A Cumdump’s Journey Pt. 13


A gay story: A Cumdump’s Journey Pt. 13 Chapter 13 – Abused by a carnival man

Several months had passed and the winter was in no way less eventful than my “summer of love” had been – the word love, of course, fitting only loosely in this case. When summer turns into autumn in Paris, there are a few weeks of pleasant weather before the evenings become shorter and the temperature begins to drop. Winter can be cold and at times make the city quite unwelcoming — at least for tourists visiting who want to walk the cobbled alleyways of Paris’ Marais or Montmartre districts. My own focus has shifted away from these quintessentially Parisian, yet — for me — boringly bourgeois areas, and I had begun to appreciate the city for its diverse mix of communities and the burgeoning suburbs, which seemed to produce a healthy stream of men of all backgrounds, whose desires awaited satisfaction.

The character of the woods had also transformed with the change of season; summer saw impressive crowds of men gather in large groups in the undergrowth of the trees carrying out their mating rituals; looking for the perfect specimen they could either drag of to a distant corner or even have sex right in front of the crowd — no doubt fulfilling for many of them their fetish for exhibitionism. The winter brought a much less intense scene, but one which I was personally more at ease with. Of course, the men came whatever the weather — even at times when I wasn’t sure if I would go due to rain or frost, there would still be men there. The crowds from summer were gone though. Occasionally, I might pass a small gathering of three or four men surrounding a cocksucker on all sides, but more usually I would come across men alone.

Although it might seem that this could be a hindrance to a productive night — it often felt to me that the opposite were true. I suppose that, in a way, fewer crowds meant less competition. I was prone to avoid the crowds, even in the summer when I generally found lots of men equalled too much standing around and not very much sex. As I traipsed the well-worn, muddy paths in the cold of the winter, I discovered the men that I passed were more willing to slow down, took the time to assess the person crossing their path and finally, more often engaged in a short conversation to see if a match could be found.

There were certainly fewer ‘regulars’, and I found myself visiting the woods at more irregular intervals too so that I rarely saw the same guy more than once. Over the months, my tastes had begun to be ever more refined to a ‘type’. I had long lost count or wouldn’t even have been able to guess with any reasonable confidence the number of men I had sucked off over the past several months since my arrival in Paris. Equally I wouldn’t have been able to say with any accuracy how many men had mounted me, and bred me in the forest at that time.

This meant that to some degree I was losing interest in what I would now consider a ‘vanilla’ guy. My walks and encounters would frequently present me with an opportunity to hook up, if I wanted to, but on sliding my hand down the trousers and into the pants of my latest potential suitor the resounding disappointment of feeling an average — or even, god forbid, small — penis was enough to turn me off the idea immediately. I now only hooked up with the well-hung or very well-hung, unless I was feeling particularly in need of being bred that evening. It had been a gradual progression and only a few months before it would have been embarrassing and more than a little awkward for me to admit such a thing, yet now — more and more — I was growing confident and forward in my own desires

Only sucking cock had gradually become somewhat mundane and no longer satisfied my desire to be a total cumwhore. Little by little, I had moved with greater frequency to seeking out men who wanted to fuck ass. I now usually went to the woods with one thing on my mind; getting my hole bred. I was so fixated on it, that some nights I would walk for hours along the same worn paths, staying out much later and longer than reasonable, knowing that I would be exhausted at work the following day, because I wouldn’t feel fulfilled unless I left with a cumload in my hole. Often, on a good night, I would leave for home with more than one man’s viscous juices buried deep inside my anus. The more that I did this, the more that I fed into the behaviour in my mind that my destiny was to be a cumdump for the men that came to these woods with a need to unload into any willing asshole. I felt that I was fulfilling my life’s meaning. One of my self-imposed rules was that if I met a black, or Arabic, man who wanted to fuck, I could not refuse. My asshole was there for the use of these men, whether I was in the mood or not.

As had been the case now for some time, I had developed a routine on the nights that I felt horny for sex. My hole had to be clean and open for business. I ate and then would get under the shower, douching my hole for at least 30 minutes, until I was sure it was absolutely spotless. I would sit and drink a beer in front of the TV contemplating the night ahead, wondering who I might meet, how many guys I would be bred by and reminding myself that I was obliged to go there that night for the use of the men who needed their weekly release. Before leaving on this particular night, I rolled a small spliff, hoping it would help me to get even more in the mood. I packed my small, over-shoulder bag with a brand-new bottle of silicone lube, and a full bottle of Jungle Juice poppers. I had my tracksuit bottoms on, and I was ready to head out the door.

As I left the apartment and pulled the door closed, I already began to feel the haziness of the spliff I had smoked several minutes before. I put in my headphones and chose some music to allow my mind to float away as I walked to the woods. Nightfall was earlier now – as early as 7pm – so I could safely go out for a few hours of cruising even if I was working the following day. This was a Sunday night and I knew the woods would be busy. As I walked, my mind wondered and I passed men walking alone on the street too. My focus was fixated on their crotches as they passed me and I tried to imagine the shape and size of their genitals – hidden away, yet so close by. I wondered too if any of the ones whose eyes caught mine, might not be coming from the woods themselves – having already been there to relieve their most carnal desires in the anonymity of the night.

My thoughts were clouded as I arrived into the woods, but I knew the place so well by this time that I went into autopilot, walking aimlessly while I waited for the high to dissipate a little so I would reach a more mellow mood. The air was cool, but it hadn’t yet gotten cold enough to be uncomfortable to be out at night. It was relatively early so I didn’t feel any rush to begin cruising right away. I passed several men, but I felt too high to make any attempt at a hookup, so I just continued walking in my dazed-like state for another while. At length I found my mind clearing – the fog lifting a little – so that I was able to stand in one of my favored spots. It was a small opening to a collection of trees that resembled something like a hidden stage. I often stood there, knowing then that the light from a distant street lamp allowed enough brightness for men to be able to make out my face in the darkness. Those that knew the area would know also that just behind me there was a space for us to slip away and enjoy ourselves. As a few men passed by, I struggled to keep my balance and after a few minutes and lack of anyone who looked interested, I decided I must still be a little too high and so I set off walking again towards home.

“Perhaps I’m higher than I thought,” I mused to myself, “I should take a little longer to clear my head before I come back around”. I quickly found myself back on one of the paved paths, heading towards the street. Coming up to the entrance to the woods, I looked to the right and caught the eye of a man propped up against a fence just to the side of the path. In the moment that I passed him, I looked over and saw a tall, young, black man with a kind looking face. He smiled broadly, exposing a healthy set of white teeth. I smiled back and breathed in his study frame.

I was almost out of the woods, but without a thought I turned to the right, taking a new direction along a gravel path behind where the tall, handsome man was standing. I glanced back as I passed to make sure to catch his eye and that he knew my intention. I walked a minute down the path and then slowed, sensing that he was following a short distance behind. Still feeling dazed, I had enough wherewithal to look around for an opening in the bushes as we walked. After another few moments, I noticed a gap in the hedge with a large tree which would be ideal to stand behind. I led the way into the opening and then turned and waited. Seconds later, the man moved slowly behind me into the opening and stood beside me. Without a word I reached automatically for his crotch and gently stroked his already bulging penis. He reached down and unbuttoned his jeans. Still without a word I crouched down on my knees and pulled his briefs down to reveal his large appendage. I pushed my face into his crotch and took a deep breath of his warm, smooth genitals rubbed up against me. I took his cock on to my tongue and sucked gently, allowing it to swell and fill my mouth.

The effect of the weed was to focus my mind on things that would, or could, otherwise be imperceptible. In this instance, I could taste the sweet and warm liquid being excreted from this man’s throbbing gland onto my tongue. Even though it could not have been more than a small drop or two, I savoured the taste and the thought of having his load turned me on immensely. I looked up and caught the man’s eyes looking down at me smiling. He was handsome and had soft features, with a clean-shaven face and head too. He reached down with both hands under my arms and pulled me to my feet. His hand reached behind me, down my back, and found its way into my underwear. I stood still and allowed him to explore. His fingers were grabbing my ass cheeks and then began searching for my hole. My asshole was now the sole focus of my sexuality, so much so that I rarely got hard, let alone desired getting my cock sucked or taken care of in any way.

I knew – with a tinge of shame perhaps – that after being whored out and taking large numbers of men inside me that my asshole was no longer the tight, puckered ring it has once been. I would douche at home with a rubber shower attachment that prepared me to be clean but also served to loosen me for the night ahead, so I was always anxious about a guy’s reaction when his fingers first met my well-used anus.

The man who was embracing me groaned as his finger found my ring and slipped easily inside. He immediately followed it with a second finger and rather forcefully began finger-fucking my hole, pulling me closer to him. I moaned loudly as his fingers violated my dry anus. This continued for a moment, until he lifted his hand free from my underwear and pulled my joggers and briefs down to bare my ass in the cold night air. I was still a little cloudy, but aware enough to unzip my shoulder bag and pull out the lube. I turned and squeezed several squirts of the silicone gel onto the man’s hard cock, letting him rub it over his thick, black meat. I took a moment to watch and enjoy the sight of him stroking his dick.

It was thick at the base and tapered to a narrower, mushroom head – the perfect shape to ease me open for my first fuck of the evening. I turned to face the tree, and pulled out the poppers, as I felt him rubbing the excess of the lube on his hand onto my hole and then using it to guide his bell-end to my freshly fingered anus. Without waiting he began pushing his dick into my waiting sphincter. I took a deep breath and allowed him to enter me as far as I could, but it was too much. With a large sigh, I pulled forward to de-impale myself from his meat sword. I reached into my shoulder bag and pulled out the poppers. Taking a large hit in each nostril I held my breath and pushed my ass backwards to meet his hard cock, indicating that I was ready for him to penetrate me again.

This time, with the high of the weed and now the buzz of the poppers hitting me, my sphincter relaxed and – with the smoothness of the silicone lube – his penis glided inside in one long stroke until I felt his hips push up against me. He held himself there, wedged deeply inside me for a few moments – no doubt allowing me to adjust to the girthy base of his meat. Grabbing me by the hips, he pulled me lower so I was crouching slightly and he was in a more comfortable position to begin fucking me. I took the chance to take another few hits on the poppers before steadying myself with my hands against the tree. My sphincter now fully relaxed and adjusted to the girth of his phallus buried deep inside my colon, I was fixated on the feeling of his cock that was now ploughing in and out of my asshole. My hole had grown so accustomed to being fucked that I rarely felt any discomfort, providing I was well lubed and had sniffed poppers. I adored the feeling that my asshole had been transformed into a true cunt which offered little resistance to even a very well-endowed man. I took hits of the poppers regularly and tried to keep myself steady, letting this stranger use my hole for as long as he needed. I was determined that any time a man began fucking me, I would let him keep going until he had cum deep inside.

I held myself in that position for several minutes, allowing this stranger to use my resctum as his personal fuck-hole as long as required, until at last I could feel his pace begin to hasten and become more frantic. I knew that he was getting close. I took another hit on the poppers and steeled myself for his final assault. His thrusts began to get longer, so that he was pulling his cock almost fully out of me and then pushing deep into me until his balls slapped against my cheeks. Not only the depth but the violence of the thrusts began to get stronger too. Harder and harder his shaft pummeled my hole, until at last he groaned loudly and pulled my hips towards him as his body spasmed and he unloaded the contents of his balls deep inside my anus. Still I allowed him as long as he needed to be completely drained. We remained conjoined momentarily, while the man whose large meat sword was buried to the hilt inside me regained his composure, and then slowly he withdrew himself from me, leaving my sphincter loose, and my anus open and sloppy from the lube and his cum.

When I regained my composure I drew a packet of tissues out from my bag and handed him one before cleaning myself off too. Without a word he rubbed his cock clean, threw the tissue to the ground and began walking away with a courteous ‘Thanks!’ and another broad smile. I carefully wiped my own hole and then pulled my underwear up again. I waited for the poppers to wear off, and I noticed I was feeling much calmer and mellow now. I began walking back into the woods again. Still a little hazy from the weed, I followed the paths that I knew towards a water fountain where I could try to rinse some of the silicone lube off my hands. I walked carefully and purposefully in that direction, gingerly putting one foot ahead of the other in the darkness of the night; I still didn’t feel totally steady on my feet, and my legs were now tired from crouching down while I had been getting fucked for the past 20 minutes.


I wasn’t paying too much attention to what was happening around me, although vaguely I was aware of passing several shadowy figures on the paths as I walked. Only one of them happened to catch my eye as I walked – a man stood to the side of the path, shiftily lurking in the shadows; a small-framed man, perhaps in his late 30s, with short stubble and slicked back hair. He looked like he could be someone who worked at a fairground or something similar. His eyes followed mine as I passed him and I could feel them boring into my back as I continued down the path. Soon after I reached the fountain, rinsed off my hands and took a mouthful of water to clean my mouth, then I turned and began heading back towards the deeper bushes where I knew some more men would likely be hanging around. I had walked only a few steps when I was a little startled to see the fairground worker again, lurking just off the path – his eyes following me still as closely as before. I looked him up and down and, finding him to be mostly unremarkable, continued on my way.

I had fixed a spot in my mind, where I always felt sure to get some action. It was a relatively secluded spot, where the path widened and I could stand in to the side, allowing men to walk past, right behind where I stood a small opening lead to a enclosed circle of thin tree trunks which gave enough privacy to not be disturbed too often by passers-by, but nonetheless left the chance for the occasional lucky intruder. Although it was a quiet spot, it was on the path between two well-frequented clearings, meaning I could stand and wait for guys to walk by without having to keep walking around myself. I leant myself against a tree trunk and waited in the moonlight. It was bright enough that anyone passing by would be able to see my face, and me his, once he was a meter or two away from me.

I didn’t have to wait too long for several men to go by. Some would pass after only a momentary glance confirmed that I was not the type of guy they were looking for, or I would look in the other direction as they passed to indicate my own disinterest. Others would reach out and try to grab at my dick, but I had become bold enough by now to tell them outright that I was a bareback bottom looking for a top. I now sought out only the total tops who came to this place to release the carnal desires they couldn’t elsewhere. I didn’t have to wait long until a tall, white man was slowly inching towards me after stopping dead in his tracks beside me. He stood within striking distance without moving until I reached forward and began stroking his crotch. I felt his already swollen package waiting to break free from his pants. I looked up to meet his eyes, and he immediately gestured with a nod to the opening directly behind me – I turned and led him into the circle of trees. I turned with my back to a tree trunk, knelt down and waited as he undid his jeans and walked towards me with his cock in his hand.


Occasionally, in moments like this I would think back to my first experience in the woods; how shy and nervous I had been about this type of encounter, but now I looked on it with pride that I had it done it so many times, and it had become such an instinct for me, that I felt absolutely no embarrassment, fear or shyness about taking a stranger’s cock into my mouth without so much as a single word heard or spoken. The understanding between me, as the cocksucker, and these men, as the alpha males satiating their desires, was unspoken and yet crystal clear to us both. I was there with the sole purpose of being a cumdump – to be used and discarded as needed. They could use me for their needs, without the usual conventions of small talk, dates or other tedious customs that would often end up being a waste of time in many cases I’m sure.


And so I opened wide and took his thick mushroom gland onto my tongue as soon as it was within easy reach. His cock tasted fresh and I knew immediately it would be the perfect mouthful, as the shaft continued to enter my mouth until my nose nestled softly against his abdomen and into his pubic hair. He held himself there, allowing his fat cock to swell even more as the throbbing bellend forced itself gently into the opening of my throat, but only slightly. I held him there as long as I could until his movements caused me to wretch and I pulled out to take a breath. I reached for my poppers, taking two large hits in each nostril and buried my face once again deep onto his cock. He brought both hands on to the sides of my head and held me firmly in place. The head of his penis penetrated my throat in and out, the haze of the poppers saving me from gagging. He continued like this for 10 minutes, making love to my face as if it were a young woman’s cunt for the next 10 minutes.

I stole breaths where I could until he pulled me off and ordered me to take another hit on the poppers – I did exactly as I was told. His long schlong forced itself deep into my throat again and I knew he was intending to make himself cum now. His thrusts began getting stronger and stronger, until his body was smashing into my face with every stroke, causing me to wretch each time. Finally, at length his moaning intensified and with a long stroke, he buried more of his cock than ever before into my throat and held himself in place, blocking off my breathing, his hand tensing firmly around my skull holding me tightly. I felt his cock throbbing in my mouth as he shot jet after jet of his sperm directly into my throat.

I began scratching at his legs, pushing myself free with all my might, but still he held himself inside me until every last drop had been drained from his dick and only then he finally let me free to breathe. I pulled away, coughing and completely spent. By the time I had caught my breath, the man had gathered himself together and left, my use to him no longer of importance. I spent the next hour or so, hanging around the same spot, sucking a few more men – maybe two or three more, I lost count – then I decided it was probably a good idea to start heading home. As I mustered up the motivation for the walk back to my place, I spotted the fairground worker again lurking not far away.

“Fuck it!” I thought to myself, “he can be my last one of the night.”

Even though I wasn’t especially attracted to him, I just didn’t feel totally ready to go home just yet. I walked up to the man and reached directly for his dick, he allowed me to feel him without any resistance and equally reached out to stroke my ass. At least the first signs were positive. His dick, while not enormous, was reasonably impressive – what it lacked in length, it certainly made up for in girth. He gestured towards the path and began walking at a quick pace into the distance.

I had to be fast to be able to keep up with him, as he walked past the areas where there would be guys still hanging around. We came to an open area of the park and he carried on walking across to the opposite side where there were many more bushes that I personally was unfamiliar with. Hesitatingly, I followed him and we entered into the shadows on the farside of the park. He seemed to be more familiar than me with the area as he led us directly to a small opening and then turned and began removing his jacket, which he lay down on the ground. I came up beside him and he reached over and pulled my tracksuit bottoms down to my knees, once again revealing my naked ass to the air.

I was a little dazed still and so I let him guide me, feeling his hand turn my body so I was facing away. He pushed me downwards until I was kneeling on the ground and then he shoved me so that I was on my hands and knees on top of his jacket. His tongue almost instantaneously darted into my exposed anus. It was startling, but I would be lying if I didn’t say I enjoyed it. I moaned loudly as he began messily eating me out, his tongue shooting in and out deeply into my anus, tickling my sphincter.

His stubble beard was scratching my ass cheeks and caused me to want to pull away, but the sensations of his wet tongue made me want to pull him deeper into my quivering hole. He continued like this for sometime and then when I was lost in my own daze he brought himself up behind me, lined up his stiff prick and rammed it dry inside, crashing the weight of his body on top, as I groaned in pain. He was bulky and the weight of him on top of me was sufficient that I had difficulty moving away. Nonetheless I tried to pull myself free; my anus stinging acutely as he buried his thick cock inside me, forcing my sphincter to accommodate the width. Fortunately I had been fucked early in the night by an equally well-endowed man, or I might have passed out from the pain.

“ASS!” he yelled with a thick accent in my ear, as I tried again to free myself. His weight held me in place still. “ASS!!” again he yelled, as I struggled, and this went on and on endlessly.

His arms were wrapped tightly around my body and there was no way I was going anywhere. The more I struggled, the more tightly I felt his body squeeze around mine, and the more frantic his thrusts in and out of my now loosened pussy became. Eventually, I somehow adjusted to his girth stretching out my hole as he was pumping violently in and out of me, and the initial burning pain passed away. I was lying flat on my stomach now on the forest floor with his full weight on top of me and his dick thrusting violently in and out of me. I gave up trying to struggle to free myself and simply allowed the assault to continue. Instead of struggling I changed my strategy, freeing only my arms and reaching out to grab the poppers to help ease the discomfort. I took several large hits and then let my head rest on the ground. In that moment I was resigned to being raped by this unknown man and over the next ten minutes I took hit after hit of the poppers, begging for the experience to be over.

Another five minutes passed and yet he showed no sign of slowing down, though the stinging in my asshole was becoming unbearable. I knew I had to do something, and so mustered all my strength to roll over to my side and extricate myself from him. It worked and I managed to break free, bringing myself to my knees. I fell to the ground beside me, and when I looked over at him he looked a little shocked.

“So close to cum..”, he stuttered, nodding his head vigorously.

I looked him up and down and somehow felt bad. I thought perhaps he was a closeted man who came here with a need to fulfil. I had endured this much, the least I could do was to let him cum.

“Please just put some lube,” I begged meekly, passing him the silicone lube from my bag and rolling over again on to my stomach to await the renewed assault.

I felt his fat cock force itself past my sphincter only seconds later, as he buried himself deep into my now sloppy cunt again. Thank god this time the friction was softened somewhat by the lube. His thrusts took on the same ferocity as before, and I steeled myself with more hits of poppers, allowing him to use my hole as he needed. It seemed to go on for an eternity, and gradually I could no longer take the heavy attack being made on my defenceless rectum. I made a renewed attempt to roll over and disentangle myself from him. He held me tightly again, as before:

“CUM!!” he yelled in this strong foreign accent. “CUM!!”

I sighed loudly letting my body go limp again against the ground, allowing thrust after thrust to hollow out my guts as I waited for his man-jizz to flood my colon.

“CUUUUMMMM!” he yelled one final time as a violent thrust ended the assault on my anus and his body spasmed numerous times on top of me, while he shot a load deep inside.

He lay there on top of me for a moment or two, exhausted from the long workout he had just performed. His cock then pulled out with the same unceremonious vigour that it had been thrust inside. I slowly brought myself to my knees and stood up, reaching round to survey the damage he had left behind. My hole was gaping and when I brought my fingers up to my nose I could smell the unmistakable aroma of fresh cum that was already dripping out of me. Despite the fact that this man had essentially just raped me, I felt an urge to thank him, which I did. We spoke for a few moments, although he had only very limited French. As he was preparing to leave I grabbed his arm, pulling out my phone and gesturing to it, I asked for his number. He had made me feel worthless and had used my hole without any consideration for my pleasure or discomfort, and somehow I felt like it was what I deserved. We exchanged numbers and I let him walk off into the shadows, hopefully to meet again under similar circumstances.

After that violation I was ready to go home and get into bed. I didn’t even bother to wipe away the lube and cum dripping out of my used hole and, as I walked, I felt the slickness and openness between my ass cheeks reminding me that my cunt was now gaping open from how it had been used. It excited me enormously; I couldn’t wait to get home to smoke another joint, and to jerk off to the thought of what a cumdump I had been that night.


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