Floin's Adventures of the Flesh Ch. 03

A gay story: Floin's Adventures of the Flesh Ch. 03 The two novice men were disrobed, the ends of their flinching horns, the heads of which glistened in the shady filtered sunlight with the excretions of liquid excitement, they embraced tightly and their mouths were open and tongues extended for the duels of fevered kisses of passion. The audience of one, a maiden betrothed to one, was not herself defrocked of her novice robe. But she looked on with great interest, observing every scintillating movement of the two youths in their profound ardors of amorous flesh-to-flesh intercourse. Her eyes widened to the circles of silver Roman dinere upon being able to witness the unattired Floin in the flower of his manhood, complete with his proud and beautiful horn of such ruggedly proportioned length and thickness. Her concealed titties swelled and the nipples turned hard. Her yoni quivered, flared, and moistened in appreciation of all she beheld. She gave a little silent prayer in thanks to the love and fertility gods for gracing her with this opportunity of such witness.

But she had an inkling of fear that maybe a wicked spirit was aloof and about. “Do not hurt my dear Erwynn. The yoni of his backside has yet to be deflowered and the impatience of your great majestic horn could be like a fierce sword as it plunges into him.”

Floin shot her almost a contemptuous sneer. “After all our conspiracy to create this event, it is too late now, wench to fear for the all the sensitive frailties of his yearning cunt. Now assist to raise and pull back and spread open his legs to enable my hungry monster easy entry to ravish the appointed hole.”

The maiden in response took offense and was about to protest when the targeted man spoke up to assuage her outrage. “No distress is in order, dearest. I believe I feel quite ready for our friend’s manly assaults. I have settled all the propitious rites with all the appropriate spirits and I affirm that with the assistance of good Druid magic, my alternate yoni is nearly likened to a female’s. In the fevered pitch of my lust, the only mistake would be to delay our coupling. Please do as he says and let him be as fierce in his advances as pleases him.”

Gwyneth positioned herself above her betrothed’s head and pulled back his raised legs by the ankles so that the spread cheeks of his small ass made very visible the physical target of carnal delectation for both men. There were visible traces of preparatory goose grease that Erwynn had stolen from the potions closets about the anal opening. Floin’s sleek form hovered over the lewdly available smaller man on his back, lining up the end of his impatient and hotly throbbing horn to the small aperture that was about to be pierced open. He felt the moist ring of the reclining man shift against his sensitive man head as Erwynn flexed his bowels to accommodate an easier breach. He pressed forward and for the first time plunged his sturdy horn into the grip of warm moist flesh, the steady friction of which would bring unsurpassed pleasures. The penetrating man was so afflicted with the greed of his ecstasy, he thrust his hips to rend into the small tunnel deeper until he was in up to the hilt in only two more forward strokes. The thick growth of hairy bush about his man parts flattened and pressed about the ass cheeks and crotch of the stuck man below him.

“Ooooooooooph! Ooooooooooahh!” The impaled man cried out with abrupt and profound impact into the innards of his partner’s deepest privacy.

“Oh my dearest, we cannot let him hurt you so.” The devoted maiden was nearly besotted with distress and worry that the man with whom she hoped to found a family was experiencing grievous injury.

“No my maiden. He must ravish me with all the fierceness he can muster. I can feel the pain is giving way to the magic of great pleasing elixirs.” He looked into the eyes of the man who had him compromised with greatest severity short of death. “My glorious monster of carnal assault, do not restrain yourself but use my flesh to exact the greatest glories for your own.”

It was then that the clearing deep in the forest let loose with great cries from the crows, rooks, and ravens in celebration of this first momentous union. While Erwynn gasped a “yes” with each forward jab in his sensitive innards, Floin focused on the superb tension and snug clasp on his swollen delighted man part. He stroked this way and that . He sensed the quivering and tightening and loosening of the impaled man’s active ring and adjusted himself so that the clasping motions grasped every blessed inch. ~~ where the crown meets the shaft and where the crown itself would be pinched by another man’s attentive flesh. He thrust himself deep and shallow, with pace both quick and hard, and soft and slow.

Gwyneth marveled at the spectacle of the two naked grunting, gasping, groaning men with muscles all flexed, writhing in their ecstacies of splendid union. This was a magic of blessings from the gods and spirits of which there was no equal. She was in a state of bliss of unrequited fascination and she had witnessed never any arts or listened to music that had put her in such a spell of blissful attention. She watched as her betrothed complained not once but rather reveled in the splendor of having his naked form battered and pummeled by the larger man from vicious strokes and forward thrusts by a firmly implanted large and ominous truncheon of man flesh. He encouraged the assaulting man to merge tongues and lips and he wrapped his calves and locked his ankles over the small of his partner’s back in favor of the deepest thrusts forward.

Floin heard his partner let out a high pitched cry and felt a warm wetness on his lower abdomen. His partner was retching in such intense passions from pitching his seed. The heat had been reaching a bursting point in Floin’s loins as it was, so when he felt that strongest squeeze and throb against his exercised member, his whole frame went into quivers of heat and pleasure with many explosions from his loins that shot through the length of his horn and gushed out a flexed opening deep into Erwynn’s visceral center. Surely this was affirmation that the gods had meant men to couple with the same or greater fervor, passion, and intention of purpose as that between the genders.

Gwyneth was beside herself with joy and excitement as Floin’s softening lingum plopped out of his partner’s hole and the two started to pull themselves apart. In the spirit of the moment she rushed to both of them and kissed about the face and eyes in her elevated enthusiasm, but she was more practical regarding the circumstance all the same. The men wanted to relax and continue embrace in the glow of satisfying fatigue after their exertions. But the energetic maiden prompted to cover themselves in their robes again and make haste to return to the campus as the sun faded and darkness started to descend upon the forest. With dead leaves and more tender leaves arrested from smaller bushes, she assisted them in wiping away any residual fluids.

As the days cooled with the impending autumn, their reunion couplings were few in the forest with Gwyneth present. By now the two students were diversifying their positions so that on occasion Erwynn would hover and squat over his partner such that he could control the manner in which he would allow his little passage to be pierced and impaled by the bigger man. In the cold winter, the two youths had to consent to meet at the warm quarters of an aged and lecherous Druid instructor, who secretly availed his domicile for men novices who wished to practice such magic that entailed the passionate affairs of deeply personal intimacy. In a drooling stupor of benign lust, the voyeur would observe every detail of movement between the embracing flesh of two or more novices. Sometimes Floin would oblige another classmate or even upper classman by invading the backside orifice.

Within days before the cessation of the first year, the weather broke out in glorious spring warmth and rendezvous between the 3 of them restored for 2 or 3 more sessions in their favored forest clearing. “By now, are you not aware that my betrothed is also skilled in the arts of suckling another man’s horn?” Gwyneth was delighted to introduce a new manner of the intercourse of flesh not yet experienced between the two. “He did not relate that in that game of dice, he shook another 7 and was dared to suckle the horn of another lad present among us? We all learned he is a natural practitioner of this magic, as well.”

Floin smiled as the mock accuser and his lingum started to swell and straighten with life anew with the prospect of a new delight. “You mean you would restrict another fine Druid trick from me.” He marveled and luxuriated the way lips and tongue swept and suckled over shaft, head, and opening with such perfect wetness and pressure as to suck up the heat of newly stirred loins and ultimately suck out a new increment of hot seed from the sensitive passage of his greatly flinching and throbbing manhood.

“I am sorry for my rudeness to the both of you at the beginning of our year of studies.” This outburst of contrition to his fellow rule breakers occurred just as Erwynn was licking away the last drops from Floin’s horn of a profound new emission. “I can see the spirits have endowed you both with great powers and that you exceed me in skill and art in magic capabilities.”

Gwyneth spoke a soothing retort of great compliment and kissed her naked friend on the cheek. “Nonsense, it is you that have greatly instructed us. We will always think well of our comely friend Floin of the east and his beautiful horn. After we wed, we want you come to visit us. You can ravish Erwynn’s tight back yoni to your heart’s great pleasure. If you are wed by then as well, bring your wife and all that which is mine will be hers, as well. We will both bathe you and I will anoint your handsome lingum and stones with the finest perfumes of the British Isles, and maybe some from across the great channel in Gaul as well.”

Floin laughed heartily with the prospect. “Well I would have the sweetest smelling manhood in all the isles, to be sure. But surely there would be no grander hospitality even among Celtic peoples on the continent than if I were to visit the favor of our friendship.” But the student was impatient and wanted to turn his attention to other things. He had been frustrated by the rudimentary and less exciting curriculum of the year. Also, the academy had switched its course of the 1st year from Greek to Latin because of the advancing Romans. Floin already was fairly well versed in Greek because of his sojourn to Winchester just before his advance into early youth. Now, Greek instruction would only be available to more advanced student Novices.

It was time to advance into greater things, and that opportunity would present itself the day before he left the campus for his home village in the east. On that occasion, one of his maiden classmates of better looks and flirtatiousness, with height nearly his own, led him to a vacant lecture hall. “Listen carefully, my strong and comely classmate, Floin of the east. I am the daughter of one of the most respected priests not just of the isles, but among Druid folk on the continent east all the way to the plains of the Russe. My father had intended me to marry one or another son from very powerful Druid families, but their bearing has been such that I have refused. My father would not object to my betrothal to a Novice among commoners, but he would have to be of highest character. I have observed you closely and your occasional cheekiness toward the instructors appeals to my rebellious spirit. But your cheerful humorous camaraderie with all our classmates impresses me much more. You are very powerful on the game field and that stirs the sparks of growing passions within me. The gods have graced you with great intelligence, but I want you be more ambitious in your studies.”

She moved in close enough where she had him wrap his arm around her waist. “I have decided that I will ask my father for our betrothal, all the same. I will be so bold as to tell you now that in my fantasy, you have made my breasts swell and my yoni flare and moisten greatly. In all affairs of the flesh, I am certain your magic is very powerful and the gods of love and fertility have made me greedy to be fortunate subject of it. I am deeply curious as to what it will feel like for you to pitch your seed deep into me, that I will become with child. Now kiss me”

At this moment, Floin was glad to have had so much practice with Erwynn, and his gift for oral passions made the exalted young woman somewhat faint. Despite the fervent and tight embrace, she still had the presence of mind to reach up and feel for the character of his throbbing horn through the bunches of his robe. By touch alone, she knew its stature was everything she had hoped for. More than an icon of manly flesh that would surely bring her many pleasures, she knew that its intimate contact could be very empowering to her. She nearly had to struggle to pull herself out of his embrace. “Yes your powers are strong, Novice student, and if you strive diligently in study, you will make a very majestic Druid of wide renown.”

She cast a smile of pursed lips that mocked secret knowledge. “Now listen carefully of my plan. I will convince my father to travel with me to your village in the heat of the summer to interview your family and the other villagers about you. Before you know of our presence, when my father would meet with you, I hope to spy on your nude form for the first time as you labor with the other villagers or recreate in bathing.” She let out a smug little titter. “I will know much more about you for many months before we wed than you about me. That way I can be confident that our powers will be somewhat equal when we do so.”

Floin never objected or suggested any qualifications to their pursuit in the slightest. All through the night and into the next day when he was packing his satchels saddled to his mule for the return to his home village, his horn raged with excitement with the prospect of this passionately curious maiden who would spy on him unawares in his naked state. Would she perhaps observe him, when he is unaware, when he was in high spirits skuffling with the other young men who playfully challenged him at the shores of the bathing ponds. She would see how his mature lingum and stones would wiggle and flit about in the great commotion of merriment. “Yes!” he thought. “That would be a good eyeful for her. That could be magic that would arouse her to female climax right where she was crouching.” to be continued. . .

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