into a comfortable, superficial conversation just as we had at breakfast, and continued for nearly an hour before Jake stuck his head through the door with a frown. “Jeymes has called a dozen times.”

I groaned. “Tell her I’ll be there shortly to murder her.”

Jake laughed loudly. “I’m afraid that particular threat loses its edge after the hundredth time Sir.”

My sigh was only partially exaggerated. “I know. Tell her anyway.”

He left quickly with a chuckle to do my bidding.

Alexander raised an eyebrow.

“Jeymes is my club manager and she’s actually the most competent person I know. If she’s this worked up, something truly does require my attention.” I glanced at my watch. “I’m afraid I should be getting ready anyway. I spend Friday and Saturday nights at the club until it closes at two. Beginning next weekend, perhaps the one after, I’ll expect you to join me the majority of the time. I’m afraid it won’t be as enjoyable as entertaining ourselves here.” I leered suggestively which brought a blush to his cheeks. “But it’s necessary. Hopefully it will be at least educational for you.”

“I’m sure it will be Sir.”

“Your documentation stated that you’re moderately experienced with genital and anal sexual encounters?”

He nearly choked on his water. God he was adorable. “Yes Sir.”

I chuckled as I stood and made my way to the side of his chair, placing a small butt plug next to his empty plate. “Please wear this until I return. I’ll come in to say goodnight when I get home.” I grinned.

Goosebumps rose along his arms and neck as I slipped my fingers under his jaw to raise his eyes to mine. “You are truly beautiful.”

A tremor ran through him. “Thank you, Sir.”

I turned to make my way out, taking only a few steps before turning back. “I almost forgot. Just so you’re aware, every leather, rubber, and silicone item we’ll use together is new. The only items that are not are things like the furniture in the playroom and anything made entirely of steel. Those items have been thoroughly sanitized of course.” I paused briefly, “I actually can’t come up with anything made entirely of steel other than the furniture. When your contract with me is up, you’re welcome to take anything you’d like with you.”

He appeared taken aback as he turned the toy over in his hands several times. “Sir, the level of care and consideration you put into everything you do is astounding.”

I smiled kindly into his silver blue eyes. “Make that today’s lesson. When considering whether a dominant is right for you in the future, never forget that the control you offer is a gift. Don’t settle for anyone that doesn’t respect you enough to treat it as such.”

“Thank you, Sir.” His voice broke slightly as he spoke.

“See you tonight, Alexander.” I made sure my voice was caring, low, and offered a hint of what lay in store for us over the next six months.

I shivered to myself and sighed deeply as I made my way upstairs to change for the evening. I hadn’t even touched him, and I was tied up in knots.

I sighed as I approached his door. Three thirty. I was not making a good first impression. I’d sent him a text around midnight to let him know that two of my three bartenders had called in sick and that I’d have to close out the night at the club once again. I’d let him know he was free to remove the toy and get some rest rather than waiting up for me. I knocked softly, not entirely sure whether it was fair to wake him. There was no answer. I hadn’t really expected one, but I found myself disappointed none the less as I made my way to my rooms to shower and attempt to sleep.

I stumbled to breakfast in nothing but long black pajama pants, my hair carelessly tied back. I didn’t even want to know how unkempt I appeared as I fell into my dining chair and silently downed half a cup of coffee before catching his gaze. His expression was one of concern, his brows furrowed deeply.

“I’m not a morning person.” I mumbled between sips.

His frown deepened. “Apparently Sir.”

I couldn’t help but laugh softly. It wasn’t an answer most subs would have offered. I poured a second cup.

“I expected you to wake me last night.” he said hesitantly.

“While I expect you to admit me when I knock, we hadn’t discussed my entering if you’re asleep and I didn’t want to cross that boundary without clear consent.”

His expression softened from confusion to one I could only describe as, touched. “Thank you, Sir. For the record. I formally consent.”

I smiled to the best of my half-asleep ability. “Noted.”

We finished breakfast quietly and I left him to his own devices for the remainder of the morning as I stole a few more hours of sleep and spent some time leisurely showering, shaving, and generally reminding myself that I was still human. I was a different person when I found him in the sunroom shortly before lunch.

My cock twitched as I entered the room and saw him reclining on a chaise lounge with a book wearing only jeans and a t-shirt. One bare foot was propped up on the cushions, his knee bent and lazily falling open to the side.

I leered at him sensually for a moment before he noticed me watching him. “I’d like to take you to the club later this afternoon and show you around while it’s closed.”

He nodded briefly.

I moved to sit on the edge of the chair at his side and lift his chin tenderly with my fingers. “First though, how would you feel about making lunch a bit later than normal?”

He trembled. “I’d like that Sir.”

He followed me without hesitation as I made my way to the playroom and stopped beside the table. I stepped close, leaning in to slide my jaw along his, drawing a whimper he quickly suppressed. I flicked my tongue briefly across his lips before I spoke. “You only need to control your responses when I tell you to. Most of the time I deeply enjoy hearing what I do to you.”

He trembled. “Yes Sir.”

I slipped my fingers under his t-shirt, pulling it from him quickly and tossing it aside before dropping to my knees to work the buttons of his jeans. Already hard, he sprang up against his belly as I slid his pants and briefs over his thick thighs. It was the first time I’d seen him undressed and the light coating of blond fuzz that covered his tanned and muscled legs was entrancing. I let my fingertips lightly trace up along the back of his calves and thighs as I leaned in to flick my tongue along his underside. I pressed it into his slit, reveling in the taste of liquid that had already begun to leak from him. He shuddered and moaned quietly as my tongue continued to tease.

I stood after only a moment, finding it surprisingly difficult to pull myself away from the taste and warmth of his silken skin.

“On your back.” I indicated the table with my chin as I turned to make my way to a rack of toys. I selected a small, thin, curved vibrator. I didn’t want to press him today. Allowing me free access to his body was enough for our first encounter.

He lay on his back with his legs extended and his arms at his sides; his gaze following me anxiously as I stepped to the table beside his knees.

“Bend your knees, feet on the table.”

He complied, still watching me.

I was still dressed in the basic athletic pants and t-shirt I normally wore at home, and I stripped quickly before climbing to kneel between his knees and slipping my hands under his ass; pulling it to rest on my lap. I leaned over without a word and resumed my work on his cock. Lifting him with one hand and allowing him to sink completely down my throat in one quick move. His back arched and he cried out as his hips thrust instinctively into the warmth of my mouth. I crossed my forearm firmly over his hips, pinning them down as I sucked him hard and fast, taking note of every reaction his body offered. The way his hands gripped at the table at his sides, his knuckles whitening. The way his head fell back and to the side. The moans and whimpers that came without end. He was stunning. I let him slip from my mouth to slap heavily against his stomach once more as I leaned back onto my heels.

He finally regained enough control of his body to raise his gaze to mine. I smiled teasingly and held the small vibrator up so that he could watch as I applied a generous amount of lube. It wasn’t much wider than one finger, and I traced his spasming hole only briefly with my fingertips before pressing it into him in one smooth motion. His body left the table, and he cried out as I shifted its position inside of him until I felt him tense and shudder when I hit just the right spot. He was panting heavily, fighting for breath as I clicked the vibration on to the lowest setting; allowing it to pulse gently against his prostate as I placed my hands on his hips, guiding them back down to my lap.

He fought to keep his head up enough to watch me and I grinned at him “Don’t try to control anything this time. This is about me learning what pleasure looks and sounds like for you. Just enjoy.”

He moaned and let his head fall back. It was a deep, deliberate, growling sound that traveled along my spine and settled in my stomach and cock. I had been hard the entire time, and I felt another drip trickle along my inner thigh in response.

“I’ll ask you to learn to control when you cum in the future. Today, just try to give me a bit of warning if you can.”

He nodded quickly. “Yes Sir.”

I leaned back in, tracing my tongue along his underside once more before lifting him gently to swirl my tongue around his head. I took my time, drawing out his pleasure, learning his body, and enjoying every moment. All too soon, I felt him grow tense, the leather of the table crunching under his crushing grasp, and he barely managed to pant out a warning before he pulsed thick salty ropes down my throat with his release.

I cleaned him thoroughly with my tongue, only allowing him to drop from my mouth when every trace was gone. He was panting quickly, still trying to recover as I leaned up and brought my fingers to the vibrator. I pulled it nearly from him and thrust it hard and fast a few times, forcing the tension instantly back into his over stimulated body for a moment. He cried out one last time as I removed the toy gently.

I slipped out from under his ass and off the table, moving to the side of the room to collect a warm, wet towel. I leaned in and brushed my lips across his before tenderly wiping the sweat from his brow and working my way down his chest and stomach.

I was still hard and leaking as I stepped away and retrieved his clothes for him.

“What about you Sir?” he asked as he stood.

I brushed my lips across his once more. “This was about you. We’ll find time for me later.”

He blushed and trembled visibly.

Though it had passed too quickly for me, in reality we spent more than an hour on the table. It was midafternoon by the time we finished, and we decided to skip a formal lunch and grab something on the way to the club.

Though I’d owned the club for nearly a decade, it was always a bit odd to see it empty. The building had originally been a large, one-story warehouse and I’d spent an absurd amount of money I didn’t have at the time to ensure that it felt like nothing of the sort by the time it opened. When it was empty, I still somehow saw that empty warehouse rather than the dark yet vibrant space I’d worked so hard to create.

I’d divided the long space into three separate areas. Each was easily accessible and flowed seamlessly into the next while allowing patrons to select the experience they wished to engage in for the evening. The first area was the simplest. Deep warm lighting engulfed the dance floor, DJ’s stage, and cushioned leather seating areas had been placed around the perimeter that allowed for both group and private dance and conversation. The center section was the bar. One side wall was mirrored floor to ceiling with shelves upon shelves of both basic and rare liquors. The remainder of the bar section was filled with clustered seating areas and small standing cocktail tables. The third segment was the exhibition area. The same small standing tables clustered around the perimeter, allowing clients to utilize the space to drink and easily converse when exhibitions weren’t occurring. In the center of the room was a circular platform stage, ten feet in diameter. The stage was mechanized, allowing it to rise eight feet above the main floor, and slowly spin if desired, allowing the audience a clear view from anywhere in the room. On Friday and Saturday nights we would hold one to three exhibitions per evening. They involved anything kink related and on any given night we might offer anything from hardcore bondage sexual scenes to fully dressed beginners Shabari technical exhibitions.

I explained each space as we slowly made our way through the club, allowing time for Alexander to ask questions and explore the areas. While he’d been to the club a handful of times previously, getting to know its back rooms and layout while empty was much different. As we finished wandering through the exhibition room, I led him onto the stage.

“During our time together, we’ll do two exhibitions.”

His jaw fell slightly opened and he struggled to find words for a moment. “What type of exhibitions?”

“I’m not sure yet, I don’t know you well enough to have decided. But, while exhibitionism and voyeurism aren’t overly high on my list of turn ons, many people greatly enjoy them. You’re here with me to learn about your own preferences and boundaries, so I’d be cheating you if I didn’t offer that experience as well.”

His face softened slightly as he nodded, but he still looked extremely unsure. I stepped close and took his jaw in my hand, allowing my thumb to slide along his cheekbone as I brushed my lips across his and whispered. “Shall we give it a test drive?”

His icy blue eyes flashed as he grinned. I slid my hand to his shoulder, pressing him quickly to his knees. The floor of the stage platform was padded, and I knew the slightly aggressive move wouldn’t hurt him. It wasn’t time to incorporate pain just yet. Still wearing my normal athletic pants, I quickly slipped them down to my knees. “Show me what you’ve got Beautiful.”

His hands were on my hips instantly as he leaned forward and let the tip of his tongue trail along the underside of my shaft, catching the sensitive fold of skin just below my head between his lips and sucking hard. I let my head fall back in pleasure as I slid my fingers through his hair, tightening my grip at the back of his head. His lips played slowly, sucking their way closer to my body, his tongue flicking out as he reached my base only to quickly slide back up my length. He sucked my head into the warmth of his mouth, tongue pressing into my slit as he sucked hard. I groaned and pressed gently against his head, urging him on.

Without warning, he tilted his head forward and I sank deep into his throat. He took me completely in one smooth move, swallowing around me, the muscles of his throat milking me and gripping me tightly. I heard myself cry out, knuckles whitening as I clutched at his hair. He held me there as I trembled, swallowing around me again and again, until I lost the battle with my self-control and pulled slightly back before thrusting deeper. He groaned around me, the vibrations running along my shalt traveling to the pit of my stomach, causing me to shiver, pull back, and thrust once more. I’d been alone for too long, and the warmth and tightness of his throat was overwhelming. He leaned back, letting me slowly slip from his throat, holding only my head in the warmth of his mouth as his tongue explored.

His hands had left my hips while I’d been entranced by his warmth and skill, and I now noticed the way they gently trailed along my ass and the back of my thighs. He was good. One of the best I’d known, and I found myself panting and whimpering as he moved his attention lower, sucking a ball softly into his mouth, applying just enough pressure for me to experience a deep, intense pleasure that rested just on the border of pain before releasing it and moving to the other. One hand moved to grip the base of my leaking cock tightly as he took me back into his mouth, circling around me hard and fast, bringing me to the edge before slowing, forcing my body to wait. As he backed away, I moaned and slid my fingers through his blond hair, pulling him back to me as his hand released its grip, allowing me to slide completely into his tight throat once more. He held, waiting for me to move. I rocked my hips slowly, savoring the sensation as I slid inside of him. His fingers tightened on my hips, and he moaned deeply, sending vibrations along my length once more. I rocked harder, faster, lost in the sensation of his mouth and throat, the sight of his broad shoulders, and the image of me disappearing into his mouth as I thrust. My release came hard and fast as I shuddered and thrust deep. He swallowed around me, taking everything I offered without difficulty. I held him in place for a long moment before untangling my fingers from his hair and slipping slowly from his mouth. My fingers traced along his cheek as he grinned up at me. How was he this gorgeous? This strong, this muscular, this skilled…this perfect.

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