Twin lover affair chapter 6: Family secrets Part one and Sally prepare Stephanie for deflowerment by Darkone82

“ Listen to me Mark, and listen to me closely, because I am only going to tell you this once, I know how ecstatic you must be feeling right now to finally be able to deflower your sister Stephanie, The first time that Sally and I made love, it was like we were on cloud nine.” Mac begin to tell Mark before Mark breaks into the conversation in mid-sentence.

“Mac to be completely honest with you bro, I still trying to come to terms with the fact, that here in soon few mins, that I am going to deflower my own sister Mac in front of whole world live, (Sighs) If you were have told me yesterday morning that in less than 24 hour time span that I would be attempting to father a child with my own sister, I would look at you directly in the eyes and laugh and most likely I would knocked your ass out cold Mac.” Mark said to me in a apprehensive tone of voice.

“ I can completely understand where your coming from Mark, I mean if it hadn’t been for you being a douche and giving Sally that dumb ass automaton that you give her, and when she refused to go up to Snyder’s lake to sleep with you, which I have to say was dick move on your part, But anyways, I had to console her after that and well one thing lead to another and now we are here Mark.” Mac said to Mark.

“ Yeah, now when I look back on the whole Snyder’s lake automation that was a competed and utter dick move on my part, But hey it seem like to me thing turn out for the best for the both of us right bro?” Mark playfully punches me in the shoulder.

“ Ok Mark time to get down to business here, We both know that both you and Stephanie are virgins, and knowing you as well as I do Mac, your going to want to have your way with Stephanie the second that you enter my uncles room, but instead show her the respect that she deserves since she could have choose to give her virginity to any dick Tom and Hairy, But she saved it for you, So sure to make it a special time for her and a story that she will tell your grand children years from now. Oh just remember we will be live streaming this and your video will be seen by the whole taboo world. Just a reminder I personally find it annoying when a video is 5 or 10 minutes make sure to make it last, ok bro and you wouldn’t want to hurt your sister now would you bud? I said to Mac.

Whan Mark heard what I had to said about taking his time with Stephanie. He burst out in laughter and then he turned around facing way from me as he make his way back over to the coffee table where we had all laid our cans of beer that Sally stole from uncles tom stash. Mark then rise his can of beer to his mouth and take a swig from his beer. Then turn his head back in my direction.

“ Mac, you don’t need to worry about Stephanie being able to handle our style of love making, You remember those rumors that were going around school about Kelly Cooper right Mac?” Mark ask me as he took another swig from his beer.

“Yeah, that if you were utterly desperate for a piece of ass, than she would drop her pants just for just about anyone if you had nice ride or something like that, I don’t understand just where the hell she fits in to this story Mark?” I ask mark with a confused tone of voice.

Mark downs the last of his can of bear and toss it in the can bag we had put out, So once this was all done and over, we could get rid of the evidence before Uncle Tom came home, then he make a V line over to where I was standing.

“Well when Sally refused to go up to Snyder’s lake and dumped her for it, I saw Kelly Cooper outside of school and I ask her to go with me to Snyder’s Lake since I do have a nice sports car and if those rumors were correct than she would drop those pants of her like hot cake… (Sighs) nearest to say I quickly found those rumors about Kelly were wrong and I when home that afternoon with the worse case of blue balls, Mac they fucking hurt like hell, and Well to give you the short story, It was only once Stephanie had finish up swallowing my load for the first time, did she tell me those rumors were about her, and let me tell you Mac if my sister had done everything she said she had done, I’m pretty sure she can handle me having my way with her and that what she wants me to do.” Mark, tell me.

“ So, wait just a second Mark it was your sister Stephanie instead of Kelly Cooper, who had guy running a train on her, because what I had heard that she had one guy fucking in the ass and another was face fucking her. But the guy at the party were super piss when she told them her pussy was off limits, something about she is saving that for someone special.” Mac told Mark.

“Yeah, I was shocked when I asked her just who she was saving her vaginal virginity for?” Mark said to me as he pop the top on a new can of beer.

I stood there looking at Mark with a befuddled look on my face, as much as I attempted to figure out just why the hell Stephanie was more than willing to allow any Joe schmo take advantage of her his ass and mouth like she did. But at the same time, she was saving in vaginal virginity for someone special.

“ Ok Mark, Now you have me highly intrigued, Just who the hell was she saving her vaginal virginity for then? Who ever that guy was must have meant the world to her?” Mac ask Mark with his eyebrow raised.

“ My mother and I just thought she was acting out, or going though some kind of phase, But last night when she told me the truth on just who she was saving herself for it hit me like ton of bricks!” Mark said as he took another swig from his can of bear.

“ God damn it, Mark! Would please stop beating around the bush and tell me just who the bloody hell she was saving herself for… the suspense is killing me damn it!” I said to Mark in a raised tone of voice.

“ Jesus Christ Mac, your acting like this a season finale of your favorite TV Show, that end the episode on a cliffhanger!” Mark Said to me laughing.

“ Lol well the way your stringing this conversation out, I don’t think you are aware that your making it surely feel that way, So how about keeping forward to the season premier and tell already God Damn it?” Mac pops the top of his own beer as he wait for Mark to answer.

“ (sighs) It was ME! Mac she was acting out because she thought she couldn’t have me, and She told me she would have rather dead a childless virgin, then to give it up to anybody other than me Mac!” Mark said to me as he took another swig of his beer.

“I be damn Mark, So she was acting out all this time just because she though she couldn’t be with you!” Mac said to Mark as they both take a swig of their beers.

“ Yeah, it was a took shock to me as well, but any ways what you think Sally and Stephanie are doing upstairs while we are talking done here?”

“ Oh, knowing Sally, she is getting your sister ready to look like a porn star.” Mac said to Mark.

********************** Sally and Stephanie******************************

As my brother Mac and Stephanie’s brother were downing a few colds once, in which I had told Mac to stall Mark long enough so I could give Stephanie an Make over. I lead Stephanie by hand down the hall toward my Uncles Master bedroom… Once we have reached our uncles master bed, I motioned for Stephanie to head into my Uncles Master bathroom, Stephanie stops at the threshold my uncle’s bedroom, and she gave me this weird ass look as she looked toward my uncle’s luxurious bathroom. Stephanie had an nervous look on her face as she entered the bathroom. I motioned for her to take a seat on the toilet, and she did.

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