
A gay story: Saturnalia The Greek domestic slaves, Demonethes the scriba and Ganethes the curator were charged by their master Agricollus Antonius to organise the food and entertainment for the celebration of the annual Feast of Saturnalia.

Whilst affecting to despise these revels, which both their inferiors and betters enjoyed, they non-the-less diligently discharged their duty. Ganethes knowing of his comrade’s sexual inclinations issued a challenge and a wager made.

Demonethes the scriba, had dressed in the finery of a Roman nobleman. The mid-winter cold bit into his bones, he wished the island of Vectis was surrounded by the warm blue waters of the Mediterranean, instead of the cold grey/green waves of Oceanus Britannicus. He shivered in the thin Toga, which was not his customary garb. He watched Agricollus Brigantus, his master’s younger brother dancing with one of the domestic women. A low sluttish baggage in the scribe’s jaundiced opinion.

Saturnalia Secundus was the second day of licence, of role reversal, when masters became servants and slaves assumed the garb and mannerisms of their masters. These were the unique days when conventional barriers were breached. The days when the master waited upon his slaves. A festival when it was permissible for servants to initiate sexual relationships with their masters.

Demonethes waited until Brigantus had finished dancing, as he had expected Brigantus slipped away alone, melting into the shadows that fringed the torch lit area where people danced.

Now my fine young friend I shall discover the nature of your inclinations.

To Demonethes who was used to moving through the shadows, the darkness posed little problem. He found Brigantus standing on a small terrace. “Not dancing Brigantus?”

“I was but the exercise has tired me. I came out for some fresh air.”

“I had expected you to be taking the air with some maid or other. Surely tonight you have had offers.”

“I find their ways to be unrefined and coarse.”

“You must bear in mind these women are slaves.”

“I find the ladies also to be somewhat predatory when one cuts through their refined manners.”

Steady Demonethes, do not rush – play the wise old tutor.

“You could try Martial’s remedy.” Demonethes said. Brigantus looked blankly at the older man. “Oh Brigantus do you forget all your education? Try and recall.

“For a whole night, I had a wanton mistress: – Her lewd inventions were beyond compare. – Exhausted, then, I asked for something boyish, – She gave it to me before I’d said my say.”

“Demonethes, do you really think that simply by enjoying a woman’s mouth or ass, it would be possible to forget she was a woman?”

Easy now play the part of the wise tutor, a friendly ear.

“That would depend on the individual, Martial’s poem implies he could. It would be difficult to see how a woman could satisfy some men’s desires.” Demonethes knew that even during Saturnalia if his proposition was inappropriate it would earn him a beating, or worse.

He moved closer to Brigantus. He stood close behind him, his arm lightly upon his shoulder.

As I expected he does not pull away.

“If dear boy you are inclined to fully enjoy a man then it would not be enough.” Emboldened by Brigantus’s lack of reaction he moved closer pressing himself against the younger man’s back. He knew it was impossible for Brigantus to be unaware of the hard cock that pressed against his buttocks.

He responds to my touch!

The young man was pushing his ass back towards him. He wrapped his arms around Brigantus’s hips and lifted the front of the rough slave’s tunic he wore. “My young master has a cock like the trunk of a young sapling, truly he has matured into a fine example of manhood.” Demonethes purred, as he rubbed his hand over the younger man’s erect cock.

In reciprocation Brigantus moved his hips, his mobile buttocks dry fucking the scribe’s rampant cock. “Please Demonethes don’t torment me, delay no longer take me now.”


“Do not be so impatient not here where we risk being discovered. Come with me to my quarters.”

*******************************The circuitous route Demonethes took to get to his quarters, was not the one Brigantus had ever taken. Lamp in one hand, with the other he clasped the younger man’s hand. Demonethes led Brigantus through parts of the villa of which he had no knowledge. When the young man had begun to question his guide, the old man had put a finger to his lips, “Shhhhhhush we cannot afford to be discovered.”

The scribe’s chamber although small served a dual purpose, sparsely furnished with a bed, a chair and a table upon which were the tools of his trade; writing implements and blank tablets. The walls were decorated with some competently executed murals.

No sooner had the scribe turned after sliding the bolt of the door, than Brigantus undid the acus that secured the old man’s toga. Unfastened the voluminous garment fell open Brigantus sank to his knees.

Taking Demonethes’s erect cock in his hand, he ran the fingers of his hand along it. Brigantus examined the cock as if he had never seen one before. The surface was criss-crossed by a network of raised blue lines. Slowly he rolled the foreskin back to reveal the shiny head, the tip was already adorned by a pearl of precum.

Brigantus was aware that the old man’s breathing had got heavier.

Demonethes groaned as the young man’s tongue made a fluttering contact with his cock, as he licked the glistening bead away. Then his cock was in a warm moist place. A tingling ran down his spine. His stomach muscles tightened and knotted. His heavy testes churned as the spunk boiled.

Instinctively Brigantus cupped the old man’s heavy balls in his hand. Raising his head he released the old man’s cock, bringing his lips into contact with the shaft he began to hum.

Demonethes was in ecstasy as Brigantus’s vibrating lips moved along the length of his cock, his breath gently wafting the heat away. He could feel the boiling spunk bubbling from his balls and beginning to siphon along his twitching cock. He grasped the younger man’s hair pulling him away. His iron hard cock parted Brigantus’s lips, forcing his way into his warm mouth.

Holding the young man’s head he forced his cock deep into his mouth. Demonethes driven by his desire, ignored the gagging sounds Brigantus made as he fucked the young man’s mouth – driving his cock deeper with every stroke.

His balls were pumping, sperm forced its way along his cock. As the first jets erupted he pulled Brigantus’s head away from his cock. Hot gobbets of creamy spunk hit the young man’s face splashing off his nose, spattering onto his cheeks, temporarily blinding him as gummy droplets stuck together his closed eyes.

Brigantus stuck out his tongue funnelling the spunk that was dripping from the end of his nose into his mouth. The old man handed him a towel. He rubbed Demonethes cum from his face and eyes.

Demonethes pulled him to his feet. “Sit with me on the bed.”

Brigantus did not balk at being ordered by a slave. Seated on the bed Demonethes was gentle when he took hold of the younger man’s smooth cheeks and placed his lips upon the other man’s lips. The kiss, long and lingering aroused Brigantus’s as yet unsated desire. His young firm prick raised the fabric of his tunica like a tent-pole.

Don’t hurry him Demonethes play him like a fish on a line, softly and gently and you shall become his master.

Demonethes laid his hand on the young man’s rampant cock. “Patience Brigantus my dear boy. You do not mind me calling you dear boy when we are alone?”

“Faithful Demonethes you have always been dear to me. As a child at your knee I learnt my letters. As a youth you taught me about poetry and the arts. When I got my Toga it was you who instructed me in the finer points of logic, philosophy and debating. It is only right that it should be you who teaches me the finer points of Amors.”

Gently Demonethes played with the other man’s firm prick, taking care not to arouse him to the point of ejaculation, he wanted to prolong the young man’s passion until it suited him to release Brigantus. He guided the young man’s hand to his own still limp cock. Brigantus began to rub it. Demonethes guided the younger man’s head towards his groin. Obediently Brigantus took the head semi erect cock into his mouth teasing the sensitive glans with his mobile tongue.

The dear boy he has learned quicker than I had expected, he’s got a natural inclination that I shall be using to the maximum.

Demonethes eased the tunica up Brigantus’s back. The younger man squirmed as the old man trailed his fingers down his spine into the deep cleft. Locating his tightly puckered anus the old man began to massage it with a finger moving in a practiced circular motion. Under this gentle caress the young man’s sphincter muscle began to relax.

The older man did not hurry, he maintained a lazy massage waiting until the blood pounded through his hard cock. He reached over to the table for the small flask. With practised ease he one-handedly removed the stopper from the flask. The younger man tensed momentarily as the cold olive oil trickled between his buttocks.

The older man pushed a lubricated finger into the young man’s anus. He promptly followed the first finger with a second finger, and began working them up and down finger fucking the younger man. He could feel Brigantus’s cock getting harder as he stimulated his prostate.

Now is the time to make this little chicken my bitch.

Wanting to look Brigantus in the eye, and wanting Brigantus to look at him as he was being fucked by him, Demonethes did not lay Brigantus face down on the bed. He laid the younger man on his back, and pushed his legs up and over until his toes touched the bed beside his head. He placed the head of his cock against Brigantus’s partially open, oiled anus. With a gentle push the cock-head was embedded inside him.

Brigantus gasped as with a prickling sensation Demonethes’s cock entered him. The pain passed and soon the discomfort gave way to pleasure as the older man drove his cock in further and further. “There now dear boy you are my little hetairi aren’t you.”

“Go on say it. Tell me.” Knowing that Brigantus was on the brink of cumming Demonethes stopped. “If you want me to make you cum say the words Brigantus, say I am A little fuck slut! Demonethes’s hetairi!”

“I … I am Demonethes’s hetairi.”

When he heard the words Demonethes began to pound his reinvigorated cock into Brigantus’s ass. Spunk fountained from the younger man’s cock splashing onto his face and neck. Still Demonethes, intoxicated by the power he had achieved over his master’s brother kept fucking the young man.

Never ever shall I let him forget, he will always remember who is the master.

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