Boy Toys

A gay story: Boy Toys “So what’s it like Ben, you know… living with a gay guy? Has he hit on you yet?” asked my buddy Dylan referring to my absent roommate.

Dylan and two of my gym buddies, Mark and Steve, were at my place celebrating the end of term together. We had worked hard this semester and we were looking forward to unwinding this evening after finishing a game of pickup basketball in the park next door earlier. My roommate Aaron had gone home to his parents for the weekend so we had the two bedroom apartment in the student residence to ourselves, and planned to drink beer, smoke weed, and play poker.

Aaron had moved in mid-semester after my previous roommate had dropped out. He was a decent, handsome guy who happened to be gay, and I was fortunate to have him as a roommate. I didn’t realize he was gay when I first met him but he had been upfront about his orientation in the initial interview. Luckily, I was more interested in finding someone who wasn’t a complete psychopath than worried about who they slept with. Aaron was super easy going, fun to be around, and serious enough about school that we got along well. In fact, we had quickly become close friends.

“Of course he hasn’t you asshole! Just because I have a dick, doesn’t mean I’m Aaron’s type. Also, he seems to score fine without trying to hit on me.”

“What do you mean, he brings guys back here and fucks them?!” Dylan asked incredulously as he looked around the apartment. What was he expecting to see, used condoms draped on the furniture?

“Jesus Dylan, do you have a problem we need to talk about? You seem awfully interested in my roommate’s sex life. Yeah, sometimes he gets lucky and brings a guy home. I honestly don’t know or care who is fucking who but I do know he probably scores more than you. Are you thinking about switching teams? It’s cool with me if you are. Aaron has a theory that everyone is a little gay anyway, but most never explore it.”

Mark and Steve were watching this exchange in amusement as we played poker around the kitchen table. We had just finished a fat joint on the balcony and we were feeling nicely buzzed on top of the beers.

“Fuck you buddy, you wish. Nah, I just wondered what it was like living with a gay guy. It looks like it hasn’t affected you too much… so far.”

Ignoring the dig, I replied, “I have no complaints. He’s tidy, pays his rent on time, and even lets me use his Xbox.”

Mark, who was a huge gamer on top of being a big jock, turned towards me and said, “Your roommate has a fucking Xbox controller?! Why the hell are we playing cards?”

I laughed at Mark, “Sure, we can check it out, but we’ll have to play it in his room. Let’s finish this hand before I whoop your sad wrestler butt in Call of Duty.”

We finished our game and headed down the hall to Aaron’s room. Aaron comes from money and had his room set up well with decent furniture, a solid desk, and a big screen TV that also worked with his gaming console. Dylan and Steve sat on the edge of his bed while Mark settled into Aaron’s desk chair. “He keeps it in this drawer,” I said while opening the drawer below his TV. Hmm, other than a couple loose cables, the drawer was empty. I checked the other two drawers in case he had moved it. “Uh, bad news guys. I think he may have it with him.”

“No!” groaned Mark.

I heard Dylan say, “Let me check these drawers” as he pulled out the top drawer in the night table beside Aaron’s bed and leaned over to look inside. Dylan seemed to be taking his time.

“Uh, did you find it Dylan?”

“No, but I found a ton of other shit!” I looked over and Dylan had the top drawer open and was digging through the contents. From where I was standing, the drawer looked like it was crammed full of condoms, lube, cock rings, DVDs, and a host of gay sex toys. I could see the cover of one of the DVDs titled, ‘Butt Fucked Hardcore’ with a picture of an athletic white guy lying on his back with his impressive hard-on pointing upwards while some buffed black guy had his thick cock buried halfway up his ass. There was spunk dripping from the white guy’s hole and slicked along the black’s guy cock. Whoa, hardcore was right. Something flew at my face landing in my lap as Dylan asked, “Have you been looking for these Ben?”

I picked up what looked like a yellow and black jockstrap with the word, ‘Pump!’ written on the waistband. “Very funny Dylan.” While I was admittedly curious about the contents of Aaron’s drawer, I felt uneasy digging through his stuff. “C’mon Dylan, put everything back and close the drawer.” At that moment, my phone rang and as I pulled it from my pocket, I saw that it was Aaron calling. Shit! Great timing. “Hey it’s Aaron guys, cool it!” I said to the room as I stood up to answer the call, “Aaron, how’s it going? How was the drive?”

Aaron was calling to see if I wanted to join him and his parents for dinner after they drove him home on Monday. They were booking reservations at a fancy restaurant downtown and asked if I’d be interested. I readily accepted. “Hey Aaron, did you happen to take your Xbox with you?” The guys were talking in the background so I let him know that we had just been looking for it in his room.

He confirmed that he had it with him. Dylan took the opportunity to yell, “It’s okay Aaron, we found some other cool shit!” For fuck’s sake Dylan. Now I had to explain to Aaron that Dylan had checked his night table looking for the console. Aaron thought this was hilarious and joked that he hoped he hadn’t traumatized anyone with the contents of his ‘toy box’. He even said to help ourselves to anything in there including the condoms if we have any babes over. He really was easy going, I had lucked out having him as roommate. I told Aaron I’d see him on Monday and hung up the phone relaying the news to the guys who were obviously disappointed about the Xbox, but glad Aaron wasn’t pissed that we had been rooting through his stuff.

Dylan hadn’t been idle during the call and had pulled a few more items out of the drawer placing them on the bed. There was what looked like a collection of cock rings, some sort of silicone masturbation sleeve attached to a vibrating wand, and a small brown bottle of liquid. He was looking more closely at the silicone sleeve with the high-powered wand device attached to it. “Damn, I wonder what this feels like?”

“Easy cowboy, keep it in your pants. The opening looks too small, for me anyways,” Mark bragged. “What’s this?” Mark asked as he reached over and picked up the brown bottle. Before anyone could say anything, he had opened the bottle and took a big sniff. “Whoa, what is this shit? I can feel my head rushing,” as he sat there with his eyes wide open.

“I think they’re poppers,” offered Steve. “My old girlfriend borrowed some from her gay brother and we tried them once. They made us both super horny and we fucked like rabbits, but it doesn’t last for long.”

“Well, I do feel horny but I was already horny so it’s hard to tell,” Mark grinned as he gave his big bulge a squeeze.

I was feeling pretty horny myself but shook my head to clear it and said, “Okay guys, we should probably get out of Aaron’s room even though he doesn’t seem to mind. We’ll play his controller another night.”

We all got up while Dylan put everything back in the drawer but not before he peeked in the second drawer which was also crammed full of toys. Aaron liked his sex toys apparently. The mood of the evening remained jovial with a horny undertone to it as we wandered back to the kitchen. I noticed Dylan rearranging his junk as he walked in front of me but marked it up to the weed. I heard Mark ask Dylan, “So, are you ‘a little bit gay’? You seemed pretty interested in Aaron’s stash.”

“Fuck you Mark, I’m as straight as they come. How about you? I saw you ogling that butt fuck video. What I want to know is, do you consider yourself a ‘catcher’ or a ‘pitcher’? I’m thinking catcher by some of your favorite wrestling moves.”

The ribbing continued as we grabbed another beer and settled back at the table to continue our game. We were spending more time bullshitting than playing when Dylan said, “This is boring, let’s play something else.” We asked him what he had in mind and he suggested Truth or Dare.

“Seriously? Isn’t that a kid’s game?” I asked.

“Nah, we played it a couple weeks ago at Pam’s cabin and it was a blast, unless you guys are too chickenshit,” taunted Dylan.

None of us were about to admit that we were chicken plus we were just high enough that we agreed to play. Steve suggested we smoke another joint to ‘grease the wheels’ and no one protested. After a quick balcony visit, we were baked and giggling as we sat back at the table. “Okay, how do you play?” I asked.

“It’s easy,” replied Dylan, “We each take a turn asking someone if they want a truth or a dare. If it’s a truth, you have to answer honestly, if it’s a dare, you need to follow through. We’ll play until someone wimps out. That’s about it.”

We were all pretty athletic and fairly competitive so I thought it unlikely any of us would wimp out, although part of me was worried where this might lead. Regardless, I bravely replied, “Okay, sounds easy. You go first since it’s was your idea.”

Dylan was happy to start us off and turned to Steve and said, “Truth or dare buddy?” Steve opted for a truth. “Uh, okay. Let me think. Um, where’s the weirdest place you’ve jerked off?” We all laughed at the question.

“Hmm, probably at the library last semester. I was supposed to be studying but I was too horny and couldn’t focus. No one was around so I rubbed one out in a study carrell. Best study aid ever,” grinned Steve. Of course we all wanted to know which floor of the library this happened so we could avoid sitting in Steve’s spunky carrell.

With Dylan’s turn over, Mark was up so he turned to me and asked, “Truth or dare Ben?” Not wanting to look like a wimp, I said dare. “Okay, I dare you to go out on the balcony, strip down to your underwear, and stay out there for five minutes,” he said with a big grin on his face.

Shit, we were on the fourth floor and while it was dusk, two other apartments faced ours and I might have an audience. “Jesus Mark, that’s the dare you lead with?” as I rolled my eyes. Grateful for the beers and tokes, I stood up regardless and walked over to the sliding glass door and stepped out onto the balcony as the guys cheered. It wasn’t that dark yet and with the warm evening and end of term, lots of people were on their balconies partying. As I started to strip, I could see a group of guys and girls on a nearby balcony when one of the girls suddenly pointed at me and yelled, “Yeah baby, take it all off!” The others on her balcony, and several other balconies, turned towards me and started hooting and whistling as I finished stripping and stood there like an idiot in my briefs. I put on a brave face giving them a spin and a bit of a dance as I raised my beer in salute which led to more cheering. I swim and workout regularly so at least I was in decent shape but Mark was going to pay for this. After what felt like hours, I heard Mark finally call time as I ran back inside. All the guys were killing themselves laughing as I started to put my pants back on.

“Uh uh Ben,” I heard Mark say, “Once something is off, it stays off.” Fuck, were we going to make up rules as we played? Regardless, I begrudgingly left my clothes where they were and walked back to the table in my briefs.

It was Steve’s turn who asked Dylan if he wanted a truth or dare. Dylan went for a truth. “Okay Dylan, since it seems to be top of mind for you, what’s the gayest thing you’ve done… so far?” Dylan started to reply after thinking about it for a few seconds.

“Probably going to a gay bar,” he answered. We immediately asked him to explain. “I was downtown with a buddy last summer and we were looking for a place to get a beer. We walked by a bar called, ‘Jackhammer’, that had loud music coming out the door and decided to check it out. I noticed it was about half full as we made our way to the bar to order beers. It wasn’t long after we sat down to drink that I noticed there were only guys in the place and we were in a gay bar. A bunch of them were even giving us the once over. Since we’d already ordered, we just tried to avoid eye contact until we finished our beers.”

Steve looked at Dylan shaking his head, “Hey Dylan, newsflash, if a bar is called, ‘Jackhammer’, it’s probably gay.”

“I know, it was stupid, we should have known. A couple guys did come over to talk to the fresh meat and offered to buy us beer but we kind of freaked out and got our asses out of there, no pun intended,” Dylan added. Was he blushing?

It was finally my turn so I asked Mark if he wanted a truth or dare, and he defiantly opted for a dare. Yes, payback time. “Okay stud, I dare you to strip down to your briefs and take the elevator to the lobby and back.” Mark was on the wrestling team so he was jacked and rightfully proud of his muscular body but I still wondered if he’d go for it.

He looked at me with a big shit-eating grin and said, “Gee Ben, I’d love to but unfortunately it’s laundry day and I’m going commando today and there’s no way I’m doing it naked.”

I was considering this new wrinkle when suddenly, I had an idea… “No problem Mark, hold on,” as I got up from the table and headed down the hall returning a minute later. “Here you go,” as I tossed Aaron’s skimpy black and yellow jockstrap towards him. Mark looked suitably shocked as the rest of the guys roared in laughter.

Mark held up the jockstrap and said, “I don’t even know if I can fit into this thing but I’ll give it a shot, be right back,” as he headed for the bathroom. We heard some cursing and grumbling before Mark yelled, “Okay, here I come but I’ll warn you, it’s a tight fit.” We turned to see Mark walk back into the kitchen wearing nothing but Aaron’s jockstrap. He wasn’t kidding about struggling to put it on, it looked two sizes too small and the sheer material of the pouch barely contained his ample bulge. In fact, I could clearly see the head of his cock and his balls straining against the thin fabric of the pouch. Mark was big all over and the jockstrap left nothing to the imagination.

“That’s hilarious, let’s see the back,” urged Dylan. Mark gamely turned around so we could see his big, white, wrestler ass exposed between the leg straps. Any girl would cream her jeans if they saw Mark in this, he was captain of the wrestling team for fuck’s sake. I couldn’t wait to see him run to the lobby and back.

We walked with him to the apartment door as he psyched himself up. After a brief countdown, we opened the door and howled as Mark ran down the hall with his big glutes exposed and his muscular legs pumping. He quickly reached the elevator and pressed the button while jumping in one spot, urging it to hurry. I heard a door opening down the hall beyond the elevator and the sound of girl’s voices as four of my neighbours left their unit and headed towards the elevator. Oh my god! We watched as they finally noticed Mark standing by the elevator practically naked with his ass hanging out and his hefty dick barely contained. He didn’t know which way to turn. They laughed and whistled as they walked towards him while the elevator chimed its arrival. We roared as all five of them boarded the elevator, which sounded like it already had a few people on it. This was priceless. After what felt like several minutes, we heard the elevator arriving back as the doors opened and Mark started to exit accompanied by cheers and cackles from within the car. I could hear one older woman yell, “We’re on the 9th floor honey. Come up for a drink and we’ll show you a good time.” Someone actually had a grip around one of the leg straps on his jock as he struggled to keep it in place and free himself so he could get off the elevator. Holy shit, this was hilarious.

Finally able to disentangle himself without a serious wardrobe malfunction, Mark sprinted down the hall and directly into the apartment yelling, “Close the door!” as we all collapsed in laughter. Apparently, he had taken the elevator back up with a group of visiting mothers who had pinched and groped him for four floors obviously enjoying the private show with a young stud. He said he had felt like a male stripper at Ladies Night with a busload of cougars circling the stage. He wasn’t even sure if they were going to let him get off the elevator. Dylan was right, this was a great game.

I saw Mark heading down the hall to change and I said, “Uh uh Mark, once something is off, it stays off, remember?” Mark wasn’t pleased to be stuck wearing the skimpy jockstrap but realized he had no choice given it was his rule as he sulked back to the table and settled his naked ass onto the chair, while I sat beside him still in my briefs.

It was Dylan’s turn next so he asked Steve who opted for a dare this time, “Let’s see… I think I’ve got an idea but give me a minute,” as Dylan headed down the hall to visit Aaron’s toy box presumably. A few minutes later he came back with what looked like a black plastic ring and a bottle of blue pills. What the hell? Dylan announced, “I have a team dare as well as a dare for Steve. First up, I dare everyone to take one of these, holding up the pill vial. “It’s Viagra and I’ve always wanted to try it. Are you guys game?” Dylan opened the pill container and shook out several blue pills onto the table.

Mark grabbed a couple pills and held them up considering, “Why not, what harm could it do? I’m already horny,” he reasoned as he popped the pills into his mouth while Dylan did the same. Steve and I looked at each other, shrugged, and grabbed two pills each, washing them down with a swig of beer. I hoped I wasn’t going to regret this. The combination of beer and weed was making us reckless, and now we’ve added ED meds to the equation. What could possibly go wrong?

“You guys rock! Okay Steve, you’re up. I dare you to wear this for ten minutes,” holding up the plastic ring.

“Sure, no problem, but, what is it?”

“It’s a cock ring buddy. You put your dick and balls through the middle hole and it holds everything nice and tight. Oh, I forgot. You also need to strip down to your shorts before you put it on.”

“It seems like a weird dare but okay,” taking the ring from Dylan and stripping down to his boxers before turning his lean body away from us to maneuver his junk through the center of the ring. “Aaron must really have a small dick, this thing barely fits me.” We rolled our eyes as Steve sat back at the table wearing only his shorts with the cock ring on underneath. Suddenly, he jumped in his chair. “What the hell was that?”

Dylan grinned at him holding up what looked like a remote control. “I forgot to mention that it’s a vibrating cock ring dude and this is the remote for it!”

“No way, you didn’t tell me that part! Unfair,” Steve complained but not before lurching in his seat as Dylan adjusted and raised the intensity of the vibrations.

“It’s just part of the dare man, sit back and enjoy. I have a few settings to try,” as he played with the remote. Steve jumped again and groaned, “Fuck, what are you doing to me?” Despite himself, Steve looked like he was starting to enjoy the sensations. For his part, Dylan kept adjusting the controls while Steve twitched and jerked in front of us. I was sitting beside him and could hear the ring vibrating loudly as well as see that Steve was starting to get a hardon through his shorts. After a few minutes, Dylan turned towards Mark to show him how to operate the remote and now it was Mark’s turn to control the device. Dylan offered helpfully, “Try the super-surge setting, he seems to like that one.” As soon as Mark clicked the setting, Steve jerked and started to moan as the device loudly pulsed beside me. It looked like Steve was fully hard now and I could see the start of a wet spot on his shorts near the tip of his cock.

“How much time left?” Steve gasped.

“Oh gee, let’s see. You have about six minutes left. Just sit back and chill dude,” Dylan responded. I could feel myself getting semi-hard as Steve sat beside me twitching, panting and breaking out in a sweat. I think we were all getting turned on by the direction of the game, not to mention the combination of weed and Viagra.

Mark turned towards me and handed me the remote, “Your turn Ben.” Inwardly, I was excited to try my hand at controlling Steve’s cock ring to see how worked up I could get him. I noticed he now had a large patch of precum soaking the front of his shorts as his hard cock strained against his boxers. He was anxiously watching me adjust the remote. This was crazy, and kind of hot. While I tried out different settings noting Steve’s reaction each time, Mark jumped in, “Okay, we might as well keep playing, it’s my turn. Dylan, truth or dare?”

“I guess I’ll try a dare as well,” Dylan responded.

“Great,” replied Mark, “You know whatever you’re doing is going to involve taking off some clothes, right?” Dylan was the only one of us still wearing a shirt and pants so I wasn’t surprised. “Hold on, I think I need some inspiration and you’ll never guess where I’m going to find it,” Mark said as he walked down the hallway in his jockstrap to visit Aaron’s toy box. Meanwhile, I had found a new setting on Steve’s remote that was cycling through some heavy duty vibrations by the look on his face.

“Got it!” Mark announced as he walked back into the kitchen carrying something in his hand that clanked and rattled. He opened his hand and dropped two heavy steel objects onto the table in front of Dylan. One of the objects looked like a stainless steel bracelet about 2-3″ in diameter, and the other looked like a cylindrical weight with a split through the middle. Dylan raised his eyebrows questioningly.

Mark turned to Dylan, “I dare you to strip, put these on, and serve us beer for the rest of the night,” pushing the metal objects towards Dylan.

“I guess it’s not that hard to grab beer from the fridge but what do you mean by ‘put these on’?” asked Dylan.

Grabbing the bracelet shaped ring Mark explained, “Well, this is a cock ring and you wear it around your dick and balls, just like Steve’s.” We glanced over at Steve who continued to buck against his vibrating cock ring as I teased him with the remote. Grabbing the heavier cylinder-shaped item, he pulled it apart before it snapped back together held in place by magnets, “This one is called a ball-stretcher and you wear it around your bag above your balls. I had to look it up to be sure.”

Dylan lifted the ball stretcher, “Damn, this must weight a couple pounds at least.”

“You can handle it buddy, I’ve seen your big bull-nuts in the shower.” I think we all realized we were crossing a line with the dares but no one was willing to call off the game. Also, we were buzzed and horny and our inhibitions were at a low.

“I think it’s unfair that I have to get naked while you guys are still wearing shorts,” complained Dylan as he stood up to strip.

“Well, my ass is naked,” countered Mark.

We watched as Dylan took off his clothes exposing his toned body lightly covered in ginger hair, as well as his sizeable, semi-hard cock. All of us regularly hit the gym or played sports together so we were used to seeing each other naked. That said, I had never seen Dylan aroused before and I was impressed by the girth and length of his fat cock. It seemed like the Viagra was working and he was definitely a grower. As we watched, Dylan unabashedly worked his thickening meat and heavy balls through the metal ring. It was a snug fit around the base of his junk as he then grabbed one half of the ball stretcher and positioned his low hanging ballsack within the centre channel with his balls pulled snug at the base before gingerly placing the other half of the cylinder on top. The top half of the weight suddenly snapped in place with the magnets causing Dylan to yell, “Fuck!” Apparently, he had caught the edge of his bag. Oops. We tried unsuccessfully not to laugh. He readjusted himself until the ball stretcher was properly fitted before removing his hands and letting things swing freely. “Holy fuck, that feels weird,” as he stood there with the weight of the ball stretcher pulling his balls low and swinging whenever he moved. His cock looked longer and thicker as well gripped by the metal cock ring.

“Looking good,” complimented Mark reaching over to playfully slap Dylan’s dick, “Now how about getting us a beer, wench?”

Dylan jumped back and looked resigned as he walked towards the fridge and grabbed four beers. Every time he turned, stopped or bent over, the ball stretcher seemed to pull at his cock ring-bound junk and by the time he got back to the table, his rock-hard cock was bouncing and straining in front of him.

“You seem to be enjoying that Dylan,” teased Mark looking down at his crotch, “Be careful you don’t put someone’s eye out.”

“It feels fucking weird, but kind of good also. It’s like someone is constantly tugging on your junk. I may have to get one of these,” Dylan said as he sat back in his seat.

By this time, Steve had reached the end of his vibrating cock ring dare as Dylan’s phone beeped. “Okay Steve, nice job. Your dare is over,” Dylan explained. “No more vibrations but you have to keep the cock ring on although you can lose your shorts if you want, they look pretty wet anyway!” Dylan quipped. “Okay, who’s next?” he asked as he shifted forward in his chair letting his weighted balls hang off the edge of his seat, with his hard cock jutting forward.

Steve’s hard-on looked it was about 8″ long by the bulge in his pre-cum soaked boxers. I noticed Mark was about to burst out of his jock and suspected he was at least semi-hard like I was. I could smell the testosterone in the room. As Steve stood up, sliding his shorts off and freeing his erection, he confirmed it was his turn. Turning to me, he asked, “Truth or dare Ben?” Shit. Part of me wanted to go with a truth to play it safe but part of me was enjoying the increasingly raunchy dares as we explored the contents of Aaron’s toy box and I was curious to see what Steve might get me to do. Fuck it.

“Dare,” I announced. Gulp.

“Alright! It’s my turn to visit Aaron’s room. Be right back,” as Steve got up and walked down the hall with his hard-on swinging. It didn’t take him long to make his way back to the kitchen with both hands held behind his back. Uh oh, here we go as I tried not to stare at his cock and the pre-cum oozing from the tip. “Okay Ben, here’s the deal. I dare you to strip and stand still for five minutes, without cumming.” I looked at Steve quizzically as he continued to explain, “We can’t touch you with our hands but we can use this,” as he revealed the Hitachi wand with the silicone sleeve attachment from behind his back. “Oh one more thing, you need to take a sniff of this whenever I say so,” as he brought out the bottle of poppers, along with with a tube of lube in the other hand. “That’s it.”

“Really Steve?” I asked shaking my head, “Not that it’s going to happen but what happens if I do cum?”

“Oh, good question,” pondered Steve, “That’s easy, you’ll owe us a dare, but like you said, that’s pretty unlikely, right?”

I guess he had me as I wasn’t going to be the first person to turn down a dare. I pushed my chair back and stood up, sliding my briefs off and releasing my semi-hard cock. I had nothing to be ashamed of in a room full of big boys, and I think we were all getting used to being horny, hard, and mostly naked around each other even if this was a first.

“Oh great, you’ve got a semi, that should make it easier,” Steve stated with confidence. There was no way he would get me to cum in five minutes, was there? I stood with my hands behind my back waiting while Steve plugged in the Hitachi and squirted a large dollop of lube into both ends of the ribbed sleeve and smeared it around the inside. “Ready when you are Ben.”

I said I was good to go and Steve immediately turned on the Hitachi, “Hmm, there’s a constant, tease, wave, pulse and cha-cha setting, let’s try cha-cha,” as he cranked up the intensity of the wand and moved the lubed sleeve towards the end of my cock. I moaned as the head of my dick made contact with the vibrating silicone sleeve as Steve started to work it up my shaft, sliding it back and forth. Meanwhile, he handed the bottle of poppers to Mark, “Can you open these and hold them up to Ben’s nose? The cha-cha setting was making me a little crazy as the snug sleeve gripped and massaged my lubed cock. My dick was rock-hard by the time I felt Mark press the poppers bottle to my nose, cover the other nostril and instruct me to inhale. No sooner was I done when he held the bottle to my other nostril and had me inhale again. While Steve focused on basically jerking me off with the wand, Mark instructed me to hold my breath before finally giving me the go ahead to exhale.

Steve was trying a different setting on the Hitachi as the popper rush slammed into me. My cock felt like it had grown another inch as the nerve ends responded to the vibrations of the sleeve. I felt a wave of animal lust hit me as I involuntarily thrusted towards the sleeve. Mark and Dylan were cheering Steve on as he diligently worked the sleeve up and down my straining cock. I could hear someone moaning before I realized it was me as I surrendered to the overwhelming sensations. I heard Steve instruct Mark to hit me again with the poppers and wondered if I could take any more. I don’t think my cock had ever been this hard before and I was shamelessly thrusting repeatedly at the attachment close to shooting a load. The second rush hit me while the intensity of the vibrations from the wand increased and switched to a pulsing sensation. I was so close to cumming that I wondered how much time had gone by. Steve squirted a bit more lube on the tip of my cock as he announced he was turning up the vibrations to max and asked Mark for one more popper hit. When I released my breath this time, it was too much. All I could focus on was my slick, hard shaft as it forced its way in and out of the vibrating silicone sleeve while the poppers amplified every sensation. I was grunting loudly as I slammed my cock into the sleeve when suddenly I was cumming. I yelled, “Fuck…!” as rope after rope of cum blasted from my cock spraying the table, and a portion of Mark’s chest. The abandoned cards from our earlier poker game were now splattered in my load. Shit.

“Holy fuck!” exclaimed Mark as he looked down at my cum dripping from his chest as Steve and Dylan watched on, “You must have been saving that up for a while bro!” This was definitely one of my larger loads and I don’t think I had ever shot as far before as I continued to lightly thrust at the wand and moan while I caught my breath. I was feeling embarrassed as I started to come back to my senses, although my cock was still hard and eager for more attention. Did I really need to take that Viagra? Steve was smiling and shaking his head in amazement.

“Shit, you looked like you were really into that Ben, that was fucking impressive. Too bad you shot your load at 4:35, so close. Don’t sweat it though, you just owe a dare,” as he turned towards Dylan and said, “Hey bar boy, how about a rag to clean up the spunk and I think our boy Ben here deserves another beer.”

Dylan rolled his eyes as stood up displaying his hefty hard cock still swinging with the weight of the ball stretcher, and grabbed a roll of paper towels, and a beer for me. Unfortunately, the playing cards were a write-off but we managed to clean up the rest of my load, including what was on Mark’s broad chest.

“Oh okay, I guess,” I said to Steve not really knowing what ‘owe a dare’ meant, “That felt amazing, I may need to borrow the Hitachi from Aaron. So… whose up next?” I asked trying to divert the group’s attention from my very public performance. No one seemed particularly worried about how gay or racy our dares were getting so I decided not to worry about it either. Plus, I was still horny.

“It’s your turn Ben, be nice to us,” Mark grinned at me, “Hey, how about we just stick to dares going forward, to keep it simple?”

We agreed to Mark’s idea so I immediately turned to him and said, “I guess it’s dare time for you, let me think of a good one while I catch my breath. Actually, I might think better in Aaron’s room,” as I wandered down the hall to the toy chest for inspiration. I loved the idea of coming up with a dare for Mark. He seemed unflappable as he sat there with his dick barely covered and his muscular ass on display. I guess if I had a body like his, I’d show it off as well.

A few minutes later, I walked back into the room with my cock still hard and a dare for Mark forming in my mind. I noticed the boys had Dylan topping up their beers while Mark swatted at his dick and slapped his ass whenever he had the chance. Poor Dylan, but it was helping me solidify my dare for Mark. I placed the few items I had taken from Aaron’s toy chest out of sight behind the counter. The guys all looked at me expectantly waiting to hear what Mark’s dare would be. “Since you seem to like slapping ass Mark, I dare you to strip down, climb up the table with these cuffs in place, and let us spank your ass for ten minutes. We won’t do anything too crazy and you can stop us at any point ‘but’ if you do, you owe us a dare.” Dylan and Steve were grinning in glee as Mark considered the challenge and looked at the unusual cuffs.

“How do these work?”he asked holding up the double cuffs which were connected by a rigid bar in the center. At each end there was a small and larger loop. Having googled the cuffs in Aaron’s room, I was able to explain that you knelt down and placed your feet through the larger inner loops at each end of the ‘spreader bar’, and then bent down further with your arms backwards alongside your legs, and placed your hands in the smaller loops. The loops could then be tightened effectively leaving the person unable to move his arms or legs, with his legs spread and his ass in the air. After I explained, I held my breath while Mark considered.

“I’ll do it on one condition…” he stated as we waiting for the condition, “We seriously need to smoke another joint!” I couldn’t believe Mark was going for it as I felt a dollop of pre-cum ooze from my dick as I pictured him naked and trussed on the table. Turning away from the guys to hide my excitement, I lowered the lights so we could step out onto the balcony and smoke a joint without being seen given we were mostly naked and hard. Thankfully, it was dark outside now and there were less people out, so no one seemed to notice the four horny naked dudes smoking up. Feeling warm, buzzed and randy as fuck, we wandered back in excited to get Mark ready for his challenge. I couldn’t wait.

While Dylan cleared the table, Mark slipped off his jockstrap freeing his rigid cock and heavy balls, and obediently climbed up into position on the kitchen table waiting for further direction. Not quite believing what was about to happen, I had him kneel down while I spread his legs and slipped his feet into the first set of loops. Once the loops were tightened in place, I asked Mark to lower his chest towards the table and lay his arms back parallel to his feet so I could secure his wrists beside his feet in the smaller loops. At this point Mark warned us, “You bastards better stop if I ask. I’m putting a shitload of trust in you.”

I assured Mark we would stop whenever he asked as I finished tightening the loops around his hands and stepped back to admire my work. Mark looked amazing bound on the table with his wide shoulders and head low to the table and his spectacular ass held high and proud with his puckered hole and hefty balls exposed and his legs held wide by the spreader bar. His hard cock was pressed up and against his tight abs. While I planned on honoring my promise to Mark, I was getting off on having the powerful wrestler at my mercy.

I asked Dylan to start a timer while I grabbed a paddle I had found in Aaron’s toy chest and started to lightly slap Mark’s ass. The slaps startled Mark as he gasped and jerked against his restraints. I kept it up alternating between his left and right cheek, never too hard but hard enough, as his ass started to redden. For his part, Mark seemed to be pushing his ass back into each slap and I noticed a string of precum dripping from the end of his cock. I think he was getting off on this. I announced to Mark that I was going to use some ‘warming massage oil’ on his cheeks to soothe the skin and prepare for the next round of slaps. Mark mumbled, “Sure, whatever…” as I pulled out the bottle and squirted a generous amount of oil across both cheeks with the oil also dripping between his crack and across his hole. After a brief hesitation, I reached forward with both hands and started to work the warming oil into his muscular glutes. As I kneaded his ass muscles, my fingers occasionally brushed against his crack, hole and balls. Mark didn’t say anything other than quietly moaning as he rocked his warm ass into my hands.

“Okay, round two,” I announced as I grabbed the paddle and started to slap his glistening ass, only harder this time. The slaps were definitely louder with the oil and extra force. Mark looked flushed and aroused as his muscular body pulled against the restraints. I offered the paddle to Dylan and Steve who each took turns slapping Mark’s ass, hard enough that his white ass was red from the attention. Reaching back to my ‘bag of tricks’ on the counter, I pulled out a medium sized L-shaped vibrator that I told Mark I was going to use to soothe his muscles. Mark mumbled his assent as I dribbled oil on the thicker end of the vibrating massager, before turning it on and rubbing the bulbous tip across his glutes. He groaned in pleasure as I slid the tip over both cheeks before working my way to the top of his crack and lightly running the massager down the length. Worried that Mark might ask me to stop, I avoided his puckered hole and skipped past towards his oil slicked taint and balls as I teased him with the vibrating tip. Unbeknownst to Mark, this was actually a ‘prostate massager’ with the longer thicker end meant to slide in your ass and pulse against your prostate, while the shorter end would press and vibrate against your taint and balls. We weren’t there yet but that was my ultimate goal. I started to work the wide tip back up his oiled crack, while I instructed Steve and Dylan to take over massaging Mark’s cheeks. He was pressing backwards, obviously enjoying the vibrations and the massage. Mark’s backward motion was spreading his cheeks further apart as I slid the massage tip up and down his crack, now grazing his puckered hole on each pass.

Holding my breath, I started to pause briefly as I moved the massager over his oiled hole until I was mainly buzzing his puckered anus with shorter passes. Mark jerked in response but surprisingly didn’t object so I squirted more massage oil along his crack and started to rim the edge of his hole with the blunt vibrating tip of the massager. Mark was obviously enjoying this but would he let me go further? I looked up to see Dylan and Steve watching me in awe as I teased Mark’s hole while they worked his glutes. I think we were all surprised by Mark’s willingness to play a passive role as we stimulated his ass. My cock was hard and dripping precum on the edge of the table as I worked up my courage to go further.

I turned around the prostate massager so the smaller end was now aimed down towards Mark’s taint as I solely focused on Mark’s hole with the longer, larger tip. I had the blunt, oiled end firmly resting in the center of Mark’s anus as it buzzed and surged while Mark groaned in appreciation. As I allowed the massager to rest in the center of his hole, I could see Mark’s pucker relax, allowing the oiled tip to slide in about a half inch. It was like Mark’s hungry hole was asking for more as I held the massager in place waiting for him to get used to the intrusion. While the boys continued to rub warming oil on his ass, I reached one oily hand down and wrapped my palm around his big, heavy balls as I tugged and massaged them. Mark groaned and pushed backwards as another half inch of the massager slid into his hole. I heard him mumble, “Oh fuck…” as I clicked a button on the massager, switching it to pulse mode as I held the larger tip pressed firmly into Mark as the other end teased his taint. Mark was enjoying having three pairs of hands work his big wrestler ass as he pressed back against the pulsing massager stretching his hole wider as the bulbous end reached its maximum width. Taking a chance, I reached further between his legs to slide my oily hand up along the length of Mark’s thick cock while pushing the bulbous end of the prostate massager in far enough that his anus tightened around the narrower width further back on the probe, drawing the vibrating bulb inwards. Responding to the greasy handjob and the vibrating prostate massager nearing its target, Mark yelped and jerked in response as he started to alternate between thrusting his thick cock into my oiled hand and pushing his ass back against the vibrator. I went for broke at this point, and pushed the massager all the way in as the vibrating tip began to pulse directly against his prostate while the base wrapped around his perineum and buzzed his taint and balls. I couldn’t believe I had the captain of the wrestling team restrained on my kitchen table while I milked his prostate and stroked his big cock.

Mark was moaning loudly as he rocked the table with each thrust. The guys were going to town on his oiled glutes while their hard-ons bounced on the edge of the table. This was our alpha male letting us work his ass over hard. It didn’t take too long before Mark tensed every muscle in his athletic body and shouted as he began to shoot a thick load into my hand and onto the table while his ass clenched around the pulsing vibrator. With his cock slick in oil and cum, I continued to stroke him letting him ride his orgasm as long as possible. He was saying, “Fuck, fuck, fuck…” over and over as he shook in ecstasy. I was captivated by Mark’s ass and badly wanted to jump up on the table and replace the massager with my throbbing cock, burying it balls-deep in his stretched, tight hole while he remained held helpless by the cuffs. I had always considered myself straight, but I had never wanted anything as badly as I wanted Mark’s juicy ass. I was thinking he might actually enjoy getting fucked from how he was responding to the prostate massager. Struggling to put that thought aside, I took a deep breath to calm myself, pulling my hand back from his cock, and removing the massager from his hole. I needed to behave myself and keep to our deal, for now.

“Holy shit, that was fucking hot” exclaimed Steve as Mark gasped on the table while I started to loosen the straps around his wrists and ankles. After helping him down from the table, Mark gripped the back of his chair as he reoriented himself and recovered from his monumental orgasm. His body was covered in a sheen of sweat in addition to the oil on his reddened ass, while his swollen cock dripped cum and oil onto the floor. Poor Mark, he was definitely going to feel that when he sat down.

I turned to Dylan, “Bar wench, can we get a clean up on aisle four?” referring to the puddles of cum splattered on the table and floor. “You may want to grab Mark a towel to sit on while you’re at it. He might appreciate the extra cushion on his tender ass, and it will keep the oil off the chair.” Dylan jumped up to grab a cloth forgetting for a moment that he still had the heavy ball stretcher on.

As Dylan handed Mark a towel, and he sat back down, he turned to me and said quietly, “I don’t know where you learned to do that but that was fucking amazing.”

I grinned back at him, “Hey, it’s all new to me too. I guess I was inspired by Aaron’s toy box, the weed, and of course the Viagra.” No one seemed too freaked out by what had just happened so it looked like the game would continue.

Dylan said, “Okay boys, I think it’s my turn. I just need one thing,” as he headed for the infamous toy box. Moments later he was back with a second bottle of poppers and said matter of factly, “Steve, I dare you to eat Ben’s ass for five minutes. Ben, this will count for the dare you owe us. Wait… actually, I’m going to switch that around since Steve hasn’t shot a load yet. Ben, I dare you to eat Steve’s ass. Also, you both need to take poppers whenever we ask. Any questions?”

Steve and I looked at each other in shock. I had a lot of questions but I also knew I couldn’t cry foul at this point after what I had just done to Mark’s ass. Preparing for the inevitable, I stood up and asked Dylan where he wanted us. With the kitchen table wiped up again, Dylan said Steve might as well take Mark’s place so I could have my meal at the table. Funny guy. Was I really about to eat my buddy Steve’s ass? At least I knew he had showered after our basketball game. Steve climbed up on the table and positioned himself on his hands and knees. I walked behind him to get closer to his ass. Like the rest of him, his ass was lean and mostly hairless, although he had a surprisingly large cock for a slim guy. I could see it hanging horizontally between his legs, behind his smooth balls with the otherwise idle vibrating cock ring still in place, as he waited for me to plunge my tongue up his hole. Yikes. Moving my face closer, suddenly Dylan called out, “Wait!” Now what? “I need you guys to popper up. Mark, can you open the other bottle for Steve?”

While Dylan and Mark had us both take a big sniff of poppers while Dylan started the timer, I prepared myself for the task at hand. I was surprised that part of me couldn’t wait to run my tongue around his hole. As the poppers hit, I leaned forward gripping and spreading Steve’s cheeks as I tentatively pressed my tongue between his crack and began to lap his puckered anus like an ice cream cone. I soon alternated from licking to burrowing my tongue into his tight hole. He tasted soapy with a bit of musk and suddenly I couldn’t get enough of his ass as the poppers rolled through me. For his part, Steve, was moaning and rocking back into my face as he muttered, “Oh god, oh yeah, don’t stop…fuck!” I don’t know if the poppers were heightening the experience for him but he was grinding his ass into my tongue like a cat in heat.

Dylan and Mark were cheering us on while Mark commented on how into it I was. Dylan took the opportunity to call a popper break as I reluctantly pulled back from between Steve’s cheeks and inhaled a big hit while Steve did the same. Once again, it was like someone had turned on a switch as I buried my face firmly in Steve’s ass and aggressively rimmed and slurped at his hole. I was so freakin’ horny, I needed more as I reached between his legs and wrapped my hand around his thick cock pulling it back and downwards as I milked his shaft. Steve had his face pressed into the table as he pushed his ass backwards trying to get more of my tongue up his hole. I actually thought I might cum without touching myself if this continued. Steve seemed to be on the edge as well as I stroked his cock and rimmed his ass.

Once again, Dylan interrupted us for yet another popper stop. Fuck Dylan, leave us alone. I reluctantly pulled back as we both took yet another deep hit of poppers as we moved back into position. I was drawn towards Steve’s ass and wanted to make him writhe and scream as I shoved my tongue as deep as I could, while stroking his cock and massaging his balls. Both my face and Steve’s crack were slick with spit as I went to town. I overhead Dylan say, “Watch this,” when suddenly there was a buzzing noise and I realized they had turned Steve’s cock ring back on and it was in some sort of pulse setting. For his part, Steve was moaning continuously as I rimmed his ass and jacked him off.

Steve yelled, “Fuck…” as his ass clenched and his cock spewed a huge load into my palm, splashing the table. This was becoming a habit for me, and the table. I increased my tongue action while he wailed and squirted a few more strands of cum. Holy fuck.

As Steve collapsed and muttered, “Fucking hell,” Both Mark and Dylan grinned at me as I reached for the paper towel to wipe my face. I suddenly realized that I had just got off two of my straight buddies by stroking their cocks and playing with their asses. This was starting to feel a bit one sided and Dylan looked like he had something on his mind as the one person yet to cum. That said, all of us were hard and ready for more. Note to self, weed and Viagra do not mix well when there are no babes around. Also, I blame Aaron’s toy box.

“Do you guys want to keep going?” I asked.

“Fuck yeah!” Dylan responded as both Steve and Mark nodded as well. “I think it’s Mark’s turn.”

Mark pumped his fist in the air as he took off for the toy box as Dylan started to wipe up Steve’s load from the table. The apartment reeked of sweat, cum, and poppers. I was glad Aaron wasn’t back until Monday, that would give me the weekend to air the place out, tidy up, and try to put everything back in place in Aaron’s nightstand.

Mark returned to the room with a jar labelled ‘Boy Butter’ and two rubber, cock-rings. How much shit was actually in those two drawers? “Okay Dylan, you’re finally up. I’m going to let you take off your metal cock-ring and ball stretcher but you still need to be our beer wench and put this on. I’m wearing the other one,” as he held up the cock rings. They were black with three holes so I assumed you placed the larger hole over your combined junk and then fed your balls through the second hole and your cock through the third one. We were becoming pros at gay sex toys.

“Ah finally,” Dylan exclaimed as he removed the metal weight from his balls and struggled to slip his hard cock from the metal cock-ring. While they both tried to figure out how to stretch the rubber cock rings onto their hard dicks, Dylan asked Mark if there was more to the dare.

“Oh for sure. I dare you to give me a five minute lap dance. I usually prefer my lap dances with hot babes but you’ll have to do.”

“Oh, wow. Um, okay,” responded Dylan, “But what’s the Boy Butter for?”

Mark smiled and replied, “That’s just to make it fun. I’m going to smear that on my dick and your ass to reduce the friction. I like my ‘babes’ wet,” as he winked at Dylan. “Just pretend I’m a big tipper and entertain me as best as you can for the duration of the dare. Use your imagination.”

Whoa, this was going to be interesting. With both cock rings in place, Mark pulled his chair away from the table and sat back with his arms on the armrests and his legs spread. His thick cock was a deep purple and his balls were pushed forward with the cock ring in place. Opening the jar of Boy Butter, he smeared a large dab of the grease all over his straining cock and heavy balls. Asking Dylan to turn around and bend over, he grabbed a larger dab of Boy Butter and smeared it across his cheeks and between his crack. Could this get any gayer? Turning to me, Mark asked, “Do you have a good stripper song you can play?”

Thinking for a minute, I responded, “I have just the one, hold on,” as I reached for my phone noticing I had missed a call from Aaron. I’ll catch up with him later. The song I had in mind was just over 5 minutes long so perfect for the dare. I set it up to play on the speakers and asked Mark to give me the signal when he was ready, as Dylan stood facing Mark with his ass coated in Boy Butter.

Settling back in his chair with his legs spread and a grin on his face, Mark replied, “Ready when you are buddy.”

Dylan nodded, “I’m good, let’s do it,” as I started the song.

Ginuwine’s, ‘Pony’ started to pump out of the speakers as Dylan danced and gyrated to the music in front of Mark. Damn, Dylan could actually dance and I was envying Mark his position as Dylan sensually moved to the beat. Turning his back to Mark, he was attempting to twerk as his ass hovered over Mark’s lap and hard cock. Mark was cheering him on and reached around to play with Dylan’s ‘titties’ as his hips and ass swung in Mark’s face. As the song continued, Dylan turned around and stepped up onto the edges of the chair seat facing Mark with his feet beside his hips and his cock swinging above Mark’s face. He continued to grind and move to the music as Mark firmly gripped his calves holding him in place as he watched Dylan perform above him. Steve and I were standing to the side of the table watching the show and I noticed Steve was stroking his stiff cock. I reached for my own shaft as we followed the action. Fuck, this was hot.

Dylan was swivelling his hips in time with the song as he gripped the back of Mark’s chair and squatted low until his ass was inches from Mark’s lap and his cock was rubbing alongside Mark’s. Dylan was built like a gymnast and I was impressed with his strength. Sliding his feet towards the back of the chair, Dylan angled his taint and buttered hole closer towards Mark as he started to slide his hole up and down the hard ridge of Mark’s cock in time to the music. I saw a trickle of precum pump from the tip of Mark’s cock as he thrust back against Dylan.

As Steve watched entranced in front of me, I reached for a dab of Boy Butter and moved closer behind him, reaching around to grip his dick with my greased palm. Steve groaned as he eased back into me aligning my cock vertically between his crack. Grabbing another dab of ‘butter’, I greased up my rod as Steve reached back to pull me towards him, wedging my cock deeper within his crack. Oh yeah.

We looked up to see Dylan carefully rubbing his slippery hole against the pre-cum coated tip of Mark’s giant shaft. I saw Mark release one calf to reach for the bottle of poppers on the table. Deftly opening the cap, he held it up to Dylan who inhaled deeply with his eyes half-closed in lust as he worshipped Mark’s thick cock with his buttered ass. As Mark took a popper hit, Dylan rested his hole on the slippery tip of Mark’s shaft and bounced lightly while Mark made small thrusting movements from his chair. As I heard, ‘ride my pony if you’re horny’ play from the speaker, Dylan allowed gravity, and Boy Butter, to slide the thick mushroom head of Mark’s cock deeper into his hole, stretching him wide open. We held our breath watching when suddenly the head popped in and Dylan gasped. Mark froze while Dylan adjusted to his girth before pulling back slightly and then starting to slide slowly down Mark’s pole, moving to the music, until the entire length was buried in his ass as he sat on Mark’s lap and gripped the back of the chair. They both looked at each other in amazement and groaned as Mark began thrusting into Dylan from his chair, while Dylan road him ‘like a pony’.

Steve was leaning back into me in ecstasy as I mercilessly teased his big cock with one hand and slid my shaft deeper between his slippery cheeks. I had moved the tip downwards so I was pushing into his hole on the upward strokes. As we watched Mark fuck Dylan while he danced in his lap, I began to breach Steve’s puckered hole with the head of my cock as he moaned in my arms. As I slid in deeper, Steve took the length of my cock like a champ and suddenly I was balls deep in my buddy’s tight ass. I was now a big fan of Boy Butter. As I slid back and forth and started to fuck Steve in earnest, I timed my inward thrusts to align with each downward stroke on his cock. It seemed like a good time for snorting poppers so I reached for the bottle, removed the cap and inhaled deeply, before letting Steve do the same. Steve was now standing with his hard shaft pressed downwards below the edge of the table while he stretched his torso across the table, gripping the opposite edge with his hands, and pushing his ass back towards me. I grabbed his hips and slammed into him, slapping my sweaty balls into his on each stroke, as we both watched Dylan’s lap dance.

With ‘Pony’ playing loudly on the speakers, Mark was arching his cock deeper into Dylan, as Dylan’s dick slapped against Mark’s sweaty chest. Everyone was slick with lube, precum, and sweat as we strained our muscles and thrust against each other, grunting loudly. I heard both Mark and Dylan moaning louder as Steve grunted and started to pump his thick load onto the floor below us while his ass clenched around my shaft as I fucked him. Mark’s stamina was impressive as he thrust upwards into Dylan from his chair, while Dylan road the bucking pony below him. Dylan started to yell as spurts of cum squirted from his cock shooting above their heads between their chests, as Mark started to unload deep into Dylan’s hole. I started to cum as well as I slammed harder into Steve, causing the kitchen table to shift and creak across the floor. There was so much groaning and noise as we all came, I almost didn’t hear another voice say, “What the hell…” I pumped a few more shots into Steve’s pulsating hole before turning my head to see Aaron standing by the door to the apartment with a bag over his shoulder. The song chose that moment to end as I stupidly said in the sudden deafening silence, “Aaron?”

Aaron stood in shock trying to absorb what he was seeing as his straight roommate and his three jock buddies fucked each other in our kitchen. With Mark’s cock halfway up Dylan’s ass, and my cock buried in Steve’s, I considered saying, “It’s not what it looks like,” but rightly assumed that would be a waste of time. How did we get here for fuck’s sake?

“Uh, I, um, I tried to call you and left a message,” Aaron stuttered, “My parents were called away for an emergency and drove me home early…” I could see Aaron taking in the lube, massage oil, Boy Butter, cock rings, prostate massager, jock strap, and other toys spread around the kitchen while ogling the sweaty, hard, muscled, studs in his kitchen. In fact, it looked like Aaron was chubbing up in his workout shorts.

Mark, always the joker, said from his chair, “What’s that in your pocket, Aaron? Are you happy to see us?” as he reached up and pulled Dylan firmly down onto his thick cock, forcing a gasp out of Dylan, while maintaining eye contact with Aaron.

Aaron looked at Mark in shock and then down at his tenting shorts and said, “Damn, it looks like I missed all the fun,” as he shook his head, “What the hell Ben? Since when have you been gay, and more importantly, why didn’t you invite me?”

While I stood there trying to think of a response, Mark reached for the bottle of Viagra pills and tossed it towards Aaron and his bulging shorts, “We’re just getting started buddy but you have some catching up to do. Take a couple of these and get naked. I think we could all benefit from a few lessons from you on what’s left in your toy box, if you’re willing to teach us.”

“Hell yeah!” Aaron enthusiastically responded as he practically tripped over himself in a rush to strip his clothes off. I had suspected he might be hung by the bulge in his shorts and I wasn’t wrong as he freed his hard cock and looked up expectantly. From the expression on his face, Christmas had arrived early for Aaron.

By now we were all standing in the kitchen facing Aaron with our cocks, hard and dripping, as he opened the vial of blue pills, popped two in his mouth and walked towards us. Steve said at that moment, “Do you smoke weed Aaron?” When Aaron confirmed he did, Steve responded, “I think you’re going to fit in just fine,” as we pulled Aaron cock-first into a sweaty group hug. We were exchanging sloppy, rough kisses as we groped at each other’s cocks when I heard Steve say, “Let’s head out to the balcony to smoke another doobie, then I think we should head to Aaron’s bedroom to check out the rest of his toy box.” I had a feeling it was going to be a long, hard, night as everyone agreed to the plan.

As Steve grabbed his weed and we moved to the balcony door with Aaron in tow, I heard Mark say, “Maybe we can watch ‘Butt Fucked Hardcore’ while we play?”

I looked over to see Dylan smugly mouth, “I told you so.”

As we stepped out on the balcony, Mark followed up with, “…and then, can we play Xbox?” What a dick.

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