Trying Out An Old Fantasy

A gay story: Trying Out An Old Fantasy “You ever have, like… fantasies?”

“Fantasies? As in daydreams?”

“No, like…” he blushes, “…the sexual kind.”

“Oh. Yes, I guess.” Kenji looks away from the man in his lap, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.



“… You’re a horrible person.”

“Hey, you only ever asked if I have them, not what they are.”

Jake glares at the amused face above him. “Fiiiiiine then, what are they?”

“Ha! Like I’d tell you!”

“Why you little-” A playful wrestle puts Jake on top of the Japanese man’s legs, smirking as he pins him to the blanket. “I said. What. Are they.”

“Well, you know, nothing specific,” Kenji says, nonchalant in his incapacitation, “We’ve pretty much hit all the solid ones already.”

“Oh.” The brunette sits back, shadows from the tree dancing across his face.

“Besides, you don’t really want to talk about my fantasies, do you?” Kenji runs his newly freed hand very intentionally up Jake’s hip.

Blushing again, Jake climbs off and returns to his former position, laying across his boyfriend’s lap. “Whatever. Hey-!”

Said boyfriend gathers Jake up and purrs against his ear. “Don’t you want me to ask what fantasies you have, darling?” The right amount of emphasis on the term of endearment has the boy squirming in his arms.


Wind tousles Jake’s hair as he lays cradled in Kenji’s wonderfully comfortable arms.

“There’s kind of this one I had before we got together that’s been getting stuck in my head lately.”

“Oh yeah? Was it about… me?”

He chuckles as Jake hides an embarrassed smile in his bicep, letting out a muffled “Maybe.”

“So, what’s in this fantasy of yours?” Kenji strokes the boy’s chocolate brown hair patiently.

“I know we’ve done some kinky stuff, but this one might be a bit… out there.”



“If you really want to do it, we can always talk out specifics and set boundaries.”

Jake doesn’t know how he got so lucky.

“Yeah, okay.”

“Okay? Okay.” His warm chuckle sends tingles through Jake’s body. “Spill. What is your deepest, darkest secret?”

The boy pushes out a calming breath. “So, uh… you’d invite me over for drinks or to look at work stuff or something, and, you know, the conversation would go on and on.”

“You do talk a lot.” Kenji laughs again at Jake’s fake glare.

“Anyways, you’d start making advances, and I’d try to make my excuses, and you’d, uh, kind of… force me? To… you know… and make me, um, beg for it…” The boy bites his lip.

Kenji takes a second to process.

“You want me to… rape you?”

Jake groans and covers his face with his hands. “Well, it’s not like- I mean, it sounds bad when you say it like that.”

“Oh, hey, no,” Kenji laughs.

“I told you it’d be weird,” the boy says, peeking through his fingers.

“It’s not like we don’t get into some weird stuff. This isn’t that far off the path if you look at it like just another role-play.”

Jake picks absently at the sleeve next to his ear.

“Do you want to do it?” Kenji’s elbow is warm from the heat on Jake’s face.

“Yeah,” he whispers into the man’s chest.


“Okay?” Jake glances up, chewing on his lip.

Confidently, Kenji nods. “Okay. Are you doing anything this Friday?”

“That’s, uh… no, not really,” the boy stammers.

“Great! Now, let’s talk about those boundaries.”

* * *

The Japanese man stops by Jake’s cubicle Thursday morning.

“Hey, nice job on that overseas sale, by the way.”

“Oh, thanks. I didn’t know you kept up with the business in our little corner of the building.”

The man chuckles. “Well, perhaps I am just looking for an excuse to get rid of this horrible bottle of scotch I found on sale at that bodega down the block.”

“Leo’s?” Jake laughs. “I wouldn’t trust the aspirin there, let alone the scotch.”

“I know my lesson now,” his coworker says with a sigh, “Anyways, do you want to help me put it somewhere more exciting than my kitchen sink? How’s tomorrow night?”

Jake ducks his head. “Yeah, sure. Tomorrow night.” After a pause, he smirks. “Is that a date?”

“I don’t date coworkers. See you then.” Without any further ado, the man briskly paces away.

Jake can’t concentrate on anything for the next thirty-six hours.

* * *

He runs a hand through his hair, checking one last time like he’s not a complete mess.

A few seconds after he knocks, Jake is greeted by the welcome sight of a rumpled Kenji, tie loose around his neck.

“Hello.” the nervous man is ushered through the door. “Can I get you anything? Water? Chips?”

“Water would be great.”

The two make small talk as Kenji bustles around, gathering several different wine glasses and a bowl of pretzels and depositing them on a coffee table with the promised bottle of cheap scotch.

Jake grimaces at the first sip. “That’s horrendous,” he laughs.

“The purpose of alcohol is not to taste good, it is to get you drunk.”

“Oh yeah?” Jake peers at the normally professional man over his glass.

“Yes.” Kenji tosses his back in a gulp and immediately refills it. Jake amusedly shakes his head and follows suit, allowing his glass to be replenished.

As they work their way through the bottle, Jake lets the alcohol relax his tense muscles and manners.

“I’ve always noticed that about you. You always get so intent on your work, I just can’t bear to interrupt you sometimes.”

“You come to interrupt me that often? Isn’t your office like two floors down?”

Kenji shrugs and reaches for the bottle again.

Jake taps at his glass. “So, uh, you do anything interesting lately?” Any other time, the Japanese man would have winked and answered ‘you’.

“I always see you at the mixers and big presentations, you know HR usually helps with those.”

“You pick me out of five hundred odd employees in a room the size of a concert hall?”

“It’s not that hard.” Kenji holds the man’s gaze as he tips back his glass.

Jake shifts in his seat. “Yeah, I guess, if you’re familiar with everyone already.”

“I don’t think you understand how great you are.” The corner of Kenji’s mouth rises, but the smile doesn’t reach his eyes.

“Sure.” Jake bubbles out a nervous chuckle.

The other man sits forward insistently. “No, really. Your work ethic and easy confidence are admirable.”

“Okay! I’m admirable, got it!” He leans away, surprised at the man’s sudden intensity.

“Good.” Kenji leans back, satisfied. “Not to mention you can pull off a three-piece like you were born in it.” Jake’s startled eyes snap up. “What? Have you not looked in a mirror lately?”

Jake stammers out something about brushing his teeth and starts shifting to get up until a hand on his knee abruptly stops him.

“I mean it. You can turn any head worth looking and you don’t even realize it.” Kenji sits back again with a snort. “That’s what makes you so damn infuriating.”

Jake is frozen. “I-Infuriating?”

“Yes, you.” Deep brown eyes pierce into his. “Had I my way, you would be bent over my bed two months ago. But you just go on your way, not noticing anyone’s desperate flirting.”

“Look, I appreciate your attention to detail, but I think you’ve had a little too much.” Jake moves to rise again, but a sweep of vertigo brings him back to the couch. What percent alcohol was scotch, again?

“I think I’ve had just the right amount.” Kenji lets his hand slide further up Jake’s thigh.

“That’s great, I hope you enjoy it, I just remembered I forgot to get this paperwork turned in, have a good—” The man’s yelp is smothered by Kenji’s lips as he pins him back on the couch. “H-Hey, I don’t think that—”

The Japanese man growls, “Just shut up already,” and pulls at his lips again.

Jake escapes for air as Kenji moves to nibbling down his jaw. “You don’t have to—”

“God, every time I see you, I just want to…” Jake nearly faints at the words rumbling up from the base of his throat. Kenji lets out something between a moan and a drunk chuckle as he licks and bites at Jake’s racing pulse.

Jake pushes futilely at the broad shoulders in front of him. “I thought you don’t date coworkers,” he whimpers weakly.

“Is this a date?”

Kenji grabs his waist and twists so that Jake’s back is to the cushions, Kenji above him. Jake gasps and flinches as a hand unbuttons his pants and reaches over his increasingly tight boxers. “Shh, shh. I’ll be gentle,” Kenji whispers into his ear, licking it tenderly.

No amount of (ostensible) effort will budge the force of nature above him, so Jake has no choice but to lay there and pant while Kenji strokes his shorts and leans down to bite his collarbone.

The alcohol in his head slows everything down to a crawl, making sure Jake feels every sensation present on his skin. The smell of Kenji’s cologne wafts into his nose and mouth, only adding to the high. Jake struggles to not come from just that much.

“I thought you were so shy, but here you are, already wanting more.”

“S-Stop.” Another ineffectual shove draws a languid smile from Kenji.

“You don’t have to fight. I know you want this. I see you begging me for it every day.”

“I don’t- uhn…” Another whimper escapes him as warm, wet breath tracks up his neck and back to his mouth. The hand on his crotch also travels upward, unbuttoning his shirt.

Suddenly, Kenji sits up and jerks off Jake’s pants and socks with practiced speed.

“Hey-!” Jake’s protestations are cut off again as Kenji attacks his mouth with a renewed vigor. The bottom can’t get out anything coherent as hot lips and hands explore his body.

He can’t help but moan when Kenji hits that specific place between his hip and ass. Jake doesn’t know why that particular strip of skin is so sensitive, but any time Kenji brushes against it – intentionally or not – Jake just absolutely melts. Kenji is well aware of this and uses the information to its fullest advantage.

Jake manages to get his face free and stammer through another excuse, but Kenji just sneers and drags the trembling man towards the bedroom, forcefully stripping him of his shirt on the way.

Kenji throws him at the bed and climbs on top to pin his wrists before the boy can skitter away.

“I know you want this, sweetheart, just submit,” Kenji purrs lovingly to Jake’s adam’s apple. Taking the queue, Jake thrashes his hips around in an (inevitably hopeless) attempt to flee.

“You. Will. Submit. Boy.” Kenji grinds his hips down on Jake’s groin, and the boy can only whine helplessly and let his head flop back down. He shivers again as the hand not holding his wrists above his head traces its way down to the hem of his shorts, then beneath it to the throbbing member in desperate need of attention.

Kenji gave it exactly that, keeping Jake occupied with intense kisses. “See?” he murmurs, “You just need to allow yourself to accept it.”

The dominant man swiftly removes the shorts and sits on the boy’s legs so he can’t escape while he slicks his fingers with contents from a mysteriously produced bottle.

Jake throws his head back with a load moan as Kenji swallows his whole cock in one go. The man slips a digit in hole while Jake is distracted, and a second quickly follows. Well familiar with this process, Jake’s body relaxes into the feeling, letting Kenji stretch him like they’d done so many times before.

When Kenji comes up for air, Jake realizes he has a hand buried in the other man’s hair. He pants out, “I c-can’t take any more…” Lie. Jake has taken Kenji’s entire fist on multiple occasions, and sometimes even more than that.

“Did you know the human asshole can stretch up to eight times its size before sustaining permanent damage?” A third finger slips into him easily.

“You can’t j-just say something so creepy when y-you’re looking at me like that,” Jake groans as Kenji returns to his swollen member.

The man ignores him in favor of the mass of meat in his mouth. Holy shit, Jake thinks he might pass out if Kenji doesn’t let him come soon.

Kenji pulls off his cock with a pop and kisses it down to the base, then presses his face into the hair at Jake’s groin and inhales like it’s the last breath he’ll ever have. Jake swears at the ceiling, legs shaking.

“What’s that? Ready to give it up?” Jake suddenly remembers the character he’s supposed to be playing and fights as Kenji climbs on top of him again and unbuttons his own pants for the first time.

Despite Jake’s struggles, Kenji lifts the boy’s ass onto his thighs and holds it there with a palm to the abdomen, using the other hand to pull out his equally excited member and lubricate it.

Jake, watching this, mewls and tightens his legs, trying to sit up.

“Now, now, it’s not the time to be backing out.” Kenji quickly leans forward and pins Jake’s wrists again.

He positions himself at Jake’s entrance and pauses long enough to draw that special needy whine out of the boy. Then he shoves himself inside, turning the whine into a strangled moan. Jake’s hole, well accustomed to Kenji’s size, stretches comfortably around the man’s throbbing erection.

Kenji, now panting as hard as Jake, grips the boy’s hair and pulls back, exposing his neck. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Jake can feel the man’s eyes fixed on his throat as he gulps.

Moans come from both of them as Kenji drives into the boy’s hungry ass over and over.

Jake whimpers at a sudden absence when Kenji pulls out. Before he can say anything, he’s roughly flipped over, and Kenji pulls at his waist with bruising force. In a last-ditch effort, the boy jerks his hips around, but a sharp spank on his ass pulls him up short.

“I’m getting tired of your struggling, boy.” Kenji smoothly rubs the sting out of Jake’s skin. “Submit,” he growls at the base of the boy’s skull.

Another struggle by Jake meets a slap on his other cheek, and he finally gives in and collapses to the sheet.

“Good boy,” Kenji groans. He drags Jake’s hips up to his crotch and twists the boy’s arm behind his back, forcing his face into the mattress. “Take my dick like a good little slut,” he says as he starts violently fucking the hole beneath him.

Pulling the boy up by his hair, Kenji tugs their torsos together, bending Jake’s back at just the right angle that he can hit his prostate.

Another familiar whining moan tells Kenji he’s found the right spot, and he assaults it mercilessly.

Bending the boy further, Kenji bites at his ear and whispers “Beg.”

Jake lets his head flop with a whimpered denial. Increasing the speed of his thrusts, Kenji commands louder, “Beg.”

Finally at the end of his rope, Jake finally breaks. “Fuck yes please daddy f- uh-” He can’t finish a coherent sentence, dissolving into pants and moans.

“Fuuuuck, baby, come for me,” Kenji gasps into Jake’s neck. He bites down hard, sending them both over the edge, and ropey strings of Jake’s cum decorate the sheets. Kenji keeps thrusting as he pushes his seed further into his sub.

After they finally still, Kenji pulls out and massages the cum-wet hole. Jake, trembling and breathing in strange quick pants, sinks down to the mattress.

“Hey,” Kenji breathes. Then, with more concern, “Hey, are you okay? Did I go too far? What’s wrong?”

While Jake’s silent face is turned into the pillow, the only thing Kenji can do is rub the shivering boy’s back and try to pull himself back together.

“Love? Can you talk?”

“G-Good. Yeah.” Kenji can barely hear Jake’s quiet stammer.

“Good? Okay.” The man shifts around so that he can spoon his lover, carefully separating him from the wet spot on the sheet. “Okay,” he whispers into Jake’s hairline, and softly kisses his neck.

In his boyfriend’s warm embrace, Jake eventually comes back to himself, his breath much calmer.

Kenji notices when the boy’s eyes flutter open and gently stokes his arms. “Are you okay? I don’t know if I’ve seen that reaction before.”

“No, yeah, I’m good. It felt good… like, really, really good. It was just a little… overwhelming, I guess.” Jake reaches back to stroke the other man’s hair, then twists to press a tender kiss against his lips. “Thanks for… everything,” he sighs peacefully.

“Okay.” Smiling into Jakes soft hair, Kenji hugs him closer. “Anytime. I love you.”


Kenji thinks Jake must be the most beautiful creature on the planet as he watches the brunette fall asleep. Leaving the mess for the morning, he kisses the boy’s hair and lets himself drift off.

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