Shuttle Driver Explodes… Again

A gay story: Shuttle Driver Explodes… Again Once I dropped off the shuttle and got to my car I just sat there in the parking lot with the events of the night running through my head. I couldn’t believe that really happened. I was stunned. My body was a bundle of nerves.

The next thing I knew I was sitting in my driveway. I couldn’t remember the drive home at all. What a night. I got out of my car and walked inside my house and up the stairs to my bedroom. I definitely needed a hot shower to help calm my nerves.

Pulling out my wallet and keys to lay them on the dresser, his business card fell out on the floor. I picked it up and read the card for the first time.

James Asten


Well, he definitely sold me.

I removed my shirt and then my pants. When I took off my underwear I noticed the large stain on the front. That brought the entire night flooding back. How he seduced me. How nervous I was when he undressed me. The first feelings of his mouth on my cock…

Stop!!! I silently screamed in my head, trying hard to think of anything else. But… my brain was a tangled web of erotic thoughts… extremely pleasurable erotic thoughts… about another man.

I walked into the bathroom and turned on the faucet to let the water get hot. Opening the closet door I removed a clean towel and washcloth. After hanging the washcloth on the hook in the shower and placing the towel on the sink I looked up and caught my reflection in the mirror. I just stood there, frozen, staring at the person reflecting back at me.

Who is this person? I thought.

I stepped into the shower and turned on the shower head. Turning my back to the steaming water, I tilted my head back to allow the hot water to cascade over me. It felt fantastic and immediately I began to relax. My mind started to wander back to the blowjob I had received and how it ended with the most incredible orgasm I have ever felt. I’ve never once been attracted to a man but if I’m being honest with myself it was the most erotic experience of my life. I turned to get the front of me wet and when I did something brushed against my wrist. When I looked down I saw that my cock had become hard without me even touching it.

Wrapping my fingers around my swollen cock, I slowly stroked up and down remembering how he touched me. I leaned against the wall of the shower to brace myself and closed my eyes. Images of his mouth on my cock flooded my brain. I began to stroke faster, increasing my grip.

My usual method was to jerk off with the sole intent of cumming as fast as possible, but not this time. This time I wanted the images in my head to last as well as making my orgasm build.

I slowed my pace and caressed my cock and balls. With my other hand I reached up and began to roll my nipples between my fingers. This was a first for me and I was surprised at how good it felt. I released my cock and poured a small amount of body wash in my hand. Again I wrapped my fingers around the thickness of my swollen dick and used the soap as a lubricant, also, increasing the sensitivity I was feeling. My hand now slid across my cock in a smooth fluid motion.

The soap began to run down my cock and over my balls following the trail down between my ass cheeks. While I continued to stroke with my right hand I moved my left hand down to caress my balls. As I did my fingers brushed across my asshole and sent a shiver through my spine. Without even thinking I used the suds to lube my hole and slowly slid my finger into my asshole. It felt tight and a little uncomfortable. I pulled my finger out and added more liquid soap to my hand. I rubbed the soap around my ass and started softly rubbing my finger over my puckered anus. It felt really good and I again inserted my finger. It was easier this time and I began to pump my finger in and out while stroking my rock hard cock. New feelings came over me. Awakening the nerve endings in my ass, it started to feel amazing.

I began to softly moan as the combined pleasure between my dick and my ass intensified. Incredible new feelings flowed through my body. I increased the speed on my cock and buried my finger as deep as it would go putting pressure on my prostate. The pressure in my balls began to build and I shot a huge load of pearly white cum across the shower, splattering the shower curtain. Spurt after spurt exploding from the tip of my swollen dick. I watched in fascination as the thick cum slowly ran down the black shower curtain.

Catching my breath, I removed my finger from my throbbing asshole and looked down at my other hand covered in cum. Curiosity got the best of me and I slowly moved my hand to my mouth and using just the tip of my tongue I licked up just a tiny bit of the white creamy substance. It was slightly bitter but also had a tangy sweetness. I expected it to be horrible but it wasn’t bad at all. Between the exotic flavor and the taboo of the act itself I was incredibly turned on and knew I wanted more. I began to lap at my fingers until I’d eaten every last drop of my delicious cum. I had crossed a line that I don’t think I can ever uncross.

I finished my shower and turned off the water. Grabbing the towel I dried off and headed for my bedroom. I usually sleep in shorts and a T-shirt but tonight I decided to sleep nude. I was still turned on and my cock seemed to be in a perpetual state of arousal. Standing in front of my dresser naked, I twisted in front of the mirror to look at my ass. Reaching back with both hands I began to caress my cheeks. I bent over and spread them, looking at my tight little asshole. It made me feel sexy in a submissive way. Something I have never felt in my life.

Girls have always told me I have a nice ass. It’s very plump. I’m 5’10 and 200lbs but not really muscled. I have a little meat on my bones from sitting on my ass in a shuttle every night. Not really the exercising type but not overly fat either.

I gave my ass a slap, hard enough to leave a red handprint and picked up his business card. Climbing into bed I grabbed my phone from the night stand and opened the texts. Entering his cell number I kept the body of the text simple.

I enjoyed tonight. I want to do it again. What time tomorrow?

I fell asleep before he responded so when I woke up the next morning it wasn’t on my mind at all. Grabbing my phone when I first wake up is a bad habit I’ve gotten into and when I opened it up I saw I had a text from an unknown number. It read…

I enjoyed myself as well.

Next time will be even better.


Room 403

I dropped the phone in my lap and sat straight up in bed. Panic shot through my body.

What have I done???

I can’t do this.

I’m not gay.

What if someone sees me?

Then I remembered how good his mouth felt on my cock. How excited I still was when I got home. How hard I came in the shower thinking about it. What could it hurt? He doesn’t live here so I wouldn’t ever see him again. He doesn’t know anyone I know. It’s just a blowjob. I would just have to be careful going through the hotel to his room. I was friendly with quite a few of the workers at that hotel.

Then I remembered I was on the schedule tonight. I couldn’t go. I had to work. How could I tell him I changed my mind? My mind was playing a tug-of-war with itself. Back and forth. Logic that I’m not gay fighting with my primal side that just wanted to repeat the pleasure that I felt the night before. When I pulled back the covers my cock was standing at attention. Rock hard and extremely swollen. My balls aching for release. My primal side has won.

I texted a coworker that owed me a favor and talked him into covering my shift. I then texted my manager and told him the same. He didn’t care as long as someone was there to cover. Now I had the entire day to stress over what I was about to do…


I got up and made a bowl of cereal and followed my usual routine the same as if I was going to work that night. Watching television, playing video games, having lunch. Before I knew it, it was 6pm. Again I started stressing.

What would I wear?

I need to shave… should I trim down there?

Should I wear cologne?

I felt like I was getting ready for a date. This was crazy. But every time I thought about backing out my dick swelled and my heart pounded and excitement coursed through my body. A reminder of how much I really wanted his mouth on my cock again. It might have been different if I had a steady girl to satisfy my needs but that wasn’t the case. Hell, even when I have, I’ve never gotten head with such enthusiasm and expertise. Dammit. It’s settled. No more back and forth. I’m going.

I headed upstairs and went to my closet. Deciding that I didn’t want to be too fancy in case someone I knew saw me and started asking questions. I grabbed my favorite jeans (that fit just right and showed off my ass) and a polo shirt that was more casual than dressy. Opening my top drawer, I picked out my “good” underwear. Boxer briefs that were just a little tight and had a pouch in the front that held me in place and made my package stand out in my jeans. Grabbing a pair of dark socks and my casual/dress shoes I laid everything out on my bed and headed for the bathroom to get ready.

Like I normally do, I first shaved my face. Once I finished shaving I grabbed my clippers and began to trim the hair in my pubic region. Leaving peach fuzz above my cock and then shaving the base of my cock and balls as close as possible. As I was lifting my balls to get underneath I began to go lower and lower. Not something I normally do but something inside told me I didn’t want a hairy asshole. (luckily I’m not a normally hairy person so I don’t have thick hair on my back or ass like some guys) I removed the hanging mirror that I keep in the shower and laid it on the floor and squatted over top to where I could see the reflection of my ass. I removed all hair that I could see and then looked at the result. It was smooth as it’s ever been. Time for my shower.

The water was hot and steamy. It helped me relax after I’d been stressed all day. I washed and conditioned my hair and then started washing my body. As I washed my cock and balls I began to get hard. My cock was aching for release but I was intent on saving it for him. Next I began to wash my ass. Just like last night I added additional soap and rubbed it around my hole and then slid in my finger. It went in easily this time and it wasn’t uncomfortable at all. It felt good but I wasn’t here to play. I was intent on being clean everywhere.

Finishing up my shower I got out and dried off. I put on deodorant and brushed my teeth. Then I headed to my bedroom and got dressed. I decided on wearing cologne but just a dab on each side of my neck, under my ears. I chose Obsession for Men. It has citrus tones but also a slight floral lavender and warm, spicy nuances of cinnamon and coriander. Honestly it could be unisex but I’ve been wearing it since high school and have gotten quite a few compliments.

I was finally ready to go to the hotel. I grabbed my keys and wallet with shaky hands and headed out the door. My heart was pounding. It was 7pm but the hotel was only about 30 minutes from my house so that left me time to park and sneak into the hotel.

When I pulled up to the hotel I drove around back and parked in the far corner. Looking around I didn’t see any of the hotel workers I had spoken to in the past so I got out and headed inside. The back door had two hallways. One leading to the lobby and one that led directly to the elevators and stairway. I decided to use the stairs since I figured most workers would use the elevator. I was already a little sweaty from nerves but the four floor climb had me breathing heavy and sweating even more. Each floor has a public bathroom right next to the stairwell so when I reached the fourth floor I slipped inside and splashed cold water on my face. I stared in the mirror and began to question myself again.

What am I doing here?

I still have time to leave.

You know you want this.

Just go for it. What have you got to lose?

I felt like I was going crazy. One part of me wanted to run away as fast as possible. Another part of me really wanted this. That primal part of me wasn’t going to give in to my other half. I dried my face and tossed the paper towel in the trash can. Pulling out my phone to check the time I noticed a text message from him…

I’m really looking forward to this. Can’t wait. I’m going to make you feel so good.

It was 7:55pm. To late to turn back now. Heading down the hall I kept my head down to avoid looking at the cameras and followed the room numbers on the wall next to each door. Room 403 was at the other end of the hallway and when I got there I froze. I couldn’t force myself to knock. Just as I was trying to build up the courage the door swung open.

There stood James in a black silk jacquard robe with small square patterns sewn into the fabric. It came down to his knees and was tied at the waist with a black belt made from the same material. He was holding a glass of wine in his left hand and holding the door open with his right. He had that same huge smile on his face that he had when we first met at the airport.

“Hi Michael. It’s great to see you again. Come on inside.”

As he said this he stepped to the side of the doorway and motioned with his eyes to enter. My knees immediately got weak and I felt like my legs would give out at any minute.

“ummmm hi”, I said as I lowered my eyes and shuffled past him into the room. I had never been inside the rooms at this hotel. The farthest I had ever been was the lobby to help carry luggage. Looking around I noticed it was very nice. It had a large king size bed, fluffed up with thick pristine white pillows and a white down quilt. At the foot of the bed was a gray leather bench seat. Against the wall directly across from the bed was a large four drawer dresser with a 55″ flat screen tv mounted along the back edge. On each side of the bed were night stand tables with a lamp on each. Next to the dresser was a desk and chair with what I’m assuming was his laptop. He had the curtains pulled open showing a beautiful twinkling skyline of downtown Rochester. In front of the window sat two comfortable looking chairs with a lamp in-between.

Not knowing what to say I mumbled “this is really nice.”

“Yeah, it’s not bad at all”, he said. “Like I said, my company takes care of me.”

I stood frozen in the middle of the room. He gestured for me to have a seat in front of the window. As I took a seat I noticed him adjusting himself. I saw that the bulge under his robe filled up his hand and my eyes grew wide. He saw me looking and smiled that same mischievous grin that he wore last night right before he pulled out my cock.

“Would you like a glass of wine, it’ll help you relax?”

Before I could even respond he walked towards the front of the room and pulled open a curtain revealing a wide sink with a mini fridge underneath. Opening the fridge he pulled out a bottle of wine. On top of the sink sat another wine glass. As he started to pour the wine he began talking to me.

“I was really excited to get your text last night. I really enjoyed myself on our trip from the airport.” Giving me a knowing look that told me he knew for sure that I did as well.

“Although, I wasn’t sure you would actually show up until I saw you through the peep hole. By the way, sorry about that.” He said, while laughing. “It looked like I startled you when I opened the door before you actually knocked. That was just me showing my impatience. ”

He finished pouring the wine, filling my glass almost to the top. Much fuller than his appeared to be. Handing the wine glass to me, he turned and sat in the seat opposite me. When I took the glass from him I noticed it wasn’t an actual wine glass at all. It was plastic and not particularly thick or well made. He must have noticed my reaction because he started laughing and said…

“Yeah, unfortunately the hotel doesn’t offer alcohol for room service so the guy at the liquor store gave me these when I bought the bottle.”

That made me laugh and it helped to lighten the mood. We sat in front of the window, admiring the view and just chatted about nothing in particular. I’m not much of a drinker and by my third glass of wine I was really feeling the effects. The stress I was feeling when I first got there was gone and my inhibitions were gone as well. When the conversation slowed, without even thinking, I blurted out…

“I would love for you to suck my dick again”

His devious grin returned and he said, “well that was straight and to the point.” And he laughed at my sudden embarrassment.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. That was rude.” I said.

Showing the understanding and comfort that helped me trust him last night he said, “no, not at all. I like a man that knows what he wants. But, since we have some actual privacy tonight why don’t we take our time and enjoy EACH OTHER.”

The words “enjoy EACH OTHER” really got my attention. My mind went in a hundred different directions, wondering what he meant. Did he expect me to suck him? Was he expecting me to touch him the way he had touched me? The more I thought about all the possibilities the more curious I became. Did I want to try that? I wonder how it would feel to touch another man’s dick. How it would feel and taste to have a cock in my mouth. Or if I would know at all how to suck him to completion. I mean, I know what I like. Are all guys the same? Oh God, what if he came in my mouth? Would I throw up? Would I actually swallow? How would it taste? Would it taste the same as mine? My mind was racing. I came here to get a blowjob. I wasn’t expecting anything more. But, my body must have known because these thoughts were turning me on. I was so hard that my cock was straining against my jeans. My heart began pounding in my chest and I looked away from him so he couldn’t see the panic in my eyes. Although in all honesty, I turned so that he wouldn’t see the lust in my eyes.

My mouth went dry and my words came out low and raspy. “That sounds good.” I said.

With that he leaned in and touching my arm at the elbow, he guided the wine glass I held up to my mouth. “You sound like you need a drink.” He said.

I wasn’t sure if he was trying to get me drunk or if he just wanted my throat lubricated for what ever plans he had for the night. Either way there was no turning back now. I downed what was left in the glass and asked for a refill. The huge smile on his face told me he was pleased at my response.

I finished what was my fourth glass of wine and sat the empty glass on the table. I was feeling pretty buzzed and that was making me pliant to his suggestions. He motioned for me to stand up and guided me towards the bed. I wasn’t really sure I wanted to get into bed with another man so instead of climbing on the bed I sat on the bench seat at the foot of the bed. He knelt down in front of me and removed my shoes and socks. Once that was done he looked up at me with desire in his eyes and reached for my belt buckle and undid my belt and zipper. A shiver ran through my body. He took hold of the waistline of my jeans and just the same as last night I instinctively raised my ass from the seat so that he could pull them down. But unlike last night, he didn’t stop when he had them down to my knees, instead he continued and pulled them completely off and tossed them on the bench next to me.

Turning his attention back my way he placed his hands on the inside of my knees and spread my legs apart. His next move made me gasp and I could feel precum gush from my cock. Gently he ran his fingers up the inside of my thighs. Dragging his nails across my skin causing goosebumps to appear, until he reached my crotch. With his right hand he cupped my bulge and used his thumb to caress and massage me. At the same time he began planting little kisses along the inside of my right thigh until he reached my underwear. Removing his hand he began nibbling at my cock and balls through the fabric. This was new for me and felt incredible. I let out a tiny moan and this only encouraged him to get a bit more aggressive with his teeth, taking the head of my cock in his mouth, and scraping his teeth through the fabric. He was teasing me and it was working. I was more aroused than ever. My cock began to grow and tent through the thin fabric.

With that he pulled his mouth away and raised himself up on his knees. Reaching up he slid his hands under my shirt from the bottom. He lifted my shirt up and over my head while caressing my skin with his strong hands and tossed it aside. This left me wearing only my underwear. They didn’t last long either. He took my left nipple in his mouth and I moaned at the pleasure coursing through my body. He licked and sucked and nibbled on my hardening nipples. Going back and forth from one to the other. At the same time he easily slid off my underwear. I was now completely naked and at his mercy.

Still sucking on my nipples, he took my rock hard cock in his hand and squeezed at the base and pulled up to the head until precum oozed from the slit. He collected my cum and slid his cum covered finger in my mouth. Immediately I began to suck on his finger and roll my tongue around, devouring the sweet nectar he was feeding me. I had lost all semblance of who I thought I was. I was lost in lust and the thought of pleasing and being pleased by this man. I would deny him nothing. Something I soon found out.

Sliding down between my legs he enveloped my cock with his mouth. The warmth and wetness almost made me cum instantly but I was able to hold off. I wanted this to last for as long as possible. With his lips at the base of my cock, I could feel his tongue rolling around the head. This was ecstasy. He began slowly sliding his mouth up and down my cock, still using his tongue to increase the sensation, my body began to tremble. I was consumed by the pleasure I was receiving. I forgot all about my inhibitions of being with a man. I wanted this. I wanted him. Just when I thought I couldn’t hold off any longer he stopped and pulled his mouth away from my cock. I let out a whimper and he smirked and stood up in front of me.

As he stared into my eyes he started to undo the belt that was holding his robe together. Slowly he untied the loose knot and let the two ends fall from his hands. One side of the robe was tucked into the other. He slowly pulled them open, shrugging his shoulders to allow the smooth fabric to slide down his body. It crumpled on the floor at his feet. Now, he too was fully nude. As he glanced down, my eyes followed his until I was eye level with his swollen cock. His 6 inch dick was shorter than mine but just as thick. There were bulging veins along the shaft and the head was narrow with just the slightest mushroom head.

He reached out, grabbing my right arm by the wrist. I stiffened for a fraction of a second but then relaxed my muscles and let him guide me to his desire. Bringing my hand to his cock I instinctively brushed my fingers along the shaft before wrapping my fingers around his thickness. Ever so slowly I began to stroke his cock. It was strange holding a dick that was not mine. Even though all cocks are generally the same anatomically it felt foreign in my hand. Even the way I stroked him felt awkward. A hint of embarrassment washed over me. He has made me feel so good. I wanted to do the same for him. Just then I heard him say “mmmmmm, that feels really good”. I guess I was doing ok after all. I lost myself in what I was doing.

I was shaken from my trance when I heard him say…

“Would you like to suck me? I think you just may find you enjoy it. I know I would.”

A mixture of panic and lust crashed over me. Before he even brought it up, the thought had crossed my mind. Hell, the minute I saw his beautiful cock I imagined what it would feel like in my mouth. Slowly I leaned forward. I noticed a clear, viscous liquid pooling at the tip of his dick. I stuck out my tongue and licked up the precum. It was more sweet than salty and the texture was smooth and slippery on my tongue. I rolled my tongue around the head of his cock mimicking what I enjoy. Then, holding his dick up against his stomach I ran the flat of my tongue along the underside of the shaft from his balls to the tip. Opening my lips I wrapped them around the head of his cock and sucked, using the tip of my tongue to probe the slit for more of that delicious creamy cum.

He was right. I was enjoying the feel of a hard cock in my mouth. The taste. The texture. His reaction. It was all an aphrodisiac. I was experiencing an extremely lustful high. With that I again let go of my inhibitions and I slowly pushed my lips further down his length. I wanted to take all of him in my mouth. I was determined to please him. And by the noises he was making I was doing just that. This went on for awhile. How long exactly I have no idea. I was lost in the act. Making love to his swollen cock with my mouth. His moans a symphony of affirmation.

At that moment I felt his cock twitch and swell in my mouth. I knew what that meant. He was about to cum in my mouth. Again I started to panic. Could I handle it? Would I gag? Worst yet, would I throw up? The one thing I did know for sure was that I wanted to try. I wanted to taste him. Pleasure him. Finish him. But apparently he had something else planned. Just as I was waiting for him to explode down my throat, he pulled his cock from my mouth. Both of us breathing heavy with lust. Again, I let out a whimper. Looking down at me he smiled and said “Not yet. I want this night to last awhile longer. Why don’t we move up to the bed where it’s more comfortable?”

I let my eyes fall to the floor, giving away the sense of disappointment I was feeling. I’m not sure why because I’ve never had a single thought about blowing another man, let alone allowing him to cum in my mouth, but I was craving his cum. I wanted him to use my mouth for his pleasure. To reward my effort with part of him. But apparently that was not to be. At least not right now. Maybe he would let me try again later.

He took a step back and I stood and turned, crawling up across the bench onto the foot of the bed on my hands and knees. All of a sudden I felt his hands on my ass and I froze and my back stiffened.

“mmmmmm you have a nice ass.” he said. And he began to caress both cheeks, one hand on each. It felt really good. He’d rub and then squeeze. Caressing and kneading my flesh. He would grab a handful of each ass cheek and spread them apart. Occasionally he would allow the thumb on his left hand to gently brush across my puckered asshole. As light as a feather. Just barely making contact. It felt incredible. The nerves in that area were awakened and sensitive. I let out a soft moan.

Out of nowhere his palm crashed down on my right cheek. The smacking sound echoed through the room. I yelped and sprang forward in surprise. He laughed out loud and said “move up to the head of the bed and lay on your back”. I did as he instructed and pulled a soft, white pillow under my head. Without thinking I spread my legs. My rock hard 7 inch cock sprang up and slapped my stomach.

He followed behind me onto the bed, crawling between my legs. I could feel his hot breath on my cock. He leaned down and began planting little kisses on the insides of my thighs, making a warm wet trail up to my balls. I began to tremble as he licked and kissed up the length of my cock. His hands caressed my stomach and chest. Occasionally tweaking my nipples. Each time he did I let out a small moan or whimper. I was putty in his hands and he knew it. He had yet to take my cock into his mouth. He just teased it with kisses and licks and the anticipation was keeping me in a heightened state of arousal. Finally he sucked the head of my cock into his mouth. Swirling his tongue. He began bobbing up and down. But it only lasted for a few minutes before he stopped and pulled his mouth off. His teasing was driving me crazy and at this point there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for him.

Reaching underneath he lifted my legs until my knees were up to my chest. Using only his tongue he made a trail down the underside of my cock before lapping at my balls. It felt amazing but he didn’t stop there. Moving down to my taint and then to my asshole where he began to lick and kiss and suck. I had never felt anything like it. My hands automatically gripped the sheets and I began to moan. My cock was throbbing and it wasn’t even being touched. This man made me feel things I never knew possible.

Telling me to hold my legs up I reached under my knees and pulled them up higher. In this position my ass was spread and exposed but I didn’t care. What he did next was exquisite and my only thought was continuing the pleasure. He buried his tongue in my asshole and he started fucking me with it. Just the tip at first but then it felt like his entire tongue was in my ass, darting in and out. I could feel the precum flooding onto my chest. When he pulled away I again began to whimper. I wanted more. I needed more. I begged him not to stop but he just smiled and let a long string of saliva leave his mouth and land directly on my opened asshole.

With his left hand he reached up and began stroking my cock and with his right index finger he smeared the saliva around my hole until it was completely coated. Then he sent me into overdrive. Sliding his finger ever so slowly into my wanting asshole he began to make small circles inside. This was stretching me open and made it much easier when he began pumping his finger in and out.

“OH MY GOD”, I moaned loudly. “Please don’t stop. That feels sooooo good.”

As he continued to stroke my cock and finger my ass, my hips lifted from the bed. I wanted more. I needed more. I began to hump in unison with his fingering. Faster and harder. I never knew how good this could feel.

“YES, OH GOD, YES.” I screamed. “I’m going to cum.”

With those words he immediately stopped everything he was doing. My eyes grew wide. I was in shock. Why did he stop. Noooo he can’t. I began to beg and whimper and plead.

“Please keep going. I need you to keep going. Please, I’m begging you. I’ll do ANYTHING.”

Those were the words he was waiting for. A devilish grin spread across his face.

“Anything?” he asked.

“yes… yes, anything you want. Just keep fucking me. I was so close to cumming.” I was at his mercy.

“Ok.” he said. “roll over on your stomach with your ass in the air.”

I didn’t hesitate. I did exactly what he asked. I was in the position I regularly used with the girls I’d fucked. Ass up, face down. Anything to continue what he was making me feel.

I watched him get off the bed and walk to his bags. He reached inside a small pocket on the front and pulled out a small white tube. Once he retrieved what he wanted he again crawled up on the bed and positioned himself behind me. I heard him pop the cap and then felt a cold, thick liquid drip onto my ass and run down between my checks to my balls. He scooped up what had escaped and began rubbing it over and around my asshole. It warmed as he did and made my wanting hole tingle.

Once it was spread around he again slid his finger inside me. Between the previous fingering and what I knew to be lube I was much looser and his finger went in easily. So easily that he slid in a second finger and began stretching his fingers open. Going back and forth between stretching me and fingering me, my asshole opened for him and easily accepted his fingers. I was in heaven. I’ve never been so turned on. Again I began humping his fingers. But like with everything thing else, he stopped. I heard the cap click open again and wondered why he felt I needed more. His fingers met no resistance at all. But then I noticed that I didn’t feel that cold liquid on my ass that I was expecting. I heard him squirt some from the tube but I didn’t feel it anywhere on my body.

While I waited in anticipation, I suddenly felt him touching my asshole again. I immediately relaxed in expectation of more fingering. I felt my asshole being pushed open but it felt thicker than his fingers this time. Was he using his thumb? Finally the outer ring of my asshole gave way and allowed him to push inside. It wasn’t his finger. It was the head of his cock. My breath caught in my throat.

“Wait, wait, wait.” I screamed.

I felt a stinging sensation. Even with all the lube it still hurt. He began to rub my back and ass and told me to relax and breathe.

“You said you would do anything to continue the pleasure.” he said. “would you like me to stop?

I didn’t answer right away. So many thoughts were swirling through my head. How did I get here. I was only here for a blowjob. But everything he’s done up to this point has felt amazing. Like nothing I’ve felt before. I still didn’t answer before he spoke again.

“I promise you if you relax and push past the initial pain you’ll feel more pleasure than you’ve ever imagined. I’ll be gentle, I promise”

Again his words and his reassuring tone immediately had a relaxing effect on my body and mind. My body melted into the bed and I said “just please go slow, I’ve never done this before.”

With that he dripped more lube down the length of his cock and onto the outer ring of my asshole and slowly began to push his thick swollen cock inside me. It felt like he was barely moving but I could feel my ass little by little getting fuller. Again he began caressing my back and telling me how sexy I was. He told me my asshole felt so good on his cock. It still stung a little but soon the pain was mixed with pleasure. The next thing I knew I could feel his pelvis up against my ass cheeks. His entire cock was inside my ass and it felt amazing. He just stayed there in that position for a moment and leaned down and began placing soft little kisses on my back and neck. Soft moans escaped my lips. All I could think was I hoped I was pleasing him as much as he was pleasing me.

He began to grind into me. No longer pushing deeper and not pulling out. Just moving his hips in a slow, circular motion. The sensation was incredible and I moaned louder. This had the intended effect and relaxed my asshole and stretched me open further. Then I felt his strong hands firmly grip my hips. His fingers dug into my flesh. And he began to pull the length of his cock out of my ass. I thought he was going to follow his trend and stop just when I was at the height of my pleasure. But no, he pulled back until again just the head of his cock was in my ass. He teetered there for just a moment before plunging the entire length of his magnificent cock back inside me. At that moment some switch inside me flipped. My fingers gripped the sheets and my head flew back. I pushed back into him to meet his penetration and take him as deep as I could. I heard him let out a manly grunt and I moaned out “oh fuck yes. Fuck me.”

That was his cue and he began pumping his perfect cock in and out of my greedy asshole. It felt euphoric. The slapping sounds were echoing off of the walls every time his pelvis slapped against my ass. I felt his balls slapping against my balls. He smacked my ass hard and in a demanding tone said “take my cock you little slut”. At that moment I wanted nothing more than to be his cock hungry little slut. My moaning was uncontrollable. He fucked me harder and faster.

“Oh my fucking God. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Fuck meeee. Please don’t stop. I need you to keep fucking me”. I screamed.

“If you don’t want me to stop then you have to call me Daddy.” He said.

There was no hesitation.

“yes Daddy. Please Daddy, keep fucking your little slut.”

This was ecstasy. I’ve never known such sexual pleasure. I wanted, no needed this to never end.

He continued pounding me. I felt my cock swell underneath me. The friction on the sheets from him rocking me back and forth was bringing my cock to a heightened state of erection. Just when I thought i couldn’t get any higher in my euphoria he began to hit something in inside my asshole. With every stroke of his swollen cock he rubbed harder on my prostate. The male G-spot. This sent me into orbit. My entire body trembled. I was grunting and moaning and trying to catch my breath.

“Oh fuck. Oh my fucking God. Please Daddy. Please please fuck me harder. Please don’t stop Daddy, I’m going to cum.”

Just then my cock erupted. Stream after stream. Gush after gush. It was like his cock was pushing the cum out of me. My body stiffened and I lost all control of my muscles. I collapsed flat on the bed. Laying atop the large wet puddle of cum. This didn’t stop him. I felt the weight of his body collapse onto mine as he kept pounding inside me. No longer gentle. No more soft kisses. He began to grunt and groan and bite at my back and neck. He pistoned in and out of my no longer tight hole. Faster. Harder. Pumping like he was trying to split me in two.

With a loud guttural moan he exploded into my wanting hole. I felt his cum flood my insides. Warm and thick it filled me completely. He came so much it began to ooze out of my ass and down between my legs. His pace slowed and made a squishing sound with every plunge. After a few more strokes he stopped completely but didn’t pull out of me. He just lay flat on top of me, nether of us able to move. He again began kissing my neck and telling me what a good little slut I was. Eventually he rolled off beside me, his soft deflated cock slipping out of my asshole, and pulled me into him. Pushing his soft cock against my ass, spooning me. My mind was blank. I no longer thought of being gay or straight. No longer questioning if I should be there. My brain was too flooded with euphoric thoughts and feelings. I was in a state of bliss.

We both fell asleep. Me wrapped in his arms. He woke first the next morning and went to shower. I woke when I heard the water turn off. He came in and saw I was awake.

“Would you like to get a shower before you leave?” he asked. Not at all rushing me out. Just being a good host.

I absolutely did. I fell asleep covered in sweat and cum. My body smelled of sex. My asshole was sore but In a very good way. It brought back memories of last night. I wasn’t embarrassed like I was Friday night after the blowjob. I had accepted that great sex comes in many forms and there’s nothing wrong with exploring whatever may come my way.

“Yes please. That sounds great.” I responded.

There were fresh towels already layed out. I stood under the hot water for what seemed like hours but was probably more like 15-20 minutes. I was surprised how much my entire body ached. But again, not in a bad way. More like how your body feels after a really good workout. Once I relaxed my aching muscles I washed my body, paying special attention to my asshole. It was still gaping and I smiled at the thought that I had taken his entire dick in there. I dried off and wrapped the towel around my waist.

When I walked out he was laying on the bed with his back up against the headboard. He had his phone in his hand and seemed to be scrolling through his email. He was still naked from his shower and his beautiful cock was soft and because of how he was positioned it was laying on his leg. A thought popped in my head from last night. Something I had only thought to myself after I had sucked his dick until he stopped me. “Maybe he would let me try again.”

I walked up to the bed and crawled beside him. Reaching out, i took his cock in my hand. Looking to his face for approval I asked “Can I finish what I started last night? Can I suck your cock… Daddy?”

A huge smile spread across his face. He owned me now and he knew it.

“Yes you may, my little slut.” he answered.

I leaned down and took his deflated cock in my mouth. No hesitation this time. I wanted to please him. That was my entire purpose in this moment. I began to roll my tongue while I sucked on the head. Before long it began to swell in my mouth. With that I began bobbing my head up and down. Using my tongue on the underside of his swollen cock and sucking harder as I came up. Occasionally I took his dick out of my mouth to catch my breathe and would bathe his entire length with my tongue before taking it back down my throat. I could feel the swollen veins on my lips. I could taste the precum that was leaking out. I no longer worried about how I would react if he came in my mouth. I now longed for it. I wanted to taste him. To please him. I bobbed faster. Using more spit his cock slid in and out of my mouth easily. He began to moan. I could hear his breathing get heavier. I felt his cock begin to throb. He grabbed the back of my head and began humping into my mouth. He grunted and said “eat my cum my filthy little cocksucker.” With that he blew his load in my mouth. It splattered the roof of my mouth and shot down my throat. I gagged just a little from the unexpected but quickly suppressed my reflex and swallowed as much as I could. I could feel some leaking from the corners of my mouth. I pumped his dick to get every last drop and then licked up what had escaped my mouth.


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Once I was done I licked my lips and looked to Daddy for approval. He pulled me up and kissed my lips. His tongue entering my mouth to taste himself. This was a first, but after last night nothing shocked me anymore. I just went with it.

“That was amazing baby. Thank you.” he said in a soft tone.

We chatted for a bit about last night and he asked if I was ok with everything. I told him I was more than ok. That it was the most exciting night of my life and I loved every minute of it. He was meeting some colleagues for lunch so I got dressed and left. He had told me to keep in touch and that he would love to see me again when he got back this way.

“I couldn’t wait”, I told him.

That was three months ago and I haven’t seen him since. He got a promotion at work and his territory got changed. We still send texts occasionally and both of us hold out hope that we will meet up again. That was the one and only time I have been with a man. Not because I’m against it. Just that I haven’t found myself in the right situation. I’m still into girls and my luck has been changing lately. I’ve taken the opportunity to flirt a little when a beautiful woman happens to be the last one on the shuttle. It’s paid off more than once. I guess I learned from the best.

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