My New Job Ch. 04

A gay sex stories: My New Job Ch. 04 My New Job Chapter 4

Thank you so much to my editors for all the help they give me to clean my story up.

If this is the first of my stories that you have read, welcome. I hope you enjoy the story. I would strongly suggest reading a series from the beginning though as by this point, I have stopped describing the main characters. You don’t have to read my stories this way be I feel the story will make more sense and you will understand far more of the running jokes.

When I first started working for Carl and Khan Transports, I thought it would be mountainous work. I mean the reality shows say how much fun transporting can be but how much reality is there really in any of those reality shows? I thought it would be pretty much loading and unloading the truck all day. The truth is that for most days that was exactly how it went. Then there were other days.

Every once in a while, we would meet an interesting person, or we would haul a fascinating object. One woman we met knew all kinds of things about mirrors and history. One man had an example of every beanie baby ever produced. Even the ones with flaws. Still, another whole family loved G.I Joe action figures, vehicles, and playsets and needed their 2000-piece collection moved from their old house to their new home across town.

Today was shaping up to be one of those unusual days. “Doc, are you sure we have enough road to get up to 88 from here?” I asked myself, pretending to be Marty McFly from Back to the Future. I began to hum the score from the movie as I hit the clutch and moved the shifter into third. “How many times do I have to tell you, Marty?” I answered myself in my best Doc Brown voice, “You’re not thinking fourth dimensionally.”

My imaginary drive back to 1955 suddenly came to a halt as a female voice asked, “Who, are you talking to?”

I looked through the open gull-wing door of the 1981 DeLorean I was sitting in, to find the source of the voice. I gave the woman standing there a sheepish grin. She was maybe twenty, short, with an athletic almost boyish build. She was Chinese with jet black hair cut in a saggy pixy cut. If anything, she reminded me a lot of Jason’s friend Ami Cooper.

“No one,” I answered truthfully. “I was just having a little fun. The owner said it was OK, to look around and the car was unlocked.”

“He did, did he?” The woman asked very seriously. There was a very tense moment and then she reached in and tickled my stomach saying, “Got you.”

She then offered me her hand, “I’m Lily the head mechanic here.”

I took her hand and shook it, “Travis. I’m with Khan Transports.”

“Travis, what have you gotten yourself into now?” Asked Carl Khan the owner of Khan Transports and my secret lover.

“It’s OK Carl,” said an older man who also joined our little group walking slightly behind Carl. “That car just draws people in. We sell a ton of them.”

Carl didn’t look convinced. The older man was about two or three inches shorter than Carl but about Carl’s weight which had resulted, in him having a dad bod. The man’s hair, what was left of it had gone a dark grey like his eyes. His voice, dress, and poster reminded me a lot of my history teacher, Mr. Lodge.

I got out of the car. “I was just pretending to be back in 1985…” I began only to be cut off by the older man.

“Aw, 1985,” said the older man with a dreamy look on his face, “if only this was a real, time machine. I would love to see 1985 again.”

“Why is that?” I asked receiving a smile from the older man and a leave-it-alone look from Carl.

“That was the year I met my first wife, Ace,” he explained.

“I’ve told you a hundred times, Jared,” Lily spoke up, “no time machines.”

“Oh, come on Lily,” the man I now knew was named Jared, pleaded, “Just one.”

“No Jared,” Lily said putting her hands on her hips, “it’s not possible.”

“Can’t make the flux capacitor, huh?” I chided her.

“I could build a flux capacitor this afternoon,” said Lily smiling and getting into the spirit of the conversation, “But no way in hell this bucket is going to get up to 88 miles an hour.”

Jared and Lily had a good laugh over that. I joined in happy to have so easily diverted attention away from myself. Carl didn’t Laugh. “Anyway,” said Carl, “Where’s the Sunbeam?”

“Sunbeam?” I asked, “As in Don Adam’s car from Get Smart.”

Lily moved over to stand next to Jared and she took his hand. “Not exactly,” said Lily as they turned and headed for a metal structure.

I walked up next to Carl and tried to copy Lily by taking Carl’s hand but he wouldn’t take mine. All I got for my efforts was, him grumbling at me, “Not the time or place, Travis.”

The four of us walked into the barn and there sat a blue roadster that looked nothing like the car Maxwell Smart drove. It was a small, sky-blue car with huge fenders, a monster size grill, a leather interior, and miles of chrome. “She’s quite a beauty huh?” Asked Jared.

“Yeah,” said Carl, “She looks just like the Sunbeam Alpine Mark 1 in To Catch a Thief.”

“That’s the way the customer wanted her,” Jared explained leaning against a workbench and gazing at the old car like it was an old girlfriend he thought he would never see again.

“We put a lot of love into her,” said Lily walking over and grabbing a scrapbook off the workbench, “We completely rebuilt her from the ground up. Then we modernized her. We gave her, power steering, disc brakes, and a modern suspension. I don’t want Mrs. Thorn driving off a cliff as Princes Grace did.”

“I thought Princess Grace die in a limo?” I asked wanting to join the conversation.

“That was Princess Dianna,” Carl corrected me.

Lily opened the book and showed me a picture of a gorgeous blonde. “Grace Kelly, the Princess of Monaco,” Lily explained.

“Oh,” I said feeling a little silly, “She’s pretty.”

“She sure was,” Lily said and then turned the page and pointed at another picture, “This is Mrs. Thorn.”

“Holy crap,” I exclaimed, “They could be twins.”

Carl moved in close and I felt his breath on the back of my neck. It was the closest he had been to me all day.

Jared chuckled, and then added, “She sure does. It’s Mr. and Mrs. Thorn’s anniversary tomorrow and this little beauty is her present.”

“How long did the restoration take?” I asked Jared and Lily.

“About 2 years,” Lily turned the page and showed me a heap of parts and a frame. “This is what she looked like when we got her,” Lily clarified.

“We told Mr. Thorn the car was not worth restoring,” added Jared, “but he said he didn’t care and that money was no object.”

“Sounds like someone else we know,” I said, “Maybe we should tell Uncle Arthur about these guys.”

“Our business is widely word of mouth so that would be great,” said Lily.

“Arthur already knows about us,” Jared said, “he means Arthur Class, Judy’s husband.”

“Oh yeah,” Lily perked up, “We did a 64 Jaguar for them. Nice people. Isn’t she a relative?”

“Yes,” Jared confirmed, “She was my late wife’s grandniece.”

I have to admit that sentence made my head spin a little. I knew Judy was in her fifties but this guy looked like he was only a little older than that. Maybe 60 at most. “How is that?” I finally asked.

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