My New Job Ch. 04

Carl opened his eyes and looked over taking a bottle of green tea, “Thank you, Travis.”

Carl started the truck and we went down the road toward home. Ten minutes later I asked, “Pita? Riya’s not leaving us forever.”

He didn’t answer so I moved closer to him and then moved Carl’s hand to my thigh. I smiled up at him but he just kept his eyes on the road.

“I know,” Carl said eventually risking a look in my direction, “I just have a lot on my plate right now.”

“Now that the trailer is empty, did you want me to drive some?” I asked.

“No,” Carl said but looked so tired. “We’re almost there.”

I looked at my GPS. It showed we still had over five hours of driving left. I was about to say something when his phone called out “In one mile, take exit 240.”

“What?” I thought then said, “That can’t be right.”

Carl followed instructions and took the exit. Ten minutes later we pulled into a hotel parking lot designated for semi-trucks and trucks with trailers. “I hit my hours quite a while ago,” Carl explained. “It’s not safe for us to keep going so we’re stopping.”

“That makes sense,” I said as Carl got out of the truck. He opened the rear door of the truck and grabbed his emergency overnight bag. I reached into the back and found that I had forgotten my emergency overnight, again.

I gave him a sheepish grin, “does this hotel have laundry service?”

“Lord, give me strength,” Carl mumbled and looked skyward.

There was a path that led from the parking lot to the hotel. It was a pleasant little wooded area that was filled with flowers and birdbaths. Somewhere along the way, I stopped to look at a male cardinal. Carl stopped too and just watched me. He hadn’t done that in a long time. Then he did something he had never done before; he took my hand as we walked down the path.

We walked still holding hands through the front door, through the lobby, and up to the front desk. Behind the front desk was a very handsome young man. He had a basketball player’s frame with short black hair and brown eyes. He had a phone to his ear a rather large woman standing at the counter asking him questions, while two housekeeps stood behind him talking to each other. It made my head hurt just looking at him and I was not standing in the middle of this verbal tornado.

To his credit he quickly got the woman checked in. Then answered a couple of questions for the person on the phone and with a series of hand gestures managed to get the housekeeps to not only lower their voices but also to move to what looked like a side office. I was impressed.

Now that he was not occupied Carl and I approached the front desk and were greeted by a very pleasant, “Good afternoon and how can I help you, gentlemen?”

His badge said his name was, Trent. “We were wondering if you have any rooms available.”

“Do you have a reservation?” asked Trent looking over at his prepared check-in folders. He stood ready to grab the key once he knew our name.

“We do not,” Carl admitted.

“Oh,” Trent began to chew on his lower lip, “Let me see. How long would you be staying with us?”

“Just tonight,” Carl answered, “I’ve hit my driving hours.”

“Oh. OK.” Trent said as his hands flew over the computer keys, “That’s too bad.” Then Trent looked scared that he had said the wrong thing, “Or in this case good, as you will be staying with us.”

I gave Trent a nice-save thumbs up and a wink. Trent smiled and kept looking. “Have you stayed with us before?” Trent asked buying time.

“Oh Yes,” Carl said pulling out a rewards card and handing it to Trent, “lots of times.”

Trent took the card and looked at it. He then turned slightly green, “Oh Mr. Khan I am so sorry you had to wait. As a premier member, you can skip check-in altogether using the app.”

“That’s fine we didn’t mind the wait,” Carl said in a pleasant voice, “And besides then we got to watch you in action.”

My mind was spinning. Not only had Carl gotten the fence pole out of his butt and returned to full kindness mode he was standing here flirting with the desk clerk. I hadn’t been this happy or turned on in months. “Sorry for the short notice,” I interjected taking a better look at Trent.

“No problem,” said Trent still looking nervous, “I’m sure we have something.” Then Trent leaned in and whispered in a conspiratorial tone. “We always keep a few rooms empty just in case someone such as yourself stops in.”

“Good to know,” responded Carl.

Trent hit enter and smiled, “I have a nice suite room 112.”

“That sounds nice,” Carl responded, “But we really just need a regular room.”

“Yes sir,” said Trent but since you and…” Trent trailed off looking at me.

“Travis,” I said assuming he wanted my name.

Trent let out a breath and mouthed thank you before turning back to Carl, “Since I have made you and Travis wait it’s the least, we can do. Naturally, I will comp the suite so it is the same regular rate for our regular room.”

“You are so nice Trent,” Carl cooed, “But that’s not necessary.”

“I’m afraid I must insist Mr. Khan,” Said Trent putting a little folder with two key cards on the desk, “Besides, it’s already done.”

Well played Trent I thought. Carl picked up the key folder. “Very well. But I insisted on leaving a good review about you Trent. Your service has been above and beyond.”

“That’s not necessary, Mr. Khan,” Trent blushed like a school girl, “Breakfast is from 6 to 10 and if you need anything else feel free to call me here at the desk, I’m on for another hour or so,” Trent pulled out a piece of paper and wrote down a set of numbers, “and after that here is my personal number in case you need my more personal attention.”

“Thanks, Trent,” I said snatching the paper, “I did have one question.”

“Yes, Mr. Travis.” Asked Trent beaming at me.

“I seem to have forgotten my overnight bag does the hotel have a laundry service?” I asked.

“We sure do,” Trent responded like he had just won the lottery. Trent handed me a clear plastic bag and a white fluffy robe wrapped in cellophane. “You just put your dirty stuff in this bag, then put the bag on the doorknob and I will have housekeeping pick it up and get it back to you later this evening.”

“You’re so sweet,” I said beamed, “I could almost kiss you.”

Trent went crimson. Carl started down the hall. I looked at Trent a little longer. “Come on Travis,” Carl called, “Trent has work to do.”

I took a candid picture of Trent and then added his number to my contacts, “Later Trent.”

I caught up with Carl halfway down the hall. As we walked, I took Carl’s arm. “What was all that about?” Carl asked.

“Oh nothing,” I responded. “I think Trent likes us.”

Carl looked back in the direction of the front desk. Trent had come around the service desk and watched us walk down the hall. Caught ogling, Trent gave me a girly hand wave. Carl smiled at him and I returned his wave.

Carl smiled and then put the key card in the door. We walked into the room which was, in fact, three rooms. There was a kitchenette/sitting room, flanked on either side by a large bedroom and an equally large bathroom on the other. Carl sat down in the nearest chair and pulled out his phone. I decided to explore.

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