Brief Encounters Ch. 11

“We have plenty of beer,” I said. I wasn’t sure what Neil was trying to do. If he wanted to have sex again, all he had to do was ask. But perhaps Rudy being here was giving him some sort of conflict, which I understood.

Rudy came down the steps, interrupting the conversation, “So I’m facing you?” Rudy said to me.

“Yup, it’s all set up. Who do you want to strike first?”

Neil jumped from his seat, “Actually. This is getting quite boring.”

“Well, what do you suggest we do?” Rudy said.

Neil smiled, “Why don’t we make this game a little more fun?” Neil turned to me, “Why don’t we raise the stakes of the match?”

Rudy shook his head, “Dude, I have no spare cash. I’m saving up to get my truck worked on.”

“Same,” I added.

“Nah, money is too boring. Why don’t we,” Neil pursed his lips and smiled, “Whenever someone strikes a ball into the hole, the other player has to remove a piece of clothing.”

“What?” Rudy spat out. I remained silent, wondering where this would lead. Neil was drunk already. It was the only explanation for this.

“Come on, we’ve done it before at Belair’s house. Remember Rudy?”

“That was different; girls were there with us to strip naked,” Rudy shot back.

“What’s the issue? You change in front of guys all the time. You scared to show us your small dick, Rudolpho?” Neil held up his pinky.

Rudy’s face flushed red, “Shut up, Neil! I know you’re being this stupid because you’re drunk.”

“Exactly, so why not make this more fun? It’s starting to get boring. Let’s spice things up!” Neil turned to me, “How about it, Tim? You down for some strip pool?”

I looked at Rudy and turned to Neil: “I mean, I don’t care. But if Rudy objects, I think we should honor it.”

“Honor. How cute of a word,” Neil teased. He took a sip of his beer and said, “Alright. We’ll up the ante; the winner with the most clothes will win $100 from me.”

“I’m down,” I quickly spat out.

Rudy didn’t answer. He pondered the wager in his head. Neil grinned as he knew Rudy would fold. The man brought money into it, and he knew Rudy needed money for his truck. “Come on, Rudy-boy, you need that extra $100 for your truck.”

Rudy glared at him, “Fine.”

Rudy positioned his cue stick and then struck the white ball. The balls scattered, bouncing off the green edges of the table. The red solid ball went into a corner hole, scoring him a point and claiming the solid balls while I took the striped balls. In total, there were 15 balls, eight solid balls, minus the 8-ball and seven striped balls.

“Wow! We’re already getting this show on the road. Come on, Tim, remove something,” Neil said.

Score: Me 0 Rudy 1.

I untied my left shoe and removed it, leaving me with only six pieces of clothing. I wondered what would happen with the inevitable 8-ball strike.

Rudy attempted another point but failed. It was now my turn. I made my shot and scored a stripped ball. Rudy sighed and removed his boot. Neil smiled before taking another sip of beer. He was enjoying this a little too much.

Score: Me 1 Rudy 1.

We each had two shoes, two socks, pants, underwear, and a shirt, for a total of seven items. I lined my cue stick and fired, missing. It was now Rudy’s turn.

Rudy limped around the table; the man was wearing a boot. He lined his shot and scored another point. I at least got to be even with the floor now as I lost another shoe. Rudy got into position and scored another point. I removed a sock.

Score: Me 1 Rudy 2.

Neil stared at us, nursing his beer. Another beer was next to him, ready to be drunk. Rudy finally missed a shot. I lined up my cue stick and hit the white ball. The white ball rolled quickly and struck a striped ball, which collided with another. Both of the balls went into the hole.

Score: Me 3 Rudy 2.

Rudy said nothing as he removed his other boot and sock.

“Yeah! Come on, boys!” Neil cheered.

I lined the cue stick and struck the white ball. It hit a striped ball, but none went into a hole. Rudy positioned himself and struck the white ball. He scored a point that time. I removed my sock.

Score: Me 3 Rudy 3. A tie.

Rudy struck the white ball with his cue stick and scored himself two points. I removed my sock and shirt.

Score: Me 3 Rudy 5.

Rudy looked at me with a straight face while Neil whistled the catcall.

Rudy missed his shot. It was my turn to make a comeback. The white ball struck one of the striped balls, and two went in. Rudy grunted as he removed his last sock and his shirt. The score was now even: Me 5, Rudy 5. The next score would result in the other stripping to their underwear.

I took a deep breath as I lined my shot. The striped ball I was aiming at was dead center on the table. The chances of it making it into a hole were slim, but it would allow me to get a better shot next time. Rudy stood at the opposite end of the table, applying chalk to the end of his cue stick. It was clear he didn’t want to lose.

I moved my arm forward and struck the white ball. It swiftly rolled across the green surface and collided with the striped ball. The striped ball hit the table’s edge and bounced backward, hitting another striped ball. The second striped ball slowly rolled towards the right side center hole.

It went inside.

“Crap!” Rudy said.

Rudy placed the cue stick on the table and said, “Alright. I give up. You win, Tim.”

Neil shot up from his chair, “That’s it? Come on, you gotta remove those pants.”

“No, I’m good. Tim wins. I’m going to get more beer. Does anyone want one?”

Neil rushed to the steps. “Why are you so hesitant to remove your pants? Suddenly, do you have the shyness to strip among your friends? You always do it in the locker room–unless you’re not wearing underwear.”

“Gross,” Rudy said, “I’m wearing underwear. I just didn’t want to continue your perverted game.”

“I think you’re just scared,” Neil teased, sipping his beer.

In a rush of anger, Rudy smacked the beer out of his hand. The bottle fell to the floor, shattering. “What the hell, man?” Neil said.

Rudy pushed Neil aside and went upstairs.

I grabbed the dustpan and broom to sweep up the broken glass. “You should’ve just dropped it,” I said to Neil.

“He needs to stop being a wuss. We’re friends here. There is nothing to be ashamed of.”

A few minutes later, Rudy came down the stairs with three bottles of beer. Neil and I had been sitting at the table. He handed us each a beer, turned to me, and said, “I’m sorry for the mess, Tim.”

“It’s okay,” I assured him.

Rudy then turned to Neil, “I’m sorry for getting upset.”

Neil held his beer upward, and the two bottles clanked, “It’s okay. I was just messing with you.”

Rudy took a sip, “So we good?”

I said, “Yes.”

Neil sipped and said, “Yes, but you still gotta remove the pants. It’s only fair to your opponent.”

Rudy turned to me and then sighed, “Fine.” Rudy returned to the table and placed the beer bottle on the edge. He undid his pants, and before he pulled them down, he said, “Don’t laugh.”

“I won’t,” I said.

“Scouts honor,” Neil said.

“You weren’t in the scouts,” I said to him,

Rudy took a deep breath and then pulled down his pants.

My eyes widened in shock. Rudy whore a pair of Fruit of the Loom white briefs.

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