Geoff and Chet Ch. 17

But, he had to have the last word and as the door closed, I heard, “The only thing that’s going to be overblown is my dick….by you and soon.”

I rode the elevator to the vacant condo, shaking with anger. Or was it lust? What had I done to provoke this? Am I so obviously gay that someone that I met only a few hours ago thinks I can be had so easily? Is it conceivable that we’re step-cousins? That dick and that body would tempt the pope. I was on fire and my thoughts were ablaze.

I showered and scrubbed with a ferocity I didn’t know I had, trying to wash myself clean from the experience. But, I was still hard. Did I really know myself? Did I commit to Geoff before I even had a chance to enjoy the forbidden fruit? Did I want to play with this exotic piece of manhood called Reg?

I’m not going to tell Geoff. He won’t understand. He might even blame himself for being too rough in our last love-making.

But how am I going to manage this situation with the team? And suppose Reg makes good on his threat and goes after someone else? He’s done his research and he knows that I’m grooming Peter—not as lover, but as captain. Should I warn Pete? Should I warn anyone? Who can I talk to about this? I feel like a victim of rape—but he never really touched me. I wonder if psychological rape is a possibility. I doubt it. I’m just being soft. I really am a wimp sometimes. Then something occurred to me. I’ve gotta write all of this experience down and make sure it is identified as being written today. Let’s see how the future unfolds. Perhaps I’ll never need the self-serving memo. But deep down, I knew that I would. I just hope that Reg doesn’t bring down the team with his ambition, his pent-up anger and his tactics. So I went into the kitchen, got out my laptop and wrote of the encounter—and sent it to myself which would date it. Then I made myself lunch—a protein shake. I didn’t much feel like the team table at the jock cafeteria today.

Later that day, I got a call from the Assistant Coach and went to meet with him at the club. He explained that Nelson had resigned and was filing a formal complaint against Rice for deliberately embarrassing him in front of his peers and team—by completely usurping his authority and conducting the club trials without his assistance, let alone his supervision. However, the two assistants had decided to sit tight until the new coach was named. “We’re going to rely on you to keep the team spirit up as we prepare for our first meet in San Antonio in two weeks.”

Then, I explained the Amazon offer of sponsorship and told Coach Neal that it had probably not been presented to Rice. He picked up the phone and asked to speak to the Director of Athletics. A few minutes later, we walked together to the Director’s office.

I described the offer. The Director listened, remarking that Rice was looking for various ways to offset the costs of the new athletic regulations. Perhaps they will agree. I’ll try—and I’ll be sure that they know it came through you, Chet. Good work. We appreciate your sportsmanship and your commitment to Rice. Even though cycling is not a major activity at Rice, your performance and conduct have been a great credit to this institution. It is well known. Thank you.”

I left his office feeling somewhat vindicated and hopeful that I was imagining problems where none existed. I think I’ve earned a drink and a memorable night with Geoff.

(I could never have imagined what was happening at the same time. Reg was feeding information to his uncle Joe—and Joe instantly decided to apply for the Head Coach position.)

I headed home to wait for Geoff. It was the end of the week and we deserved some treats. I ordered Chinese including several orders of apps. They arrived before Geoff and so I put a dozen or so bites into the oven to keep warm. Then I got out a chilled bottle of our favorite French Chablis, started some smooth jazz, stripped and reclined on the sofa.

He arrived a few minutes later—looking wrung out. “Time for a quick shower. Join me?”

“I just had one.”

“Doesn’t matter. Getting clean is not the objective.” So I walked up to him, unbuckled and dropped his shorts and fluffed up his equipment. Then I pulled the polo off and went in for the kill on his nibs. “Chet, another few seconds of this and I won’t make it to the shower. I’ll be showering you.” Arm in arm, we stepped over his clothes and into the revitalizing shower. First hot, then cold (speaking of both water temperature and physical activity)—then really hot as I took him into my mouth. I didn’t finish him however. I wanted him denied and hungry. We toweled and moved to the sofa. I handed him his wine.

“So how was your day? Actually not at all boring. Several routine classes, but we had a visiting heart surgeon who has pioneered a new technique for opening arteries with minimal invasion using the robot. We got to spend a few hours in the theatre watching him do his magic. The patient was walking two hours later! I’m so happy to be here—where cutting edge medicine lives side by side with teaching of routine stuff. And I’m so happy to be here with you.”

He set his glass down, reached around my shoulders and drew me into a long hot embrace with lots of lip suction and tongue. My dick responded like he had flipped a switch and his arms dropped to my ass. He fell back on the sofa, pulling me on top as his hands went busy stimulating my cheeks and asshole. I was on him less than five minutes, and his index finger was already poking my prostate. However, he had this wonderful ability to double-task. While he continued to work me, he continued our conversation.

“I did speak to Mom–and Dad since he was home. They know you are now my roommate and they are ok with the arrangement. They more or less expected it—they know me too well. But, they thought it might take a few more weeks—they don’t know me that well. We can thank Rice for the poor admissions administration. I didn’t go into any details about our sleeping arrangements, but I’m sure they can imagine. Now Mom insists that you join us for Thanksgiving. Mom is texting the name of her guy at the Design Center who will do what we want here. She wants it to be our place. But of course Dad warned that my studies are first and foremost. I was able to calm him with a full description of the surgery theatre experience today.”

“You get to choose the technique tonight, Chet. I’ve been trying to think all day how you might pay me back for my aggression last night.”

“Oh, I have an idea, but not until after we had a few snacks.”

He reached down for my cock. “I’m ready.”

“Not that kind of snack.” I got up and brought in the plate of Chinese savories. “By the way, this is the second time you have referred to pay back. I’m going to repeat again my feelings about us: you can be as dominant and kinky as you want when you make love to me so long as you don’t carry that attitude into our relationship. I guess I’m going to have to repeat that periodically. I was totally ok with last night. Pay back is not in my sexual vocabulary.” I smiled conspiratorially and added, “Unless that disappoints you. But it is in my character.”

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