Kilohana Lookout

The boy must have really wanted to get away from me, because he soon vanished in the distance. After a while I came to a four-way intersection in the boardwalk, where the Pihea trail crossed the Swamp trail. I turned left here, planning to hike up to the highest lookout over the coast, Kilohana.

Soon the boardwalk turned into wooden steps heading down a steep hill. There was nothing but unbroken tropical forest, the atmosphere was peaceful and green, and I concentrated on the hike and pushed baser urges out of my mind. My leg muscles were aching and I was panting with exertion. Though it was cool the air was humid, and the sweat ran down my brow and down my chest and back. I’d taken off my windbreaker some distance back and tied it around my waist. Now I pulled off my moist T-shirt and stuffed in my pack.

At the bottom the boardwalk resumed and soon came to a shallow running stream. There on a rock on the opposite bank sat the boy I had met earlier. He had put on a pair of reflector sunglasses and was smoking a cigarette. Although he seemed to be looking in my direction, I couldn’t be sure since his eyes were hidden.

I nodded at him as I began to ford the stream. He responded with a brief incline of his head, but didn’t say anything. Still feeling a bit skittish about having come on to him earlier I didn’t make any attempt to talk this time, but clambered on up the hill on the other side.

After the climb the boardwalk disappeared, to my surprise. I was on a high ridge with mossy ground all around me. Just as the trail began to get really muddy the planks resumed, leading me through more marshy terrain. Tiny, stunted plants with red flowers were practically the only source of color here. The sun had come out only occasionally during the entire hike, and it was not going to appear now. The weird light and altitude made me feel lightheaded.

A gentle curve in the boardwalk, a short set of steps, one last turn and then, abruptly, the trail was at an end. I found myself on a rectangular wooden platform, a bench nailed to it at the back. This was the Kilohana Lookout, where you could see out across the Pacific and down into the monumental valleys of the northern coast of Kauai–if there was no fog. Past the edge of the platform, which unbelievably had no fence, was a huge drop, thousands of feet to the floor of the valley.

Right now I didn’t have a prayer of seeing anything except gray, swirling mist, which was a common experience for hikers who’d struggled up here. Oh, well. I might as well rest, catch my breath, and wait and see if the winds would lift the curtain, even for a moment.

I sat cross-legged on the platform, safely away from the edge, and listened to the rustle of the leaves around me. Far below me I could occasionally catch the roar of the ocean, but the fog seemed to muffle all sounds. I got out my water bottle and drained the last of it. It didn’t seem likely I was going to be able to see anything at all today. Soon I’d have to head back, but for the moment it was nice just sitting here, the wind cool on my sweaty chest and back.

I was jerked out of my reverie by clomping footsteps on the boards behind me. A moment later the boy I had encountered twice before on the trail stepped onto the platform. He cocked his head and grinned. “So you made it,” he said.

I shrugged. “Can’t see a thing today.”

“Oh well, you takes your chances,” he replied. He walked to the very edge and sat down with his legs dangling off the platform, heedless of the risk he was taking. After a moment he pulled out a cell phone from his pack and held it out in my direction. “Want to let someone know where you are?”

I shook my head. “Where am I, anyway?”

“On the edge of the world. Isn’t it fantastic?”

I had to agree. It seemed as if we were the only two humans on the planet, high on a mountaintop in a tropical wilderness, isolated by the rainforest and the fog. We sat without speaking. Once or twice the boy cast a quick glance at me, but I didn’t respond. The ball was in his court and he was going to have to make the next move.

He rose at last. I thought he was going to leave without saying anything, but he stopped by me and pointed to the empty water bottle I’d placed by my side. “Could I have that?”

I was surprised. “It’s empty.”

“That’s cool. I need to take a leak, and I’d rather not pollute this place.”

My interest immediately perked up. “Sure, okay.”

He came toward me and I handed him the plastic bottle. He took it and went to one side of the platform, turning his back to me. His hands unfastened something in front and his shorts slid partway down his slender hips. The tops of two pale butt cheeks and the crack between them came into view–a delicious sight. I felt my pulse quickening.

Over the rustling of the trees I heard the tinkle of his piss splashing into the bottle. He stood there relieving himself for what seemed like forever–he must have really needed to go. Finally he put the bottle down, more than half full of golden liquid. Then he turned toward me, readjusting and zipping up his shorts, but not before I’d gotten a glimpse of curly blond pubes framing a long flaccid dick and pink ball sack. I was sure he’d flashed his goods at me on purpose. By now my own cock was half hard and stretching the pouch of my jock.

“You’ve got good aim,” I told him. “Didn’t spill a drop.”

He grinned at me. “Thanks, man.” He pointed at the bottle. “Enough room left for you, if you need to go.”

I took the challenge. “Bring it here.”

He picked up the bottle and brought it toward me. I rose to my full height, aware of his eyes on my bare, hairy chest. I unfastened my own shorts and let them drop along with my windbreaker. He handed me the bottle and I pulled the pouch of my jock aside, exposing myself. I’d never been bashful about my body or its functions–it was easy for me to take hold of my meat, aim and let go.

He never took his eyes off of me as the level of pee in the bottle rose, stopping just short of overflowing. I shook the last few drops in as he handed me the cap. I put it on the bottle.

“There,” I said. “We didn’t pollute the environment.”

“You’re pretty good yourself with that thing,” he observed.

“Thanks,” I said, keeping hold of my cock as I stared into his eyes, jacking on it. I knew he’d like what he saw when I was done. Pretty soon it had risen to its full eight inches, standing vertical, almost reaching my navel, flaring purple crown proudly capping the thick shaft.

His eyes flicked down, then back up to mine. The boy licked his lips. “Nice cock.”

“Want to suck it?”

He got to his knees but didn’t take me in his mouth right away. instead he stared at my organ, his eyes intent. Then he reached up with one hand and grasped my shaft, stroking it gently, almost reverently. I closed my eyes, shivering at his silky touch.

He grabbed my butt and put his face in the pouch of my jock, inhaling deeply. Suddenly he took my cock all the way down to the root, burying his nose in my pubes. I gasped at the hot, wet pleasure that engulfed me, letting the plastic bottle I’d been holding fall to the boards with a thunk. then opened my eyes so I could watch him work. The boy’s eyes were closed, his lips tightly sealed on my hard shaft as he slid his head back and forth. I reached down and pulled his tank top upward, baring his back.

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