The Birth of a Size Queen Ch. 06

A gay story: The Birth of a Size Queen Ch. 06 I wrote a few chapters in a story called Hot Wife Tryout and placed them in the Loving Wives category. I realize that some of you don’t read stories in that category, so just to explain. Gail, Jack’s mother in this series is also fucking Tom, Carl and Antonio. Jack is aware of Tom and Gail, because it has happened in his house while he is “trying” to sleep. Jack is not aware of Carl and Antonio.

This chapter picks up where the last chapter in this series left off, and is concurrent with the first chapter in the Hot Wife Tryout series.

The Birth of a Size Queen Ch. 6

Peter Barnes was my mother’s date for tonight. For the last year, my mother has been much more active in the dating scene. Mr. Barnes was not the kind of guy that I saw my mother going for. A bit nerdish is the most friendly thing that I can say about him. But, especially after the discussion that I just had with my mother, I wasn’t going to judge her dates.

I opened the door and invited him in. “Hello Mr. Barnes. My mother is not quite ready yet. Come in and have a seat.”

Mr. Barnes sat on the couch. “That’s ok Jack. Are you ready to head off to school?”

I sat in a chair, and felt the thong in the crack of my ass. How do girls put up with these things? “Right now, I’m excited and nervous. I’ve never been away from home for more than a week.”

“From what I’ve heard, you make friends easily. I think that you’ll do just fine.”

It took my mother 15 minutes before she relieved me from my torture. I really don’t see what she sees in this guy. When she entered the room, she looked as hot as I’ve ever seen her. She was wearing a flowing dress and if I guessed correctly, she was no longer wearing a bra. The most stunning thing was that she was wearing her wedding rings. I cannot remember the last time that I saw those on her.

Mr. Barnes stood up, and my mother walked up and hugged him and gave him a peck on the cheek. “I’m sorry to keep you waiting Peter. Can you forgive me?”

Mr. Barnes asked her to give him a twirl. I was still sitting in the chair. When she did, the skirt lifted a little bit. She was wearing stockings and a garter belt. Fuck. My hard-on was coming back.

I stood up and gave my mother a kiss on her cheek. “Have fun tonight. I’ll be back home by midnight in case you’re home before me.”

“Ok sweetheart. I’m not sure how late I’ll be, but we’re having brunch tomorrow. Remember.”

My mother took me out to brunch every Sunday morning. It was our tradition. “I’m looking forward to it.”

Mr. Barnes put his arm around my mother’s waist, and they were off. I wasn’t crazy about the guy, but he seemed to treat my mother well. As long as she is happy.

I headed down to Tom Clarke’s place. Liam was leaving tomorrow, and I wanted to see him again before he left. And truthfully, I always enjoyed seeing Tom. It was early this morning when I was sucking Tom’s cock shortly after he had fucked my mother. That was by far, the most erotic thing that I had done in my short sexual life. I might do that again, but I don’t think I would want to take it any further.

I arrived to Tom’s house and let myself into the backyard through the gate. I had my own code. Tom had a swimsuit on. It looked like he was getting ready to grill some burgers. Liam was nude at the bar cart mixing up some drinks. I walked in, and took off my tee shirt, and went to remove my shorts and I remembered that I was wearing Teresa’s thong. Shit. I froze.

Liam noticed. “What’s wrong, Jack?” Tom turned to look at me.

While I was embarrassed to be seen in the thong, I think these two guys would enjoy it. “I… I think that I have a surprise for the two of you.”

Liam said, “I like surprises. What about you, Tom?”

Tom said, “Yeah. It’s like the Judy Garland song. Surprises are one of my favorite things.”

Liam laughed. “You’re an idiot. That was Julie Andrews. Ok, Jack. You have our attention.”

I dropped my shorts.

Liam smiled. Tom said, “Fuck.”

Liam said, “Give us a twirl, Jack.”

I did a slow turn around.

Liam said, “Did you buy those for our benefit? Wait. First I should say, thank you. That was a great surprise.”

I said, “There is a story behind this. I can tell you about it during dinner. Do you want me to take it off or leave it on until then?”

Together, Liam and Tom said, “On.”

Liam said, “Tell you what, Jack. Let Tom and I guess about this, and if we haven’t guessed by the time the burgers are ready, you can tell us over dinner. It’ll be like 20 questions.”

I figured that this would be fun. I walked over to Liam and he handed me my margarita. Liam said, “Tom, you get the first question.”

I heard my phone beep letting me know that I had a text. It wasn’t my mother (she has her own sound), so I let it go.

Tom looked over at me and asked me to twirl again. I complied. “Did you take those from your mother?”


Liam said, “That would’ve been too easy and not much of a story. Anything thing else Tom?”

“Not yet. You go ahead.”

“Ok, Jack. Do those belong to a girl?”


“A girl that you met today?”


Tom said, “So a girl that you met today gave you a pair of panties?”

I looked at Tom and smiled. “No.”

Tom said, “You stole panties from a girl that you met today?”


Liam took a sip of his drink. It wasn’t a margarita, and I asked what it was. “Gin and tonic. Would you like a taste?” Liam handed me his glass and I tasted it. Not sure that I like it.

When I handed the glass back to Liam, he set it down and grabbed me for a hug and gave me a quick kiss. Well, maybe not so quick, because it took a few seconds for him to stop feeling my bare ass.

Liam released me and asked, “Does she know that you have the panties?”

I gave Antonio permission to show my pictures to Teresa (I had Antonio take a few pictures on my phone of these and I sent a couple to him). “I don’t know.”

“So, you have the panties of a girl that you met today, but she didn’t give them to you, and you’re not sure if she knows you have them.”


Liam’s 7 inch cock was hard. I found a towel and laid it on the ground in front of him, kneeled down and took him into my mouth.

Liam said, “I like this version of the game. Tom, why don’t you come over here and after every question, Jack can switch off.”

Tom removed his swimtrunks and came over to us. He wasn’t hard yet, but he was getting there, and it still looked like a cock for the porn videos that I’ve seen. I switched to him right away.

Liam said, “Did someone else give you those panties?”

I took my mouth off of Tom, but started stroking him. When Tom was completely hard, I could barely get my hand around the shaft. I had Liam’s cock in my other hand, and I looked up at him and said, “Yes.”

Tom said, “One of her girlfriends?”

I moved over to Tom’s cock and said, “No.”

I could tell that Liam was thinking. “You saw Antonio today?”

I switched and said, “Yes.”

Tom said, “Antonio stole the panties?”

I switched back. “Yes.”

Liam said, “Is this girl Antonio’s girlfriend?”


I got up off my knees and said, “I think that’s 20 questions.”

I saw Tom counting on his fingers. I had no idea how many questions it had been, but these two weren’t going to get it.

I looked at Tom. “How long for the burgers?”

Tom tousled my hair. “Ten minutes, maybe a little bit more.”

Liam said that he would get the rest of the stuff out of the kitchen and suggested that I have a seat at the patio table. I remembered my text message and went to grab my phone.

When I opened it, there was a text from Antonio. Saw Teresa when I got back to the apartment and shared your pictures with her. She asked that I share these with you.

Attached were two pictures of Teresa in my boxer shorts, and nothing else. The first picture was from behind and you could just see a hint of boob. There was no hint in the other picture. Teresa was facing the camera with her hands behind her head. I was shocked.

“Is that her?” Tom was standing behind me, looking over my shoulder.

That got Liam’s attention. “Can I see?”

Tom had already seen it, but I wasn’t sure it was appropriate. I closed the phone down.

Tom said, “Go ahead and show him, Jack. Liam and I know how to be discreet.”

I walked over and turned the phone back on. I showed the pictures to Liam. He said, “Looks like she knows that you have her panties now.”

I told them about my afternoon adventures, without going into details about Antonio and me, while we had our burgers. Liam said, “I think that we’re missing pieces of the story, but that’s ok. It seems that this young lady is ok with you having her panties.”

Tom asked if I was planning on returning the panties. I never even thought about keeping them. “Next time that I see Antonio, I’ll return them to him.”

Tom said, “You might consider returning them to her directly. That way you can thank her for those pictures.”

I smiled at that thought. When we finished the burgers, we sat on the chaises. Liam started talking. He was talking to me about relationships. He wanted to warn me about some guys out there that might push me to do things that I wasn’t comfortable with. “Do me a favor, Jack. If someone asks you to do something that you weren’t expecting, and you have to hesitate to think about it, tell him to wait for an answer and call me when you get a chance. Neither Tom nor I want to see you get hurt.”

“Thank you.”

“Please call me, Jack, whenever you have questions.”

I looked at the two of them. “I do have one question.”

Liam nodded and I said, “Who’s cock am I going to sit on first?”

We went into Tom’s room and they laid me on my back. Liam started licking my ass, while Tom fed his cock to me. We moved around a couple of times with the general dynamic remaining the same. I was being spit roasted with Liam fucking me and Tom feeding me. Eventually Liam came in me, and Tom stroked out a load, only half of which I was able to swallow. The remainder came across my face. I had cum while in the doggie position, and Tom was cleaning my cum from his bedding.

Liam started scooping Tom’s cum from my face. He would feed one scoop to me, then one to him. I knew that it wouldn’t take Tom long to recover, but Liam and I would need a few minutes. We returned to the patio and grabbed fresh drinks. Liam asked me to sit with him on a chaise. With his legs spread, I got up and sat with my back to his chest. I could feel his cock on my ass.

Liam wanted to talk about my mother and father, specifically about my father. He told me that Tom had given him the basics, name, when my mother divorced him, and where he had moved. “Do you know his birthdate, Jack?”

I didn’t know why Liam was asking, but I gave him the information. Liam reached for his phone. I glanced and it looked like he was reading an email. I saw him scrolling down the screen and he had me get up.

Liam made a phone call. I could only hear his side of the conversation.

“I just read your email. When was the last time he was in town?”

“But he’s not there now? Do you have an idea of when he’ll return?”

“Ok. Thanks for the quick work. I’ll let you know if I need more. Thanks again.”

Liam hung up and sat down next to me. “I think that we’ve located your father, Jack.”

“What? I don’t want to see that dickhead.”

Liam put his arm around my shoulder. “You don’t have to see him, but he owes your mother a lot of money and as a result there is an arrest warrant out for him here.”

I looked at Liam. My mother had been working two jobs because of this asshole that was my father, so that she could keep me in the house that they had purchased together.

“How were you able to find him?”

Liam said, “It wasn’t very difficult. Tom told me that your mother stopped looking because she couldn’t afford to look. He may have covered his tracks early on, but he’s reappeared. He visits LA occasionally. Better yet, he has some assets here in the States.”

“What does that mean?”

“That means that even if he never comes back to the States, your mother can put a lean on his assets. He won’t be able to touch them until that’s settled. If I can meet with your mother before I leave tomorrow, we can get things rolling.”

I was stunned. “How much money does he owe her?”

Liam said, “I don’t have the answers to that, yet. That is one of the reasons that I would like to speak with her.”

“She’s out on a date tonight, but we always have brunch someplace on Sunday mornings. Would you be able to make that?”

“I don’t fly out until 5, so yes. Why don’t you send a text to your mother and ask her if you can bring a friend to brunch?”

My phone was still out here. I went grab it, wondering if I had missed a text from her while we were inside. There was nothing.

I sent a text, I would like to bring a friend to brunch tomorrow. Is that OK?

Gail (Jack’s mother) and Peter Barnes were in a hotel room downtown. Peter had proposed to Gail less than a half hour before. She and Peter were talking about their future when the text came in. Gail responded, Sure. Peter will be there too. 10:00 at Carmichael’s. I won’t be home tonight. Let me know when you get back home.

I’ll be home soon, but will let you know when I’m there.

This was a lot to process. I looked at Tom. He had been quiet during this whole conversation. “Can I give you guys a raincheck on round 2? I’d like to go home and think about all of this.”

Liam answered. “Sure thing. I can pick you up at 9:30 tomorrow. If you have questions tonight, give me a call… anytime.”

“Thank you, Liam.” I gave him a hug, then I went over and hugged Tom. “Sorry I’m not sticking around.” I realized that this was the first time that I’ve been over here and Tom hasn’t been 8 inches deep into my ass. Oh well, there were 6 weeks before I was leaving for school.

Tom said, “Heh. You don’t have to apologize. Call if you need to talk.”

I put my (Teresa’s) thong back on and then the rest of my clothes and walked back home. I really hadn’t spent much time thinking about my father, because I saw how much pain he had caused my mother. I hated him.

Liam picked me up precisely at 9:30. Mr. Arthur was out on his front porch drinking coffee. Geez. Does that guy ever spend any time inside?

Liam and I walked into the restaurant at 9:50 and Mr. Barnes and my mother were already seated. Introductions were made.

My mother said, “How do you know Jack, Liam?”

“I’m staying with Tom Clarke for a few days. I met Jack when he came over to use the pool.”

Gail thought, “Great. Another old fart fucking my son.” Gail realized that wasn’t fair. Liam was neither old (about her age) and he wasn’t a “fart”. He was rather handsome.

Gail turned to Jack, “Why did you invite Liam here?”

Liam answered. “If I may, I think that would be best to come from me.” Liam then told my mother pretty much everything that he told me last evening.

Ma took a drink of her orange juice (actually, it may have been a mimosa). “Are you telling me that I can collect for back child support?”

Liam said, “And alimony.”

Liam asked what the numbers were and I saw him punching some things into his phone. “That looks to be in excess of $200,000.”

I dropped my fork.

My mother just shook her head slowly. “You know. I never actually figured out that number. What hurts is that I could’ve used that money over the past 8 years.”

Liam said, “But you’re entitled to that money, and to top it off, you can get a LOT more.”

“What do you mean?”

“I have not gotten far looking into his financials. The only thing we’ve been able to come up with so far is his stake in the company in LA. That stake is estimated to be 2 million. In my opinion, you should sue for the whole 2 million.”

Ma looked at me, then at Mr. Barnes. “As much as I dislike my ex-husband, I don’t want to turn him into a pauper.”

Liam smiled. “We’ve only been able to find this so far. I’m suspecting that he has considerable assets overseas. We can find some of it eventually, but not all of it. The best part about this all is that in order to contest this suit, he would have to appear in court here. If he steps a foot into this state, he will be arrested for failure to pay. He may only spend a few hours, or a couple of days in jail, but what do you think are the chances that he doesn’t want to do that. Also, if he’s found guilty, he WILL do time.”

Ma laughed. She said, “I’m sorry. I was just imagining him being some big black guy’s bitch.”

I dropped my fork again. This time, there were scrambled eggs on it and they splattered over the table. I immediately thought of Coach Carl, the big black guy that had been fucking me.

Unbeknownst to me, he had been messing with Mother and Mr. Barnes as well, AND my mother was aware of his fucking me. Carl had confessed to them last week.

The humor wasn’t lost on Liam or Mr. Barnes who were smiling as they took a sip of their drinks.

Ma then said, “I was going to wait to tell this to Jack when we were alone, but it may have an effect on what you’re talking about.” Ma turned to look at me. “Sweetheart. Last night, Peter asked me to marry him. I accepted.”

I wasn’t sure what to say. Mr. Barnes was a… nerd. We’ve talked, but I tried to avoid it. I knew that she was seeing him more often than any other guy. Then I remembered. I told my mother yesterday that I thought that I was gay. Her answer was that she didn’t care, as long as I was safe and I was happy. How could I answer her any other way.

I got up and went over to hug my mother. When I was done hugging her, I hugged Peter. He would no longer be Mr. Barnes.

Liam caught the eye of a waitress and waved her over. He stood up and whispered something to her, then he went over and shook Peter’s hand, and when he went to shake my mother’s hand, she gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

Once we all returned to our seats, the waitress came over with a bottle of champagne and three glasses. She showed the label to Liam, who acknowledged it and she poured a glass for the three adults. She looked at me and winked, then said, “Sorry.”

Liam toasted the engagement. Ma said, “How does this affect what you’ve told me?”

Liam said, “Actually, it doesn’t affect it at all, but if you can wait a couple of months, it may help with the settlement.”

Peter finally spoke up. “Liam. Gail and I won’t need the money. Is there any way that it can be in Jack’s name, or a trust for him once he turns like 30?”

“The money is actually owed to Gail, but there will be ways that she can gift it to Jack over a period of years if that is what she desires.”

Ma looked at Liam. “You’re a lawyer?”

Liam acknowledged that he was.

“What is your cut?”

“While I’m licensed in this state, if anything actually goes to trial, I will call in some favors from friends that practice here. I’ll ask them to take the case as a favor to me, with no fee being charged to you. I’m guessing that it will settle rather quickly. Once we get a line on his overseas assets, we might be able to ask for even more. There is no judge in the country that will look favorably upon what he did.”

“Thank you, Liam. I assume that there are some papers for me to sign?”

“I’ll email them to you tomorrow. Peter and you can look them over and I would suggest that you have a lawyer look at it too.”

Peter said that he had a friend that was a lawyer, and if it wasn’t in his wheelhouse, he would ask him to recommend someone else.

We started talking about the upcoming marriage and my moving to college. Peter asked for the bill and the waitress said that the other gentleman had already taken care of it, pointing at Liam.

Liam drove me home. Ma said that she and Peter were going to spend the afternoon together, but they would like to take me out to dinner this evening. I told her that I would be ready by 5.


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On the drive back, Liam suggested that I keep everything quiet, including to close friends until more was known.

When Peter was pulling in my driveway, I suggested that he come inside. I could redeem that raincheck for him.

I took Liam into my room. I had Becca in here (once) and Bill (several times), so it’s not like the bed hasn’t seen any action, but I was looking forward to this. I expected that Liam was going to fuck me, but he asked that I do the fucking.

Liam said that I was lucky. I was able to cum without any manual stimulation during a fuck, but not every guy is that fortunate. He talked to me about what I can do to make it more enjoyable for the bottom. After 20 minutes, we had both cum. We were cuddling on the bed and talking.

Eventually, Liam said that he would need to get to the airport. He asked if he could use the shower. I told him it was across the hall, and we walked out of the bedroom, in the nude, to see my mother sitting on the couch.

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