Slave Auction Ch. 04

As the guests drew around, enjoying the food and drinks, one of the painters assistants grabbed Jake by the hand and started to lead him up onto a small stage opposite the pool. On the stage was a mini second stage, a microphone and a St Andrew’s cross. Jake was lead to the cross, turned around pointing towards the crowd, and bound with his back to the cross. His ankles and wrists shackled such that he couldn’t move. “As the guest of honour, you will be the last item up for bid. You will enjoy the bidding from the cross. you will be going as Superman.” With that the painter stepped up and painted a big red ‘S’ on Jakes chest, nodded and turned to leave. That was it. A single letter. The rest of him completely naked?


The other boys were all positioned in a row, out by the pool. Beside each boy was a small sign that seemingly contained information about the boy, and what you would be bidding on. Jake was far too far away to read the signs. But he could read the one that had been placed beside him.” Jake. 6’5″ 212 Pounds, 8 inches, uncut. Slave for 18 hours, for up to 3 users. Massage, oral, moderate punishment – no permanent marks, anal, tickling and humiliation. No pictures, scat, blood or water play.” Jake didn’t understand all of it, but he understood enough. 18 hours, not 12? Anal? Joe had told him that would be off limits. And 3 users? Was Mr Jenkins upset with him?

The older guests made there way around the boys, sizing up the merchandise before coming onto the stage to examine the guest of honour. The men were not shy about touching the goods, and sharing blunt observations. “Nice cock, but he looks like he will start crying within 30 seconds” noted on 40ish brown haired gent. Another hand squeezed Jake’s balls and said “oh i can’t wait to see him cry.” the hand belonged to none other than Max – fully dressed in Kakis and a button down dress shirt. He smiled and winked at Jake – a smile that was not exactly reassuring.

Once the men had all been given ample time to survey the goods, Leah stepped up to the microphone to start the auction. While she was welcoming the crowd, Sara stepped up to Jake, cupped his balls will her right hand, and placed a small pill in his mouth with her left. “Swallow like a good boy. Viagra. You are going to be up here on show – we want you at your best.” Jake struggled to swallow the pill, without the aid of any liquids. He had never had viagra, and wasn’t sure what to expect.

Rene lead the first boy up on stage. As she walked past Jake, she casually stroked his still flaccid cost and purred. “The folks want to see that thing rise Jake.” The first lot was a thin, cute boy named Jason – 19, 148 pounds, uncut. He was up for 4 hours of massage, cuddling and oral. No penetration or beatings allowed. The bidding started fairly slowly, but eventually a couple of gentlemen decided Jason could prove entertaining, and he finally fetched $750.

Each lot followed the same way. One of Sara or Rene would lead them up on stage – and casually caress Jake’s cock walking to and from the centre stage. Leah would introduce the boys, and remind the bidders of each boys stats and boundaries before the bidding began. It was clear that the boys were ordered in a way that each progressive lot would have fewer boundaries. The early boys were for just a few hours, and mostly oral play. Later slaves were for 12 plus hours, and were up for far more wild activities.

Mr Jenkins bid on, and won a couple of boys. Including a 6’2″ inch stud named Corey, who was up for full on flogging, cock and ball torture, and anal. What the fuck is cock and ball torture, and why is that a thing?

As the last few boys were coming up, the bidding got ever more fierce. There were fewer slaves than bidders, which meant somebody was bound to go home lonely. These men clearly had money, and were used to losing. The bids were now in the high single thousand dollar range. Corey had gone for $8,200 – and Jake could see why.

Jake’s arms were growing sore, shackled high above his head. He couldn’t wait to get off the cross, but also realized what leaving the cross would mean – 18 hours at some strangers mercy. Finally he was up. The last lot before him, a 23 yr old hunk named Brady, had gone for $11,500. With several guests having failed to win a slave, Jake knew he would be a hot property.

“Our final lot is Jake. 19 years old, with a very lightly used ass. In fact he only lost his anal virginity this week. He is 8 inches long, and as you can see has the girth to match. He loves his St Andrew’s cross, enjoys humiliation, tickling, and gives great blow jobs. The winner of this lot can share him with 2 others. This is the last lot of the day, so don’t be shy in the bidding. Let’s start at 2 thousand dollars.”

“5 thousand a voice called out.” Jake recognized the voice as Max’s. Fuck. Other voices started to yell ever higher bids – 6, 7, 10, 12….

“12 thousand going once, 12 thousand going twice….last chance, do i hear 13?…and sold for 12 thousand dollars to our very own Max. That’s it for the bidding, winner can sign for their goods at the back. You have each been given a room in the mansion for use, or you can enjoy your winnings in any of the public areas. Enjoy your day.”


Jake watched as Max came from the back of the seating area, where he must have signed for his winnings, and made his way onto the stage – a smirk on his face. He let his right hand slowly trace down Jake’s naked torso, before grabbing his rock hard shaft. “Someone enjoyed the bidding process. Hope you enjoy the next 18 hours as well.”

“What are you going to do to me Max? Please don’t hurt me.”

“Ha. I only wanted to spend 8k, tops. You cost me 12. I am going to get a return on my investment. And i won’t be alone. When Joe and Tom are done their chores, the are going to join us. It will be memorable.” At this point Max tipped the St Andrew’s cross, and it pivoted on its axis, going from vertical to horizontal. Jake was now lying on the cross, still shackled and on display. Max’s nails lightly moved up and down Jake’s side, tickling him – he gasped in shock. It felt good, but also made it tough to breath. What was Max up to? Max slowly moved his right hand to Jake’s shaft and began to stroke it – ever so softly. So soft was his stroke, than Jake could only barely feel it. Enough to keep him hard, but never enough to make him cum. Max smiled and said “Don’t worry stud, i like you. I won’t hurt you….much. But i am going to teach you about a different kind of pain. the agony of being teased. This is going to be the longest 18 hours of your life. Count on it.”


(I am enjoying writing this tale, but would love to get some feedback on what folks are / and aren’t enjoying. Any ideas on direction the tale should take would be awesome. Please don’t be shy with comments. Thanks).

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