The Straight Family Friend Ch. 02

Just like last time, I guided him to my room. Just like last time, we didn’t say anything on the way there. Just like last time, he locked the door behind him. Not like last time, he didn’t start taking his clothes off.

I stood in the middle of the room looking at him awkwardly. It was a cloudy day and well past noon. I remember because I have dark curtains in my room that make it pitch black on days like this, and it was lowkey kinda hard to see his expression. Not my fault that the window also faces the backyard, where all the yelling, laughing, and talking could be heard pretty clearly.

“You okay?” He finally asked.

“Yeah, s–sure,” I wasn’t sure what he meant.

“Today’s the first time you don’t look like you’re about to have a heart attack,” he scoffed, but his tone was friendly as usual.


“Don’t apologize. I wanted to talk to you alone to make sure you’re okay with what we did.”

I opened my mouth to tell him I’d be okay with anything we ever did, always and forever, but I have this deep paranoid feeling that I could say something stupid any second and he’ll walk away; so instead I just nodded again.

“I want to do it again, but you have to be more discreet, understood?”

Would you blame me if I said I heard all of that but only processed the first part? Because I did. I’m honestly not sure whether or not I said anything or nodded back, but I must’ve, because next, he said:

“Take your clothes off.”

It was just like last time, but he wasn’t shirtless. He didn’t have his jacket on, though, he’d taken it off a while ago, but he didn’t make any moves to do the same with his T-shirt, even as I finished taking my boxer briefs off and throwing them on my chair to make sure I could find them fast afterward.

“Go lean on that drawer,” he ordered while walking towards my bedside to pick up the lube, and I obeyed. “Bend forward as much as you can and spread your legs.”

I knew what was coming and I wasn’t ready. I mean, I kinda was. Even though I was starting to lose hope, I’d been cleaning myself every time I knew I was about to see him. It payed off big time.

I felt his hands close on my skinny ass before I felt his breath on my hole. It made me weak and I almost forgot there was only one layer of glass between us and a backyard full of Christians. I bit down on my arm to stop myself from moaning too loud, adding another battle scar to the one on my shoulder, which was almost faded by this point.

This was the very first time anyone had ever eaten me out. Since this is an actual experience, I’ll say it’s not everything it’s made out to be in my opinion, unless it’s done to you by an actual Greek god. In which case, the knowledge that this straight, married, gorgeous guy was on his knees behind me sliding his tongue in, out, and around my entrance was making me delirious. He went at it for a while and my legs were starting to feel tired.

I wondered for a second how he would react if I asked to sit on his face instead, but I forgot about it pretty quickly when I heard the distinct sound of a belt being undone and a zipper being opened.

It made me noisier for some reason. Like knowing he wanted to touch himself because he was enjoying me that much made me hornier.

He stopped, and I remember feeling cold from his breath when he said:

“I haven’t had pussy in a while.”

There were so many things I wanted to say to him, and I’m sure you would’ve preferred me to be more verbal as well, but I said it before and I’ll say it again, I’m very paranoid that I’ll scare him away somehow. Regardless, he squirted some lube out and applied it to my wet hole. I’m sure it was a total mess, but he didn’t seem to mind. I could hear him jerking himself off, which made me hard as a rock too, which in time helped when he started using a finger to open me up. He found my spot almost immediately and I was starting to struggle really hard not to be too loud.

“You getting tired?” he said after a few minutes.

I didn’t dare uncover my mouth so I just lied by shaking my head.

“We’ll go to the bed soon,” he promised, not making my situation any easier.

A second finger went in and I think I lost my sense of awareness for a while because next thing I remember was him telling me to walk to the bed and assume the same position I had two weeks ago.

I’ll admit it took me longer than I would’ve liked to make it there. My legs felt sore and weak, my ass was practically dripping and I was shaking with anxiety again.

As I laid down to offer myself up to him, I noticed he was finally taking his clothes off. Thank god my eyes had gotten more adjusted to the light, because if I wasn’t turned on before, and trust me, I was, I think my dick took on a life of its own at the sight of this. Like it’s one thing to see this man shirtless with his open jeans and thick cock ready for me, but to actually be able to look at his naked body in all its glory there’s just no words I can use.

I love how big his pecs are, and his tanned skin gives his abs a certain pop that I don’t know how to describe, but it makes me want to just lay on them all day to feel the texture. Not to mention those massive legs that legitimately made me wish he would’ve sat down for me to suck him off just so I could grab onto those massive things for support and be scared that he would crash my head with his monster thighs.

Seriously, I know most people would probably not find him as attractive as I do, but I just can’t help myself.

I know he noticed me looking at him with my unquenchable thirst and I think he might’ve taken just a little too long to climb onto the bed. My heart started to beat its way out of my chest as soon as the mattress sunk and I felt his skin against mine.

“Open,” he said after laying on top of me like last time.

I spread my legs. Thankfully, we had a lot more time than we had two weeks ago. The noise outside hadn’t gone down at all, which meant the party was still in full force. Everyone was having a good time while I was in my room feeling this man slide his cock inside of me.

It was so much easier this time. I didn’t need to focus so hard on relaxing and could instead listen to his breathing, the way he held his breath when he tried to push deeper, the exhale any time he gained another inch inside of me.

I think I was unconsciously moving my ear closer to him, because when he spoke I felt like his voice resonated inside me.

“You have such a tight boypussy,” he said. And I have this words seared in my brain, so you can trust me when I tell you these were the exact words he said to me next: “We should keep doing this, yeah?”

“Yes,” my voice was hoarse. I hadn’t said anything in a while other than moaning. That wasn’t gonna stop me from agreeing to the offer of a lifetime.

After that, I felt his entire weight lowering on top of me. He wasn’t lifting himself using his enormous arms anymore because instead, he wrapped them around my skinny torso in a morbid embrace that allowed him to sunk deeper than last time.

He felt so big. Even with all the prep it was still slightly painful, but at the same time I was in heaven. I was completely surrounded by his warmth, his smell and his muscles. This beautiful married man was now swaying his sculptural body up and down to fuck my hole and I couldn’t hold back anymore.

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