Now You Know Me Pt. 04

A gay story: Now You Know Me Pt. 04 I held Evan in my arms for a long while, and at one point, I heard his breathing grow deep and even while he dozed off. I let him rest, but I was too wired to fall asleep. Instead, I tried to commit each detail of this time with him to my memory, for I knew it would be over all too soon.

When Evan stirred awake, stretching and releasing a contented moan, I gave him a quick kiss before disentangling my limbs from his. “I’ll bring you a glass of water, or soda, if you prefer,” I told him as I climbed from the bed. “We definitely worked up a sweat.”

“Water’s fine, thanks,” he replied.

Glancing over my shoulder, I saw him gazing hungrily at my naked body, and I couldn’t help but grin. He grinned as well, appearing a little sheepish to be caught out. I loved the way he averted his stare, but only for a moment before he allowed it to return to me once more.

After I’d done my part to make sure Evan and I were both rehydrated, I offered him my hand as we stood by the bed. “We should get cleaned up,” I said in a low voice, giving him a smile. “How about a shower?”

“Sounds perfect,” he said, flashing me his own sweet smile, and when he slipped his hand in mine, I couldn’t resist bringing his palm to my lips. How I adored him already.

It was then that Evan threw his arms around me with a force that actually made me stumble backward a little. I let out a surprised laugh but quickly fell silent as he kissed my mouth and my neck, his lips fervent. It was as if he was desperate to be close to me, to have his body against mine. I readily kissed him back, moaning softly at his clear need. I knew things between us were moving fast, but I couldn’t bear to try to dissuade Evan’s affection. The rational part of my brain was screaming a warning to be far more careful, and yet I couldn’t deny that I needed Evan as much as he needed me.

“What inspired that?” I asked when he finally withdrew from me.

Now he gave me the playful grin I’d come to know and love. “For so many months, I’ve been crushing on you,” he revealed. “Ever since we first met, actually. And now, after what we shared tonight, it’s just…” I could tell he was struggling to find the right words. “It almost doesn’t seem real. It feels like a dream, you know?”

I felt a surge of affection for Evan as he spoke. Never in my past relationships, even with men whom I’d loved and who had loved me in return, had I experienced such profound honesty. Evan seemed to lack any proclivity for manipulation or coyness. No, he readily gave voice to his emotions, never shying away from vulnerability. It nurtured a trust within me, and despite my natural tendency to be guarded, I sensed my defenses lowering.

“It feels like a dream to you?” I said, laughing low and soft. “How do you think it feels to me? I’ve been in a state of constant disbelief since that first night when you let me know you’re attracted to me.”

Evan tilted his head slightly, regarding me. “Earlier, you said you’ve always wanted me,” he began, and my face grew warm, for I now felt plenty vulnerable myself. “Did you mean that? Or was it just something you told me while in the throes of passion?”

I stalled for time by teasing him. “The throes of passion, Evan? Have you been reading your mom’s romance novels?”

He rolled his eyes even as he grinned. “Stop busting my balls and answer me!” he insisted.

I opened my mouth to speak, but I found myself tongue-tied. It was such an intimate conversation to have while standing naked with Evan in my bedroom, our skin still bearing traces of his dried cum. I felt utterly exposed. “The first time we met months ago,” I finally managed to say, “when you stopped to introduce yourself, I’ll admit I did find you attractive.” Evan positively beamed at this revelation. “And who wouldn’t?” I hurried on. “You’re fucking gorgeous. But you’re also much younger. I never would have guessed you’d be interested in me.”

Evan leaned closer until his lips were just inches from mine. “So… after we met, did you ever jerk off while thinking about me?” he asked, and I noticed the devilish gleam in his eyes.

“Evan!” I cried. “Why the hell do you want to know that?”

Now he kissed the corner of my mouth, teasing me. “Because it gets me excited,” he murmured. “To think of you stroking while fantasizing about me.”

It was only when Evan reached between us to take my cock in his hand that I confessed the truth. “Once or twice, maybe!” I moaned as he touched me. “But I didn’t make a habit of it. You always seemed… so out of reach.”

“But I’m not,” he whispered. “I’m right here.” His mouth sought out mine, and I surrendered to that kiss, to his hand pleasuring me.

“Let’s continue this in the shower,” I finally suggested, my breaths quickening. Looking down, I found that Evan was growing hard as well.

Once we stood under the hot spray of water, I took my time washing every inch of Evan’s skin, my soapy hands lingering over the places that would give him the most pleasure. I loved how easy it was to coax his beautiful cock to full hardness, and when Evan readily allowed my fingers to slide over his tender hole, so recently fucked, my own dick stood at attention. He moaned at my touch, then moved so that he stood facing me. His face was so beautiful, it made a pang of sheer longing begin in my chest as I regarded him.

Our eyes locked, and he gave me a hungry kiss before his hands encircled our cocks. I released a sigh, looking down to watch him stroking us both. “Ah, fuck, that feels incredible!” I moaned. Evan used a steady rhythm, pumping our dicks until he and I were breathing fast. It wouldn’t take long, I realized. Not after the time I spent exploring his body and heightening our arousal.

“Drew,” Evan said softly, his voice barely audible over the shower. Lifting my head, I met his intense stare. “Do you know how much I love making you come?” I released a faint cry at his words. “That’s what I think about,” he went on, his chest quickly rising and falling, “when I’m lying in bed at night, and I know you’re so near but I can’t be with you. In my mind, I replay everything we’ve done, and I start stroking my cock, desperate to have you inside me.”

“Evan, I’m close!” I practically growled. Listening to his confession, and feeling his hand’s relentless stimulation, I was right on the edge. I gave him a pleading look, and yet he continued, his jaw set in a determined line.

“I want you to take my mouth, and my ass,” Evan said, each word insistent. I was shaking in his grasp, but when I tried to kiss him, he kept teasingly out of reach. “Make me yours, Drew. Let me know I belong to you.”

Evan longed to be submissive, but he was the one in control right now. He knew just what to say, and what to do, to summon forth an orgasm so powerful it pulled my entire body taut. I groaned and shuddered, throwing my head back as I came hard.

I was still trembling, still trying to catch my breath, when I glanced down to see that Evan hadn’t yet climaxed. He’d stopped stroking us both moments after my orgasm began, and now he stood watching me with a rapt expression on his face.

Without warning, I cupped a hand against the back of his head and pulled him to me, demanding the kiss he’d denied me earlier. Evan immediately responded, whimpering when my tongue sought out his, and as I backed him up against the shower wall, pinning him against it, he offered no resistance. My hand slid down his chest, traveling lower until I took hold of his cock.

I sucked his lower lip, then gave it a playful bite. All the while, I jerked him off, determined to make him come. The sound of his moans drove me wild even as I was recovering from my own climax. “You want to belong to me?” I demanded, my stare holding his. “Is that what you want?”

“Ah, fuck… yes! That’s exactly what I want!” he cried.

“I’ll make you mine, Evan,” I said in a guttural voice, my hand mercilessly stroking him. “You’ll belong to me when I breed you.”

Almost as soon as I uttered those words, Evan came with a desperate shout. Hot cum erupted from his cock to strike my belly, and I let out a low moan of satisfaction. It was a gorgeous sight, seeing him climax. He always surrendered completely to his orgasm, never holding back.

When he was spent, his cheeks flushed and his breathing still heavy, I gave him a quick kiss and a grin. “We’d better finish up in here before we use up all the hot water,” I said.

Once we’d finished showering, we dried off and then got dressed. I noticed that Evan was a little quiet, and I hoped I hadn’t taken things too far with what I’d said earlier. Maybe he felt pressured now, which was the last thing I wanted.

Watching Evan run his fingers through his damp hair, I realized I didn’t want him to leave just yet. “I know it’s getting late, but can you stay a little longer?” I asked in a low voice, hoping I didn’t sound too needy.

My relief was almost palpable when his face broke into a delighted smile. “Of course,” he replied.

We ended up on the living room couch, with the lamp turned to its lowest setting and music playing softly in the background. I sat up while Evan stretched out on his back before resting his head in my lap. I couldn’t resist stroking his hair as I gazed down at him, and he let out a sigh of contentment, his eyelids growing heavy. I thought he might drift off again, but instead, he reached for my hand, interlacing his fingers with mine.

Then Evan looked up to meet my eyes. “What you said in the shower, just before I came…” he began.

I felt my face grow hot, and I swallowed hard. “I got a bit carried away,” I confessed. “You had me so excited. But I absolutely don’t expect you to do that.”

“But what if I want to?” he asked before I could continue my half-apology. “I mean, now that we’ve committed to seeing only each other, we could, you know, both get tested. And if everything’s okay, we could stop using condoms.”

I grew very still as I considered his words. Jesus, he was serious about being exclusive! And all this time, I’d been worried that he would quickly lose interest in me.

“That’s a big step,” I finally answered. “Are you sure that’s what you want?”

A playful grin formed on his beautiful lips. “Well,” he said, drawing out the word, “you’ve filled one of my holes with your hot cum. I want you to fill the other one, too.”

I moaned as an actual shudder of need coursed through me. “Just when I think you can’t possibly turn me on any more than you already have, you go and say something like that!”

Evan laughed, clearly pleased at my reaction. Then his smile faded, and he regarded me with a serious expression. “I understand if you’re not ready to take that step,” he said. “Maybe you want to keep fucking Kyle, the way you have been, or maybe…”

“Evan,” I said gently, and he fell silent. While caressing his cheek, I couldn’t help but smile. My god, I was so happy at that moment! I’d all but given up hope that I could feel this way again, and yet Evan, in such a short time, had resurrected a kind of joy inside me. “I told you before, I want only you,” I went on. I knew my eyes revealed my deep fondness for him, and as he nodded, beaming at my words, he took my hand once more, giving it a squeeze.

“I’ll make an appointment tomorrow to get tested,” he said.

“Me, too,” I replied.

Evan slowly sat up, and I knew he needed to head back to his apartment. But before he left, he straddled me and wrapped his arms around my neck, then lowered his mouth to mine. Again I was struck by his craving for physical closeness. I slid my hands over his back, eager to give him the intimacy he desired.

A smile pulled at the corner of his lips as he gazed down at me. “I’ve made you happy, haven’t I, Drew?” he asked.

I couldn’t answer him for a moment as a torrent of emotions rushed through me. Smiling in return, I finally managed to whisper, “More than you know, Evan.”


When I got home from work the following day, I immediately made myself a stiff drink, taking several swallows even before I sat down on the couch. Then I steeled my shoulders, drew in a deep breath, and called Kyle.

He answered quickly, as if he’d been expecting to hear from me. “Hey, Drew,” he said, his tone friendly enough. But Kyle had never been one to let his emotions get the better of him.

“Kyle, I…” Rubbing my face, I tried to think of the right words to say. “I want to apologize for how… intense things got last night.”

“Oh, no need,” he said, and I could hear the smile in his voice. “Though I must say, that’s quite the feisty toy you’re playing with.”

“He’s not a toy,” I shot back, then immediately regretted it. I didn’t want to get into a debate with Kyle over the merits of my relationship with Evan. After taking another calming breath, I went on. “In fact, he and I have decided to see each other exclusively, so…”

Kyle was quiet for an excruciatingly long moment. Finally he said, “Drew, what are you doing?” His voice was low and soft, and I could hear something like pity in it.

“What do you mean, what am I doing?” I asked, and my own voice grew cold. “I’ve met someone amazing, someone who makes me really happy.”

“You’re setting yourself up for another heartbreak,” Kyle said. “Evan reminds me of the man you were seeing a year ago. I’m starting to believe you have a type, and that type ends up destroying you emotionally.”

“They’re nothing alike!” I protested, surprised at my own vehemence. “Evan isn’t deceitful or manipulative. He doesn’t try to fuck with my head.”

“You barely know him!” Kyle argued. “He said himself that you only recently started seeing each other, and the way he acted toward me… It’s as if he’s on some kind of ego trip. As much as you tried to hide it, you were absolutely fawning over him, and he’s clearly got you under his thumb.”

I closed my eyes, and it was then that I realized I was shaking. “Kyle,” I managed to say in a steady voice, “I will always cherish your friendship, but you don’t know the first thing about my relationship with Evan, okay?”

Again Kyle grew quiet, and I knew he was choosing his next words carefully. “If it turns out that Evan is ‘the one,’ I will be thrilled for you. Honestly, Drew, I will. But you have to remember that I’ve seen you like this before, utterly smitten and falling so fast. And when it was over, you sank into such a deep depression that I was worried sick. I care about you, and I don’t want to see that happen again.”

I stood and went to the window, watching the twilight shadows deepen. Being reminded of the devastating heartbreak I experienced, and at the hands of an irresistible young man, made my heart pound in my chest. It was enough to make me break out in a cold sweat.

“Maybe I am being foolish,” I told Kyle, “Maybe Evan will end up hurting me. But right now, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.” I heard Kyle draw in a sharp breath, and I winced, knowing that my words wounded him. Hadn’t he and I spent years together, after all? Hadn’t we been madly in love at one time?

But not like this, I told myself. What I had with Evan was something I’d never before felt in my entire life.

“I won’t give up what Evan and I have simply because I’m afraid of being hurt,” I continued. “I want to give this every chance to work.”

“And I hope it does, Drew,” Kyle said gently. “I’d be lying if I said I won’t miss our occasional evenings together, but I’m so glad to hear that Evan makes you happy. That’s all I want for you.”

I smiled faintly, knowing Kyle spoke the truth. He’d been the one who continually tried to pull me out of my despair, who had constantly checked in with me to make sure I wasn’t going off the deep end. “You’re a wonderful man, Kyle, and a wonderful friend,” I told him.

“Don’t forget, I know how you feel right now. A younger man once came into my life and made me feel so fiercely alive and full of joy,” Kyle said, and my smile widened. “And though I couldn’t be everything he wanted me to be, I’ve never regretted a single minute of our time together.”

“Thank you, Kyle,” I whispered, blinking back sudden tears. “For everything.”


As November went on, with the air growing colder and the nights longer, I sensed a profound change in myself. The lessening daylight no longer evoked a sadness within me, and I realized that I didn’t even mind the tedium of my job anymore. Not when I could look forward to spending my evenings with Evan.

The joy I felt while with him followed me throughout my days, even when we were apart. I’d never dreamed I could be so happy.

One evening close to Thanksgiving, Evan was lying beside me in bed. We’d started out slow, in no hurry as we undressed. Our kisses were languorous, and our hands offered tender caresses. With his mouth on mine, Evan reached between us to stroke me, and soon I was gently thrusting my hips, moving my hard cock through his grasp.

“Lube will make this better,” he murmured against my lips, then leaned to retrieve it from the drawer. Yet it wasn’t the lube that caught his attention. “What do we have here?”

I watched as he pulled out a wand vibrator, which happened to be a favorite toy of mine. Just seeing it in Evan’s hand made my cock jump. His stare met mine, and he flashed me his signature wicked smile. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” he asked.

I raised an eyebrow. “I’m thinking you’d better be absolutely sure you want to play with that particular toy, because I can be merciless with it,” I warned him.

“Ooh, I like the sound of that!” Taking on his submissive role, one he assumed so easily, he placed the wand vibrator before me like an offering.

“Get the lube as well,” I told him. “We’ll need it.”

Evan was quick to do as I said, and I could easily sense his excitement. Mine was certainly growing as I took the lube from Evan, then instructed him to lie down on his back. Once he was reclined before me, I leaned to give him a tender kiss. “Hands behind your head,” I whispered. “And keep them there.”

I heard Evan’s sharp intake of breath at my words. His stare grew hot and eager as he obeyed me, resting his head on his hands. Seeing his resolve to follow my orders, I doubted I would have to bind his wrists.

I took my time lubing up his throbbing cock, enjoying the sound of his pleasured sighs. When I had him nice and slick, I slid my hands along his thighs, gently caressing his skin and drawing out his anticipation. By now, he knew better than to beg, for that would only result in him having to wait longer.

Finally I picked up the fully charged wand, and when I turned it on to the lowest setting, its powerful hum seemed amplified in the otherwise quiet room. Sliding the tip of my tongue over my bottom lip, I gave Evan’s erection a long appreciative stare. Then my eyes met his as I murmured, “I’m going to love playing with you.”

My words made him shiver, and his erection was now insistently pointing upward toward him, granting me access to its underside.

Lowering the vibrating head of the wand, I brought it close to the base of his shaft, massaging his skin with the lightest pressure. He let out a faint moan at that initial contact, then bucked his hips in order to move his dick against the toy.

“Stay still,” I told Evan firmly. His eyes locked with mine, and I clearly saw his need for more. Yet he grew motionless, allowing me to control the pleasure he received.

Gently, teasingly, I swept the wand upward until it grazed his frenulum for a brief moment. The sensation was enough to make him gasp, and I couldn’t help but wonder just how intense it felt against his uncut cock.

I didn’t want Evan to become overstimulated, so I instructed him to spread his thighs wider for me, and after gently grasping his dick, I guided the wand to his taint. The deep vibration, reverberating against his skin, made him release a groan of satisfaction. “Ah, that feels fucking good!” he said, his voice guttural. He moved his hips again, but only once before he checked himself.

My own cock was now hard to the point of throbbing as I pleasured Evan with the wand, and I couldn’t help but grin while knowing exactly what I had in store for him. As soon as I thought he was growing too used to the feel of the vibe against his taint, I once again drew it upward, all along the underside of his shaft.

“Oh yeah!” Evan murmured. “More of that. Please, please…”

“Careful what you beg for,” I warned him, but he only gave me an insolent smile.

“I think I can handle whatever you dole out,” he replied, his voice holding a clear challenge.

My wicked grin widened. “Is that right?” I asked in mock innocence.

Then I gently cupped my hand around the tip of his cock, my palm against the topside of it. With my other hand, I brought the wand to his frenulum once more, but this time, it was for far longer than a moment.

Evan actually cried out as an involuntary shudder coursed through his body. “That’s fucking intense!” he gasped.

“Mmm, yes, I know,” I agreed pleasantly. “But you can handle it.”

With a gentle pressure, I massaged the underside of his cockhead, applying continual vibration. My dick pulsed when I noticed a sheen of sweat on Evan’s face. My god, I loved pushing him to his limit! Without inflicting any kind of pain, I could reduce him to a helpless state simply by knowing his body in such an intimate way.

Somehow Evan managed to keep his hands clasped behind his head, so I rewarded him by showing his cock a little mercy. Moving the wand head lower along his shaft, I watched as he sucked in a breath, trying to recover.

I didn’t give him time before I placed the wand head firmly against his frenulum yet again.

“Oh god!” he cried, no longer able to remain still. “Drew, it’s… it’s too much… I can’t…”

“Of course you can, baby,” I soothed him. Without warning, I turned the vibrator up to the highest speed as I held it to Evan’s cockhead.

He writhed and thrashed on the bed, making it difficult, but not impossible, for me to keep the vibe against him. “Drew!” he cried. “Ahh fuck!”

Yet he wouldn’t tell me to stop. I watched as his gorgeous balls tightened, and his hips thrust fiercely as if he were fucking. He was so close, so desperate for release.

“Come for me,” I urged. “This doesn’t stop until you give it up, Evan.”

His features were drawn taut, his expression one that could be mistaken for agony. Ah, but I knew better. I’d been just where he was now, and I understood how pleasure could be so intense, it bordered on excruciating.

Evan’s eyes locked with mine, and his gaze was a plea, yet I was finished showing him mercy. My singular goal was to make him orgasm.

With a powerful spasm and a cry that echoed throughout the room, Evan finally gave me what I craved. His cock erupted like a fountain, and cum rained down everywhere in a seemingly endless flow.

Immediately I took the wand from his dick, but he still shook as several more spurts of semen issued forth.

“That was perfect, Evan!” I praised him while stroking his thigh. “You had so much cum for me, didn’t you?” Unable to stop myself, I leaned forward to lick several ropes of seed from his hot skin. The taste of his essence made me moan with my own satisfaction.

My cock was achingly hard, looming out from me, and as soon as Evan had caught his breath, he spoke my name in a low, insistent voice. Looking up at him, I saw that despite his earthshaking orgasm, his stare had grown hot once more.

“Come up here,” he whispered, tapping a hand against his chest. “I want to take care of you.”

My pulse quickened even more, and I didn’t hesitate to straddle his chest while he placed both pillows beneath his head in order to prop himself up a little. With my weight mostly resting on my knees, I took my cock in hand and guided it to Evan’s eager mouth. As soon as his lips encircled my tip, I released a low moan.

The sensation of Evan’s warm, wet tongue sliding over my skin made me give a shallow thrust deeper into his mouth. I was careful not to feed him too much, too soon, especially since he was in such a vulnerable position. “Ah, that feels so fucking good, Evan!” I sighed.

His mouth was skillful and insistent, sucking me off with an enthusiasm that soon had me trembling. I could feel his hands sliding over my ass, and then around to grasp my hips. It was then that he began guiding my rhythm, pulling me toward him so more of my dick disappeared past his lips.

I was already so excited from watching him orgasm that I knew it wouldn’t take me long to come as well. Evan must have sensed how close I was, for he worked to take almost every inch of my cock.

“Evan!” I cried, my chest rising and falling with heavy breaths. “Fuck, that mouth of yours is gonna make me come!”

He moaned in response to my words, his hands on my hips setting the pace of my thrusts. It was clear that he wanted me to fuck his mouth, but I was careful not to choke him.

I felt that exquisite tightening of my muscles and knew I was right on the edge. The sight and sound, the blissful sensation of Evan sucking my cock, and the sheer eagerness he displayed while doing so, brought about my own climax. I tried to pull back a little as I came, but he held me firmly in place, readily accepting my cum. His gulps while working to swallow it down were clearly audible.

Finally Evan released me, his heavy breaths matching mine, and I withdrew my cock from his mouth. Yet before I had the chance to slide off of him, he craned his neck and gave my tip one last lick. His wholehearted desire for my body, and his determination to bring me pleasure, never failed to astonish me.

As soon as I was lying at his side, I pulled him to me so we could share a deep, lingering kiss. The room smelled of our cum, along with a trace of our sweat. We’d need a shower, and I would also need to change the sheets, but that could wait a bit.

Holding Evan in my arms, I stroked his skin, delighting in his nearness, his warmth. We lay in comfortable silence for a few minutes, simply enjoying the relaxation our orgasms had brought about.

“So,” Evan finally said, his voice low and a little drowsy, “what are your plans for Thanksgiving?”

I hesitated a moment before answering. “Uh, I don’t have any, actually.” I wanted to be truthful with him, but I also didn’t want him to feel sorry for me, so I strove to keep my tone light.

Evan propped himself up on an elbow so he could regard me, his brow furrowing. “You mean, you’re not going to spend Thanksgiving with your family?”

“Not this year,” I replied.

“Why not?” he persisted.

I let out a heavy sigh, hoping we could change the subject soon. “Because my father always drinks too much,” I said, “and my mother always rants at him for ruining the holiday. Meanwhile, my sister is determined to rehash past family trauma at the table while we’re passing around the mashed potatoes.” Staring at the ceiling, I shook my head. “I just can’t do it this time.”

Evan was quiet a long moment, considering what I’d told him. Then he threw an arm over my chest and kissed the corner of my mouth. “You should come to my place for Thanksgiving, then!” he said. “It’ll just be me and Mom.”

My eyes widened in surprise. By the way Evan was eagerly awaiting my response, I knew his suggestion was heartfelt, yet I couldn’t help but feel nervous about taking such a big step. “That’s sweet of you to invite me,” I said, giving him a smile, “but I’m sure your mom would prefer that it be a family holiday.”

“Oh, come on!” Evan protested. “Mom loves you. She always goes on about how nice you are. Apparently you helped her carry in groceries one time when I wasn’t home, and she never forgot it.”

I chuckled, remembering how grateful Evan’s mother had been for my assistance. “That was nothing,” I told him now. “Just me being neighborly.”

“And she really likes you because she says you’ve never tried to get into her pants,” Evan added with a grin.

I burst out laughing. “No, I’m too busy getting into her son’s pants!” Meeting Evan’s gaze, I asked, “And what about your dad? Won’t you be spending part of the holiday with him?”

Evan’s expression darkened at my question. “Dad has a new girlfriend,” he said slowly, and I noted the hard edge to his words. “He’s decided to spend this Thanksgiving with her out of town.”

I felt an ache in my chest, for I knew Evan had to be hurt by his father’s behavior. “Evan…” I began, pressing a hand against his cheek.

“It’s fine,” he tried to assure me. “I know where I stand with Dad. Always have.”

I understood there were no words I could say to soothe him, so I simply planted a tender kiss on his forehead. He wrapped his arms around me, snuggling up close. “So does that mean you’ll spend Thanksgiving with me and Mom?” His words were muffled as he buried his face in the crook of my neck.

Closing my eyes, I realized I was smiling, but I couldn’t accept his invitation just yet. Instead I whispered, “I’ll think about it.”


I figured I needed to find out just where I stood with Evan’s mom, Ingrid. Evan hadn’t told me that he’d spoken to her about our relationship, but I had to wonder how much she knew.

The following day, I made an appointment for a haircut. The salon receptionist informed me that Ingrid had an opening in her schedule at six that very evening due to a cancelation.

Without telling Evan where I was going, I stopped in at the salon after work. It was quiet at that time, with only Ingrid and one other beautician still seeing clients. I’d never been there before; I usually went to a place across town.

Ingrid looked up, her eyes meeting mine. While she gave me a smile that could be considered friendly, I didn’t sense much warmth in it.

Shit. She knew, I realized. She definitely knew.

“Hello, Ingrid,” I said, hoping my own smile appeared more genuine.

“Hi, Drew,” she said. “Didn’t expect to see your name on my appointment list.”

“I’m overdue for a haircut,” I told her. She gestured toward the chair before her, and I took a seat. “I’m glad you were able to work me in this evening,” I went on.

As Ingrid draped one of those black capes over my front, then hooked it closed at the nape of my neck, I took the opportunity to study her reflection in the mirror. She was a beautiful woman, probably no older than forty-five. Evan favored her, I realized. They had the same stunning blue eyes.

Ingrid’s stare met mine in the mirror, and I struggled not to look away. “So you just want the same style,” she said, making her words a statement instead of a question. It seemed she already knew the answer.

“Yep,” I said, keeping my voice light. “I’m not exactly adventurous when it comes to my hair.”

Now she grinned, and her playful expression looked so much like Evan’s that it startled me a little. With a spray bottle, she dampened my hair. “You could always try something new,” she suggested. “I could give you a buzzcut. Or something punk, like short spikes.”

I let out a burst of nervous laughter even as I began sweating a bit under that cape. Fucking hell, just what had I gotten myself into here? “I don’t think that would go over too well with my job,” I finally managed to say.

The other beautician had finished up with her client, and she now slung her purse over her shoulder. “Hey Ingrid, I’m done for the night. Want me to lock the door behind me?”

“That would be great, thanks,” Ingrid replied. The two women wished each other good night, and then Evan’s mother and I were alone. She began cutting my hair as if I were any other client, and we even made small talk about work and the weather.

Then Ingrid’s stare locked with mine in the mirror again, and her hands, wielding a comb and a pair of scissors, grew still. “I know you’ve been spending a lot of time with Evan,” she said. Her voice was low and even, but my heart still beat faster from a surge of anxiety. “In fact, he told me that he’d like you to come to our place for Thanksgiving.”

Of course Evan hadn’t been able to hide his feelings when he mentioned me to his mother. His face always revealed his emotions, and I figured Ingrid could read him better than anyone.

Swallowing hard, I tried to choose my words carefully. “It was very kind of Evan to invite me,” I began, “but I told him that you two should spend the holiday together.”

“Oh, you’re welcome to join us,” she insisted.

Beneath the cape, I wiped my sweaty palms against my thighs. “I appreciate that, Ingrid, but I don’t think so.”

She raised an eyebrow, tilting her head slightly as she regarded me. It was easy to see where Evan got his no-nonsense manner. “I’m not stupid, Drew,” Ingrid said. “Evan tells me he’s going out on a date with some girl he hasn’t brought around in weeks. And then soon after he leaves, I happen to glance out the window and see him walking back to the parking lot. He’s obviously parking his car a little ways up the road to make it look like he’s gone, when he’s actually staying right there in the building. With you.”

I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out. I was like a fish out of water, floundering desperately. Should I try to insist that Evan and I were just friends? Something told me that would be a bad idea, for this woman clearly had a very low tolerance for dishonest bullshit.

Ingrid finally took pity on me, clearly sensing my struggle. “Don’t hurt my son, Drew,” she told me in a quiet voice. “He’s a man now, and I don’t pry into his life. I certainly don’t judge him; I just want him to be happy. The last thing I want is to see him in pain.”

I almost shook my head, incredulous at the way she’d misread the situation. She thought her son was in danger of being hurt? While I might dominate Evan in bed, he was the one who ultimately called the shots. He already held my heart in the palm of his hand, and he didn’t even know it.

Neither did his mother, apparently. I held her stare in the mirror. “I promise I won’t hurt Evan,” I said softly. “I care for him, Ingrid. Very much.”

Whatever Ingrid saw in my face, and heard in my voice, seemed to satisfy her, for after several long moments of considering me, she gave a resolute nod. “Then I really hope you’ll decide to join us on Thanksgiving,” she said.


I decided to take Evan and Ingrid up on their offer, and after spending just a little time with the two of them, I was very glad I did. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d enjoyed myself so much during a holiday. Evan made no attempt to hide how pleased he was by my presence in their apartment, and despite the reservations that surely lingered in Ingrid’s mind, she beamed while watching me and her son together.

Of course I tried to be on my best behavior, but I couldn’t say the same for Evan. I was pretty sure Ingrid saw him grope my ass when he thought we were alone in the kitchen. If she did, she was kind enough not to mention it.

Once we were seated at the table and had begun eating, I made sure to compliment Ingrid on the meal. “Everything is absolutely delicious,” I told her.

“Oh, Evan did all the cooking,” she informed me. “He usually does, actually. I’m completely spoiled.”

My mouth dropped open as I turned to Evan. “You made all this?” I asked, unable to hide my astonishment.

“He’s an amazing cook,” Ingrid said before Evan could reply. “I’ve been telling him that he needs to go to culinary school.”

I could tell that Evan was a little embarrassed by Ingrid’s praise. “In her eyes, I can do no wrong,” he said to me with a sheepish grin.

“Well, I can’t help but be proud of him!” Ingrid chimed in. “I couldn’t ask for a better son.”

“He’s a wonderful young man,” I replied to Ingrid, but my gaze was fixed on Evan, and I gave him an affectionate smile. His cheeks flushed with pleasure at my words. “And you,” I told him, “have been hiding your light under a barrel. Maybe you can teach me how to cook, because I’m horrible at it.”

“That would be a change,” Evan said, giving me a sly wink, “with me teaching you something. Normally it’s the other way around.”

That little comment made Ingrid’s eyes widen, and I could only duck my head to hide my own embarrassed grin.

Later that evening, after the table was cleared and the dishes washed up, and once Ingrid had placed a container full of leftovers in my hands, she and Evan walked me to the door. I kept my goodbye to Evan chaste, offering him a hug. To his credit, he managed to keep his hands from wandering during our embrace.

When I turned to Ingrid, planning to thank her again for having me over, she didn’t hesitate to throw her arms around me. “Thank you for coming,” she said, and when my eyes met Evan’s, I saw him grinning, a delighted expression on his face. “You’re welcome anytime, Drew,” Ingrid went on. “Not just at Thanksgiving.”


After Ingrid had so clearly expressed her approval of my relationship with Evan, he and I felt more comfortable as a couple. We went on dates, to dinner and a movie, or for a walk in the park, or simply window shopping while strolling together downtown. We were never blatantly affectionate with each other while out in public, but sometimes, in rare moments when we were almost alone and unobserved, Evan would reach for my hand and give it a gentle squeeze. In the darkness of the movie theater, he even went so far as to lean in close, as if to whisper something to me. Instead, he placed a quick kiss on the side of my neck, making me smile like a lovestruck idiot.

On a Monday in early December, and on the one morning that I accidentally overslept, it fucking snowed. I awoke, glanced at the alarm clock, and swore, throwing back the covers. Scrambling around the apartment, I tried to get ready as quickly as possible, but when I caught sight of the snow blanketing the trees and ground outside the living room window, I released a groan full of utter dread. I could only pray that the front parking lot had already been cleared.

I was practically running when I finally left the building, prepared to waste more time cleaning off my car, but I stopped short upon seeing Evan clearing the last bit of snow from the vehicle’s hood. When he spotted me, he grinned and waved.

“There you are!” he called. “I figured you might have decided to play hooky, what with the snow and all, but I was about to come check on you.”

“I overslept,” I said, gingerly making my way toward him. The parking lot had been scraped, but there were a few icy patches left. “Evan, you’re a godsend!”

He shrugged. “It was nothing. I have the day off since I worked on Saturday, and Mom doesn’t have any appointments till later this afternoon. I came out to clean our cars and wanted to take care of yours first.”

Standing before Evan, I drank in the sight of him, with his winter hat and his bright eyes, and his cheeks flushed from the cold. “You’ve saved my ass,” I told him. “Thank you so much for doing this.” Then, before I could stop myself, I kissed his mouth, mindless of who might be watching.

Evan didn’t tense up, didn’t try to pull away. Instead, he cupped my face in his gloved hands and eagerly kissed me back.


It was a Saturday evening, not too long before Christmas, when Evan and I were returning to my apartment after having dinner at a nearby restaurant. I was attempting to unlock the door, but as Evan stood behind me, pressing his body against mine and sliding his arms around my waist, I grew more than a little distracted.

“Just wait until I get you inside,” I murmured to him, but my attempt at sounding stern failed miserably.

Evan brought his lips to my neck. “I’m already getting hard imagining what you plan to do to me,” he whispered against my skin.

My hands were trembling with excitement, but I finally managed to get the door unlocked, and I was about to open it when someone called Evan’s name from down the hall.

We quickly drew apart and turned to see Evan’s cousin striding toward us. I couldn’t help but cringe at the sight of him. He’d clearly witnessed our intimate embrace, for his lip was curled up in a disgusted snarl. “What the fuck are you doing, Evan?” he asked slowly, as if he couldn’t quite believe what he’d just seen.

Glancing at Evan, I watched his eyes narrow and his expression grow cold. “Carl, what are you doing here?” he demanded.

I figured Carl was back on some errand for Evan’s aunt. Or maybe he simply wanted to stop in and see Evan, though the two of them weren’t close. He couldn’t have picked a worse time to show his face.

“Never mind what I’m doing,” Carl shot back. “Why the hell are you out here in the hall carrying on like a little faggot?” His stare drifted to me, and he flashed a smile full of contempt. “This cocksucker turn you out or something?”

My heart was pounding fiercely in my chest, for I had no idea how to diffuse this situation. I started to reach for Evan, but before I could move or even speak, he lunged forward, getting in Carl’s face. “You shut your fucking mouth!” he growled.

I’d never seen Evan so angry; how changed he was from just a little over a month ago, when I’d observed him talking to Carl, and when he’d averted his eyes and refused to offer me so much as a greeting. Now he was rushing to my defense, and I was terrified he’d be hurt as a result. Carl was a little shorter than Evan, but he was burly and looked like he could hold his own in a fight.

Carl laughed in Evan’s face, not retreating so much as an inch. “Does Ingrid know what you’re doing?” he said, his voice taunting. “Does your dad?”

“Evan, let’s go,” I pleaded.

Carl’s stare settled on me once more. “You’d better listen to your boyfriend, Evan, and back the fuck up,” he said through his teeth.

Of course Evan didn’t listen. When did he ever listen, to me or anyone else? Instead, he shoved Carl hard. “Get out of here, you piece of shit!” he shouted, his voice reverberating throughout the hallway.

Carl’s face darkened in rage just before he swung at Evan. Evan dodged the punch and landed one of his own squarely on Carl’s jaw. For a brief moment, I stood in shock, watching as the two of them tumbled to the floor and rolled around, swearing while attempting to pulverize each other.

Then I leaped into action. Part of me knew it was utterly useless to try to break up the fight, but I couldn’t stop myself. “Evan!” I yelled, leaning down to grab his shoulder in an effort to pull him away from Carl, whose face he was pummeling. In the process, Carl managed to sit up far enough to deliver a glancing blow to my chin. It had enough force to slacken my jaw and make my ears ring a little. I let out a faint cry, more from surprise than from pain.

It was then that I heard a voice urgently calling my name. Looking around in a bit of a daze, I spotted my elderly neighbor, the sweet lady who’d probably heard me and Evan fucking far more often than she preferred. Now she was peeking out of her apartment door, looking absolutely terrified. “Drew, are you alright?” she demanded, her voice high with alarm. “I’m going to call the police!”

“No, no, everything’s fine,” I tried to assure her even as I cradled my jaw in my palm. “You don’t need to do that, Mildred.” Leaning down once again, I was finally able to grab Evan’s arm and pull him away from his cousin. “For God’s sake, stop!” I practically yelled at both of them. “Someone’s going to call the cops!”

Evan stood, swiping at a rivulet of blood trickling from his nose, while Carl scurried backward and then climbed to his feet. His face was battered from the fight, but he refused to walk away before getting in one last dig.

“Hope you two fags have a great life together!” he said, causing Mildred to gasp. Evan started toward Carl again, swearing viciously at his cousin, but I gripped his shoulder.

“Evan, no!” I said. Though he shook off my hand, still bristling with fury, he allowed Carl to turn the corner and disappear from sight. Even after Carl was gone, Evan waited several long moments, catching his breath. Then he turned to me, his anger ebbing but still flashing in his eyes.

“Are you okay?” he asked. “What the hell were you doing, getting in the middle of that?” I noticed that his left eye was already swelling a bit.

“I was just trying to put a stop to it,” I replied weakly, realizing how ridiculous that sounded.

“Drew, are you sure you’re alright?” Mildred called.

I forced a smile for her benefit. “I’m fine, Mildred, thank you. Evan and I are sorry to have disturbed you.”

Evan wiped at his nose again, then gave Mildred a friendly wave. She only shook her head, eyeing him with disapproval before closing her apartment door.

“She thinks I’m a bad influence on you,” he said under his breath, then snorted with laughter.

I stared at him in complete exasperation. “This is not the time to be a smartass. Now get in my apartment!” I ordered, pointing at the door.

Evan had the decency to look chastised, ducking his head and hunching up his shoulders as he did what I said. I was right on his heels, and as soon as we were inside my apartment, I closed the door behind us and made sure it was locked.

“I’m glad Ingrid’s not home to see you like this!” I thundered at Evan. “What were you thinking, starting a fight with your cousin in the hallway?”

Evan raised his chin, clearly finished with being scolded. “What was I thinking? What were you thinking, trying to get involved? Carl could have really hurt you!”

I let out a heavy sigh, then gestured for Evan to follow me to the kitchen. “What was I supposed to do, just stand there and let you two beat the shit out of each other?”

“That’s exactly what you were supposed to do!” Evan snapped. “It was my fight, not yours!”

“Yeah, well, he was hitting my boyfriend, so that made it my fight, too.” Rummaging through the freezer, I found a small bag of frozen peas. After wrapping it in a dishtowel, I offered it to Evan. “Put this on your eye,” I told him.

“But your jaw…” he protested.

“Goddammit, Evan, just do what I say!” I barked, completely out of patience.

Evan reluctantly obeyed me, and I set about dampening a paper towel with water. Then I closed the distance between us so I could dab at the dried blood on his face.

Evan gave me a faint smile. “I’m sorry I got angry with you,” he said softly. “I know you were only trying to help me.”

“And doing a piss-poor job of it,” I muttered.

“Still, I understand that you did it because you care about me,” he went on.

I stopped tending to his face so I could look directly into his eyes as I said, “Of course I care about you, Evan.” Running my fingers through his hair, I felt such a wave of tenderness toward him that it was hard for me to find my voice for a moment. “But you have to realize,” I finally managed to continue, “that Carl won’t be the first to talk shit about us. And while I know that Ingrid is perfectly fine with you and me being together, what about others in your family? What if Carl tells your aunt, or…”

“You think I give a shit?” Evan said, his expression one of defiance.

“And what if he tells your father?” I gently persisted.

Evan took a deep breath. “Either Dad accepts me for who I am, or he won’t be a part of my life,” he said in a firm voice. “There are other jobs out there, and I feel like he stopped trying to be a father to me years ago.”

I stroked his cheek, longing to soothe him. “Evan,” I whispered, then pulled him into my arms. He hugged me back fiercely, and I closed my eyes as he placed tender kisses along the line of my aching jaw.

His lips traveled lower to suckle at my neck, and I let out a soft moan. Soon my hands were roaming over his body, desperate to touch him, and I cupped his ass, holding him firmly against me.

Evan tossed the bag of frozen peas on the counter and then turned his full attention on me, kissing my mouth. His quickened breathing mingled with my own, and when I slid a hand between his thighs, I found him hard and ready for me. Our lips parted, and his tongue sought out mine with a passion that made me weak-kneed.

Finally Evan broke the kiss, and I saw that his stare was hot with unbridled lust. “I want you so much!” he said. “I need to feel you deep inside me, Drew.”

We’d already stripped each other half naked by the time we reached my bedroom. When I lowered my underwear, my erect cock sprang forth, and I stroked it while watching as Evan finished undressing.

“My god, I can never get over just how beautiful you are,” I told him. The sight of his nude body was enough to evoke a fierce, yearning ache within me.

Evan slipped his arms around me, his bare skin hot against mine. “Back at you,” he whispered, licking his lips as he looked down between us. “God, I want that gorgeous cock, Drew!” When his eyes met mine again, I saw that they held a playful gleam. “Lie down on the bed,” he commanded me.

I raised an eyebrow. “Oh, so I’m the one taking orders tonight?” I asked, and Evan nodded slowly in response. “Alright then.” After pulling back the covers, I lay on my back, watching eagerly as Evan got the lube from the bedside table drawer.

He and I had stopped using condoms once we’d both gotten our test results back with no issues. Now, as he got busy lubing up my dick, my erection pulsed in his grasp, and he laughed low and soft. “Someone’s definitely excited,” he said, clearly pleased by my body’s response. His own cock was fully hard, with the foreskin retracted.

“You know I can never get enough of that perfect ass of yours,” I said, breathing even faster now. Despite my obvious need to fuck him, Evan took his time, teasing me the way I’d so often teased him. Tonight, he was clearly in control. With slow, measured movements, he climbed onto the bed, then handed me the lube before straddling my chest while facing away from me. The ass that I practically worshipped was just inches from my mouth.

“Get my hole ready,” he whispered.

That was all the invitation I needed. With a needy growl, I grabbed his hips and pulled him backward, then used my palms to spread his cheeks wide. Lifting my head, I buried my face between those firm globes and began eating his ass with utter abandon.

“Ah, fuck yes!” Evan cried when I worked the tip of my tongue inside him. I was drunk on his scent, on the way he tasted and the way he felt in my grip. Soon Evan was releasing continual moans, his hips giving little thrusts so he could grind his ass against my face, enabling me to fuck his hole even deeper with my tongue. I groaned with my own pleasure, ignoring the low throb of pain in my jaw.

“The lube!” Evan finally managed to say through his heavy breaths, and I knew by the way he was trembling that he was beyond ready to be fucked. I took care of his ass, working two lubed fingers inside, and while Evan usually loved me opening him up more as I prepared him for my cock, tonight he was too impatient.

“Fuck, I need your dick!” he said, withdrawing from my fingers and then turning around so he was facing me once more. The time for teasing was obviously over, for Evan’s jaw was set in determination as he positioned himself above my cock. I helped him guide my tip to his entrance, mainly in an effort to keep him from taking it too fast. Yet as soon as the head of my cock had penetrated his tight hole, he quickly sank down, accepting every inch. I heard his gasp, and I saw him briefly wince, but he seemed desperate to take my bare cock. Soon after I was all the way inside him, he threw his head back and released a blissful moan.

“Christ, you feel so fucking good!” he cried.

And then Evan began riding me hard and fast with a rhythm that caused my breath to hitch in my chest. We’d never before fucked with such fervency; until now, I’d been so careful, afraid of causing him any pain. But he was the one taking me tonight, and I could only lie helplessly beneath him, lost to my own lust. I slid my palms along his skin, then took his cock in my hand so I could stroke him.

Leaning back a little, Evan braced his hands against my thighs. I gazed up at him, enraptured as he cried out. His hips rolled at a relentless pace, and the sight of his muscles rippling beneath his skin made me shudder with need.

“Evan!” I managed to say, my voice pleading. “Baby, slow down or I’m not gonna last!” Already I could feel my balls tightening, and my entire body seemed possessed by the abject desire to come inside Evan’s ass. He looked and felt so perfect, moving along the length of my cock! His flesh was hot against mine, with no barrier between us now.

Evan’s features contorted with his own ecstasy. “I’m almost there!” he promised. “Your cock’s gonna make me come so hard!”

I was panting from my effort to hold back. “Evan!” I cried.

Our eyes locked, and while his face was a little swollen, a little bruised, just as mine was, he smiled and appeared as beautiful as I’d ever seen him.

The words fell from my lips in a rush, and I was helpless to stop them. “Evan, I love you!”

He didn’t stop fucking me. If anything, he somehow moved faster. But his smile widened, and I could sense the joy that seemed to radiate from his entire being. How happy I’d made him, I realized, and despite my desperate state, I smiled as well.

As Evan’s stare held mine, I felt his body tense, and I knew he was close, so close. “Breed my hole!” he begged.

With little warning, I erupted inside him, shouting as my own body contracted. I kept hearing his desperate plea to be bred, and it didn’t seem as if I’d ever stop climaxing. Evan reached his release as well, making no attempt to subdue his cries. I felt his muscles milking me with an exquisite rhythm, and as spurt after spurt of my seed filled him, I knew that he was truly mine.

“Oh fuck, I can feel you coming!” Evan moaned, a blissful smile on his lips.

Finally, when we were both completely spent, he collapsed upon me, his head resting on my chest. I stroked his hair, waiting for our breathing to slow. “I’ve never been fucked like that in my life!” I confessed, and Evan laughed, obviously delighted. Then he eased off of me to lie at my side, and I turned to face him.

“Have I ever told you that I really like how vocal you are in bed?” he said with a smile. His tone was casual, but I knew exactly which vocalization he was referring to.

I smiled back, then moved even closer to him so that my lips were just a few inches from his. “Since you enjoy it so much,” I told him, “I’ll say it again: I love you, Evan.”

Evan’s gaze softened, and when he spoke, his voice was thick with emotion. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to hear you say those words.”

I gave him a gentle kiss. “Now you know all of me,” I whispered.

Taking hold of my hand, Evan brought it to his lips. “And I love all of you,” he whispered back.

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