My Best Friend's Older Brother

A gay story: My Best Friend’s Older Brother

Marc and I have been best friends forever. Well it seems like forever. I’ve known him for years and we’re both now 18 year old seniors in high school. We do everything together. Well mostly we hang out at his house while his parents are working, play video games, joke around, listen to music, steal a couple of his Dad’s beers, occasionally hit a joint that one of us scores from somewhere, and talk about sex. Well, he talks about sex. I mostly listen and laugh and try to hide my boners.

My name is Ricky. You see, I’m gay. Or at least I think I am. I’ve never actually had sex. But I’m obsessed with the idea of having sex with a guy. Girls, not so much. But I am completely in the closet when it comes to my fantasies about sex with a guy. I’m terrified of being considered a faggot, or beaten up because of it. I’ve read about too many bad things happening to gay boys that were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I dated a couple girls in school for a short time. But nothing about the dating experience with girls really did anything for me. I wasn’t really physically attracted to them. And they just always seemed clingy and possessive. Like everything was always about them and what they wanted or needed. I don’t know, let’s just say I must be gay, because the whole girl thing just didn’t really interest me at all.

I became aware of my sexuality at a very young age, but as I said before, I’ve never had sex with anyone in my 18 years of existence. So all of it is just wild fantasies fueled by my desires of having sex with a hot guy. I don’t really care if I have a boyfriend or a relationship. I just want wild sex. Gay sex. And honestly I’d probably do it with any guy who showed the least bit of interest in living out my fantasies with me.

I’ve always had the hots for Marc, but he’s so straight I’m afraid to even bring up the subject of me liking boys. We are really close, we even sleep together during sleep overs. Which is like torture to me being next to him and feeling his body heat radiate off of him. And his scent is so manly and delicious. I literally want to lick him from head to toe.

During last weeks sleepover, when I was sure he was asleep, I actually touched his cock through his underwear for the first time. He was hard as a rock. I was shaking like a leaf with the fear of getting caught. So I just quietly jerked myself off and went to sleep with a load of cum in my underwear instead of sucking his cock and making him cum like I craved doing. God I wish I had balls enough to actually do these things.

One thing I’ve begun to realize about my fantasies is that I never really think about someone sexually satisfying me. It’s always about me doing everything I can to satisfy the guy I’m with and making him cum as many times as I can. So I guess I am what they call a submissive. All I want to do is pleasure guys. I mean I do jerk off and I love to cum, but my sexual release isn’t what’s important to me. My thrill is the idea of having the power to make a guy shoot his load all over the place. And I have a thing for straight guys. It’s like they are untouchable. Which would make it even hotter to get to make a straight guy shoot his load.

Lately I’ve started putting things in my ass and pretending I’m getting fucked by a hard cock. It started with small stuff, like a sharpie, but soon I was craving bigger things in my ass. The biggest thing I’ve had inside me was a cucumber I stole from my Mom. It was one of those long thin ones, not the short fat kind, but it felt like a telephone pole going into my ass. And once I got over the initial pain and shock, and this thing started hitting my prostate, I was hooked. Now I not only crave sucking cock but I’m dying to get fucked by a real cock. I would love to feel a cock shooting a huge load in my ass.

So back to the story. Marc has an older brother whose name is Mike. Mike is 20.

He is a stud. He’s in college and in a fraternity. He goes to the local state college so he lives at home. He made himself a bedroom in their parents basement. Nobody is allowed to go down there unless he invites them. It’s a strict rule of his. It always made me wonder what he’s hiding down there. And I am dying to find out. I almost snuck down there one day when he wasn’t home just to look around. But I got so nervous I thought I was going to pass out and fall down the stairs. Like I said, I got no balls to actually do stuff.

So anyway, one Friday night Marc and I were hanging out. His parents were out for the evening and I was sleeping over. We had a couple beers and I had scored three joints which we had already smoked one. Weed always makes me horny and tonight was no different. Marc’s brother Mike came home early, smelled the weed coming from Marc’s room, barges in and says “What are you two faggots doing tonight?” He was always calling us faggots or queer boys. Which always made me blush a deep crimson because it was true about me. Marc just always laughed it off and would call him “fuck face” or some stupid shit like that.

Anyway Mike says “Hey if you two queer boys wanna share some of that weed with me, I’ve got some cold ones I’ll give you.” I looked at Marc and we were both like “Hell yeah!”

Then Mike says “Just give me 10 minutes to jump in the shower and meet me down in the basement.” This was so awesome. I had never been invited into Mike’s basement lair. I became very anxious and excited about finally seeing what Mike was all about.

We waited about 10 minutes then both ran down the stairs into Mike’s room. This room was so fucking cool. He had a queen size bed, a couch and chair, a huge tv, a full size fridge and a pool table. A true party room if I ever saw one. I plopped down on the couch and Marc sat in the chair. A minute later Mike comes out of the shower wrapped in a towel and sits down on the couch next to me. And I don’t mean just on the couch, I mean right next to me. His leg was practically touching mine. My cock immediately sprang to life.

Let me tell you a bit about Mike. He’s not super tall, around 5 foot 8 or so, but his body is all muscle. He has just a little tuft of hair in the middle of his chest, and a trail of hair from his navel that travels down into his shorts. Or should I say towel. He has medium length brown hair and a bit of a light mustache that makes him look super sexy.

Mike pops open a beer and says “Help yourself pussy boys. Where’s the weed? Spark it up!”

Marc jumps out of the chair and runs to the fridge grabbing us two beers. I reach into my shorts and pull out one of the two joints I have left. Mike watches me do this, then smacks me on the side of the head. Not hard, just kind of a friendly smack.

“You expect me to smoke anything that has your cock juice on it faggot?” he laughs while he says it.

“I’m sorry Mike, it’s where I hide it. It wasn’t anywhere near my cock. I promise.”

“I’m just fucking with you little guy. Don’t start crying on me now.” Mike says, stroking my hair.

I spark up the joint, take a small toke and pass it to Mike. I’m a little guy. I’m only 5 foot 5 and way a whopping 120 pounds when I’m fresh out of a shower. So weed and alcohol tend to hit me easily. And hard.

Mike takes a long, hard toke. Holds it in for what seemed like forever, then exhales and starts choking like crazy. “Damn, that shit is fire!”

I just blush a little, happy that my weed made him happy. I watch him pass it to Marc, who takes a smaller toke than Mike, but bigger than mine. Meanwhile we’re all sucking down some beers. It seems like Mike has a whole case in the fridge. I get up and grab another round of beers for all of us. I even open Mike’s for him before I hand it to him.

“Ahhhh. You could be a good little slave I bet.” Mike grins at me as he says this.

I look down at my feet and blush again at the thought of being a sex slave to Mike. Which also makes my cock go instantly hard, I’m just wearing basketball shorts. So my boner is making an obscene presence right near Mike’s face.

“You got a sharpie in your pocket or you just enjoying the night so far?” Mike gives me a sexy, almost evil grin this time.

“Oh, man, sorry. The weed always makes me horny dude. You know how it is.” I try to brush it off.

Mike leans close to my ear and whispers “Yeah I know exactly how it is dude. Now come and sit back down next to me” as he pats the cushion where I was sitting before.

As I start to sit down, Mike moves even closer so when my butt hits the cushion, his leg is in direct contact with mine. I felt shivers like electricity running through my body from the touch of his leg on mine. And has he shifted over closer his towel started to come undone and I could see his hip bone and a little bit of his pubic hair. I also couldn’t help but notice his bulge in the towel seemed to be getting bigger. I desperately tried to control my breathing. My heart was pounding in my chest. This close proximity to Mike, his leg touching mine, and the view of him almost naked was turning me on immensely. I wanted to jump his bones right then. God, I wish I had the balls to do the stuff I think of.

By this time we had all drank several beers and finished the second joint I had with me. Marc is half passed out in the chair. Mike reaches over with his other leg and gives Marc a little kick in the shin.

“Hey little bro, why don’t you go upstairs if you’re going to nod out. No passing out and sleeping down here.”

Marc just mumbles a little and says “Yeah I’m really tired. That weed and those beers fucked me up. I’ll see you upstairs Ricky.” And with that he stands up, stumbles a little to the stairs and disappears.

Mike watches him intently, then laughs a little and says “That little fucker can’t handle himself dude.” And suddenly reaches his arm around my shoulder and gives me kind of a one armed bro hug. “Let’s fire up that last joint and have some fun little man!”

At this point I am so horny and turned on by what is happening I’m almost shaking with excitement. I’m sitting on the couch in Mike’s room. He’s practically naked and his leg has been rubbing on me for the last half hour. Is he coming on to me? Does he want to have sex with me? Oh my God, I think I will die if I even just see his cock much less do all the things my nasty little mind is thinking about right now.

Mike looks at me. “Well, come on. Fire it up. Let’s get wasted!”

His words startle me back to reality. “Oh, right, sorry I was just lost in a little stoner moment.” I lied. My mind was actually lost in my fantasies of what could happen right now if I only knew how to make it happen without getting my ass kicked and losing my best friend in the process.

I reach into my shorts and pull out the last joint. Mike watches me, reaches over and pulls the front of my shorts away from my body. “What else you hiding down there? Damn dude, you still got a boner don’t you?”

I think I blushed the deepest shade of red ever. I kind of stammered out “Well you know, it’s the weed and stuff dude. Like I said before it always makes me horny.”

“Well I don’t know about the weed little guy, I thought maybe you were just getting turned on by the view.” And as he says this he turned toward me and pulled one leg up onto the couch, which caused his towel to fall from his hip a bit more. Oh fuck, I can actually see his balls right now. And I think his bulge is actually turning into a full blown hardon.

Mike leans back on the couch a little. The head of his cock is now directly in my view. “Hey, spark that up and give me a shotgun Ricky.” As I light the joint and turn it around in my mouth to give him the shotgun, I’m trying to figure out how I’m going to get it near his mouth. He’s practically laying on his back now with his head propped up on the arm of the couch. He must have sensed my dilemma and says “Come on, just straddle me and shoot that shit into my mouth little man. Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.”

I didn’t need a second invitation. I crawled up over his legs which caused his towel to fall completely off, straddled his hips and leaned in to give him his shotgun. As I blew smoke into his mouth he leaned forward a little so that our lips touched. I almost choked and swallowed the joint. Another jolt of electricity hit me as our lips touched. My cock was so hard at this point it actually hurt. Without thinking I sat back a bit and suddenly I was sitting on his rock hard cock. And it felt huge poking against my ass.

“Mmmmm. That feels good Ricky” he almost whispered. “But I think you have too many clothes on. Let’s get naked. It will feel so much better.”

Again I was so excited and turned on I literally did begin to shake. And I couldn’t stop shaking. My ass was rubbing on his cock. My own cock felt like it would explode at any second.

“Hey, it’s OK. Don’t be afraid” Mike said as he reached up and pulled me into his chest. He wrapped his arms tightly around me. “I got you little guy. Don’t worry. I know how much you want this. It’s all OK.” He held me tight for a few minutes, and I finally started to calm down.

I was lying flat on top of him. He is now completely naked. And I am still in my t-shirt and basketball shorts. Our cocks are rubbing together. We are both hard as a rock. I feel the warmth of his body and his breath on my neck. I feel his hands go down the back of my shorts and he begins to caress my ass. “You’ve got a sweet ass Ricky. I want to show you how good it can be to be with a man. I think you’re going to love this. Just trust me and go with the flow.”

I look up at him. I’m so happy with what is happening I’m almost in tears. “Mike, you have no idea how much I want this. But you have to know I’m a virgin. I’ve never had sex with anyone. I would be thrilled and honored to have you be my first. I want to do everything with you.”

“Come on Ricky, let’s turn down the lights and get into my bed so I can make love to you properly. I want your first time to be something special that you will always remember. And I am honored that you would allow me to give you this pleasure.”

That night, we did in fact do everything. Many times. All night long. By morning I don’t think either one of us had any cum left inside our balls. I awoke just before dawn. I realized I had to get upstairs to Marc’s bed before he woke up. I’d never be able to explain being found sleeping naked with Mike. I leaned over gave Mike a passionate kiss which woke him up. “I gotta go Mike, before Marc wakes up. But thank you for the most amazing first sex I could ever dream of. You will be in my heart forever.”

Mike holds me tight and kisses me back with the same passion. “Don’t even think this was just a one time thing lover boy.”

I hurriedly pull on my basketball shorts and run quietly up to Marc’s room. As I crawl into Marc’s bed, he wakes up a little and says “Dude you smell like sex.” Then rolls over and falls back to sleep. I lay there with the most contented and satisfied feeling I have ever experienced in my life with the thought of “Don’t even think this was just a one time thing” dancing happily in my head.

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