The Hike of a Lifetime Ch. 2

A gay story: The Hike of a Lifetime Ch. 2 This is in continuation to my first story i.e. The hike of my lifetime. I would advice you to go through that story first just to get a link of things…

One more thing, I had committed a faux pas in my earlier story. At first I said that I rolled a condom over Jason’s cock and then in the next scene I had his cum dripping onto the bed. Someone pointed it out to me. I want to thank him…

* * * * *

After the most glorious sex, I just wanted to lie down, relax and bask in my newly discovered relationship. Apparently Jason too, had the same plans because he proceeded to lie down beside me on the bed. As the bed was meant for a single person, that meant lying down in spoon fashion, with my bottom nicely cuddled against his groin. I wickedly jiggled my bottom against his cock, wanting to see his reaction. With a menacing growl, he reached over and bit my ear making me squeak in protest. I could feel him becoming hard against me all over again. I jiggled some more till he became iron hard and then we proceeded to use up one more condom…

We spent about four hours at the cabin. I felt that my knee was definitely up to making the rest of the hike. Obviously, I was not as hurt as I had thought. I voiced my thoughts to Jason and though he was still concerned, he said that it was all up to me. So we decided to rendezvous to the lodge which was supposed to be our halt for the night. We made good time and reached the lodge in the evening.

The rest of the group had set up a campfire and were definitely glad to see us. After inquiring about my health, everyone had a good time eating the grub and cracking jokes. When we wanted to retire for the night, we faced an unforeseen problem, which worked out to the advantage of Jason and me. It so turned out that all the rooms were occupied but for one. The lodge keeper solicitously enquired if we would mind sharing the room. He could arrange for a spare bed to be brought up into the room. I could barely keep up a straight face when I said that I didn’t really mind. Jason was quick to voice his approval with the arrangements.

As soon as the spare bed had been brought in and everyone had retired for the night, we quickly put the two beds together and jumped into bed. I lowered my head onto his lap and he sat stroking my hair.

“Jason”, I said shyly. “What is it sweetheart”, he asked me softly.

“Can you do me a favor?”

“If it is within my powers, I definitely will.” He said unhesitatingly.

“I have always had this fantasy of being dominated, you know? Sort of, of being controlled by a person.” “But I don’t want to get physically hurt.” I hastened to add. “Do you understand?”

“Yes, I think I do”, he said with a wicked smile.

“Now,”, he said, pushing me away from his lap, “we are going to play a little game.” “You are going to have a very hard time getting me to make love to you.”

“Hmpf, big deal.” I was not very impressed. “And why do you think I will want you to make love to me? I don’t think I am that desperate.” I was determined to best him.

“If you are not, you will soon be.” Saying thus, he straddled my hips and imprisoned my arms above my head. He swooped down on my mouth like an eagle giving me no time to protest, though I don’t think I would have protested even if I was given the time. He bit down on my lips softly, tracing them with his tongue. I moaned softly wanting more. He then plunged his tongue into the moist recesses of my mouth, stroking my tongue with this. I entwined my tongue with his, trying to pull more of him into my mouth and he let me. I was sucking on his tongue like mad, biting into it like a soft juicy fruit. After we tongue-dueled for a while, he flipped me onto my back and rode me like a cowboy. He still had my arms trapped beneath his and he now began to ravage my neck, giving me tiny little love bites all along the nape which felt like little electric shocks.

He grasped my ear with his teeth and gave it a little tug and then dipped into the hollow of my ear. I never knew I had so many erogenous zones in my body. He then ran his tongue down my spine all the way down to my bottom. He bit down on my rump with such force that I yelled in protest. I could see from the corner of my eye that he was hard to say the least. He ran his cock up and down the crack of my ass and I almost came then. He slowly let me up and at once I assumed a convenient position, expecting his cock within me any moment. When it didn’t happen, I thought that he had gotten up to get a condom. When I turned, I saw that he was coolly sitting on the edge of the bed, adjusting the covers. I couldn’t believe my eyes. What the hell was wrong with him?

“Hey, what’s the matter?” I asked, slowly getting up. “Aren’t you going to continue?”

“No”, he said coolly.

“But why?”, I asked in frustration.

“Didn’t I say that you are going to have a tough time getting me to make love to you?”.

Surely he was kidding. He couldn’t be serious at a time like this. But I could see that he wasn’t.

“Now I want you to beg me to make love to you and do everything in your power to coax me.” Saying so, he stretched his legs out and folded his arms on his chest.

I went to him and kissed him full on the lips. I stroked his chest lightly, teasing his nipples into tight buds. I then bent down and sucked on them. When I saw that that was not working, I moved down to his thighs, stroking them lightly. I moved down to his feet, caressing them with my hands and then taking his toes into my mouth. I sucked on each one and ran my tongue down the soles of his feet. I looked up to see that he was not particularly moved. I now moved up to his cock, which I had saved for last. I took the velvety tip into my mouth and ran my tongue along the tiny depression. I then took him in fully and gave him the blowjob of his life, blowing and sucking so hard that my face turned red. I then turned my attention to his balls and sucked on each one making them wet with my saliva. I then deep-throated him for quite some time sure that he definitely could not resist this. When that too did not have any apparent effect, I was flabbergasted. Had I failed to have any effect over him whatsoever?. Was he bored with me so soon? I turned away, wanting some time away from him. No sooner had I turned than Jason took my chin into his hand and turned my head towards him. I am sure that my misery was transparent on my face then. Without another word he took me into his arms and pressed me tightly into his chest. “I am so sorry, sweetheart”, he crooned, running his fingers through my hair. “It was just supposed to be a game. I didn’t think I would hurt you so bad. I’m sorry, truly I am.”

I just had to ask. “Do I have no effect on you at all?”

“Are you kidding. I barely managed to keep a straight face throughout your onslaught. When you were deep-throating me, I thought that if you continued for a couple of seconds more, I would be doing the begging. That was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. And now here is your reward.” Saying thus, he got out a condom and quickly rolled it up, not wanting to waste any more time. I was waiting for him to bring out the Vaseline but he surprised me. He lubricated me by flicking his tongue into my asshole. I had never experienced the likes of it in my life. He forced his tongue in as much as he could, forcing my legs apart wider and wider. When he was finally satisfied, he straightened up and thrust into me with one fluid motion. I felt none of the discomfort that I had felt before, I was so primed up for him. I pushed back into him, wanting more of him into me. He too was eager, he ground his hips into mine till we were almost molded together. He pushed harder and harder, gripping my shoulder, till I was panting with exhaustion. When I felt that I could take no more, he finally climaxed with one mega thrust, which I felt must have penetrated my very core. I fell down on the bed, exhausted and he fell on top of me crushing me with his weight. We were both slick with sweat.

He suddenly rolled over and sat up, quite serious. “I want to say something.” He was dead serious. I felt a sudden chill run down my spine. This was it. He was going to give me the thank-you speech. It was nice while it lasted but now I must move on or something to that effect. Well, I was not going to give him the satisfaction of seeing me disintegrate. I would deal with the rejection when I was alone. Now was the time for some first quality acting.

“Yes, go on”, I said trying to act nonchalant.

“I want you to hear me out. Okay? No interruptions, absolutely no interruptions.”

“Ok.” I hoped I could control myself.

“ Well, here goes. I know you are not very experienced, but I am. Let me tell you that what we have here is something special, something unique. No doubt the sex is spectacular, but I feel this closeness with you, this protectiveness which I have felt with no one. And I would like to explore this further, beyond this hike. I don’t want to move too fast but I would like to see you more, to know more about you. What do you say?” He looked so hopeful, that all my fears vanished and I jumped into his arms, overjoyed.

“Oh I would love to see you more. I thought you were going to leave me.”

“Honestly, I don’t think I can. At least not without exploring this further. So what do you say? I can move in with my aunt. My job won’t suffer as I am a freelance writer. Are you up to more of me?

I thought that finally my dreams had come through…

Now that’s an end to this story. I think I am done with soppy romances for the moment. I am going to try my hand at some hard core stuff. I am thinking about doing a series on fetishes. Does anyone have any ideas???

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