Gay Adult Story: On Holiday with My Dad – Extra | Exciting Read

A gay story: On Holiday with My Dad – Extra

When I was 18, I started college in the city, taking the bus from the village every day.

That’s when I discovered the bus station toilets. They were pretty run down with an old fashioned metal urinal, running all the way along the wall.

The first time that I went in, for genuine reasons I might add, I noticed that the other two men seemed to be taking a long time to pee and one of them kept looking in my direction.

He moved closer, took hold of my cock and started moving his hand up and down my shaft.

I was so naive then, but I let him wank me till I came, splashing a massive amount of cum all down the back of the urinal.

I zipped up, dashed out and waited for my bus, my head a bit all over the place.

Needless to say, I went in every day after that, my cock stiffening up even before I reached the door. There were always two or three older men there, waiting.

All I had to do was get my cock out and one of them would approach and take care of my throbbing erection.

Occasionally I would get a blow job, which was a new and exciting experience for me, if one of the others acted as lookout.

A few men tried to kiss me, or get me to come home with them, but I wasn’t interested, it was just about having my balls emptied. The minute they brought me off, I would zip up and leave.

Back home at the weekend, I went to the local pub and picked up girls. That’s where I met your mother. She was sitting in the corner with two friends, the three of them whispering together and looking over in my direction.

Debbie, your mum, came over as I was standing at the bar.

“Buy me a drink, Gary.”

I remembered her vaguely from school, but we were in different classes, so had only seen her around and didn’t really know her.

She was attractive though, standing there fluttering her eyelashes at me, with a big smile on her face.

“Tell me why I should be buying you a drink, then.”

She kept the smile fixed on her face and waved to her friends, who were giggling.

“Look, those two dared me to come across and talk to you.”

“In that case, let’s get you a drink.”

We spent the rest of the evening together, then started dating and after about a month of me pleading, we slept together and I was on cloud nine.

When Debbie announced she was pregnant a few months later, I was in shock. We’d only done it three or four times and she’d assured me she was on the pill.

Her parents were quite religious, so insisted we get married and we ended up having a large, inappropriate wedding.

I quit college, got a job at the garden centre and also ended up moving into their house, which was awkward to say the least, although we did manage to have sex, if we were quiet.

You came along and then Debbie’s focus was totally on you. She’d bagged the handsome guy, had a big wedding, followed by a baby, but now I seemed to be superfluous. I also felt like I’d been trapped.

So I made a big mistake and slept with one of her friends, who couldn’t keep her mouth shut and we split up.

I was back living at home and in a small village like ours, everybody was talking and I was the bad guy, so I had to get out.

When I saw the job advertised for someone to join a tree planting squad in the Scottish Highlands with accommodation provided, I reckoned it was ideal.

Although it got me away from home, it turned out to have a few drawbacks.

First off, it was miles from civilization, the nearest village was 10 miles away, so that ruled out access to a pub and women. We lived there all the time and a van brought us supplies once a week.

Secondly, there was absolutely no privacy. Five of us lived together in a very basic old cottage with a big kitchen and another big room with three bunk beds. There was also a toilet and a primitive shower had been set up in a alcove near the back door with no curtain.

The others were all older. The foreman Gordon, was a big muscled guy in his 50s with close cropped grey hair and almost black eyes, that noticed everything. There were two guys in their forties from the Western islands and one old man in his sixties, so this was going to be a bundle of fun.

The work was hard but enjoyable in the fresh air, four of us going up the hillside every morning to plant the young trees and Derek, the old man, sorted the next batch into boxes, as well as cooking and looking after the house.

Evenings were murder though, as you were never alone. If I was last in the shower, I had a quick wank, but that didn’t always happen and you never knew if someone would walk past.

One evening after supper, I decided to wander into the trees behind the cottage, where I could have a wank in peace.

Leaning against a tree, I got my cock out and started stroking, closing my eyes and letting my imagination run wild. It felt good to have my hard shaft in my hand, as I hadn’t been able to masturbate for two days and was desperate for release.

I thrust my hips, fucking my own hand and opened my eyes in time to see a huge jet of cum shoot up into the air.

I went back in, feeling so much better and that became my nightly routine, giving me a bit of release.

One night, I thought I heard someone moving about in the trees, but decided it must be a roe deer.

Next night, I’d just got my cock hard, leaning on my tree with my eyes closed, when I heard a rustle of leaves.

Opening my eyes, I spotted Gordon, watching from behind a bush. Just for a minute, I hesitated, then thought fuck him, he can watch if he wants, I was going to finish my wank and carried on stroking.

He came closer, his eyes fixed on my cock.

“Nice cock, Gary. Can I help?”

I nodded and was surprised when he got on his knees to suck me off. It’s not what I was expecting from a big butch guy like him.

By the way he was tackling my big thick shaft, mine wasn’t the first cock he’d sucked.

He deep throated my 8 inches and just when I thought he was going to make me come, he moved to my balls, licking and sucking on them, getting them both in his mouth at once.

Back to my cock and I watched his head move up and down, as he quickly brought me to orgasm, filling his mouth with my usual huge load, that he swallowed without losing a drop.

He got to his feet and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

“Better now?”

“Yeah, that’s taken the edge off.”

We walked back together and before we reached the cottage, he turned towards me.

“Anytime you want your cock taken care of, just give me the nod.”

“How about same time tomorrow?”

His grin told me I’d be seeing him in the woods tomorrow night.

So that became a regular thing between us and if the others wondered where we disappeared to every night, nobody questioned us.

One night I was there ahead of Gordon, my cock already hard, anticipating the blow job that lay ahead, but when he arrived, he didn’t get on his knees at once, as per usual.

He looked like he wanted to say something.

“Spit it out, Gordon. What are you thinking?”

“Will you fuck my arse, Gary?”

I’d never fucked a man, but wanted to give it a go, so nodded.

He dropped his jeans and turned to hold on to the tree.

“Right then, stick it up me.”

I parted his cheeks and saw that his hole looked moist and shiny. The bugger must have prepared it, knowing I’d say yes.

I lined up my cock and pushed my way in. He felt tight, but eventually my whole shaft was buried in his arse.

It had been a while since I’d had a fuck so, once I’d got used to being inside him, I didn’t hold back, but slammed in and out of his hole, till I came, filling him with my seed, then pulled out.

“Sorry if I was a bit rough. I haven’t had any for months.”

He stood up, with a smile on his usually serious face.

“No, you’re grand. It’s been ages since I had a cock in me and that was worth waiting for.”

“Thanks, pal.”

He pulled his trousers up and went back first. I followed ten minutes later.

We carried on meeting every evening, usually we fucked, but occasionally just a blow job, if it was cold.

Although Gordon seemed to be happy wanking himself, while I was riding him, I thought it only fair that I return the favour, so I learned to suck cock. Luckily he wasn’t as big or thick as me, which made it easier.

I was getting to like our encounters in the woods and sometimes on the hill during the day, my eyes would drift over to Gordon and admire his solid muscled arse, as he planted alongside me.

One night he asked if he could fuck me. I wasn’t keen, but he’d let me use him for weeks, so I didn’t want to say no.

He did take it easy, but it hurt like hell, till I got used to having something up there and let him finish.

By the time he’d fucked me three or four times that summer, I was getting used to it, but thank goodness he preferred things the other way round because I’m not sure how my hole would have coped with being constantly pounded, like I was doing to him.

The summer came to an end and the job was over. Time to go back to reality and decide what I was going to do next.

Gordon was returning to the family farm in the far north of the country and told me he’d miss me. He also gave me a glowing reference and a farewell fuck on the last night

I was at home for a week, then took off for the city and enrolled in a journalism course. I hadn’t spent any wages during the summer, so had a deposit for a flat rental and took a job in a pub to keep the money coming in.

Since then I’ve mostly dated women, but occasionally I’ve hooked up with an attractive guy for a bit of variety.

Now I’m having this time with you, Ben which is better than anything I imagined, so thanks for letting me come on holiday with you.

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