A Love that Lasts Forever Ch. 16

A gay sex stories: A Love that Lasts Forever Ch. 16 Quinton scanned the area, sniffing the ground while Zev stood behind him, waiting for his signal. It hadn’t taken long for Quinton to pick up Shelby’s scent, she’d left a trail of blood behind her as she ran. Quinton lifted his head and howled then tore off after her. Zev was right behind him followed by three other alpha’s from the guard. Each of them aware of what they were hunting and why. Though it was hard to believe that another member of their own pack had so viciously attacked another pack mate, they trusted their alpha and followed his lead. They knew what Shelby had done but there was no time to wonder why. She would be questioned after she was caught but first, they had to catch her.

She couldn’t have gotten too far ahead. She was injured and needed to shift to heal but shifting to human now would be too risky. No, a smart wolf would keep going, run as far as she could in her animal form and look for a way to throw the others off her tail. No easy feat to accomplish though as her scent was all over the forest and her open and bleeding wounds leaving behind a trail that was far too easy for experienced hunters to follow. It wouldn’t be long now before Quinton had her under his claws and then, even the wolf God himself wouldn’t be able to save her.

Images of Caleb laying in the grass, his beautiful fur covered in blood as he lay whimpering and in pain, were at the forefront of Quinton’s mind. Each time he recalled the sight of him injured, in pain, and near death, his anger intensified. He had to focus though and not let his emotions decide his actions. He needed all of his senses as well as his wits to track his prey and then keep himself from ripping her to shreds once he’d finally caught her. That was going to take all of his will power though. He was out for blood. His wolf wanted her head but his human side knew he had to bring her in alive, if possible. There were rules and protocols to follow. When he finally took her down, and he would, it would be legally, with the entire pack there to witness. He would give the council no reason to try and take Caleb from him, if he were even still alive.

Quinton bristled at that thought. Caleb was alive. He’d know it if he were not. Their bond may not be complete yet but it was strong enough for Quinton to know that his mate was still alive. It was that knowledge that drove him on. Knowing Caleb was alive was the only thing keeping Quinton sane. If their bond suddenly broke, there would be no trial by battle, Shelby would be his to kill.

Quinton rounded a massive oak tree then stopped, sniffed the ground, and let out an angry howl. The others joined him quickly and all five took off so fast that they would have seemed a blur to human eyes. Quinton was the first one there, the first to see her. She was ten feet from the main road, near the end of Black River territory. Shelby must have thought she’d be safe if she crossed the border and made it to the human town. What she didn’t realize though was that Quinton would follow her to the ends of the earth if he had to. She wouldn’t escape him so easily.

Quinton locked eyes with her and barked a warning. Shelby snarled, her hackles raised and teeth bared. Was she seriously planning to challenge Quinton? Did she think she could beat him? Quinton growled. ‘Don’t even think about it.’

Shelby took a step back but didn’t break eye contact. That was her mistake. She was so focused on Quinton that she failed to notice the others surrounding her. Zev came up behind while the others flanked her right and left sides, surrounding her and cutting off her escape route. She turned around in a circle, looking for an opening but each time she moved to run, she was met with growls and snapping jaws. There was no where to go and Shelby knew there was no way that she could fight off five alphas.

In defeat, Shelby lowered herself to the ground, bearing her neck in submission. All that she could hope for now was Quinton’s mercy. After all, she did what she did to protect him. He’d just have to understand that. He had to. Once he saw Caleb for what he was he would know that Shelby acted in his best interest and all would be forgiven. At least…that’s what she hoped.


Caleb opened his eyes. He was sore and his body felt heavy as though he were being pushed down by an invisible weight. He moved his head slightly to the side then groaned in pain, the effort more difficult than he had thought. At once he felt a hand reach out and touch him just above the shoulders.

“Lay back.” A familiar voice said softly, soothingly. “You’re hurt. Try not to move too much. Quin should be here soon.”

Caleb tried to look up at the owner of that voice but he found he no longer had the strength to move.

Rusty looked at Malcolm. “He’s still too weak to shift.” Rusty said. “Is there anything we can do to help?”

“No.” Malcolm shook his head. “Only the Alpha has the power to pull him through his shift. Especially with injuries this serious.”

Rusty sighed as he ran a hand through his red hair. “Where are they?” He said to no one in particular.

Malcolm put a hand on Rusty’s shoulder and squeezed gently. “Maybe you should go and get some rest.” He told the omega. “Check on the pups. There’s nothing more you can do for Caleb now.”

Rusty shook his head. “Alice is watching the pups.” He explained. “I won’t leave his side until Quin gets here.”

“Alright.” Malcolm tried to smile reassuringly but even he knew that the situation was grim and his fake smile did nothing to hide the fear in his eyes.


‘Shift?’ Caleb heard the words that Rusty had spoken and for a moment he was confused but then it slowly downed on him that he was still in wolf form. He should have known that. He should have have been able to tell from the silver-grey images around him and the lacking of any bright colors. As he focused more on the room around him and the movement caught from the corner of one eye, it became all too obvious that he hadn’t shifted yet.

‘Odd.’ He thought. The run must have been over, He should have shifted back by now. The others were in human form. He knew that from the sounds of their voices speaking over him. Again, Caleb tried to push himself up but his body wasn’t cooperating with him. Something was wrong. Why did it hurt so to move? Then another thing struck him as odd. He was in the clinic. He recognized Malcolm’s voice as well as Rusty’s, and he could tell from his surroundings that he was in the clinic. Why would he be there, and where was Quinton?

That was the one question that bothered him the most. Where was Quinton. If Caleb were in the clinic, if he were hurt, then why wasn’t Quinton there with him? Where was his mate? Caleb wanted answers but he couldn’t communicate in wolf form. He needed to shift. Caleb mustered up as much energy as he could then tried to shift. Nothing happened. He closed his eyes, concentrated on what he wanted to happen, then tried again. Nothing.

Caleb let a soft growl escape his lips. Rusty immediately looked up. He scooted his chair closer to Caleb and leaned forward, brushing his hand through Caleb’s soft fur. “Shh.” He told his friend. “It’s okay. Quin will be here soon. Just relax until then.”

Caleb tried to shake his head. He couldn’t relax. He needed Quinton. He needed to tell him about Shelby. Shelby…he was starting to remember what happened. Shelby attacked him. He’d tried to fight back but she was bigger and stronger. He suddenly cursed himself for being an omega. Unable to defend himself. This was the second time that he’d nearly died because he was too weak to fight.

The first time, in Silver Moon, he’d been attacked by a small group of betas. They had left him for dead but he hadn’t died. Somehow, he’d survived. And not only that, he was completely healed by the time he’d stumbled back through his front door. That’s what had gotten Bowden’s attention in the first place. His supposed healing powers. But, were his supposed powers real? He did survive an attack that should have killed him and Rusty was convinced that Caleb had healed his pup.

Caleb sighed internally. Even if he did have healing powers, he had no idea how they worked. How was he supposed to access something that he didn’t entirely believe in? Maybe Rusty’s pup had been a coincidence. Maybe the attack by the betas wasn’t as bad as everyone thought. Maybe Caleb wasn’t some special omega with magical powers. Maybe he was just going to die.

“Don’t give up.” Rusty whispered into Caleb’s ear, almost as though he could read his friends mind. “Quinton will be here soon and everything will be okay. He’ll help you shift and you can start to heal.”

His words should have brought Caleb some comfort but they didn’t. Even Caleb, as sheltered and naive as he was, knew that it would take a hell of a lot more than just a shift to heal his wounds. It was going to take a miracle.


Quinton was pacing back and forth in the lower cells of the Den. He needed to go to Caleb. Caleb needed his help and yet here he was, stuck in the detention level looking at the woman who at one time he saw as a friend and ally.

Shelby beat a fist against her cell door. “You’re making a huge mistake.” She yelled through the security glass. “Quin, please. You have to listen to me. I’m only trying to help you. Can’t you see that?”

“Shut up.” Quinton growled.

“No, I won’t.” She pressed her forehead against the glass and sighed. “I know you think you’re in love with Caleb but it’s not real. Quin, please believe me. He has you under some kind of spell or enchantment. I know it sounds crazy but it’s true. He’s a witch or something. He uses black magic to get what he wants. He can influence people, manipulate them. Quinton, he’s dangerous.”

Quinton turned and glared at Shelby with all the hate he could muster. “Why?” He demanded. “Why do you believe that? Because Rhys fell in love with him? Because he took Rhys away from you? Is that what you think?”

Shelby felt that familiar rage rise up through her body at the mention of Rhys. She suddenly wanted to scream, to rip her claws through the steel door and then, rip her claws through Caleb. “Rhys didn’t love him. He was tricked. Caleb manipulated Rhys into helping him escape Silver Moon and then he manipulated him into bringing him here. Don’t you think it’s a little strange that first he’s attached himself to Rhys and now to you? He’s using you, Quinton. Just like he used Rhys and if you’re not careful, you’ll end up dead too!”

Quinton punched the glass hard, causing Shelby to jump back. He was fuming. All his restraint gone and the only thing keeping him from ripping Shelby to pieces was the metal and glass between them. Zev had been smart to take the keys. Quinton knew that had he been left with them, Shelby would be dead by now. It had taken every ounce of strength he had to keep from killing her when he’d cornered her in the woods. Strength, and the council of a good friend helping to keep him calm but that calm could only last so long.

“Shut your mouth.” Quinton growled. “You know nothing. You’ve targeted Caleb because you feel threatened by him. He took away the only man you ever loved and now you want revenge, plain and simple.”

“Rhys and I were friends.” Shelby sneered. “Friends and maybe one day partners. That’s all.”

“Oh, stop lying.” Quinton threw his hands up in frustration. “You’re either lying to me or to yourself but I see through you. You’ve been in love with Rhys since you were kids. I know it and he knew it too though he was too kind to call you out on it. He probably hoped you’d outgrow your infatuation with him eventually, but you never did, did you? How it must have burned you when you learned that he’d taken a mate and fathered a child.”

“Rhys and Caleb were never officially mated.” Shelby corrected. “To call him his mate is an insult to Rhys. Rhys never loved him, he couldn’t! Rhys loved…” Shelby snapped her mouth closed quickly when she realized what she was about to say but it was too late. Quinton could already see the truth.

“You think Rhys loved you?” He asked, his voice softer now, lower but still with a sharp undertone. “Is that what you really think?”

“What does it matter now.” Shelby walked to the cot at the other end of the room and sat down, bowing her head in defeat. She spoke so low that Quinton had to strain to hear her, even with his wolf’s ears. “Rhys is dead. Because of Caleb, he’s dead. Any chance we had to be together is gone now.”

Quinton put a hand against the glass window and sighed heavily. “There was never any chance that you and Rhys would be together, Shelby. Rhys was your friend, but that’s all he would…could, ever be to you. He would never have taken you as a lover and he certainly would never have accepted you as his mate.”

Shelby looked up, her expression dark and angry. “You don’t know that.” She hissed.

“Yes, I do.” Quinton looked at her with pity rather than anger. It was the first non-threatening look he’d given the beta since bringing her in. “Rhys was gay, Shelby. Rhys didn’t care if his sexual partners were omega, beta, or another alpha, as long as they were male. He had no interest in females at all. Never did. But, he always knew that he’d mate an omega one day. So, even if he wasn’t only attracted to males, he still would never have mated you. A beta simply can not bear an alpha’s child, and he wanted children. He told me as much.”

Shelby shook her head as tears filled her eyes. She viciously wiped them away. “I could have made him happy.” She protested. “He and I were perfectly matched. If Caleb hadn’t come along…”

“No, Shelby. You wouldn’t have made him happy. But it doesn’t matter because the two of you would never have been together. I don’t believe that Caleb tricked him or manipulated him at all. I thought the same as you when Caleb first came here but I was angry and grieving. I wanted to blame someone, so I do understand how you feel, but you have to let this anger go, Shelby. I know my brother’s mind. He wasn’t one to be led so easily. He’s dealt with criminals and con-men for years and he knew how to protect himself, so there is no doubt in my mind that what he and Caleb shared was real and true, just as I’m positive that what I feel for Caleb is real. There’s no deception here, I love him, and so did Rhys.”

“I can’t accept that.” Shelby looked up at Quinton, her stare serious and stern. “There’s more to the story than what you were lead to believe. Caleb wasn’t being mated off to Bowden’s brother because they revered his power. He was being mated to him so he could be controlled. They didn’t respect him or his power, they feared him. Hell, his own family feared him. Seth Bowden knew the only way to protect himself and his pack was if he could control Caleb before he became too dangerous.”

Quinton raised an eyebrow as he stared at Shelby suspiciously. “And just where did you get this information?” He asked her.

“I have my sources.” She told him. “You may not have vetted your new mate but I sure as hell did and he is not what he claims to be. You can’t trust him.”

Quinton narrowed his eyes. “Caleb isn’t the one I can’t trust.” He growled.

Shelby huffed and rolled her eyes. “We’ll just see about that.”

Quinton, ignoring Shelby’s remark, turned and stalked back down the hall towards the elevator. He’d heard enough. There was no reasoning with Shelby. She had her mind made up. Caleb was the enemy and she was bound and determined to expose him, kill him even, and she would not be swayed. Quinton felt a deep pang of regret at this revelation. Though he couldn’t let her escape punishment for her crimes, he had hoped, albeit a small hope, that Shelby would have at least shown some remorse for what she had done.

It wouldn’t have excused her behavior but he might have been more merciful in his sentencing. His hands were tied though. The law was the law. Anyway, Quinton couldn’t be blamed for what was to come. Shelby had brought it on herself.


When Caleb heard the door to his room open and the rushing of foot steps to his bed side, he knew who it was even before he’d opened his mouth to speak. Caleb’s eyes popped open just as Quinton leaned in and kissed the top of his head.

“I’m here now my love.” He said, his voice sounding shaky. Caleb could sense his fear. He could smell it rolling off of him. “I’m so sorry that I wasn’t here earlier but I had something that needed to be taken care of first.”

Quinton could have kicked himself the moment the words escaped his mouth. Nothing should have been more important then being at his mates side but his anger and need for revenge had clouded his better judgment. He hoped that Caleb understood. Quinton’s only thought was to protect his mate and the only way he knew to do that was by punishing the one responsible for Caleb’s injuries…Shelby.

“It’s all going to be okay now.” Quinton assured him. “You’re going to heal but first you need to shift. I’m going to help you.” Quinton stroked Caleb’s soft white fur, careful not to touch the areas of exposed flesh from where Shelby had sank her claws and teeth into him. Just seeing Caleb like that, opened wounds and fur matted with blood, ignited a new anger within Quinton. He’d only briefly glimpsed the injuries near the lake but seeing them now, under the bright, clinic, light, he saw just how deep they were. He was amazed that Caleb had even managed to make it out of the woods at all, let alone in one piece.

Caleb whimpered some as Quinton stroked him but not because he was in pain. He was. He was in quite a lot of pain to be honest, but that didn’t matter to him. What mattered now was that Quinton was here, finally, yet still so far out of reach. Caleb wanted to jump up and wrap his arms around Quinton and nuzzle his face into the alpha’s neck. He needed that closeness, that intimacy, and he needed it bad. Not being able to curl up in Quinton’s lap and feel the safety of his arms wrapped around Caleb’s frail body caused a pain in his heart that he barely understood.

“Hush now.” Quinton whispered. “Everything is going to be alright. I promise.” Quinton closed his eyes and cleared his mind of all thoughts but Caleb. Not an easy feat to accomplish given how angry he was. Images of Shelby attacking Caleb and tearing into him flashed through Quinton’s mind. He hadn’t seen the attack but he could imagine it just as clear as if he had been there and witnessed it all for himself.

He could kick himself for ever leaving Caleb’s side. That stupid hunt and his stupid need to prove his masculinity had caused this. It had given Shelby the opening that she needed. Of course, Quinton had never dreamed that she would have gone so far as to try and kill his mate. That was Quinton’s mistake and one that he would not be making again. He trusted Shelby far too much when he should have seen the danger that she posed. The signs were there. Quinton just didn’t want to believe that Shelby, his friend, could be so cruel.

Quinton took a deep breath and once again tried to clear away all thoughts of anything but Caleb and trying to help him. He thought of Caleb’s face. His bright smile and beautiful eyes, his auburn hair flowing freely over his shoulders. He thought of the way Caleb made him feel, the great amount of love that he had for the other man. He thought of the two of them sharing a life together, creating a mate bond that would last forever. The bond would link them mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, allowing each to share their thoughts, feelings, and emotions with the other. It would allow them to share their strength and energy.

This was what Quinton wanted now. A transferring of energy from one shifter to the other. He could use his energy to force Caleb to shift back to human. Shifting would cause Caleb’s wounds to heal as his body was changed, taken apart and then remade in a new form. Open wounds would heal, new skin would replace old. Each shift was like being reborn anew, revitalizing the shifter a little more each time they went through the transformation.

Shifting couldn’t bring back the dead but it could heal a wolf who was on the brink of death though the more serious the injury the more energy it took which could, in turn, be quite dangerous for the Alpha. Pouring too much of his own energy into another would leave the Alpha weak and defenseless but Quintin didn’t care about any of that. He was willing to give up his very life to save Caleb if that’s what it cost. After-all, if Caleb died, Quinton wouldn’t have anything to live for anyway. It was an odd thought to have pop into his head at that exact moment but he knew it was true.

Mates often felt that way once they had completed the bond but Quinton hadn’t claimed Caleb yet, standing there beside him he could feel the bond between them tighten, pulling him towards his intended mate with an urgency that was just…unusual. It was as if Quinton’s own wolf were striving to get free and join with Caleb’s wolf. Driven by instinct, Quinton reached out and placed his hand over Caleb’s heart. Suddenly, he felt a jolt of electricity move through him. Caleb shivered as the energy left Quinton’s hand and entered him. His eyes shot open and just as Quinton thought the word ‘SHIFT’ Caleb heard the command and immediately obeyed.

There was a soft rippling of energy in the air around them. Caleb whimpered and then his body quivered again. Fur was replaced by soft, smooth, human skin. His tail disappeared. Ears became human and his white mane was replaced with Auburn locks. Quinton breathed a breath of relief as he opened his eyes and saw his mate, fully human, laying on his side, naked and alive. Quinton at once drew a sheet up around Caleb to keep him warm lest he suddenly go into a shock. Caleb was looking up at Quinton and the look in his eyes was of pure gratitude, and love. He opened his mouth to speak but fell silent again as he just didn’t have the strength yet to form words.

Quinton at once knew that something wasn’t right. The shift should have given Caleb new found strength and energy, not drained him of it. He quickly examined Caleb’s body. Most of the wounds were healed but his skin was mottled with bruises and scrapes. Those should have healed. Caleb should have been like new. So, why wasn’t he healing?

Quinton reached out and tapped the call light over Caleb’s bed. Moments later, Malcolm came into the room.

“Something’s wrong.” Quinton told him. “He shifted but he’s only partcially healed.”

Malcolm said nothing but went straight to Caleb’s side and began to examine him. He checked his vitals, listened to his heart, and did a physical exam of Caleb’s body, pressing lighting in areas to assess pain and tenderness. When he was done, he turned to Quinton and sighed. The look on his face was grave.

“Without further testing,” He said grimly, “I’m afraid that I can’t say for sure but I suspect that his heart may have been damaged in the fight.”

“What can we do for him?” Quinton asked.

“I’ll need to do more testing so I know the extent of the damage. If it’s too severe though, he may need surgery.”

Quinton ran his hand through his hair as he considered this new information. “He’d have to go to a human hospital for that.”

Malcolm nodded. “I don’t have the staff nor the equipment needed for major surgery here and he’d be placed on a waiting list to get into any human facility, they treat their own first.”

Quinton didn’t need to ask, he knew what Malcolm was implying. Caleb would likely be dead before the human hospital accepted him and that was IF they accepted him at all. Shifters were not given free medical care and were usually expected to provide full payment up front before being seen. There was also no company who would insure them as in the eyes of such businesses, they were considered animals and not people. Rhys had gone to a human emergency room once when he’d severely broken an arm while working a case. The ER had turned him away, suggesting he go to veterinary clinic instead.

He’d ended up shifting multiple times to heal the break but without having the bones set first the arm never did heal properly and he’d had problems with it ever since. Quinton growled low, under his breath. There was no way he was trusting the life of his mate to human doctors who cared little, if at all, whether one omega shifter lived or died.

“What if I pull him through his shift multiple times?” Quinton asked. “That could heal the damage couldn’t it?”

“That’s too dangerous.” Malcolm sighed. “It could kill you.”

Quinton huffed. “I don’t care about that.” He growled. “I only care about saving Caleb.”

Malcolm narrowed his eyes.”Have you claimed him already?” He asked.

“No.” Quinton told him. “This is me speaking. Not a mating bond. I’m in complete control of my facilities.”

“Hmm.” Malcolm tapped his pen against the side of his face.

Quinton rolled his eyes. “I know what you’re thinking and it’s not possible.”

Malcolm raised an eyebrow? “Isn’t it?”

“I would have known before now.”

“Rhys claimed him first.” Malcolm pointed out. “And when you first met him he’d literally just given birth and he’s been nursing since.”

“Your point?”

“My point is that his body is producing hormones meant to feed his child, not actively seek a mate. He’s not releasing mating pheromones and won’t go into heat again until he’s stopped nursing. If all of those factors are working to mask his true scent then it’s possible that your wolf was unable to detect it’s mate until after you had actually developed feelings for him.”

Quinton rubbed at his temples as he shook his eyes. “The idea of fated mates is an old wives tale. I’ve never met one couple who was fated to be together. It’s just a story based in fantasy rather than fact.”

“So are omega’s with magical healing abilities.” Malcolm told him. “Yet we have one right in front of us.”

Quinton sighed. “If Caleb really had healing powers, he would have healed himself by now.”

Malcolm crossed his arms over his chest and stared at Quinton with a seriousness to his expression that had Quinton questioning his own mind. “Quin, by all accounts, Caleb should never have been able to drag himself into that clearing by the lake let alone have the strength or ability to escape an attack from a beta whose been trained to track and kill. I, in all honesty, have no way to explain how Caleb is even still alive.”

Malcolm left the room and returned to the clinic, leaving Quinton to absorb what he’d just been told. Caleb was lucky to have survived yet another attack by a beta but Quinton was starting to wonder if it really was luck. All the facts to date seemed to confirm Bowden’s as well as the council’s belief that Caleb was special. He probably did have the power to heal himself but he was weak, his energy drained and so he wasn’t able to heal properly. He needed an energy boost if he were to work his magic on himself and as Malcolm had pointed out, expending any more of his energy on Caleb would weaken Quinton and possibly place him in danger as well.

His wolf growled and clawed at Quinton, trying to gain his attention as his beast quickly rose to the surface, threatening to break free. Their own safety mattered little to his wolf, Caleb was the one who was most important. His mate was injured, possibly dying, and his wolf just could not allow that. Common sense and instinct were at war inside Quinton’s mind. Quinton’s wolf wasn’t as cautious as Quinton and didn’t possess his intellect. It’s need to protect it’s mate being the only thing that mattered at the moment and it was becoming more and more insistent.

As Quinton considered what to do, he heard a faint knock at the door. He turned to see Zev standing just outside the door, peaking his head inside. Even Zev, Quinton’s best friend and second in command, knew enough not to enter the room without permission. Doing so could trigger the protective and territorial nature of Quinton’s wolf and cause him to inadvertently attack.

“What is it?” Quinton asked, a bit sharply. Zev could tell that Quinton was annoyed at having been disturbed, but it couldn’t be helped.

“We have an issue at the main guard house.” Zev told him.

Quinton sighed in frustration. “It isn’t something that you can handle yourself?”

“Afraid not.” Zev told him apologetically. “This needs your personal attention.”

Quinton nodded. “Alright.” He grumbled. “Give me a couple minutes and I’ll meet you there.”

“Good enough.” Satisfied with his response, Zev turned and left Quinton alone with Caleb, returning to the guard house to await his Alpha as instructed.

Quinton had no idea what the issue could be but he knew that it was serious if Zev was willing to disturb Quinton at a time like this. Quinton touched the side of Caleb’s face and Caleb struggled to open his eyes but he was too weak and he closed them just as quickly as they had opened. “I have to take care of something.” Quinton told his mate. “I’ll be back though, as soon as I can.”

He withdrew his hand and his wolf howled in protest. Quinton turned to leave but his wolf refused to move, digging it’s claws in and holding Quinton to the spot. This was the hardest part of being a pack Alpha, separating the two sides of his nature. He had a duty to his pack but his wolf didn’t understand that. It’s only duty was to it’s mate and it wasn’t willing to compromise. Quinton had to do something but he just wasn’t sure what. His wolf refused to leave his mates bedside until it knew that he was safe. The bond between them was growing increasingly stronger, tying them together. Quinton could feel Caleb’s distress, almost feel his pain and fear.

The bond hovered between them, reaching out but having nothing to latch onto and that was distressing Quinton’s wolf. It was like a boat, floating adrift with no anchor and no where to dock. Caleb’s safety net was on that boat yet he too was floating in the vastness of troubled waters, desperately reaching for a life line yet drifting further and further away. In time, he would begin to sink, disappearing beneath the murky depths where he would be lost forever. Quinton needed to give him something to hold onto, something that would keep him afloat.

Leaning in close Quinton slipped his hand beneath Caleb’s head, lifting it slightly off the pillow. Caleb’s eyes opened to two slits and he tried hard to focus on Quinton. Quinton could instantly feel how weak his mate was. His heart beat was slow, too slow for a shifter. As he lay there, his breathing became more shallow, his strength was literally ebbing away as each minute ticked past. This worried Quinton and he absolutely was not going to leave Caleb in this state.

“Love?” Quinton called to him. “Can you hear me?”

Caleb blinked, opened his mouth and tried to speak but the effort was too much. That was good enough for Quinton though. He knew that Caleb had heard him.

“Caleb, there’s something I need to tell you. Something you need to know so, please, listen closely. I had no idea how empty my life was until I met you. I lived as half a man, missing the other half of his soul. Loneliness and longing had become so routine that it felt normal and safe. I’ve told people for years that I didn’t want a mate, didn’t want the responsibility. That’s not true though. I didn’t just want any mate, I wanted you. I have been waiting for you and never even knew it until I found you. I realize now that having a mate isn’t a responsibility, it’s a privilege, a gift that I sometimes feel unworthy to have found.”

Quinton sucked in a breath as he considered his next words. Bearing his heart and soul wasn’t something that came easily for him but he knew he needed to do this. He needed to tell Caleb all the things that he thought and felt and Caleb needed to hear them. “I know now that I can not live without you. You are my life. You are the great moon in the sky above that guards me and gives me strength. Each breath that I take is for you. I exist only for you. I want to protect you, provide for you, and live my entire life with you and I need to know if you feel the same way about me.”

He brought Caleb closer, cradling his head in his hand as he brushed his thumb over Caleb’s pale cheek. He leaned in so that his lips just barely touched Caleb’s ear and then he whispered, “Caleb, do you accept me as your mate? Do you accept me as your life partner, your alpha, and promise to stay by my side as I promise to stay by you always? If this is what you want, if I am what you want, please, find someway to tell me and I will claim you as my mate for life.”

Caleb’s eyes fluttered open and he locked eyes with Quinton. The effort and strength it took to hold his gaze was tremendous and Caleb fought hard not to fall back into unconsciousness. His lips parted and with the smallest of voices he managed to whisper one word, “Yes.”

Quinton’s heart swelled with happiness and love. It was the one word he wanted so desperately to hear. Cupping the back of Caleb’s head in his hand, Quinton leaned in and kissed the side of Caleb’s neck just under his left ear. Caleb closed his eyes and purred softly as the faintest of smiles settled over his lips. He loved the feeling of Quinton holding his head and the gentle brush of his lips against Caleb’s skin.

Quinton took in Caleb’s scent then released a breath against his neck. Caleb could feel the heat of Quinton’s body against him and the warmth of his breath as he opened his mouth and pressed his lips against Caleb’s soft flesh. His fangs extended and then the piercing bite as he let his fangs penetrate Caleb’s neck. The pain was sharp but quick and once the skin had been broken the pain subsided giving way to something entirely more pleasurable.

Caleb felt a heat rush through him and a surge of energy that ignited every fiber of his body. The bond that had been lingering between them suddenly snapped into place, joining them together. It was something unlike Quinton had ever felt before. As the pack Alpha he’d always had a connection to each member of his pack but this was different. More intimate and even arousing. Quinton felt the swell of his cock against his pants and the sudden need to complete the claiming by mounting his mate and riding him to the threshold of orgasm and then beyond.

The mating urge had never been so strong in him and he understood that it was their wolves way of sealing the claim but Quinton also knew that would have to wait. Caleb still wasn’t strong enough and Quinton, unfortunately, had other matters to attend to. His wolf growled as Quinton withdrew his fangs. The taste of Caleb’s blood still fresh on his lips sent a surge of desire through him that was met with an equally strong arousal from Caleb.

Suddenly Quinton couldn’t wait to have Caleb naked and writhing beneath him and from the soft whimpering he heard from his mate, Caleb wanted the same thing. Quinton sucked in a deep breath and then took a step back. Caleb reached out at once, hands grasping for Quinton as though his very life depended on him being held safely in the other man’s arms. Quinton hated himself for having to leave Caleb this way. A newly claimed omega would be in constant torment until the mating was complete but Quinton had no choice. He just hoped that Caleb understood.

“I have to go.” He whispered into Caleb’s ear. “Wolf God knows I don’t want to. Right now the only thing I want to do is carry you home and make sweet, passionate, love to you for the foreseeable future but I can’t. Not yet anyway. You still need time to rest and heal but with my energy now that should happen more quickly. The important thing is, you’re going to be alright now.”

Caleb clung to Quinton’s arm, not wanting to let go. “Stay.” He managed to rasp out as he moved to the edge of the bed, reaching out and groping at Quinton as though trying to climb off the bed and into his lap.

“I can’t. I know it doesn’t make much sense to you right now but there are things I need to do before we can officially be together.” Even speaking the words Quinton was kicking himself for having said them. There should be nothing more important than his mate right now. No matter more pressing than making sure his mate was okay and well cared for. Cared for in a way that only his mate could do.

As Caleb struggled to hold onto him, Quinton cursed himself then gently pushed the omega away. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Quinton told him. “Just stay strong until then. Once we get this issue with Shelby put behind us we can start our life together.”

“Forget her.” Caleb whimpered. “Stay with me.”

“Forgive me, love.” Quinton kissed Caleb’s outstretched hand as he slowly backed away. “I have to do this.”

Caleb continued to whimper his protests as Quinton reluctantly backed out of the door then turned and hurried away from the room. The sooner he dealt with whatever was waiting for him at the guard house, the sooner he could hold Caleb in his arms again. That was the promise he’d made to his mate that he was not about to break.


Quinton pulled up to the guard house and he was immediately on edge. He didn’t recognize the three black Jeep Cherokees that were parked just outside the main gate. He parked his truck then got out and walked to the front of the building and stopped. There, standing at the gate, was Seth Bowden, his underwhelmed looking brother, and five large betas all armed with what Quinton assumed were silver bullet loaded rifles.

Zev, two more of Black River alphas and three betas all surrounded the gate presumably holding off the Silver Moon shifters from entering Black River lands. None of the men present seemed to be in pleasant spirits as they were all glowering menacingly at each other. Quinton walked to the group of men and stood, arms crossed over his chest, as he stared Bowden down, hard.

“What is this?” He asked in accusatory tones. “What the hell are you doing here, Bowden?”

Seth Bowden put his hands up and grinned smugly. “Ease off the attitude there, Hallorann. I was invited here.”

Quinton narrowed his eyes. “Invited? By who?”

“That Sassy little beta chick of yours. She really doesn’t like my omega.” Bowden chuckled at the fury that was etched across Quinton’s face.

“He’s not your omega.” Quinton growled. His eyes flashed golden for a brief moment before returning to normal.

“Well,” Bowden smirked. “That remains to be seen.”

Quinton sighed. He didn’t have the time nor patience to deal with this right now. Not with Caleb waiting for him at the clinic. “What do you want, Bowden. And, why the hell would Shelby call you?”

“Because we have a common desire at stake here.” Bowden told him. His expression became more serious and stern. “I want my omega back and she wants him out of her pack. As I hear it, he’s caused quite the stir here. Why don’t you just save yourself any future trouble and hand him over.”

“Caleb is my mate.” Quinton hissed. “His place is here, with him, and in this pack. You have no claim over him.”

“Don’t I?” Bowden raised an eyebrow. “You were given three months to prove you could provide for and protect the omega and you’ve failed to do just that. Your trial period isn’t even over yet and he’s been attacked and nearly killed. By one of your own I might add. I’m sure the council would be more than interested to know exactly what went on here.”

“Yes, he was attacked.” Quinton agreed, glaring at the other Alpha with much contempt. “But, I’m starting to wonder if it really was by one of MY own.”

Bowden gritted his teeth. “And what exactly do you mean by that?” He sneered.

Quinton took a step closer, glaring daggers at Bowden. “It just seems a little suspicious to me that given all that has happened, Shelby would call you of all people for help.”

Quinton turned and gave Zev a quick, sharp look. Zev shrugged. “She was allowed one phone call.” He said in defense. “How was I to know she’d call this scum bag?”

Quinton shook his head in annoyance then slowly returned his gaze to Bowden, narrowing his eyes as he studied the man carefully. “My question is why.” Quinton said, coldly. “I mean, Shelby has made some seriously outrageous claims against my mate. She seems to know quite a bit about what went on at Silver Moon prior to Caleb’s escape. Now, how do you suppose she got all that information and who would be putting these ludicrous ideas into her head? Doesn’t that all seem a bit strange to you?”

Bowden folded his arms defiantly. “She came to me out of concern for your well-being.”

“And I’m sure you had no problem taking advantage of that.”

Bowden shrugged apathetically. “I may have swayed her a small bit in my direction. She wanted the omega away from you and out of your pack. I convinced her the best thing for all of us was for me to take him back to Silver Moon. She was supposed to deliver him to me. I never thought the bitch would actually try and kill him.”

Quinton shook his head in disbelief and anger. “So what, you thought now that you’d come here and just take him back? Did you really think I would just hand him over to you?”

“To save him, yes.” Bowden held Quinton’s gaze as he moved closer, intentionally closing the gap between them.

Zev moved to Quinton’s side, concerned, but Quinton held his hand up to stop him. He wasn’t afraid of Seth Bowden and he didn’t make any effort to hide his contempt for the man.

“Your beta bitch won’t stop until the omega is dead. She’s made that very clear. Handing him over to me wasn’t enough for her I’m guessing. She wanted him out of the picture for good. Knowing that, you can’t possibly think he’d be safe remaining with you. Not with a rouge beta on your hands.”

“Shelby will be dealt with.” Quinton sneered. “Caleb is no longer in any danger because of her.”

Bowden nodded, a sly smile snaked across his face. “Indeed. She made an attempt on the Alpha mate’s life. Our laws dictate that her life is now forfeit to you. I can’t imagine that you would allow such a grievous offense to go unpunished.”

“How I choose to punish a member of my pack is of no concern to you, Bowden.”

“But it is a concern to her.” Bowden spat. “She’s not stupid, Hallorann. She is a cunning little piece though. She knows she’s dead. There is no way you would chose exile. Not when the life of your precious mate is at stake. Shelby is too much of a liability. So, she’s invoked her right to challenge you in a fight to the death.”

Zev scoffed. “That’s the very definition of stupid. There is no way that she would win a fight against Quinton. He’d slaughter her in a matter of minutes.”

Quinton gave Zev a sideways glance, letting him know that his comment on the situation was not called for. Zev smirked but remained silent.

“So, she decided to have you deliver this challenge to me?” Quinton asked with a slight smirk of his own. “That seems a bit cowardly of her.”

“Actually, she has asked me to be her second.”

“Her second? Seriously, are we in medieval times here?” Zev blew out an exasperated breath.

“Cool it.” Quinton scolded his friend. “It’s her right when presenting a challenge.” He turned back to Bowden. “What are your terms?”

Bowden grinned, thinking he now had the upper hand. “I’ll fight in her place.” He said, much to the astonishment of all those present, even his brother, Jase. “If I lose, then Jase becomes Alpha of my pack and he’ll take Shelby as his mate. Silver Moon pack will leave your lands and never bother you or the omega again.”

“Just wait a minute!” Jase suddenly spoke up, seemingly appalled at the statement his brother had just declared on his behalf. “First Caleb and now this beta that I’ve never even met? I never agreed to take anyone as a mate. I don’t want a mate. You can’t force me to do this!”

Seth rolled his eyes. “Shut up you sniveling coward of a wolf!” He hissed. “If I die you will take the beta as a mate. At least then I’ll know my pack is in capable hands.”

Jase opened his mouth to protest further but a stern look from his brother stopped him in his tracks. It was clear to Quinton that Jase Bowden had no backbone. When he did become Alpha, as Quinton was sure he would, it would his mate who would be leading the pack.

“What if you win?” Quinton asked though knowing that was unlikely to happen. It wasn’t arrogance that made him so sure of his own victory, it was simple biology. Seth Bowden was, by all accounts, the weaker wolf. He neither possessed Quinton’s size nor strength and the Alpha power that he exuded was minimal at best. An Alpha’s power came from his pack. The more the pack respected him, the stronger his power became. Bowden’s pack did not love or respect their Alpha and Quinton doubted very much that any would stand behind him. He was tyrant, not a leader, and it showed.

“If I win,” Bowden grinned maliciously, making him look more like a coyote than a wolf, “Then Caleb, your entire pack, as well as your lands belong to me. Your pack mates will not retaliate against me or any of my pack and the two packs will merge.”

Quinton was taken aback. Even though he was relatively sure of his own ability to defeat Bowden, was he really willing to agree to something that would affect every member of his pack? Did he even have the right? Legally, he could make the call, but morally he wasn’t so sure. He looked to Zev for advice.

Zev shook his head. “Don’t do it, Quin. I don’t trust this guy.”

Quinton considered all his options. He was under no legal obligation to accept such a challenge and, strictly speaking, the terms were absurd. In any normal challenge the victor would walk away with their life, nothing more. As Alpha, if Quinton lost, his pack would then divert to his heir, which would be Rhylan but since Rhylan was still a baby, Zev would step up as Alpha until Rhylan came of age. The idea of winner takes all was just unheard of.

If he declined such a challenge then Shelby could demand a trial which would involve the council. They could chose exile for Shelby over death or worse, deem Quinton unfit to properly care for his omega and force him to be returned to Bowden. Quinton would be fine with Shelby being exiled. If she tried to return or attempted to harm Caleb again Quinton would have the right to kill her on the spot. As much as he hated the idea, he would do it if it meant keeping Caleb safe. What he would not do, however, was risk losing Caleb.

With a deep breath, and much trepidation, Quinton nodded. “I accept your challenge.”

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