We Both Get a RISE!

A gay story: We Both Get a RISE! The Summer of 2022 was not looking promising to me on June 15th. As I pulled into the parking lot at work, I saw the owner of the book store I managed  had situated his oversized pickup truck straddling the usual two parking spots. His presence always meant undesirable news.

The changes he announced weren’t totally unexpected. With a recent corporate takeover came redundancy in functions and I was informed that I was no longer needed as our new partner store was too close to mine and was more successful. The severance was generous and would take me close enough to 62 that my wife and I would be fine  financially along with her income.

I spent my first few days being lazy. After my wife left for work, I would partake in my favorite hobby, edging to a nice, satisfying orgasm. My avenue to that pleasure usually involves checking out some porn of various flavors…or watching live action cams on a site I found…or visiting my favorite site, Literotica, for erotic stories and hot chat. Lately, chatting with other guys was a turn-on.

My interest in guys had simmered since my teen years when, for a brief time, I was able to suck myself off. Those were the days…I was never attracted to men, but I have always fantasized about sucking a cock. I’ve been complimented on the shape of mine, so I fear that I was spoiled during those fleeting teen years.

A few years ago, my wife began to lose interest in sex. It’s normal, or so I have read and been told. But it’s also normal that my sex drive has continued strong! I love my wife dearly and I would never sleep with another woman. But I have convinced myself that getting together with a guy to get each other off is more on the level of two guys enjoying a hobby. Golf… fishing…blow jobs. Why not?

I eventually followed through on the urge a couple of times and it was with guys whose interest was in getting me off. I tried sucking one of them but ED got the best of him. Oh how I still wanted a nice hard cock to suck! But it’s a pleasure that had eluded me to that point in my life.

Ahhhh, I digress. After a couple of days of decompression from the shock of joblessness, I decided to sign up to be a driver for one of those ride hailing apps. It would get me out of the house and bring in some spare change now and then. A long process but I eventually received approval to drive for RISE – an acronym for Ride Independent Share Enterprise.

I spent a few days figuring out the app, finding that I could actually pick requested rides and claim them. Primarily I was ferrying teenagers who overslept to school mid-morning, doing transports to doctor appointments, or airport pickups and dropoffs. I liked the ability to choose times and places to drive, though, and could plan my days.

One early Monday morning I had an airport dropoff that required me to travel to one of the upscale sections of San Antonio. It was a beautiful house on a cul de sac, set off against a ridge with the other homes built about an acre away – a byproduct of the geology, I guess! Trees planted at the foot of the ridge afforded privacy and shade – a valuable commodity in San Antonio.

The rider, Gary, was in the driveway waiting. His appearance was casual but upscale – wearing a white short sleeved cotton shirt and tan linen pants, carrying a small shoulder bag and a suitcase. He was about my height, 5 feet 10 inches, maybe a bit shy of my 220 pounds, with deep blue eyes and a sandy brown week’s worth of facial hair as well as just a bit around the sides of his head. I would have the same hairline if I didn’t shave my head, I thought, as I hopped from my car, slipped his luggage into my back seat, and offered him the front seat.

As I slid back into the driver’s seat, I clicked on the app to indicate the pickup was successful and prepared to head for the airport. Gary was checking his phone, apparently texting. I noticed that he wore a wedding ring on his left hand and a class ring on his right. I had high hopes that he was the type of rider that I prefer, an intelligent  conversationalist and a big tipper!

Gary broke the silence with a “thank you” in a pleasant, soft voice accompanied by a smile. “You are early. I appreciate that!”  I answered that it’s what I would want if I was flying. “Better to get through security and relax” I added.

We chatted about our respective careers all the way to the Departures dropoff. He was traveling for work, was consulting on a project, contracted to help a work team of home decorators to embrace corporate changes. I had been in a “people leadership” training role at one point and was experienced in change management.

Gary had shared that he would be arriving back in San Antonio mid morning on Friday. He even suggested that I watch for his ride request because he enjoyed my company more than his past drivers. I offered to bring coffee if I was able to claim his ride, which he appreciatively accepted, providing his coffee preferences. Just as quickly as the ride began, it was over and I was off to a scheduled pickup.

I was fortunate to claim Gary’s return flight on Friday morning and met him around 9 am at Arrivals with his chosen coffee, an iced mocha latte, waiting in the cup holder next to my salted caramel iced latte.

He looked full of energy and happy as he approached my vehicle. Gary was wearing a pastel green V-necked collarless jersey and white cargo shorts. As I bent down to pick up his small suitcase I found myself at eye level with his groin. I thought I could actually see the outline of a thick cock resting beneath the thin fabric of his shorts. The image was fleeting and my attention quickly returned to my task at hand but I saw enough to wonder about his choice of underwear.

He was totally surprised by the iced coffee, having forgotten my promise, and thanked me with a pat on the leg as he enjoyed his drink. “I can still pick up something to drink for your wife, so you could surprise her as you got home, ” I said, realizing I had failed to offer on Monday.

“Oh, it would be for my husband,” Gary interrupted. “And first of all, he’s on his way to Germany for a two week work assignment. Plus he’s a tea drinker.” Gary smirked and rolled his eyes, indicating amusement with anyone who drinks tea.

So now I knew that Gary preferred men. And I confess, I felt a little tingle in my balls when I processed that thought. I also perceived that by sharing this info, Gary had felt a little closer to me. I dared to be comfortable enough to get a little more personal.

“Must be difficult for you both, constantly traveling in different directions, coming back to an empty house!” I said. Hinting at the type of welcome I used to get, I added, “When I traveled, my wife was always waiting with a warm hug and lots of pillow talk, back in the days when we couldn’t get enough of each other.”

Gary chuckled and sighed a little. “We’re less into the physical aspect these days. Tim is an intense, focused guy but we find our marriage is more on an intellectual level,” Gary said pausing as he fumbled with his phone. “I’ve learned to put the physical aspect to the side.”

We had ventured into a very personal area and I felt that it was bringing Gary down. I decided to change the subject. “I certainly identify with that…but I hope your time away was productive. Feeling like you made a difference?”

Another pause from Gary as it seemed like his brain was shifting gears. He turned, his eyes a little moist, betraying his true feelings, as he forced a smile. “Yes! It was fantastic!” He let the memories of the past week flush away the sadness that had begun to fill him. “The team there has been great, I’m only wishing it wasn’t going to end after next week!”

“That’s a super feeling!” I answered, recalling high moments like that from my career. “I don’t miss the work but I do miss that kind of social interaction and camaraderie!”

Suddenly, Gary turned to me, exclaiming, “Jack, I’m starving! How about we grab some breakfast tacos and have breakfast on my patio! That is, if your wife’s not waiting for you?”

“That sounds great, and no, she’s not waiting for me. She’s working, probably not home till after 8 tonight.” I answered, and added, “We’re like you and Tim – best friends mostly, although she occasionally throws a bone to this old dog!”

“You’re not such an old dog! Just a little scratch behind your ears and your tail would be a-waggin’!” Gary said with an exaggerated Texan drawl. “Turn into this drive thru, they have the best breakfast tacos,” motioning to a small Mexican restaurant on our right.

With a full bag of bacon-egg-potato and cheese soft tacos, we pulled into Gary’s driveway. Carrying the drinks and tacos, I followed him through the front door as I checked out his ass, unsuccessful in my efforts to discern his type of underwear.

As I entered the foyer, I was immediately impressed. The front hallway led to an open floor plan downstairs on the left with a stairway to the second floor on my right.  The hallway was adorned with pictures of Gary and Tim – or so I assumed, based on the quantity of photos. All had been taken in foreign lands, it appeared.

The kitchen, dining area, and living room were decorated in Southwest style and colors. Those areas encompassed the whole left side of the house. Huge skylite windows shed light into the space from the sloping ceiling above.

“Go on through to the kitchen on your left, Jack, I’m going to drop my bags in my bedroom,” Gary said as he turned into a room on the right side of the hallway. “Make yourself at home, grab us some plates from the cabinet over the counter!”

I plated the tacos, three for each of us, dropped salsa on the plates, and grabbed paper napkins from a holder on the counter, folding them in half triangle shapes. As I finished my weak attempt at adding panache to the San Antonio delicacies, I turned and saw Gary pad barefoot into the kitchen.

“Come, let’s take our yummy food and lattes out on the patio!” He called over his shoulder, after grabbing our drinks and heading to what looked like a wall of vertical blinds.

He flipped a switch on the wall and the blinds parted, disclosing white double sets of French doors that opened to an outdoor living space that could have been featured in Home Fashions Monthly. And beyond the bar height wicker and linen patio furniture, there was a kidney shaped pool with a sail cloth awning above it, providing areas of sun and shade to the sparkling water.

“This is magnificent, Gary!” I gushed, taking in the scene. Beyond the pool, a teak wood fence that stood about ten feet tall was further dwarfed by a wall of rock that ran the perimeter of the fence.

We settled into the stools and began eating the tacos, emitting sounds of hunger and enjoyment. “Nothing beats San Antonio tacos!” Gary said, around bites of food.

“Gary, you have a beautiful home!” I said, my head turning from left to right, making a mental panoramic image.

“Thank you! We were really fortunate to find the home as a fixer upper. And one of my home decor consulting clients paid me in services rather than wages. Tony and I put in the sweat equity, too!”

We chatted as we finished eating and kept chatting…about the heat, global warming, politics, sports, swimming pools, more about the heat, until finally Gary jumped up, ran into the kitchen, and emerged with a twelve pack of hard lemonades for us.

“C’mon, all this talk about the heat has me even warmer. Let’s dip our feet in the pool,” Gary said, as he headed for the pool steps.

I followed, a few steps behind, wondering if he was going to plunge in, fully clothed. But he stopped, sitting on the edge, feet in the water. I slipped my shoes and socks off, and sat across from Gary, sipping on my drink.

Peeking over the top of the can, I again tried to discern if Gary was as hung as I imagined when I saw his bulge at the airport. I was sure I could see that his long shaft was topped by a well defined head. Realizing that I was risking detection, I looked away and made more small talk about the heat.

“Whew, my friend, it’s so hot, I could just jump right in the pool.” That was the best I could muster, distracted by the thought of Gary’s cock, barely draped in some thin layers of fabric.

Gary finished draining his first hard lemonade, opened another, took a long draw from it, and surprised me by saying, “I was thinking the same! Let’s jump in, Jack!” Stepping out of the pool, he set his drink down and smoothly tugged his top off, tossing it on a nearby chair.

I gingerly set my drink down and stepped up onto the poolside deck, wondering if we were going to talk about donning swimsuits or if Gary was just playing me.

Gary saw my confused look and burst out laughing. “Jack, what…you have never gone skinny-dipping?”

“No, man,” I grinned, as I pulled my polo shirt over my head, “but I’m game if you are!”

“Why not? We’re both guys… nothing we don’t see in the mirror!” Gary exclaimed as he slipped out of his shorts.

At that point, my curiosity about Gary’s underwear…and what he was packing under there…was resolved! He was wearing beige Andrew Christian bikini briefs that snugly hugged his soft, yet large, cock and balls. He had to be six inches soft and thick like a python!

I was careful to not freeze like a deer in the headlights as Gary stripped. I was slipping out of my shorts and placing them on a chair behind me after glimpsing his endowment. As I slipped out of my boxer briefs, I heard Gary hit the water. Turning, I saw his bobbing white ass break the water’s surface, contrasting his tanned back and legs, as he swam across the pool. I liked what I saw – a hairy man like myself, his body hair featuring a light brownish red hue, not like my dark brownish red colored body hair.

I walked down the pool steps and crouched, getting my body wet. My thoughts were akin to my days of showering after gym class as a junior high student – let’s not expose my cold, shrunken three inch cock to anyone around! I was at least average when aroused, but that’s all just talk when there’s nothing to prepare the rocket for a launch sequence!

I swam a few yards along the pool’s edge, enjoying the water, warmed by the weeks of San Antonio heat. Stopping for a moment and turning to see where Gary was, I saw him across the pool, draining another hard lemonade and reaching to pull an air mattress and chair float into the water. They were the low profile style, wide enough for a guy to sit or lie on but with minimal air, allowing the water to breach the top and keep one immersed while floating.

“Here’s a float chair if you’re interested!” Gary called over his shoulder as he skimmed what was basically a large pool noodle with a sling and cup holder in my direction. As I hoisted myself into it and secured a hard lemonade into the cup holder, he grabbed two hard lemonades and slipped his body up onto the float, landing on his stomach with his ass facing me.

I momentarily froze in my tracks, gazing between his splayed legs as his brownish red nest of ass hair, matted by the pool water, framed his tight puckered hole. Gary settled on the float, his crack and butthole still fully exposed, a sight that was an immediate turn-on!

I immediately flashed back to my teenage years, when my favorite Penthouse magazine pictures frequently involved ladies with tufts of hair between their ass cheeks.

Fearful that my thoughts were getting me aroused, I forced myself to snap out of my daydream. I took a long draw of my hard lemonade as Gary downed his third and started on the fourth.

I then began thinking about the first time my current wife flashed that sexy ass crack view. While dating, we were enjoying our first passionate getaway and she had just showered. I walked into the bedroom and was met by the sight of her lying face down on the bed. Her tiny ass cheeks were perfectly parted and straight strands of dark brown ass hairs stood tall around her tiny starfish.

Until that point, my attention had been devoted to her delicious moist pussy, itself framed by a natural bush trimmed only at her bikini lines. But at that moment, I hungered to taste and pleasure her ass. I had slid onto the bed aside her, sliding my hand up her leg, inside her thighs, as my lips danced over her shoulders…neck….ear…down to her upturned face.

My fingers had gently danced over her pussy and taint as we kissed. I had a daring mission in mind, one that could be met with resistance…or acquiescence. My lips had returned to her shoulders, another beautiful feature that enthralled me. They were a light golden hue, sparsely freckled. I kissed, nibbled and lightly rubbed my whiskered chin over one…to her back.

Taking her soft moans as a cue, I continued to cover her back with soft wet kisses while my middle finger found her wet pussy, teasing it. My free hand slid over one of her hands, and our fingers entwined. The middle finger that slipped inside her oh so subtly had encouraged her to arch her back and lift her ass to draw me deeper. I took that cue and began to kiss down between her cheeks as a second finger slipped into her pussy.

My tongue blazed a wet trail between her cheeks, into her soft sss hairs, and finally over her rosebud, drawing a loud, deep “ohhhhhh” from my Love. Her fingers tightened around mine, and I smothered her hole with wet kisses and soft pokes with my wet tongue as my fingers danced over her G spot.

Longing to know if it was my tongue or my fingers that were driving her passion, I drew my tongue back but continued my fingering. She responded with a sigh of mock disappointment as she pushed her ass back to my face. Responding willingly to her training, I returned to my feast, licking and smooching her hairy butthole with reckless abandon. I could tell she was drawing near to climax. As she moaned passionately, I felt precum dripping from my cock, onto my thigh. Her pleasure was driving me wild!

My Love suddenly dropped her face to the bed, moaning loudly and squeezing my hand. I felt her pussy twitch, then spasm. In the throes of orgasm, her wetness flooded my hand as she dropped her body to the bed and spread her legs wider.

I knew what she wanted; I turned her onto her back, moving between her legs. The flush across her chest – a telltale sign of her orgasms, I had learned – had spread up to her chin and across to her ears, more expansive than I had seen to that point in our relationship. Our eyes met, and I saw tears flowing down from hers. I whispered, “What’s wrong, My Love?” To which she just responded, “Make love to me!”

She surrounded me with arms and legs, pulling me onto – and into – her, rocking me into the rhythm she desired. She was tighter around my cock than I had ever felt, but wetter and warmer. We rocked…thrusted…grinded as one, as her moans grew even louder than before. My arousal was also at a peak that I had never achieved.

Suddenly her back arched, and, as I exploded inside her, she let loose with a guttural “Ohhhhhhh!” We came together, but hers continued and bloomed into another, before she seemed to sink into the mattress, stretching her arms above her head, sighing contentedly with a loud series of “Mmmmmm’s.”

It’s mystifying how a memory can flash by so vividly in an instant even though the actual event lasted much longer. With my eyes closed and my head tilted back, the thrill of that recollection had diverted my attention from the pool. I was startled back to reality by a loud splash and a spray of water as Gary brought his foot down rapidly next to me with a “whoop” and a giggle. Momentarily unsure of what was happening, I rocked in the float just enough to feel as if I was going to capsize.

My quick efforts to right the raft resulted in my right hand landing on Gary’s juice round ass cheek. As I regained balance, my fingers lightly followed his crack before breaking contact. Gary let out a low “mmmmmmm” and snickered, “I’ll give you 45 minutes to stop that!”

“Ohhhh,” I purred, suddenly feeling daring. “You like my hand on your ass?”

Gary was slurring just a bit as he swigged down another hard lemonade and responded, “Your hands are gentle, sensuous, and yes, I liked it!”

“Well, I kinda like your ass,” I said, as I set my hand back on the cheek closest to me, and slowly caressed it as my fingers stretched closer and close to his crack.

Gary’s float was now alongside my floating chair as we drifted together into the pool’s shallow end. To keep his float close, ensuring I would keep my hand on his ass, he wrapped his fingers around my ankle. As my fingers brushed ever so gently through his ass bush, I felt my cock twitch and grow hard.

“Ohhhh that feels soooo good, yesss, touch my hole,” Gary whispered as he seemed to arch his back to more fully expose his brown hole to my fingers. I obliged by letting my middle finger tip massage his puckered hole, lubricated by the pool water.

I could tell that I was making him aroused and fully turned on. And that feeling was turning me on also. I felt comfortable taking it to the next level. I took my still- cold can of hard lemonade and slipped off my floating chair, moving behind Gary, between his legs.

I sipped from the can, set it on the pool’s edge, and moved closer to my new special friend. My lips found his soft cheeks, cool and damp from pool water, laying down soft, wet kisses, as my hands caressed up his back and over his shoulders. I massaged his firm muscles with my strong hands as my tongue danced between his cheeks.

I was all-in now, burying my face deep between his cheeks, kissing his puckered hole, tracing it with the tip of my tongue, tasting pool water and musky man flavor. Gary was moaning, arching, straining to keep the sensation of my wet tongue on his sensitive nerve endings. I reached for my hard lemonade and dribbled some down his ass crack, immediately following it with my lips, tongue. I lapped, slurped, and gnawed at his exposed hole, alternately licking around it and poking into it.

Gary suddenly pulled his ass in, slid off the raft, turned, and stood facing me. His strong arms surrounded me as his face moved to press against mine. I had kissed a man before, but it had not been a big turn-on for me. But this felt different…maybe it was the alcohol, maybe the thrill of eating his ass, or perhaps the sensation of his thick, hard cock suddenly pressed up against my groin.

Whatever it was, I wanted to feel his lips on mine, to taste his tongue. He also wanted to taste me, my lips, maybe the combination of hard lemonade, pool water, and his hairy man-ass that lingered on my tongue – which he was suddenly sucking.

“Jack, let’s go inside, can we?” Gary asked. I knew he was asking more than to go inside. He wanted me, and yes, I wanted him.

I kissed him back, licking his lips, and whispering, “Yes, lead the way!”

We hurriedly glided up the pool steps and into the house. I was rock hard and erect, all five and a half inches, with a swollen tapered cock head already drooling precum. As Gary held the door for me, I got my best glimpse yet of his thick cock, swollen to about seven inches, rising above a set of full, round balls and topped by a head fully proportional to the thick shaft it capped. His bush was more closely trimmed than mine, but still thick enough to feel against my face, I imagined. I made a mental note to explore that thought.

Gary led me to the bedroom where he had taken his luggage earlier – what I assumed was the master bedroom. Quickly, I took in my surroundings, seeing some mementos scattered around, a few pictures of family, I surmised, including a couple that included Tim. Gary noticed my gaze around the room

“This is my room. Tim sleeps upstairs. He needs quiet and total darkness,” Gary explained. “I like a more warm, comforting bedroom.”

“It’s nice!” I responded, a little unsure of what to do next.

Gary took care of my uncertainty almost immediately. He moved to me, almost dancing me to the bed, letting our bodies fall together onto the turned back sheets, and pulling the soft off-white comforter against us.

I felt one of his hairy legs slide between mine, his cock sliding against me, as he began to kiss my neck. If the time between our pool kisses and the walk to the bedroom had led my cock to lose it’s erection, the rocket had returned to the launch platform when his hairy face touched my shaved neck.

I brought my hand to his neck, caressing him, keeping his face close. His kisses moved down, and his lips closed around a nipple. That sent me swooning, calling his name, tingles running from my toes, through my balls, and up my spine. When his kisses continued downward, my breath quickened and I watched with anticipation.

Gary caressed my chest, down over my thigh, as his lips danced all around my throbbing cock. I’m sure my heart skipped a beat when I saw him lift my cock to his lips and his tongue danced around the head. My precum began dripping, and he caught it on his tongue…and stopped to savor the taste. He stroked my hardness slowly, drawing more juice, which he took from the tip with a kiss.

I anticipated feeling his mouth around my cock. Instead, he moved down, lying between my legs as he slipped his arm under my knee, lifting my leg and turning my body. My ass was now exposed, and he took full advantage. His mouth covered my  warm, pink hole and his even hotter tongue began to caress the folds of my asshole.

I had been rimmed once before but this experience was transcendent! Maybe it was the liquor we drank earlier..or just my good fortune of hooking up with a guy who loved a willing ass… or the pent-up passion of two men who craved intimacy. I kind of felt it was the latter. Whatever the reason, I was on a higher plain, seeing stars, as my heart raced. The sensation went vertical when Gary slipped his hand under the soft comforter that was beneath us, forming it around my throbbing cock, and just gently squeezing…twisting…tugging.

I moaned loudly, nearly losing control. Gary responded with his own moans, sending vibrations around my tight, fleshy hole and up my spine. His tongue parted my hole, his saliva lubricating the warm probe. Along with his soft touch surrounding my shaft, it was as if his tongue was a rod that stretched through my ass and up the length of my cock. I recognized the familiar flush of an approaching orgasm at that instant.

Gary must have sensed my state of arousal. His hand retreated, his tongue slipped from my asshole, quickly joining his lips as he kissed up my spine. Spooning me from behind, he ran his tongue around my ear, then whispered, “mmmm…..you make me hot! But I have to pee, those lemonades are running through me!”

He slipped off the bed, and I watched his juicy ass bounce all the way to the adjoining bathroom. I listened to him peeing, peeing, a neverending water jet that triggered my need to go also.

I passed him in the doorway to the bathroom, his big cock, now soft, gently swaying. He reached back, swatting my ass, saying, “Don’t be long, now!”

I had downed half as many lemonades as Gary, so I was done peeing quicker. When I returned to the bedroom, Gary was reclining on the bed, his back against the large mahogany headboard and his long cock resting on his thigh. I slid onto the bed aside him, my back also against the headboard. Gary swung his leg over my legs, setting his cock down on mine, and one hand on my shoulder to steady him. He reached down between us, taking both of our cocks in his hand.

I brought my hands to Gary’s chest, running my fingers through his lush reddish brown chest hair as he began to gently rock and thrust his manly tool against mine. As if willing himself to drip his juices, Gary’s cock dribbled precum down onto my smaller, but extremely hard cock, stimulating my own flow of syrup from my peehole.

As our cock juices mixed, my hips moved in complementary motions to his. Our breathing became heavier and uneven. Gary leaned close, kissing me deeply, his tongue slipping between our lips. My hands slid around his back, pulling him close. We made out like teenagers, as we slowed our humping to keep our lips together.

Gary lifted his lips from mine, and asked, “What can I do to make you feel good?”

I paused, thinking about how good I was already feeling, looking down at his magnificent meat snuggled next to my lesser sized but equally hard tool. Another drop of precum trickled from his winking one-eyed serpent and I immediately knew what I wanted.

“I want to suck your beautiful cock, Gary,” I whispered. “Move up, let me taste you!”

Gary stood on the bed, his feet straddling my legs, his hands on the massive headboard to steady him, and he brought his hard, thick, gorgeous gorged piece of manhood towards my face.

I slipped my fingers around the base, steadying it, as I ran my tongue from his frenum up to his peehole, taking a drop of precum into my mouth. I gently stroked up the full length of his cock, coaxing another drop from it. This time, I took the drop on my tongue and commenced to spread it back over the top of his smooth cock head, rubbing on the edge of his crown.

Gary was moaning, and chuckled, “Oh I love how you tease me!”

I then drew all the saliva I could muster onto my tongue and surrounded his big cock head with my mouth. While I stroked his shaft, I used my tongue and cheeks to coat his cock head with my spit. My lips closed tight around his shaft as I fed his cock back and forth into my mouth, going just a bit deeper with every stroke.

Gary was lost in my cock worshipping, his hips thrusting along with my strokes. I kept my grip, adding just a bit of back and forth twisting as he moved back and forth over my tongue. His cock filled my mouth on each thrust; I exhaled, with a low hummmm, bringing a loud “Ohhhhhhh” from Gary as he felt the added vibration through the sensitive nerve endings in his sweet pink cock head. With each withdrawl, I squeezed my cheeks in and flicked the tip of my tongue at his crown.

“Oh yessss ohhhh yessss oh yesssss Jack, you’re going to make me cum!!!” Gary yelled, possibly offering to me the opportunity to avoid his orgasm filling my mouth. But I made clear my desire for his seed by continuing to devour his sweet dong. I then slid my free hand under his balls, caressing them as I stretched my middle finger to his rosy tight hole.

The sensation of my finger stretching his hole along with my cock sucking pushed Gary over the edge. “Ohhh Jack I’m cumming!!!” He cried, and his cock exploded. I tasted his hot, sour and salty cum, propelled in four strong bursts, then three more weaker discharges.

I looked up at a beaming Gary, still gripping the headboard, as he let out a whoop of glee. Feeling him draw back, I released his cock from my mouth just as a final wad of cum oozed from the tip and landed down from my lip to my chin.

Before I could wipe the jizz from my skin, Gary dropped to his knees and licked it up, finishing with a French kiss, sharing the nectar from his tongue to mine. We embraced, rolling together, as his strong legs surrounded me and pulled me so close that my still-hard cock was nestled between his softening spear and his hairy groin.

Gary’s right hand covered my breast, nestling my nipple between his fingers. As he rocked back and forth, his cock caressed mine, lubricated with my precum. Gary pulled me tight and close, our scents mixing, the sensation of two hot bodies rubbing created a truly erotic experience. As our lips met, and as he pinched, tugged my nipples, I was more aroused than I had been in years!

Somehow, he rolled me on top of him. I took his hands in mine, sliding his arms over his head while humping against his cock. My kisses glided down his cheek, neck, over his chest. My attention was drawn this hairy armpits, which I just had to taste! My lips…tongue danced through his hairy, sweaty underarm.

Gary moaned loudly, begging me not to stop. His amazing cock began to stir again, quickly becoming hard, leaking leftover cum along with precum. This drove me to new heights, inspiring me to squirm and squish our manly tools together, dancing as one.

As Gary’s left leg curved around my right leg, I felt more intense contact with my cock and his. Once again, I began to feel the approach of an orgasm.

I dropped my lips to Gary’s nipple, tugging it in my teeth, causing him to moan loud and long.

His excitement mixed with the sensation of his cock on mine, set me off, cumming hard and fast! My loads weren’t as big as my early years, but on this occasion, I let loose a substantial pool of cum onti Gary’s lower abdomen. He came again, shooting up onto our bellies together!

I relaxed into Gary’s arms, my head on his shoulder. His hand slipped down to rest on my ass. Within minutes, we dozed together.

I’m sure we slept for just a few minutes, but it was a blissful, sensuous feeling for me. We seemed to awaken at the same time, both needing to pee once again. Noting the stickiness from cum on both of our bodies, Gary started the shower as I peed.

I stepped into the oversized stall and was engulfed in the full body shower from the three surrounding walls. The pulsing was invigorating and I was glad to feel Gary’s presence soon after I stepped in. He carried two soft wash cloths that he had doused with body wash. I took one and gently began washing Gary. He smiled, and returned the favor.

Our bathing was after play, it seemed. We both could easily have become aroused and played some more but our moods seemed synchronized with the thought that what had happened was beautiful, fulfilling both sexually and spiritually. We finished showering, hugged, and stepped from the shower.

Gary grabbed some shorts and a tank top from his dresser and put them on while I self-consciously padded out to the pool area to retrieve my clothes. By the time I was dressed, Gary had joined me, putting his hand on my shoulder, bowing his forehead to mine.

“Jack, this was amazing!” He whispered. “I’d like to keep in touch. Would you think about it?”

“Gary, that’s all I’ve been thinking about, since we stepped out of the shower.  I have your number, from the RIDE app. Mind if I call or text?”

“No, but I mind if you don’t!” Gary laughed. With that, he hugged me again and I slipped out through the pool gate.

By the time I reached my car, I had texted my number and email.  And Gary had responded with a smiley emoji. Future was suddenly brighter!

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