It's Never What You Expect

A gay story: It's Never What You Expect This story deals with force and coercion. If this is not for you please do not read. All characters are 18+ and of consenting age.


He barged passed me as if I weren’t there, practically walking through me. The force sent me spinning and I dropped my books to the floor.

“Hey! Watch it jerk!” I cried out.

He turned his head and gave me a cocky grin and raised his middle finger, before turning back and disappearing in to crowds of students filling the hallway.

“Are you okay?” Julia said, helping me gather up my things.

“Yeah, I’m okay thanks. That fucking jerk. I hate him, fucking jocks with the their so called big dick energy, like nothing can touch them.”

“Just ignore them.”

“Easier said than done Jules.”

I got back to my feet and dusted off my trousers.

“Come on, we better get a move on or we’ll be late for class.”

The rest of the school day seemed to drag on for what felt like forever, but it had to finish sometime and that sometime was now.

Julia and I collected our things and left the classroom with every one else. We were just about to pass through the big double doors to leave the main building, when I realised I’d forgotten my favourite hoodie.

“Damn it!” I shouted.

“What is it?” Julie asked me.

“I left my hoodie in the locker room. I’ll just go grab it and I’ll catch up with you.”

Julia went ahead and I turned back into the school and headed towards the locker room. The halls were quiet now that everybody had left, and I made it to the locker room in good time.

I opened the door and made my way to locker I used during first period. The room was empty or so I thought. I heard the sound of running water at the far end of the room and then just assumed someone must be in the shower.

Heading towards my locker, the sound of the water stopped. I looked towards the shower area and out he stepped. It was the jerk from earlier who sent me on my ass. He stood there, his athletic frame, his torso wrapped in a tiny white towel, beads of water dripping off his smooth chest. He instantly clocked me.

Oh great I thought, just my luck.

He swaggered over to me.

“Hey you!” He shouted.

I tried to quickly reach my locker, before he reached me, but no such luck.

He stood in front me, my back now to the locker. He slammed his thick hand against my locker door, the sound echoed around the empty room and made me jump.

“You called me a jerk earlier. Apologise.” He demanded.

His face was close enough that I could feel the heat of his breath.

I knew I had nothing to apologise for, but I didn’t really want to get into it with him. He was practically twice my size and all muscle.

I was just about to speak when he continued talking.

“Wait, you’re that gay boy aren’t you, the one always hanging around with the girls.”

He then stared directly into my eyes all confrontational.

“I heard you like to suck cock.”

I said nothing back to him. Trying to ignore the comment.

He slammed his other hand against the locker, effectively trapping me between those thick muscular arms of his, again making me jump.

“Say it. Say I like to suck cock.” He said with a menacing look in his eyes.

This was getting a bit scary now.

“I, I…” I tried to stutter out the words.

“I like to suck cock.”

“I knew it.”

He moved his head to the side of my face and near my ear.

“Now suck mine.” He whispered.

I froze up completely. I could not believe this was happening.

“Get on your knees, take off my towel and put my god damn dick in your mouth.” He whispered again.

“Don’t make me ask you again.”

My legs turned to jello and I fell to my knees. I was now face to face with his crotch, I could see his big bulge being kept at bay by that flimsy white towel.

My hands shook as I reached out to where the towel was folded in to his waist.

I tugged at the fold and his towel dropped to the floor. There it was, staring right back at me. His colossal 8 inch dick, and he wasn’t even fully hard yet.

Despite my persuasion, I hadn’t actually put a dick in my mouth before. I had only seen it done in some of the gay porn videos I’d watch in my bedroom.

I could feel his eyes staring down at me. So I reached out to touch it, which seemed to have made it more angry, the veins around it surging with blood.

I took a deep breath and wrapped my mouth around it. To say it was a mouthful was an understatement.

I tried to suck on the swollen head, swirling my tongue around it the best I could. I tried to slide it further in my mouth, but it was making me gag.

“Yeah, you like that don’t you.” He muttered down to me.

He started to thrust, pushing it further into my mouth. It was taking everything I had to choke it down, my eyes now watering. He now pushed so hard, the back of my head hit the locker, and that’s when he’s decided to fuck my mouth. My head had no where to go, he thrust his massive dick into my mouth, back and fore, back and fore. I could feel it starting to swell, he was going to cum and I’d have little choice but take it all. His little moans of pleasure, soon turned into a loud grunt and that’s when it happened. He emptied his balls into my mouth, the powerful eruption hitting the back of my throat, I quickly tried to swallow it, doing the best I could.

He pulled his dick out of my mouth and slapped my cheeks with it, wiping the remaining residue on them.

He then reached into my locker, which had opened above me due to the pounding and pulled out my hoodie. He used it to wipe the cum from his oozing dick, then wiped the cum off my cheeks.

“Here.” He passed me the hoodie.

“I knew you were a natural born cock sucker. Now get up.”

I scrambled to my feet, holding my hoodie in my hand, the cum stains smeared all over it.

“If you tell anybody about this, I will destroy you. Got it.”

I tried to avoid looking directly into his eyes.

“Got it.” He repeated.

“Got it.” I replied back meekly.

He then picked up his towel off the floor and went back to the showers.

As soon as he was out of eye sight, I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

What alarmed me the most, was that my own dick was rock hard, achingly so, I had never experienced a hardon like this. Was I… was I turned on by this? I think I was. I quickly stuffed the hoodie into my bag and left the locker room and ran out the building as fast as I could. Julia was waiting outside, staring at her phone.

“Oh hey.”

“Are you okay? you look like you’ve seen a ghost, you’re face is all pale.” She asked with concern.

“Yeah… yeah, I’m okay, I’m fine.”

“Did you get your hoodie?”

“Yep, it’s in my bag.” I said patting it.

We carried walking home, before eventually parting our separate ways.

As soon as I got home, I ran up the stairs and locked myself in my room. I threw my bag in the corner and sat down on my bed, holding my knees, not knowing if I wanted to cry or not.

I thought long and hard about what had transpired in the locker room. The more I replayed it in my mind, the more I felt my cock stiffen. It was the first cock I had ever touched that wasn’t mine, the first I’d ever put in my mouth and the first load of cum that I swallowed. I would never have expected it all to happen in such a short space of time, especially with an ass hat jock.

I got off my bed and went to my school bag and opened it, taking out the hoodie.

I held it open and laid it flat on the bed. I stared at it, the dried cum stains that coated it. I picked the hoodie up again and brought it to my face and inhaled it. I don’t know why I did, I just did. My cock throbbed again.

I laid it back on the bed and then pulled down both my trousers and underwear.

I stood there bare assed in front of my bed, my dick pointing towards the hoodie. I grabbed hold of my erect cock and began to masterbate.

I furiously jacked my cock. It didn’t take long before that unmistakable feeling building up inside me erupted. I came hard and jizzed over my hoodie, the fresh cum stains mixing with the old. I then wiped my dick with it in the same way he did, folded it, then stashed it under my bed.

It was one of the most intense orgasms I had ever experienced. I was so turned on by this.

The next day on the way into school I didn’t say a word to Julia.

“You’re quiet today.” Julia said.

“It’s nothing. Just got a lot on my mind.”

“Care to share?” She asked.

“No it’s ok, nothing to worry about.”

We walked passed the locker room and I glanced at the door, I could feel my cock twitch at the thought of it.

When we finally got to our class, I found myself completely preoccupied with it, the lessons washed over me and faded into the background.

As the day progressed I found myself needing the toilet, so I asked to be excused and ventured down the hall. I passed the locker room again. I had an overwhelming urge to go in, but I fought it back. It was the middle of the day and the odds of lightning striking twice, well – unlikely.

I continued past the door and turned the corner and entered the toilets. I pulled up to a urinal, unzipped my trousers, took my dick out and began to pee. That’s when I heard the door open. My bladder instinctively stopped the flow as someone rocked up to the urinal next to me. I tried to pee and again fight the urge not to look, but being curious I had a quick side eye sneak peak. I instantly recognised the dick next to me.

He finished urinating and zipped up, I was still standing there, still desperate to pee.

He turned to face me and looked down at my shying cock and then pack up to my face.

“7 o’clock tonight, school car park, white pickup. Be there.” He said then cupped my ass cheek with his hand and squeezed.

He turned around and left. I on the otherhand found my dick now pointing upwards. The flow continued again and I was suddenly peeing up the urinal instead of down. I waited for it to calm down before returning to class.

What was he planning? Was this a setup? I must admit I was curious but scared at the same time.

The rest of the day seemed to drag again, but I was still counting down the hours until 7PM.

When I got back home, I found myself pacing my room, watching the alarm clock on my desk. It was starting to get dark now and I was still very much debating on what to do.

It had just turned 6:45, fuck it, I’m going, I told myself. I grabbed a fresh hoodie from my wardrobe and ran down the stairs and out the front door. Walking quickly down the road, I made my way back to the school. As I entered the main car park, I saw a pair of headlights flash. I cautiously approached, not knowing what to expect. The passenger door popped open, I grabbed the handle and pulled the door open.

There he was in drivers seat waiting. My heart was pounding so hard, I thought it would explode.

I slowly stepped up into his truck and slammed the door and put my seat belt on.

He slammed the stick into drive and quickly sped out of the car park, the tyres screeching as he did.

“Where are we going?” I asked, but he didn’t answer.

I could see he was rubbing his inner thigh and adjusting his crotch. As soon as we hit the main road, he took one hand off the wheel and began to unzip his jeans and pulled out that enormous cock of his.

I glanced down at the beast between his legs. He couldn’t be serious, could he? He didn’t actually want me to suck that thing while he was driving.

He then spoke for the first time.

“Say it.”

For a moment I didn’t understand what he meant, then it hit me.

“I like to suck cock.” I said.

He moved his arm away, hugging the head rest of the passenger seat. Presenting himself to me. I looked around through all the windows, not sure what I was looking for and then unclicked my seat belt.

I leaned forward, hovering above his lap and took him in my mouth. He pushed my head down and he slid deeper into my mouth.

“Thats right, suck it.”

I tried to lift my head, but he held it down, all I could do was hold his cock in my mouth.

After five minutes, I could hear the ticking of the indicator and we turned off the main road.

While I couldn’t see much from his lap, I could tell there were no more street lights and the road got bumpier.

The car came to a complete stop as he parked.

“Get up.” He commanded.

I pulled him out of my mouth, my eyes watering from being choked by that thing.

He opened his door and got out. I followed him out of the truck as well. He moved to back of the truck and unclipped the tailgate, it slammed down flat.

We had stopped at a secluded wooded area. I couldn’t see much as it was quite dark. I moved round to the back of the truck where he was standing, the red glow of his brake lights lit up his face, he looked practically demonic at this point.

“Come here.” He demanded.

I walked closer to him, he grabbed me with thise strong arms and turned me around so I was facing the back off the truck and not him. Still holding me, he moved his head close to my ear.

“Pull down your trousers.”

I hesitated for a moment. Then reached down to my waist and undid the button to my trousers and pulled them down. They dropped to floor around my ankles.

I stood there in just my boxer briefs, my legs now exposed to the chill night air.

“I’m going to fuck you now and you’re going to take it.”

With that, he ripped the sides of my underwear clean in two with his powerful hands as if the were made of paper and snatched them right out from between my legs.

Oh Jesus I thought, I was both scared shitless and so turned on by this.

He threw my torn underwear next to me. Would he destroy me, like he did my underwear I thought.

I stood there looking at them, waiting for what would happen next.

I felt his strong hands on my shoulders as he pushed me forward over the tailgate and flat on to my stomach. I could hear him spit.

I braced myself, this was it, I was about to lose my virginity, to him of all people.

I felt the heat of his legs push against my exposed ass and then it happened. I felt him push at the entrance to my hole, my whole body went into defensive mode and tried to repel the foreign invader. It didn’t take him long to overcome my defences though, his head was now inside. I screamed out in pain, I then tried to muffle the rest by screaming in to my arm. It hurt so much more than I expected it to and he wasn’t even fully in yet.

He pushed further in, stretching my hole to capacity, I could feel him inside of me filling me with his impressive girth. The pain eventually subsided and that’s when the thrusting began. He grabbed my waist and ploughed into me, the silence of the night interupted with rhythmic slap of his skin against mine and his grunting. I laid there, taking it all, his powerful movements shunting my body, the car rocking with me. I was rock hard at this point, despite the initial pain, he was hitting my spot, fuck was he hitting it.

I could feel his girth getting thicker and then he let out one loud moan and gripped my hips tightly, pulling me closer to him. I could feel the warmth being released inside of me, his cock pulsating as he injected load after load inside of me.

I didn’t move, laying there face down. He pulled out of me, I could feel his deposit follow him out as it leaked out of my gaping hole. My hole puckered as it tried to expel the contents. I could feel it drip down my taint to the back of my balls.

He reached out to the side of me and grabbed my torn underwear and wiped his cock down and then slid it between my legs and wiped from my balls up to my ass hole, wiping away the cum. He then threw it next to me.

I pushed my hands on the back of his pickup and tried to standup again, I looked down, at the tailgate. In my excitement I had also cum and left a small pool on the metal.

He noticed too.

“Clean it up.” He demanded.

The only thing I could think of using was my now cum covered underwear. I reached to grab it. He grabbed my hand.

“No, clean it up with your tongue.”

I looked at him, with that meanacing red glow in his face and then looked back at the mess I’d made. I slowly bent over and started to apprehensively lick my excitement from the tailgate. It was thick, it had also quickly cooled from the night air. I did my best not to think about it, that tangy taste on my tongue made it difficult though.

I finished cleaning it all up.

“Show me.”

I turned to face him, opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue. He grabbed my face with his big hand and inspected my mouth, forcibly turning it to the left and then to the right.

“Good boy. Now get back in the car.”

I bent forward and picked up my trousers and did up the buttons. Looks like I’d have to go commando for now.

He grabbed my underwear from the back, crunching it into a ball and he stuffed it in my front trousers pocket. He then lifted up the tailgate and slammed it upright again.

We both got back in the car, we put our seatbelts on and he threw me his phone.

“Put your number in there.”

I picked up his phone, went to his contacts and added my number, then handed it back to him. He turned the ignition and we sped off again back on to the main road.

We didn’t say two words to each other after that.

It wasn’t long before we were back at the school car park and he stopped the car. He still sat there in stoney silence and I took that as my cue to leave. I opened the door, got out and closed it behind me. The second the door slammed shut he sped off, leaving me alone at night in the empty car park.

I slowly walked back home, my ass was killing me the whole way. When I got back to the house, I went up to my room, wincing with each stair I climbed.

I still couldn’t believe what had happened. He took my virginity, but more than that, he used me and I loved every second of it.

After my exertions, I decided to relax a bit and watch TV in bed, it was getting late, when my phone chirped. I looked at the screen and could see it was from an unknown number. I opened the message and there was a video attachment. I got up and grabbed my airpods and put them in my ears and then clicked play.

It was dark, I couldn’t see anything at first and then it all came into focus. It was me, bent over being fucked.

I put my hand over my mouth in disbelief, he fucking recorded it. I watched from his point of view, his dick slamming into me repeatedly, my cheeks rippling with the impact. Then there was the sound, his moaning, my moaning.

I could feel myself getting hard quickly, this was the hottest thing I’d ever seen. Then once he had finished, he had zoomed in on my gaping hole and filmed it all dripping out of me.

Then the video stopped. A second message notification then popped up.

I clicked on it.

“Your ass belongs to me now.”

I was the horniest I’d ever been.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the torn underwear. I placed it on the bed next to me and slid my trousers down to my ankles. My stiff cock desperately needed taking care of. I grabbed the underwear with one hand and wrapped it around my dick and with the other hand I pressed play on the video again and started to jerk off. I couldn’t even make it to the end of the video before I came hard into the underwear.

I collapsed backwards onto my bed, completely spent. The video was on repeat, I wasn’t watching it anymore, just listening and wondering what would happen next.

Until next time.

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