Stranger in the Storm

A gay story: Stranger in the Storm @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


All characters depicted in this story are 18+ and any sex depicted is consensual. Now that the disclaimer is out of the way, on to the story.


As I pulled back the heavy curtain, a relentless deluge of rain pelted the windows, accompanied by strong winds. The storm outside had intensified, and the feeling of impending doom grew with each passing moment. The power was out and I had taken the precaution of placing candles in every room, their soft glow providing a flickering sanctuary against the darkness outside. It had been a few years since my last visit to the family cabin, and it looked as though my timing couldn’t have been worse.

As an aspiring author, I was struggling to overcome a nasty bout of writer’s block. The lack of progress on my book gnawed at my patience and my self imposed deadline was only making things worse.

To help me, I had decided to make a few sacrifices in my life, cutting out alcohol and abstaining from sex two of my favourite vices in an effort to enhance my focus.

Returning to my armchair by the old stone fireplace, I placed the laptop on my lap and stared vacantly at the screen. Frustration weighed heavy on my shoulders as the blank page mirrored the emptiness within my mind.

“Write what you know,” they always said back in college. But what did I know, I pondered, glancing around the dimly lit room. “Hmm.”

I started typing:

“He sat there alone, in his cavernous, desolate house, when a thunderous knock reverberated through the echoing halls.”

As the words took shape on the screen, there came a sudden, jarring knock at the door, nearly sending me leaping from my seat, my heart racing with both fear and anticipation.

“Who on earth could that be?” I thought, whilst also wondering who would be crazy enough to be out in this weather.

I swiftly closed the lid on my laptop and set it down on the coffee table in front me.

As I rose from my chair, another knock on the door startled me once more.

I approached the door, turned the handle and slowly inched the door open. There, in the unforgiving downpour, stood a man, roughly my age, early twenties, drenched to the bone. His face was a mask of rain-soaked hair and exhaustion, and a cut on the side of his head oozed blood down his temple.

“Please, I need your help,” the man implored, his voice trembling with exhaustion. “I was driving my car when a tree crashed down on top of it. I managed to crawl out, and I’ve been wandering these woods, desperate for help.”

“Oh my goodness, is there anyone else injured?” I inquired with genuine concern.

“No, it was just me,” he replied, his words carrying a mix of relief and exhaustion.

“Please come inside,” I urged and opened the door wider to admit him.

As he entered, his injury became more apparent. “You’re hurt,” my eyes drawn to the cut on his head. He reached up to touch it, wincing, and then lowered his hand, revealing the blood on his fingers.

I thought about what I had in the cabin that might help. He stood there, water dripping from his clothes, small puddles forming around him.

“Here, come with me,” I said, leading him to the bathroom.

“Please, sit here. I’ll be back in a sec.”

I quickly left the bathroom and hurried to retrieve the first aid kit from under the kitchen sink, making sure to grab a flashlight as well.

Upon my return to the bathroom, I found him seated as I had instructed, waiting for me to tend to his wounds.

I turned on the flashlight to provide a bit more light in the dimly lit bathroom.

Opening the first aid kit, I pulled out a cloth and gently dabbed at the cut on the side of his head. His face scrunched up in pain as I dabbed at his wound, his dark brown eyes never leaving mine.

I did my best to clean and dress his wound.

“There we go, all patched up, I think. You probably should see a doctor though, just to be sure.”

“Thank you so much, you’re a life saver.”

“We should probably get you out of those wet clothes though,” I suggested.

His eyes widened slightly.

“I mean, I’ll get you some towels to dry off.” I hurried away and fetched fresh towels from the laundry cupboard before returning.

“Here,” I said, handing him the towels. “You can leave your wet clothes in the bath.”

“Thank you,” he replied, and I left him to change, returning to the warmth of the sitting room by the fire.

A few moments later, he entered the room, now wearing only a towel wrapped around his waist. The flickering firelight accentuated his well-defined physique, with chiseled pecs and toned abs. All I could do was stare.

He broke the momentary silence by asking, “Do you have something I can wear?”

“Of course,” I replied. “I’ll find you a robe.”

I went to the bedroom and grabbed a robe hanging on the back of the door and hurried back.

“Here, try this,” I offered, holding it out for him. He slipped into the robe, one arm at a time. Once the robe was wrapped around him, he reached inside and pulled out the towel that was wrapped around his waist.

“Here, let me take care of this,” I said, taking the towel and retreating into the bathroom, where I found his soaked clothes piled up in the tub.

I proceeded to wring out the excess water from each garment, right down to his boxer briefs, my personal favourite choice of underwear. I placed his clothes on an airer and hung it over the bath.

Finally, I joined him by the fire, sitting down in my armchair.

“Thank you for your hospitality; I can’t tell you how grateful I am to have found this place.”

“It’s quite alright, I’m glad I could help,” I responded with a friendly smile. “I’m Ethan, by the way.” I reached forward to offer my hand, and he mirrored the gesture. The robe subtly opened at the chest level, giving me another glimpse of his physique.

“James,” he replied, taking a seat in the armchair opposite. We both leaned back, more at ease now that introductions had been made. The fire crackled, casting a warm glow on our faces.

“So, what brings you out this way?” I asked, genuine curiosity in my tone.

“Well, the plan was to meet up with my friend, but I guess that’s out of the question now,” James replied, laughing momentarily then winced in pain.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, just a slight pain in my head.”

“I’m afraid all I can offer you is a stiff drink. Would you care for a whiskey?”

“That would be great, thank you.”

I rose from my chair and headed to the liquor cabinet, retrieving a bottle and placing it on the side. I grabbed two glasses and poured two fingers of whiskey into each, handing one to James.

“I should probably phone my friend; do you have a phone I could borrow?” James enquired.

“Sorry, but there’s no cell reception out here, and the landline is out due to the storm.”

“Oh, um, I’d hate to impose but would it be okay if I stayed here for the night?”

I savoured a sip of my whiskey, my gaze fixed on the reflection of the crackling fire dancing in the depths of his rich, dark brown eyes.

“Of course, I can’t exactly send you back out in this.”

“Thank you so much,” James’ gratitude was evident in his response, and as the evening continued, the whiskey served to relax the atmosphere.

“So, Ethan, I meant to ask, what are you doing out here all on your own?” James inquired, a curious glint in his eyes.

“I ask myself the same question,” I replied, a playful tone in my voice.

“I’m writing a book, or at least attempting to,” I continued.

“Really? I do enjoy a good book.”

“Yeah, but I’ve been grappling with a nasty case of writer’s block.”

“Well they say inspiration can come from the unlikeliest of places. I’m sure it will come to you,” James said reassuringly.

“I hope so. You know, I even gave up drinking to help me focus,” I said, raising my glass and observing the play of light on the dark liquid within.

“Oh and sex.”

I paused for a moment, realising what I just said, and thinking I probably didn’t need to tell him that bit.

“Sorry, I don’t know why I told you that, it must be the drink.”

James’ eyebrow raised, intrigued. “And how is that working out for you?”

“I’m horny and thirsty.”

Both of us burst into laughter.

“Well, at least you’ve had one of those things now,” James replied, taking another sip of his drink.

“Yep, just the sex left now.”

Our eyes locked, and I took another sip. There was a lingering moment there, a moment I couldn’t quite explain. Maybe it was the drink, maybe not.

The clock above the fire place suddenly chimed, and we both turned our attention to it. It had just turned 10 PM.

We looked back at each other again.

James downed the last of his whiskey.

“If its ok with you, I think I may turn in for the night.”

“Of course, let me show you to the spare bedroom.”

I stood up from my chair and exchanged my glass for a candle. I led James out of the sitting room and down the hall to where he’d be sleeping. I opened the door to the bedroom and walked to the large double bed, using my candle to light the one on the bedside table.

“There we go,” I said, turning to James.

“Thanks, I really appreciate this.”

“You are very welcome, and if you need anything at all, I’ll just be next door.”

As I turned to leave the room, I slowly closed the door behind me. Just as the door was about to close fully, I could see that James had taken off his robe, his exquisite body on full display, I could see his back and his muscular buttocks. I knew I shouldn’t look, but I couldn’t help myself. James then turned to face the door, presenting me with his soft cock and balls hanging between his legs, he was like a Michelangelo sculpture. I quickly closed the door.

My heart was pounding, and my mind raced with thoughts of the naked man in the next room.

I settled back into my chair, my thoughts a tumultuous mix of desire and restraint.

Then, in that moment, inspiration struck me like a bolt of lightning. I couldn’t resist the urge to write. I channeled my sexual frustration and I grabbed my laptop, my fingers quickly danced across the keys. The words poured out effortlessly. I found myself writing about him, making my story about him.

Thirty minutes into my writing, a deafening crash shattered the cabin’s silence. My heart raced as I bolted from my seat and dashed toward the source of the disturbance. The noise had originated from the spare bedroom.

I swung the open the door. Part of a tree had smashed through the window, leaves and rainwater spattering the room. But my attention quickly shifted to James. He was kneeling on top of the bed, stark naked, his eyes wide with shock and his body moist with raindrops.

I rushed over to the bed.

“James, are you alright?” I asked.

He took a deep breath and replied, “Yeah, yeah. This storm has really got it in for me.”

In that moment, James suddenly realised that he was completely naked and moved his hands to cover his modesty.

“Sorry about this,” he said, looking down and then back up at me.

I chuckled softly, trying to ease his embarrassment. “It’s nothing I haven’t seen many times before. I can assure you.”

“Here, let me give you a hand,” I offered, extending my arm.

James grabbed it, and we both moved carefully to the side of the bed, making sure to avoid the broken glass on the floor. He ended up stepping into me, and I instinctively held him close, his naked body pressed against mine.

Our faces inches away from each other. The room was filled with a palpable tension.

I eventually relaxed my hold on him and apologised, “Sorry about that, reflex action.”

James, with a smile on his face, replied, “No, it’s okay. Looks like you saved me again.”

I smiled back at him and suggested, “Let’s go into the sitting room, shall we? I’ll sort all this in the morning.”

I turned to exit the room, and James, still naked, followed. We returned to the warmth of the fireplace, where the crackling flames bathed us in a comforting glow.

“You can take my bedroom if you like, and I’ll sleep on the armchair,” I offered.

James hesitated for a moment, then responded, “Oh no, I couldn’t do that, Ethan. You’ve already helped me so much.”

“No, no, I insist.”

He considered it for a moment, and then a mischievous grin appeared on his face. “Well, I guess there’s no reason why we couldn’t share it. Is there?”

The suggestion hung in the air, leaving an intriguing promise of intimacy as we contemplated the idea.

I couldn’t quite put it into words. We’d only met a few hours ago, yet there was an undeniable allure about him that drew me in. I felt a pull, a longing to explore every inch of his body, to indulge in an intensity that defied reason. His presence was intoxicating, and his physicality, a masterpiece I yearned to adore with every fibre of my being.

The temptation proved too much, and my willpower faltered.

“Alright, as long as you’re comfortable with this.”

Leading him to my bedroom, I felt my heart racing. I gestured inside. “Here we are,” a touch of nervousness in my voice.

James entered the room, moving past me to sit on the edge of the bed. He gazed at me; “You seem a bit tense, Ethan. Why don’t you come and sit with me?”

I approached the bed nervously, taking a seat beside him.

With a gentle smile, he offered, “Let me massage those shoulders for you, as a thank you for everything you’ve done for me tonight.”

James shifted behind me on the bed, his body aligning with mine. His strong hands began to work their magic, massaging my tense shoulders with a touch that sent shivers down my spine.

My god, this felt incredible, and any lingering apprehension dissolved under James’s skilful touch. His warm, strong hands had a way of kneading away not just tension but also any doubts.

His breath, hot and seductive, brushed against the nape of my neck, making every hair stand on end. His voice, a seductive whisper, reached my ear.

“Maybe this would work better if you took off some of these clothes.”

James’ hands, confident and gentle, traced a tantalising path from my shoulders to my chest. Skilfully, he undid each button of my shirt, unveiling my body to the warm glow of the room.

Resistance faded into oblivion. With every touch, every stolen breath, I surrendered to the magic of James’ hands.

His lips, soft and enticing, found my neck, showering me with tender kisses. Simultaneously, his fingers played with my nipples, igniting an electrifying sensation that coursed through my body. My neck relaxed under his affectionate kisses, inviting a trail that led from my neck to my shoulders.

James gently guided me onto the bed, a shroud of mystery enveloping his every move. As he positioned himself over me, his now engorged cock pressed against my stomach. Our lips met in a fervent kiss; our tongues entwined in an erotic dance.

I placed my hands on his sculpted thighs, then boldly ventured to touch his throbbing cock. He reclined, hands clasped behind his head, his biceps flexing.

Gradually, he inched his knees up my torso, his now fully erect shaft teasingly close to my chin. Shifting to all fours, he pressed his cock against my lips, and I eagerly accommodated, welcoming him into my warm mouth. He moaned softly as my tongue savoured the velvety expanse of his engorged head.

The soft spring of the mattress allowed him to gently bounce up and down rhythmically as he began to explore the depths of my mouth.

I lavished his impressive length, tasting the saltiness of his precum as it trickled to the back of my throat. His sultry moans, only encouraging me.

After a few entrancing minutes, he withdrew, a lingering strand of saliva connected the tip of his cock to my lips.

With a graceful movement, James transitioned away from my face, his rigid, glistening cock bathed in the candlelight. Descending from the bed, he unhurriedly unbuttoned my trousers, his intense gaze locked with mine. The zipper yielded to his touch, and he unveiled me, leaving only my boxer briefs and an unmistakable outline beneath them.

His hands teased an electric path up my legs, fingers tracing the innermost reaches of my thighs, before ultimately finding their way to my straining bulge. His confident grip sent tremors through my body.

James offered a knowing smile before he gripped my boxers’ sides, drawing them down with a deliberate slowness. My engorged cock sprang forth, craving his touch. As my underwear pooled at my feet, James knelt before me.

He withheld direct contact for a moment, his breath, a sultry caress, teasing my aching cock. Anticipation coiled within me, my eager cock twitching. And then it finally happened, his tongue traced the length of my throbbing manhood before he took my engorged tip into his warm, inviting mouth.

I observed as his head moved with a rhythm of its own, his warmth and skill setting my body on fire. James sensed that I may reach the point of no return sooner than expected and he briefly paused. I took this opportunity to settle more comfortably on the bed.

With an air of dominance, James seized a pillow and placed it in the centre of the bed. His powerful arms effortlessly repositioned me onto my stomach, making me feel weightless. The pillow cradled my hips, lifting my eager ass higher. I now lay face down in anticipation, surrendering to his impending advances.

Positioning himself between my legs, James began a sensuous exploration, his hands caressing my calves and gradually moving upward, along the back of my thighs. Finally, he reached my ass, firmly massaging my cheeks and parting them.

In what felt like an instant, his warm breath gave way to the wet heat of his tongue as he pressed it against my entrance, circling and teasing. My body instinctively tensed before surrendering to the pleasure of his intimate intrusion. James nibbled on my cheek and slipped his finger inside me, skilfully seeking out my most sensitive spot, making me even harder, if that were even possible.

I couldn’t see, but I could certainly feel the intensity of his actions. When his fingers withdrew, he used a mixture of saliva and precum to glide the tip of his cock along my crack, preparing the way for what was coming next.

The weight of James’ body pushed against mine as the head of his cock pushed against my hole. His swollen head broke through as he slid inside me one inch at a time. I squeezed my hands into fists as my body tried to accommodate his girth. Slowly but surely, I adapted, and I could feel he was now fully inside of me. His body fell forward like he was about to do a press up on top me, and that’s when the first thrust came. I screamed out loud in ecstasy, on his first thrust he found the spot and it felt amazing. He relaxed his body more and his chest was now flat against my back, he was radiating a warmth I had never felt before.

James thrusted again, then began slowly grinding himself inside me. I couldn’t think straight, the incredible feelings I was experiencing were intense to say the least.

He switched back to a rhythmic thrusting, he started to grunt, while I started to whimper. In my head was a chorus of “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, this feels so good.”

James pulled out of me and flipped me again onto my back, my legs were up in the air and he pushed into me again. He grabbed hold of my thighs and increased the intensity of his thrusting.

I looked up at him, his chest was now moist with sweat, he stared back down at me and smiled as he continued to pound me. My dick was rock hard and rigidly swaying and clashing against my stomach as he thrust.

I was getting close; he didn’t even need to touch my cock and I was still going to blow.

The tip of my cock glistened as clear liquid oozed out of it. I couldn’t hold it back anymore, I started to cum hard, the clear liquid was soon replaced with thick white ropes shooting out of me in all directions. Meanwhile James had pulled out of me and started jerking his cock, before he started to cum shooting his load across my stomach.

This was quite possibly the best sex I’ve ever experienced. I ran my fingers through my hair, feeling thoroughly sated by the experience.

“Jesus Christ James, that was amazing.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” he said gently stroking the side of my face.

“Could you hand me a tissue from the side table, I appear to be a bit of a mess,” I said looking down at the strands and pools of white clinging to my torso.

“Sure thing.”

James reached over to the box of tissues and pulled out a couple of sheets.

“Here, let me get this for you.”

He dabbed at the mess on my stomach, scooping and wiping away. After he’d finished cleaning me up, he laid down beside me and we soon fell asleep.

The following morning, I awoke, not in my bed but in my armchair. My laptop was open but not on; the battery must have finally died overnight.

Oddly, I was still dressed. I rose from my chair and headed to the bedroom, hoping to find James still in bed. However, the bed remained untouched. This was becoming increasingly strange. I called out to James.

“James, where are you?”

There was no answer.

I left the bedroom, continuing my search. The kitchen and the bathroom were both empty. His clothes had vanished. I hurriedly checked the spare bedroom, but it was also untouched, with no signs of any storm damage.

Returning to the sitting room, I sat down and muttered under my breath, “What the hell? Did I just imagine all of this?”

The power suddenly flickered on, and I decided to charge up the laptop. I also turned on the TV, checking the news to see if there were any reports of road accidents, but there was nothing.

I decided to make myself a cup of coffee, hoping it would help me make sense of last night.

I turned the laptop on and opened my manuscript, knowing I had only written a few pages. To my surprise, when I opened the file, there were many more pages than I had remembered. I scrolled through the document, all the way to the very end. This was very strange; the book appeared to be finished in its entirety.

I spent the next few hours reading through every page. The story felt both familiar and foreign at the same time. It was my writing, but I couldn’t recall ever writing it.

The book itself was not just good; it was exceptional, the best I had ever written.

I vaguely recalled starting to write about James, but now he was a fully developed character within the book. It left me wondering: had I fabricated the entire thing? Did I have one to many whiskeys last night?

With the book now finished, there wasn’t a need for me to stay out here any longer. I decided to pack up my things and head back to the city.

I took one final look around the cabin, hoping to find any piece of evidence that James was real, but alas it wasn’t to be.

I closed the front door and left to go home.


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