Aloysius Li Washington Ch. 06

A gay story: Aloysius Li Washington Ch. 06 Evan and Li Encounter Prejudice

This story is entirely fictional and original—no AI was used in its production. There are three previous chapters under the Series “Aloysius Li Washington.” Ch 04 contains a brief recap of the first three chapters. All characters engaged in sexual activity are over 18, as should be any reader where local law so dictates. © 2023, all rights reserved. Brunosden

The early-in-the-season snow and ice storm turned out to be a whopper. At sundown it was very cold. The rain started and soon froze on the roads and overpasses; then it warmed slightly and a 6 inch blanket of snow fell overnight on the icy base. Everything was closed. And fortunately the weather was the top story of the day in all the Boston media and papers.

Bill had issued the press release about the new basketball program at the Y—a joint release with the Celtics Organization which took the second page of the sports section of the Globe. It was after all Monday, that weekend being the end of the regular college football season and the beginning of the pre-season pro games. But, Li was news, his partnership with Evan O’Malley was duly noted—without any sexual relationship implied, and generally the article was upbeat about professional athletes giving back to the underprivileged in the community .

We were apparently safe from the press for another day. But, the new venture had piqued the interest of the Gay Gazette and its social media copy-cats. They thought maybe they had a story. Archives were searched. By afternoon, they had pieced together my biography and —of course Li, being a sports celebrity was fair game, with lots of prior press.

I had spent the night with Li at his condo after an afternoon of non-stop torrid sex. When we had surfaced from the single-minded sex wrestling in Li’s bed, the ice storm had begun, and I decided not to make the run to my apartment about ten miles farther west into the suburbs. “I’m working on a new presentation of the latest software the geniuses have developed. So I can work from home tomorrow—so long as the internet doesn’t go out. I’ve always got my lap top handy.”

“You did tell your folks you were planning on moving in. How about we start now—and finish over the Thanksgiving weekend? I use the den for my studying. You can have the second bedroom for your home office. We can move the stuff around now and add or subtract anything that you want. We won’t be needing a second bed, will we?”

We had spent a leisurely morning, starting with a late wake-up, then some athletics under the sheets before an hour workout in the condo gym. I again made breakfast. Then we opened the electronic version of the Globe—and found the story about the Y venture. The Globe had not picked up on any potential homosexual side story.

My “partnership” with Li according to the Gazette was based on two photos one at the table at the restaurant and one as we were leaving. But they were clear and brightly lit. Li’s profile had easily been developed from his official press releases from the Celts. There were several copycat articles. All were of the “top scoop” variety, but generally positive. The Gazette, after all, was gay advocate press. No one on their staff had any problems with the liaison—although some might have held some envy: we were a magnificent pair.

My photos clearly showed I was a hung, muscular “ginger”—the “type” they loved to pair with the darkest of blacks. Li, being black and ultra-tall and very muscular was presumed to be a hung, perhaps of legendary size. They dug up several of his Celts action photos which clearly showed his monster equipment in his silken basketball shorts. In short, for the gay press, we were a dream couple to be profiled, followed, and idolized again and again. The fact that Li had been a star athlete and an MVP added to the luster. In modern America, there was no right to privacy—at least for consenting adults, and particularly when one was newsworthy. Li’s come-back-from-cancer story was just too much to ignore.

By late afternoon, the sun was peeking through and warmer temperatures were quickly melting the ice and snow. Both of us had managed to complete a day’s worth of study and work—by carefully avoiding each other in separate rooms.

As to the stories, there was nothing more to be done. Neither of us answered phone calls from the press. Bill had constructed a simple response. “We are partners in the Y basketball program that we have been working on for weeks. We look forward to continuing that effort—with the support of the Y and the Celtics Organization. Our personal lives are private. We ask you to respect that.” Then, we were advised to say nothing more and not to answer any other questions. “This will blow over in a day or so. Homosexuality just doesn’t carry the news the way it used to. Even a gay athlete is not the news he was five years ago.”

The Globe picked up the follow-up story on Tuesday, but the reporting was routine—and not inflammatory or condemning. The Celtics were always news in Boston, and they were more or less idolized in the press. The Celtics Organization issued a one paragraph announcement that they don’t comment on the personal lives of their players—unless illegality was involved. But, the Globe did publish a letter to the Editor which purported to be from a parent of one of the kids in the Y program. The gist: how can the Y permit “known fags” to be “coaching, counseling, and molesting our impressionable children? Don’t they investigate their volunteers?”

I knew most of those kids well. They were largely from one parent, hardly-ever-there, “families”. Without the Y, they’d be on the streets, probably getting into trouble. I remarked, “I wonder which single parent who is never home and pays no attention to their teen-aged son wrote the letter? Those kids could definitely benefit from a role model at home.”

The next few days were quiet and routine, but it was a dream to be in bed with Li every night.

Thanksgiving at the O’Malleys was predictably hectic—and enjoyable. We had brought the wine, and my sisters had been permitted to bring “sides” and pies. It was a real groaning board—and we even interrupted our non-stop viewing of football in the downstairs family room to sit at the table. (MM would have starved us if we had decided otherwise.)

By the end, Li realized he was already accepted and a family member. He could not have asked for more. And Li and I ate so much that Thanksgiving night was the first night we had spent together in bed where one had not made love to the other. We were just too sated. I teased Li about my partner becoming an old man already—not really able to perform because of obesity. But, when given a chance, I couldn’t either.

Saturday was the first Y basketball session after the story had broken. So we were a little tense about what to expect. We had heard nothing from the Y itself—and the story had died.

But some of the boys knew—and within a few minutes everyone knew. When we entered the gym to start the drills, the boys all stood and applauded. They didn’t care. (And much later we learned that a few of the guys were gay, but concealing their sexual identity out of fear.) The drills and the practice went like normal—including the locker and shower chatter thereafter. I did notice that an observer, presumably a “regular” staff member was present throughout the entire afternoon—something I had never experienced before. He had even posted himself in a remote office with a window on the locker/shower area. Maybe he got his thrills from watching several dozen guys strip and shower. I thought they had better things to do—including enjoying a day off. I expected that another shoe was going to drop soon. But, for now, we were looking forward to our typical Saturday night after a hectic afternoon: take-out pizza, beer, and make-out.

I had moved to the condo on Friday and a cleaning service had been called to finalize the turnover condition of my apartment—the lease anniversary was November 30. Thanksgiving leftovers had been consumed after a full day of moving, and thankfully, there were none left in the fridge.

We had showered at the gym and changed into our “time-together” outfits: loose sweat shorts and tees, barefoot. We sat together on the leather sofa to catch the last Thanksgiving weekend college game which was just ending.

“Evan, I’ve made a tentative decision about the job. I’m not asking your advice. I know you won’t give it to me. So, I’d like you to endorse it. On Friday, I talked to the hiring partner at RW. I told him that RW was my first choice, but that there were some compelling reasons for me to stay in Boston. He interrupted and asked whether I had heard about the merger. I told him that I had. He asked if I would consider joining DRL if they can find a place for me in Boston with the post-merger firm?”

“I told him I didn’t know much about the partners of the Boston firm—and that I had been talking to a “black” firm. He knew them. He said they were a good firm and if I chose them, he was sure I would be getting good experience. Then, he added, ‘Of course, we all know that the first job a new lawyer takes out of law school is rarely his or her last. The quality of the first job however can determine how wide your options are with the second and third. We’d like you in Washington. But, if it’s Boston, we can make that happen, I think.’ I hadn’t considered that before.”

“I think I’d like to talk to some people at the Lodge firm in the next few days. If that works out, I’m thinking that we might stay here in Boston. What do you think?”

“I’ve told you before, Li. I’m all in with you. In Boston with the new firm or the black firm or in DC with RW. I’ll be there. But I’d sure like to be here. I think the Y program is going to take off. And my family loves you. And Pete might be your partner!”

“Well, not partner right away. Associate is more like it.”

Li smiled and leaned over and pulled me into his lap. I loved it when he did that. It’s hard to explain to someone that a strong, aggressive Marine top likes being overpowered by someone like Li, knowing full well that he was going to fuck me before long and I was going to love it. Always before, I had been the aggressor and took all the first steps—except of course when he did his caveman routine. I felt the baseball bat immediately. Li was as hard and as big as he had ever been. “Someone’s ready to play.”

“Hell, with you boy, it’s not play. It’s work. I’m dealing with a professional. You never told me you liked clubs and dancing. Those photos of you are really hot. Did you fuck those guys? Do I need to start tipping you to get into your ass? I thought there was only one celebrity in this relationship?”

“Li, I never told you I was a virgin—although before we met, I rarely bottomed. I was strictly a top-man. I’ve had my share of bottoms. I think maybe I’ve taken more virgin ass holes in the Marines than any other guy. There weren’t a lot of girls in Iraq or Afghanistan—at least not girls for US Marines. Those guys were always horned. And it only took a little to get them to bend over. My technique was easy and mostly the same: lure them in thinking they were going to fuck me or that I was going to blow them—and then after they were hot enough to have lost all ability to reason, my terrific powers of persuasion would kick in, and I was in their pants before they realized what was happening. Most had never had their prostates touched. That’s the secret weapon to use on most guys who think the’re exclusively straight. Get to the prostate and you’ve got’em every time. They get really hard instantly and start leaking. There yours. And, they always came back for more.”

“I seem to remember our first time. You had to work hard to get into me.”

“I certainly did not. You’re deluding yourself, boy. You were easy. One finger in your ass massaging your love nut and you were putty in my hands. I don’t seem to recall any protests. You just plopped down on the bed and pushed your ass up to me.”

“Our recollections may be a little different. But, I must admit now I love it when you’re inside me. And I love you. We’ll have to go dancing sometime—now that we’re out of the closet. I bet we’d attract an audience pretty damn quick.”

“I’m not sure the Y could handle photos of us in public, semi-nude and making out.”

“And I’m absolutely sure my new firm wouldn’t approve either.”

Li pulled me harder into his lap.

“Oh, here it comes. The great Rookie of the Year is about to put the moves on another helpless fan to seduce him.”

“Seduce? Are you kidding me?” Li reached into the sweats and fisted my rock hard cock. “This doesn’t feel like it’s going to need much seduction. But, I do have the moves, boy.” He bent down and took my mouth and our lips sync-ed. Li forced me open and his massive tongue invaded, while his hand slid my shorts to the floor. His hand quickly moved under my balls. He palmed, bounced and massaged them. Then, lower, the palm pushing hard into the taint as his index and forefinger began to penetrate my entrance.

“Where the fuck did you find the lube? And where did you learn that move? Are you holding out on me babe?”

“These professional hands are multi-talented, boy. Now you see it, now you don’t. There’s always lube in the couch pocket.” As he said those words, he coordinated a massive push/massage and pull/scrape while his palm created a squeeze play. “I’ve taken custody of your prostate, lieutenant. You’re mine.”

Li had reached the prostate and begun the steady massage as I squirmed in his lap. It was powerful stuff. His fingers were long and strong and talented. I tried to squeeze my thighs to prevent the invasion going any farther. But, Li wasn’t going to be stopped. He was going to bring me off with just his fingers. He continued to stroke as his right hand began an invasion under my tee. Soon he was teasing and pinching my nipples as his palm pushed the pec into a hard slab. I was going mad. Li had me immobile, but was stimulating me mercilessly from two sensitive points. I bucked for release, but Li held fast and kept up the torment. And then, just when I could take no more and was going to erupt, Li froze. He allowed me to come back to earth—while I was begging for more. “Bring me off, now, please Li.”

Then Li changed up. With a very smooth move, like a lazy lay-up, Li lifted me over his shoulder. I of course assumed we were heading for the bedroom. But no, Li lifted his ass from the sofa and pulled down his own shorts while one hand held me fast to his shoulder. Then he swiveled me around and planted me on the pole. “I want some pole dancing, boy, before I let you cum. Make believe we’re at the club and you’re trying to get me to buy you for the night. Make it last. Make it good. Rent-boi.”

Slowly I descended as my legs straddled Li’s waist. I began a dance, using my ass muscles to massage Li’s crotch and squeeze his shaft. “Hold on boy. We’re going for a ride.” And Li began to buck up into me, reaching the bottom very quickly. We were now chest to chest, but Li had pinned me to him with a massive erection and was pounding hard into me. But each time I shouted that I was cuming, Li would freeze and hold me motionless against his powerful chest.

Li was a master at edging. He kept me on the brink for nearly twenty minutes. Finally, he relented and pushed deep and began to shoot. I responded instantly—shooting all the way to his silken chin–and then collapsed, utterly spent from Li’s powerful onslaught.

“I think I just converted a champion Marine top to a dedicated twunk bottom. Didn’t I? You’re in love with my big fat cock, aren’t you, boy? That’ll teach you to boast about conquests to a superman, boy.”

I smiled—maybe one of my enigmatic Irish grins. Li was really getting into this rent-boy/dom scene. “Yes, sir. May I have another?” And Li broke into a deep baritone guffaw. I always got the last word. Fortunately, I also often got a second fuck. Li was still hard and started pumping again. I looked into his eyes. “Oh, shit. Oh, yes. Oh, again. Take me, sir, I’m all yours.”

Later we finished the pizza, showered and headed for bed. It was always a contest to see who was going to be the big spoon. But, I spoke first, “I’m it tonight Li. I’m so sore that I’m not sure I’m going to let you in for a week. That dick isn’t coming within a foot of my asshole tonight.”

Li just smiled, stroked his cock pulling it to maximum size, and stretched out, throwing his left leg forward so I could nestle in. Doing so was like going to heaven on earth.


By the next morning the snow was pretty much old news. Both of us dressed and were off to school and work. The week was the first week we would spend together—but I had warned thatI I frequently had late nights with Zoom marketing calls to the West Coast.

Thursday night’s mail—which I had picked up at the apartment—the last night under the lease—contained a letter from the Y. When I reached the condo, I realized Li had received one as well. The news was not good. The Y was suspending the basketball program, pending an “investigation into the propriety of placing it in the hands of two individuals against whom morals charges had been lodged.” There was no further definition, information—and worse, no timetable for the investigation and suspension.

Li called Bill and conveyed the information. I did the same with my Dad. Both had suggested a summit conference over dinner Friday night. To insure privacy, it would be at the O’Malley’s. Bill was given directions. The next day both of us were pretty down as we left the condo.


It was Friday and old traditions die hard, particularly among the Boston Irish. We arrived after Bill. MM had set the table for five—she was sitting in, and had made a shrimp Creole casserole with homemade bread and a Caesar salad. No meat in our house on Fridays. Everything was ready to be served. All sat, and as usual MM offered a blessing. For the first minutes there was near silence as the food was passed and consumption began.

As host, my Dad began the discussion. I’ve seen the letter and I’ve called the Y. Their attorneys have advised them to clam up. They won’t be answering any questions at all—so we’re going to have to make some assumptions—and maybe try to determine the motivation. I’ve looked at the official papers the Y has filed with Boston and the State. They are silent on suspension, but most employers have the right to do what they please so long as they don’t violate any law.

I also did some quick research. Homosexuality is not a crime or an impediment to anything in this State or this city—although there are carve-outs for religious institutions. Thus, being a homosexual, even in an open homosexual relationship is not technically the basis for a “morals charge.”

“The local Y has yet to take a position on homosexuality—but technically, it is a religious-based NFP.”

“I can assure you that the Celtics Organization is not behind this—and they will stand up as required for a former player.”

MM then spoke up, “I pulled the names of the board of trustees of the Y from the records. There are nine individuals—all men, two claiming to be “reverends” on the list. I don’t know most of them, but at least one is a noted homophobe. We’ve run into him with PFLAG. He has testified before the Legislature in opposition to same sex marriage and he runs an organization that finances First Amendment defense of those who deny services to same-sex unions. His name is Peter Newmayer. I guessing he is involved in this.”

“I’m not sure there is an effective legal challenge to this. Our boys are not being paid—so theoretically, there are no damages for the action. And the Y as a religious education could claim an exemption from the sexual non-discrimination rules.”

Bill looked at us. “What do you guys want?”

I answered for both of us. “We’d like to keep helping those kids. But we aren’t willing to subject our lives to hate-mail or incredible expense to fight this level of injustice. We really aren’t the ones who are going to suffer.”

“Well, let me suggest this. Of course we’d have to talk to the Celtics. Suppose we issued a press release joint with the Celtics regretting that the Y is cancelling a very promising basketball program because of a misguided prejudice against the LGTBQ+ Community, without even discussing the matter with the principals. We offer to talk, but put a strict timetable. If the program is not re-instated, we’re going to reluctantly look elsewhere for support of the program. Then we talk with the United Way to determine whether they have other potential venues for the program—and by the way, indicate that the Celtics are unhappy with one of their grant recipients. We also talk to the School Board. Then, we make sure copies of the press release end up all around the neighborhood. I’m guessing we might see some protests. And it’s just before Christmas—when the Y raises most of its annual fund raising dollars. So we’ve got to do this quickly. They’ll be most vulnerable to adverse publicity in the next month. We may not have legal recourse. But, we do have public opinion.”

I looked at Li. “Are you ready to do this? I realize you’re only a few days into the public about us.”

Mom interrupted, “Before you answer, perhaps Jack and I can talk with the ED of the Y first—explain the potential downsides for the Y and get a better feel as to whether this is one person or whether most of the Board is behind this. I’m not sure we want to use a nuclear option if this is just a skirmish.”

Li looked around the table. “I think it’s time for me to start being an adult. Go ahead and have the conversation if he’ll see you. And I think Bill should also talk to the Celts. We need to be ready to act quickly. Call the ED and give him two days to react—no more. I’m going to be okay with this.”

I don’t think I was ever prouder to be someone’s boyfriend than I was at that moment. He was a standup guy—and he was my guy. I think I grew several inches—but probably not even close to Li’s height.

“I guess we’re in agreement.”

We drove home, both exhausted. We showered and climbed into bed. I immediately moved back into Li’s spoon. “I need you inside me tonight, Li. Make it slow. But fill me up with your power. You are a man who deserves to be called a man. And I’m so happy to be yours and in your bed.”

Li moved over, embraced me from behind, prepared me with his long talented fingers and entered from the side, holding me tight to his chest and holding my dick hard in his fist. He was moving very slowly, but I was totally stuffed and loving every moment.

“You aren’t such a wimp either, Evan. I’m so happy Pete introduced us.” With those words he started a slow massage of my chute. I could tell he was smiling as was I. And he was going to make this last and last.


By the next afternoon, we had drafts of Bill’s proposed release and an email from him that the Celts had agreed to go along, subject to final language in the release.

Then, at dinner, MM called. She had met with the Executive Director already—she had just appeared in his office. He was visibly upset and nervous throughout the entire meeting, protesting over and over that he had been advised not to speak of the matter without an attorney. However, she had been able to learn that the Board had not met. Rather a member had asked for a telephone meeting at which he had described in lurid detail the Saturday sessions (at which he had not been present), the many opportunities on the court, in the lockers and even in the showers (“Where they were all naked together!”) and he had frightened the Board into sending the letter, pending an investigation. No investigation had yet been started. She had explained to him the potential consequences for the Y and asked him to request an emergency Board meeting the next day. She didn’t say “or else”—but he certainly understood her urgency.

The Board would meet at 8 a.m. the following day since most of the members had jobs—so there was an absolute 9:30 end time. An attorney would be present. We were entitled to present our case—for exactly 30 minutes. Then we would answer questions and leave. We could bring an attorney if we wished, but he or she could not stay for the discussion after the presentation.

Li looked at me with incredulity. “I never want to mess with your mother!”

We called Bill and conveyed the news and the decision to him and invited him to come over to work on the presentation if he wished. He decided not to. “It should be yours. Send me an outline when you’re done and I’ll look at it. But it needs to be yours.”

“So what shall we say?”

“It’s about the kids. If we threaten to take it elsewhere or harm the Y, we’d be counterproductive. So we leave that out. If this program ends, it’ll be because they end it.”

“I don’t think we can present statistics that homosexuals are no more likely to molest a young boy than anyone else. Even if true, which I think it is, they simply won’t believe it. If they are ready to believe that bigot and toss this opportunity for the children, there isn’t much we can do.”

“That doesn’t leave much.”

“We describe the program—which I presume most of the Board doesn’t know about. We emphasize that although we are the creators, many folks will be involved in coaching, scheduling, ref-ing and fund-raising. And it will give this Y a particular edge with the Celts and the other schools that intend to participate. We emphasize the positive. Let them go to the gutter if that is what they want.”

“And we make sure that, even if they want to hide all of this, we are going to be totally transparent. The Globe is going to get the full story. The boys are going to get the full story. And the neighborhood is going to get the full story. Sunlight is a powerful disinfectant.”

“So we’re agreed. We take the high road. Describe the project and its sponsors and benefits. We refuse to talk about homosexuality at all. It is just not an issue. Let’s get the outline of this to Bill.”

The next day we met with the Board early in the morning, and we used less time than he had given us. We handed out copies of the original press release, a list of signed-on sponsors, and a description of the program designed for the community—the guys and the hood. We didn’t threaten anything. They were receptive and sympathetic, but didn’t say much. We left as the ED promised to call later with the results. “And thank you, men, for doing this for our boys. I appreciate everything you’ve done.” He seemed sincere, and we both left assuming we had an advocate.

We learned later that the meeting had been long and heated, but that in the end only one member voted to terminate the program. Newmayer had attempted to hijack the meeting with spurious materials “proving” that gays were out to turn youth, and then he even used a race card, “and that big black buck is corrupting one of “our” white Irish Marines. “It is a total disgrace.” But apparently he overplayed his hand and the vote didn’t go his way. One member even moved that a censure of Newmayer’s conduct be entered into the record of the meeting. Finally, he resigned, threatening to go to the press, to hire a lawyer, to go to the National Y for disciplinary treatment. And he stomped out.

Once again a bigoted rat had been exposed to the sunlight and had shrunk to a desiccated nothing.

Later we decided to ignore the suspension and the threats in our releases. We were on a roll. The League needed to launch after Christmas. We’d be very busy. But, for the rest of that week, we owed our jobs and studies a lot of time. We had been neglecting both.

On Friday Li told me he had the DRL-Boston offer and he intended to accept it.

That night was going to be a total celebration. We were turning off the phones, ordering in plenty of food and drink, and turning up the temperature in the condo. We were going to celebrate our first monthly “Why Wear Clothes on Friday Night?” party.

Each of us was already planning the events. We were pumped. Once again, Li beat me to the sofa and occupied most of it, leaving me to crawl onto him, and ultimately into his lap. We were in for another wild night. Please, God, please. TBC? BD

Author’s note. When I started writing what turned out to be these three new chapters in response tor requests for more, I thought I could wrap the story up in a chapter or two. But these guys are now solidly in my head: young guys of different backgrounds, races and religions who have overcome adversity and come to love each other. There’s nothing they can’t accomplish. I’m guessing that in a month or so, this dream may continue—and I’ll try some additional chapters.

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