Tiki Boys

Looking down at his phone, Jay blushes with some embarrassment, but mostly flattery as he thanks his new friend. They chat about sports, vacation stories, work, the taxi cab arriving promptly in the lot. Mark watches, making sure Jaysen get in and buckles in ok, telling the driver, “Hey, make sure this guy gets home safe, Ok?”

Chuckling, the driver says, “Mission accepted,” and the guys close the door.

As they pull away from the bar and the cabbie waits for a break in traffic, looking in his rearview mirror and telling Jay, “Sounds like your partner really cares about you,”.

“My…? Oh, no, he’s actually a guy I just met,”

“Sorry about that one. I was just getting a vibe and thought he was…my fault,” he apologizes, pulling onto the road.

Jaysen stared out the window into space as the words ‘partner’ and ‘boyfriend’ bob around in his head, along with the image of Mark and the sight of him knocking the brusque, pushy man to the ground.


“Errrr…I don’t know Milo what do you think? Is too soon? It’s too soon, right?” Jay asks his little tri-legged Boston Terrier who just tilts his head, panting as response. “Alright, alright. Fine,” he adds, “But it’s just a ‘thank you’ lunch, nothing more, ok!!” he explains, stressing his last word. Taking a seat at the counter, Jaysen scrolls through his contact list for Mark’s number, getting up and pacing around his kitchen the second he finds it and presses the call button.

The phone rings a second time, then a third, and then a fourth before he hears, “Heyyy this is Mark. I’m kind of busy at the moment and can’t get the phone but leave a message and I’ll call you back as soon as I can, promise, so leave a message at the mark. Wait, not me but at…well you know,” *BEEP*. Stifling a laugh, Jay says, “Hey Mark, it’s Jaysen, that guy you kind of saved at the bar the other night by punching out that big dude that had a number of beers in him and was being sort of rude and since I’m really not that assertive or confident or whatever aaand I don’t really know why I just told you that. You probably think I’m a complete dork now. Anyhow, I was hoping we could catch some lunch this week, my treat as a ‘thank you’. That new soul food place opened last week on 8th and Capital; thought we could check it out. Ok, cool. Call me back whenever. Bye,”

Slipping right back into his seat, Jay plops his arm on the counter and drops his head, burying his face. “How was that bud? Was it really as bad as I think? Am I really that dork Milo?” he says, looking over at his pup. Jaysen claps his hands, the dog strutting over with his little wobble, his dog-dad lifting him up and getting his cheek coated in doggy kisses.

Setting his boy down, Milo running out to the balcony, either to watch the passing traffic or use his potty area, Jay picks up the empty dog bowl, pouring lunch in, washing his hands after, then turning and pulling a salad out for himself. Tearing open and pouring the croutons onto the mix in, he grabs the dressing and sits, munching away in anticipation.

Twenty minutes of anxious eating and dish washing later, Jaysen’s phone rings, his breath suddenly elusive. The screen reads ‘Mark’ and opening the message, he reads ‘hey, I’m doing some volunteer stuff at the library. Lunch sounds great but you really don’t need to thank me & yeah I’ve been meaning to try that place out. Just let me know what time you want to meet, and I’ll see you then’.


Mark rubs his hands in eagerness as the waiter places his steaming chicken pot pie in front of him, Jay looking forward to diving into his seafood gumbo. “Mmm this looks so good,” Mark says, tapping open the crust of his pot pie. Smiling, Jaysen mixes the white rice in with his shrimp and broth, taking a sip.

We share small talk about music, movies, vacations, work, et cetera as we eat. I wonder if he feels the same tingly spark as I do every time his knee touches mine under the table or if Mark knows how deep his hazel eyes are. His laugh isn’t any less charming than the rest of him while I tell him about the time I my neighbor accidently texted me a topless picture in high school because I had the same name as her boyfriend! He nearly choked when tell him it read ‘meet me in the music hall during free period tomorrow, you know why’.

“Hey, have you seen the trailers for that new cruise ship murder mystery movie?” he asks after I pay the waiter.

“The one where they shut off access to the casino? Yeah, it looks great,”

“Why don’t you and me check it out? Maybe Saturday?

“Sounds great! What time?” I ask, nervousness suddenly hitting me, “Wait, like a date?”

Mark blushes, looking down, grinning, his cheeks a cute baby rose color when he answers, “If you want it to be,” biting his lip.

My own cheeks now a similar color while I nod, saying, “Sooo…what time?”


Mark and I have been together for over a year now so when I step into the tiki hut bar to refresh my Daiquri, I’m not at all surprised a few seconds later when I feel his arms around my waist and the familiar, though wet, contour of his sporty body against my back. “Have I mentioned how hot you look in those swim trunks today?” he mumbles, his lips and tepid breath brushing my ear. Chuckling, I reply, “Only a few times since we got here,” setting my drink on the bar as I turn to face him, my lips connecting with his.

His tongue is welcomed into my mouth with great splendor, the saliva in my mouth churning around and around and around his tongue, sucking him into an oral whirlpool. I know it drives him crazy whenever I do this to him, especially the fact that I won’t teach him how it’s done.

Backing up against the bar, I put my hands back, lifting myself as Mark sets me on the counter, my thighs now loosely hugging his hips. I glace back, checking that nothings nearby that might be knocked over, and he pulls my mouth to his and resumes kissing me. We started French kissing, our mouths joined in a mess just seconds later.

We enjoy our less-than-private togetherness, our tongues reaching for and moving between mouth as our hands wander each other’s figures. The rest of the world and the party and the pool, don’t exist anymore, nobody exists anymore besides us because that’s all we want or need or care about right now.

My right hand roams up his muscular torso whilst my left roams down, Mark’s drifting over my stomach as another slides about my back.

I enjoyed us a little more than usual, likely to do with the large quantities of alcohol in a systems mixed with the heat of the summer, my cock going from semi-hard to boulder-like quickly. My boyfriend strokes my thigh, caressing it tenderly as we make-out, reaching down to my knee as my fingers trace his abs. His hand moves slowly up and down as I softy run my hand over the hard cock under those shorts.

I hop off my seat, tenderly pressing into his chest, putting Mark on the bar this time around. I untie the laces of his trunks and pull them to the ground, his glorious substantial penis springing free of its constraint and gleaming in the sun.

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