Prison Bitch

A gay story: Prison Bitch Life was going good for Jim. He had a great job as a manager with a growing retail company. He had a great house and car. His wife was pregnant with their first child. They had money in the bank and everything was going great.

Then suddenly it ended. He was called in by upper management. Thousands of dollars had been embezzled from the company. Auditors said that Jim had stolen the money. Jim was asked to explain the loses but couldn’t so he as escorted to his desk with a box to clean it out. Then he was escorted from the building.

Jim was shocked at what had occurred and told his wife nothing when he got home leaving the small box hidden in his trunk. However with the money he had saved and his investments he knew things would alright until he could get things straightened out or find another job.

The next day things got worse. His wife had just left for work when two men in suits knocked on his door. He opened the door and the men introduced themselves as detectives with a warrant to arrest Jim for theft.

Surprised the men quickly grabbed Jim handcuffed him and hustled him into a car. Jim tried to explain his innocence but the men wouldn’t listen. Soon he found himself in sitting on a bench with others awaiting booking in the county jail.

The he started calling attorneys and soon found one willing to represent him. His attorney was optimistic he could get him a good deal but Jim protested and refused to plead guilty and insisted on going to trial. More charges were added and as the trial approached his lawyer became more insistent that Jim take a deal.

At trial many accountants and auditors testified Jim was accused now of stealing over a hundred thousand dollars using credit cards belonging to company and it’s customers. Despite his protests he was soon convicted.

At his sentencing the judge was harsh. Pointing to Jim’s education and the position he had held he gave Jim the maximum sentence. Six years in prison.

The deputies cuffed Jim and took him out the back door of the court room to the jail.

To soon he found himself riding in a van and arriving at the prison where he was unloaded onto a loading dock like so much merchandise being delivered. Two large men grey uniforms started barking orders pushing him through steal doors into another room where a short skinny black rather effeminate man in tight fitting green uniform that looked stood behind a counter.

Looking Jim up and down the man smiled coyishly at Jim. “Take everything off and place it on the counter.” one of the guards barked.

As Jim stripped the fem black man behind the counter worked setting a pile of items on the counter. Once he was naked the man put Jim’s things a large plastic bag leaving Jim’s bikini under short on the counter.

The guards examined Jim’s belongings and made him squat and spread his ass cheeks. Jim was humiliated but the black man behind the countered smiled sympathetically at him as he pushed a pile of items over to him.

The guards let him put his under wear back on and then a set of the green scrubs. Pulling on the uniform he found it very baggy and loose fitting. The fem black man whispered “You can get that fitted better once you get settled in. I think you will be very popular”.

The guards led him through a heavy metal mesh door and out into a hallway. The hallway was very wide with guards standing along the sides. Many large powerful men in green scrubs wandered the hallway some mopping or doing other chores, most had closely trimmed hair and tattoos. Compared to his slender frame they were powerful dangerous looking men.

He noticed the smaller men all had tight fitting uniforms and many seemed to have jewelry and piercings.

The guard led him into a large central area where several hallways met. There was a large glass window protected by heavy steal grating behind which he could see several guards typing on computers and working at various tasks. The guard escorting him went to the window a tray opened up the guard took a small paper out then turning to Jim motioned for him to follow.

Going through another steal gate the guard led him down a long hallway with steal gate doors on either side. Looking in Jim saw that it was cell blocks behind the gates. Eventually the guard stopped at a gate and hollered in.

Another guard came and opened the gate from the inside. “Get in.” the guard barked. Jim shuffled in and the gate slammed shut behind him.

“Put your bedding on the desk and wait till we get you a cell assigned.” this guard said in a bored tone.

Setting his pile of blankets and uniforms on the wooden desk just inside the gate. Jim started looking around. He saw a long wide room before him. At the far end a huge tv was mounted high on the wall. To high for anyone to reach without a ladder. Two walkways were above the main floor with steal doors running the length of the walkways. Many men stood in the doorways or leaned on the rails talking to others.

As he stood there gawking a short young man with blond hair and an older man with grey hair came up to him. Both had tight fitting uniforms and round circular ear rings. “Hello welcome to E block.” the older man said “Why don’t you come sit with us.”

The led them over to a table and Jim sat down with them. Both men talked softly Jim noticed they seemed rather effeminate. But they were friendly and Jim was scared.

“So I am Susie” the younger man said “And this is Charlie. Who are you? ”

“I am Jim.”

“Well you will certainly make lots of friends here with your build, thin guys like you get lots of attention.” Charlie said.

“You need to get comfortable you will be here awhile.” Charlie explained.

Looking around Jim saw the other men around were all large hard looking men much bigger then him. The men sat at tables that seemed racially divided. Black sat with blacks, whites with whites, Latinos with Latinos. There was one very thin white boy with red hair who sat at a table with several black men but other wise the tables were very segregated.

Jim noticed when the red head stood up that on the middle of his back just above his ass was a tattoo of a black spade with the letter Q in it. Jim thought that was a very strange tat and wondered what it mean.

After they had spent some time talking a guard with a white shirt came up to the table followed by huge red haired prisoner.

“Alright inmate your assigned to cell 315. This is your cell mate. get your stuff and get up there and set up. Red here will show you around and get you situated.” the guard ordered.

“Come on boy lets get you set up.” Red said in a friendly tone.

Jim picked up his bundle and followed Red up the stairs. As they got to the top of the stairs Red walked to cell in the center of the tier. Walking in Red stepped to the side and motioning to the bunk beds said “Your in the top bunk.”.

Jim set his bundle on the thin mattress. He sorted through the belongings setting the sheets and thin blanket on the mattress he turn to the two lockers on the opposite wall. One of the lockers hung open Jim saw it was empty and hung his other two uniforms inside. Looking through his bundle Jim found a small bottle of shampoo a green bar of soap, a tooth brush and generic tooth paste and one large white towel.

Red was laying on his bunk watching Jim get settled in. “If you can get some money put on your commissary account you can get shampoo and better soap. and maybe some snacks. Your allowed one free call when you arrive but you have 24 hours to use it. Go to the phone and if ya got someone to call ask them to send twenty five bucks to your commissary.”.

“Well I could call my wife.” Jim answered.

“Great lets go get her on the phone.” Red said with a broad grin. “But get your bed together first.”

Jim made up his bed then followed Red down to the day room. Susie and Charlie sat at their table with them now sat the red head with the tattoo on her back and a short thin black man and an Asian man whose age was hard to tell. All three of the new comers were very effeminate and had ear rings. Their eye brows were plucked and they looked almost like girls. All their uniforms were tailored and well fitting compared to what Jim had.

“Hey girls help him get his first phone call so he can get some money on his account for commissary.” Red instructed them.

“Oh sure Red.” Charlie said smiling happily up at Red.

After Red walked away Susie smiled at Jim “Looks like Red really likes you. Your in good hands he will take good care of you and no one will dare bother you now.”

“Come on lets get your phone call done you can only talk for 5 minutes so do you know the number?” Charlie led him over to the phone.

“Ok dial 9 first then when the operator comes on give your name and your prison number, that’s on your ID, tell them who you want to call and give them the number. When they connect you remember you only got 5 minutes and everything will be recorded so don’t say anything that can get you in trouble just say hi your here and you need money sent for commissary and I will give you the number they can use to send it.”

He was soon connected to his wife “Honey I got here and have got settled in but I need a few things.” Jim explained.

His wife sounded concerned “Oh Jim I’ve been working on things I looked over your bank accounts and after the court took the restitution there is still enough to cover to cover the mortgage and most the expenses and your friend Bob has offered to give me a job. Hopefully your appeal will go thru and you will be out soon.”

“Yes honey I so miss you but I need money to get somethings here ” Jim explained desperately Charlize whispered in his ear “I need you to send me fifty dollars call this number and put fifty on my account so I can get soap and what need.”

“Alright honey I will send that tonight.” she answered as the phone disconnected.

Hanging up the phone Jim walked back to the table with Charlie Jim saw the red head with tattoo sitting facing the Asian who was plucking his eye brows.

Jim sat down and the one calling herself Susie asked “So do you have some money coming?”

“Yes my wife is sending money.” Jim answered glumly.

As the five others sat chatting Jim thought about his phone call with his wife. He knew Bob had the hots for her and him stepping in offering her employment made him think he was making a move on her.

“So Jim tell us about yourself.?’ Susie asked.

“Well I was an area manager with Jackson stores and was charged with stealing over one hundred thousand dollars so here I am.” Jim explained.

“Oh you poor dear.” Charlie patted his shoulder.

“So This is Kim she is from Korea she does great work on your eyes. ” Charlie started pointing at the Asian “and this is Raz” she said pointing at the Red head with the tattoo “She only does black guys” Charlie whispered “And this is Gem she is great at fixing your hair.” Charlie pointed to the black guy.

“It is great to meet you all.” Jim smiled “I am Jim”

“We get your hair a bit longer and straighten it you could have a great goth look.” Gem said looking him over. “What do you think Kim?”

Looking over from Raz whose eyes she was applying eye liner to Kim said “yeah that would look hot. Remember that last Goth the white guys were all over that slut.”

“Oh yeah that hair” Gem said with a big smile. “It’s a bit butch now but with some work I can get it looking good and it will grow with time maybe with some treatments it can grow faster.”

Jim was confused by what they were saying but felt safe and comfortable with the group. So he continued sitting with them and talking accepting a bottle of water one of them offered to quench his thirst.

The afternoon passed quickly enough with Jim sitting and listening to them talk and learning about his new home. Soon other inmates started returning to the cell block. A very fat black man came in a Raz quickly jumped up from the table and walked over to the man with small steps snuggling up to the man who put an arms around Raz, patting his ass and led him over to another table.

An older tall thin black man came into the block and Gem stood up as he approached the man came up to Gem gave him a big hug both arms his going around Gem and squeezing his ass. Jim looked at the man and recognized him from the news as a major gang leader sent to prison a few years before for a number of crimes. Gem and the man walked off with Gem holding his arm as they went to the table now filling with blacks where Raz sat on the lap of the fat black man.

Red soon returned with two other men. Coming up behind Jim he placed his hand on his shoulder. “Did you get your call Jimmy?” Red asked in a concerned voice.

“Yes I did. Charliz was a big help. My wife will send money tonight”

“Excellent well let me go take a shower and get cleaned up before chow.” Red announced as a large man with a body builder body came up and sat next to Kim placing his hand on her leg.

Another older white man who Jim recognized as a Russian Mafia hitman sent away for several murders came in and stood behind Charliz “Get my stuff for a shower.” he ordered. Charliz jumped up and quickly walked to her cell.

A tall white guy with a beer gut came in and whispered to Susie go get our stuff for the shower.

Red returned and tossed a towel to Jim “Come on lets get in the shower you had a long day and the water is hot Its a good time to get a shower in.”

Jim followed him into the shower. As they got undressed and hung their clothes on the hooks Jim noticed clouds of steam coming from the shower room. Stepping in he saw a large common shower with water coming from several shower heads the hit man, the body builder, and the tall beer belly stood naked under the flowing water with naked Charlie, Kim and Susie rubbing soap over their bodies washing them down lovingly. Red stood under a shower head on the opposite wall. Jim starred at the scene before him. He was shocked at how big the cocks of the three men were and noticed the hairless bodies of Charliz, Kim and Susie. The three all looked so soft and feminine next to the large hard bodies of the men they were showering with.

He saw Charliz rubbing the cock of the Russian man as he grabbed her hair pulling her down pulling her down till she knelt on the floor and started sucking his cock. Looking over he saw Kim and Susie were also sucking the cocks of the men they were with.

Red surprised Jim by suddenly saying “Quit watching the show and get your funky ass cleaned up.”

Blushing Jim got under the shower head and let the water run over him. He glanced at Red and saw his huge erect cock and looking down saw how miniscule his own cock looked in comparison. He felt Red’s eyes looking over his body examining it and judging it. The thoughts frightened and excited him.

Jim had never thought of himself as gay but there was that time in high school he got a drunk at a party and stumbling home an older guy had stopped, offering him a ride. Jim got in the car and rode with the man stopped in the woods and asked how Jim was gonna pay for the ride as the man took his cock out. The man threatened to leave Jim in the woods if Jim didn’t suck his cock. Jim gave the man a blow job and the man drove him home dumping Jim drunk on the street in front of his house for his mother to find.

Then there was the time on spring break in Ft Lauderdale he got separated from his friends and wandered into a gay leather bar where a couple guys got him drunk and he found himself hanging naked in a sling in a back room. The two guys who had bought him beers fucking him.

Finishing his shower he quickly left and getting his towel dried off and pulled his clothes on and went back to his cell. In the shower room the Russian said to Red “Nice ass on that one. Good legs too. Teach her to give good blow jobs she will be a great wife.”

“I think your right” Red answered.

Jim thought about what he had seen in the shower. Clearly powerful men were protecting the weaker he thought. Which is how this world works.

Red soon returned from the shower and opening his locker pulled out a porn magazine Jim sat in a chair by the small window of the cell as Red took his cock out and started stroking it to the pictures.

“Best get used to seeing cock here and everybody needs some relief.” Red said with an evil smile.

Jim watched out of the corner of his eye as Red masturbated looking at the pictures. Red shot his cum on to a tissue which he tossed into the toilet.

“Well lets get ready for dinner. Come on.” Red said.

Jim followed him down the tier and they got in line behind Charliz and the Russian and in front of Susie and the tall guy and Kim and the body builder.

The guards soon came down and counted everyone then the gate was opened and walked to the dining hall with guards lining the hall watching them. Once in the dining room Jim followed Red to a table. Red sat down across from the Rad and the fat black man. Jim followed him joining him at the table.

“So this is the new one?” the black man asked pointing at Jim.

“Yeah not broken in yet.” Red chuckled.

“Ok our contact says we got another coming tomorrow they gonna steer that one to A block but the pics they showed us it’s a cutie 20 year old college student got caught with a bunch of dope.” the black man laughed “might be another queen of spades.”

Jim looked at the food on his tray and started mixing the brown rice in with stew and scooping it up the plastic spork. As he tasted the first bite he thought the food tasted a bit salty but not really that bad.

He lost track of the conversation Red was having until he finished the miniscule fruit cup. When he finished his tray he looked up and heard Red say “Tracy will be coming available next week she still got a lot of time left and no one has claimed her so we might start pimping her.”

“Yeah? Might have to arrange a new block assignment for her then.” the black man answered.

“Ok Jimmie why don’t you take our trays up and dump em then get ready to go back to the block.” Red said with a smile pushing his tray over to him.

“Sure Red.” Jim answered picking up the trays he stacked them and carried them up to the tray window.

As he walked across he blushed as men whistled at him and shouted out “shake that ass” “Oh your a cutie”. He found the taunts embarrassing but he was excited at getting the attention.

Getting back to the table Red said “We gonna have a little welcome party for ya when we get back to the block. Big Daddy here got us some stuff.”,

The four walked back to the cell block with Big Daddy’s hand on Raz’s ass as she clutched his arm. Jim thought they looked like a couple you would see on the street with Raz’s red hair flowing to her collar styled like a girl you might see in a nite club. Back at the cell block the guards sat at their desk reading magazines as the inmates gathered at tables playing cards, talking or watching TV.

“Alright well it’s time to welcome our new comer, Jimmie, to the new life that will be experienced for her.” Big Daddy announced happily “I have got a special drink for our welcome. Raz go get that bottle of Georgia Boy water we got for the celebration.”

Raz rushed off and soon returned carrying a bottle of water with a label showing a topless young boy walking down a dirt road with a fishing pole over his shoulder wearing tight shorts that showed off a cute bubble butt and the boy looking over his shoulder with a mischievous grin.

“This is the best water you will ever drink.” Raz smiled handing Jim the bottle.

Kim, Susie, Charliz, and Gem had gathered with their men as Raz passed the bottle to Jim. Raz started chanting “drink drink drink.” the others joined in as Jim opened the bottle and took a long drink.

The water was cool and sweet, tasting slightly like cherry. As the water slid down her throat she started gulping the water until the bottle was empty. She gasped breathing deeply after emptying the bottle.

Red patted Jim on the back whispering “Good boy.”

Jim felt proud of the accomplishment and pleased that Red was happy with him. Gem was looking at him speaking focusing on her Jim heard her say “straighten that black hair part it in the middle then work on the eyes she will be a sexy goth bitch. What you think Kim?”

“Oh yeah shape those brows a bit add some eye liner and mascara that black hair, blue eyes and pale skin will make her pop.”

Jim was confused by what they were saying but he felt Red’s arm around him and took comfort in that thinking Red was his protector. The conversation around him became a distant buzz as he leaned against Red.

“Time to get you to bed.” Red whispered lifting Jim up they started for the stairs. The others followed them up to the cell.

Jim felt Red’s hands on his ass and groaned happily when Red pinched his nipple through his shirt. Thoughts of Red’s huge cock flashed in his brain.

Getting to the cell Red leaned Jim against the bed and pulled Jim’s shirt and jeans off soon Red had him naked and sitting on the lower bunk. Jim opened his eyes and saw Red’s cock in front of his face.

“Touch it.” Red whispered.

Reaching up Jim stroked the massive cock running his hand up and down the thick shaft and watching it grow erect.

“Kiss it.” Red ordered.

Jim leaned forward and kissed the head of the cock in front of him.

“Good boy put it in your mouth suck it.” Red told him.

Jim felt unable to resist the command and opened his mouth taking the cock in. He resisted the urge to gag wanting to please Red. He sucked the massive cock deep into his mouth twirling his tongue along it as it entered his mouth.. The cock pulled back then pushed back in going a little deeper. Soon Red placed his hand on the back of Jim’s head fucking his cock in Jim’s face. Finally Red grabbed both sides of Jim’s head and shot his load in Jim’s mouth. Jim gulped to swallow the cum as Red eased his cock out.

“Your a good cock sucker.” Red smiled “Lets try to pussy out. ”

Pushing Jim back Red rolled him over and pulled his legs over the side of the bed leaving him hanging bent over the bed with his ass raised and exposed.

Red spread the ass with his fingers squirting some liquid soap on to Jim’s boy pussy. Pushing a finger into the hole he slowly pushed it deep in listening to Jim groan weakly as the finger went deeper in. Red slowly fucked the finger in and out of the hole. Red admired the tight hairless boy pussy he was finger fucking.

Jim felt the finger pushing into him and it hurt but as it entered deeper he groaned enjoying the feeling of being totally under Red’s control. Feeling the finger fucking deeper into him he surrendered to the pleasure and pain he was feeling. Soon he felt another finger pushing into him stretching his hole as he raised his ass up to the fingers.

“Oh this ain’t no virgin pussy.” Red said to the others who stood around the doorway watching.

Reaching up Red spread some liquid soap over his cock. Lining up against Jim’s boy pussy he guided his cock in.

Jim felt the thick cock enter him and moaned into the bed as he felt Red’s thick hands gripping his hips. The cock pushed deeper into him until he felt pubic hairs pressing against his ass.

Red started fucking his cock in and out entering deeper and deeper with each thrust. Jim soon was moaning in pain and pleasure loving the feeling of being fucked. Thinking this was his place. Soon he felt cum shooting deep in his ass. Slowly Red pulled his cock out. As the cum shot in him Jim felt is orgasm bursting from him.

“This is a tight pussy.” Red said softly “From now on you will be called Janet.”

“Yes” Janet whispered exhausted.

Red lifted Janet up onto the top bunk throwing the blanket over her.

“Your my bitch now. Tomorrow go see Gem and Kim they will fix you up.”

The next morning Janet woke up brushed her teeth and started to piss. Red sat up in his bed “What you doing bitch? You best squat to piss like the bitch you are,”

After getting prepared Janet followed Red down for the count. The guards completed the count they went to breakfast. In the dining room Janet sat next to Red. “See Kim and Gem after breakfast they will fix you up.”

They returned to the cell block Kim and Gem meet her in the day room. “Come on girl we gonna get you looking good.” Gem told her leading her to the shower room. Kim brought a chair in and Janet sat down in as Gem opened a small bag taking out a small set of scissors, several combs, and a large hair brushes. Gem started brushing Janet’s hair, trimming using spray bottles and hair spray to change the part to the center and straighten Janet’s hair. After several minutes Gem finished styling Janet’s hair. Stepping in front of her Kim started plucking Janet’s eye browns. She soon applied eye liner and mascara and shaped her eye lashes. When she finished she held a small mirror in front of Janet.

“Oh girl Red will so love your look now.” Kim laughed clapping her hands excitedly.

Looking in the mirror Gem held in front of her Janet saw an Emo looking slut starring back at her. Kim pulled a tube of black lip stick which she carefully applied to Janet’s lips.

Gem handed an electric razor to Janet saying “you need to get smooth. Lets get that hair off that bod.”

Janet stripped and started shaving. The light body hair presented was soon gone and Gem guided her into the shower room and started washing his skin. Gem and Kim helped pointing out flaws to correct. Soon Janet’s body was soft and smooth looking very feminine.

After the make over was finished they returned to the day room. Soon Red returned and seeing Janet came up to her putting his hands on her shoulders examined her face.

“What a sweet sexy looking bitch.” Red said with a big smile “You will become a top notch cock sucker.”

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