We all Start Somewhere Pt. 03

A gay story: We all Start Somewhere Pt. 03 I laid low for the next week. I guess I was suffering from a guilt of sorts, although there was no girlfriend to cheat on. I still felt that my attraction to cock and ass was wrong somehow.

I had called Geoff but although he was polite, he told me we couldn’t meet again. Ben had been jealous and not only didn’t he want me around Charles, he didn’t want me near Geoff either. Geoff made his preferred choice and to be honest I wasn’t broken up by it. It’s not as if we’d have ended up down the aisle.

Oh well, it would give me a chance to take stock. I was now hooked, I couldn’t deny it and I wanted more. I decided I would visit the gay bar again but I would decide who I went with, not just get picked off by any guy.

This time I strode in far more confidently than before. Up to the bar where Andy greeted me with a sweet smile.

“Ah, I wondered if you’d be back. Everything go okay last time?” He asked genuinely.

I related my story, including my fun with Charles.

“You have been a busy boy. Fucking that sissy must have been fun.” Andy sounded jealous and I realised we were too similar to get together.

I took my glass of vodka and coke and sat at a table which gave me a view of anyone coming in. I wanted to see what was up for grabs.

It was only a Wednesday night, so the bar was quiet. I was getting close to drinking up and leaving, when the door opened and in walked someone I was curious about.

At 5’10” with long black curly hair down her back, it looked as if a lady had entered the wrong bar. Wearing a purple leather jacket, tight short skirt a few inches above the knee and fishnets, she looked good. She walked carefully on black stilettos. As she got closer to the bar, I considered she had got ‘grab a granny’ night wrong.

I looked at her sweet ass in that mini and decided to make a move. I mean, it wasn’t as if I’d officially given up on girls, right?

I got to the bar and said “I’ll get that.” in a confident manner. I could see Andy raising his eyebrows.

“Why thank you, young man, I’ll have a bottle of Bud.” Her voice was soft but not sissified like Charles.

I quickly introduced myself and ushered her to my table.

” I’m Melanie.” Her brown eyes danced with the glint of fun.

We chatted away like a house on fire and I really wanted her luscious lips on my cock and to be fucking her tight booty. I went for more drinks and Andy stunned me.

“Has Mel mentioned that ‘she’ is a ‘he’?”

I looked at Andy trying to take it in.

“Haha good one, I know she’s older but Melanie is a woman.”

“I’ve known Mel for half a year, she has a cock bigger than mine.” he intimated.

“But she looks so good.” I said crestfallen.

“Yes she does, so don’t let me put you off, just be prepared.”

I went back to our table and Melanie had detected a mood change in me.

“You thought I was a woman, didn’t you?”

I nodded weakly.

“When you first came in were you looking for a guy or girl?” Melanie asked.

“A guy, I guess but I saw you and I fancied you.”

“I can give you all you’re looking for and more, come back to my place.” Melanie offered sweetly.

How could I refuse. Melanie gripped my knee and we kissed. She had the smell and feel of a woman but now I knew she had something extra. I wanted her.

We strolled to her flat which was only a ten minute walk away. My arm around her waist. Stopping on occasion for a kiss and a feel. We walked up one flight of stairs, me right behind her, face almost in her ass.

As she reached the door and got her key out, I put my arms around her and placed my palms on her chest. Her tits weren’t huge but she wasn’t flat-chested.

“Hey tiger, we’ve got all night.” Melanie giggled but gripped my hands in place. Her flat was small but very tidy. No mess lying around.

She proved her strength by pushing me onto the soft couch.

“I’m in charge now.” she said, her voice dropping an octave.

Any doubts I had were being dispelled as first the leather jacket came off, then the skirt was unzipped and cast aside.

Facing me were fishnet stockings and a flimsy pair of purple panties that were seriously tenting.

“Pull them down, boy and see what you’re getting.”

My mind was still trying to process the whole situation. I’d got round seeking sex with men but now I was faced with having sex with a man after thinking they were a woman. Add the fact that I wasn’t in control and my inexperience showed.

Eventually I pulled down the panties, releasing a cock that was at least 8 inches.

“Suck it boy.” I was ordered but without need.

My tongue lapped over the purple head and that wonderful taste hit me, ran through me like a tidal wave. Melanie held my head and pushed me down onto the shaft, balls swinging and hitting my chin. I slurped away, now not caring what gender I was coupled with.

I thought I’d introduce a finger to Melanie’s ass but was soon told to remove it. My face was being fucked but I didn’t feel closer to getting my cum prize. Melanie must have felt the same as I was ordered to stop sucking and to strip off.

I did what I was told, not sure where we were headed.

“Bend over the arm of the couch.” Melanie said gruffly.

I did what I was told and soon felt the cold application of lube on my ass.

“Wait, I’ve never had anal before.” I said desperately.

“The night gets better and better.” Melanie now had a finger in me and after the initial discomfort, I found it was making me hornier than ever.

I found I was groaning as a second finger entered my virgin hole.

“Oh you’re going to love this, boy.” Melanie said as much to himself as me.

He began guiding his pole to my entrance and nudged forward, the head popping inside, then a firm push. I let out a yell of pain but it soon subsided and Melanie started the rhythmic plowing of my ass.

“Fuck! Yes, yes, yes!” I moaned as the pleasure washed through me. Now I knew what Geoff and Charles had enjoyed and why.

Melanie slapped my ass as he fucked me deep. His throbbing tool relentlessly stretched my hole, reducing me to sobbing, even though I didn’t want it to stop.

“I’m going to fill you up, boy.” Melanie stated, as his legs stiffened and a first blast of hot cum sprayed inside me. Two more heavy spurts followed as he gripped my buttocks. Next I knew, the cock was being pulled out and pushed in my face again.

“Clean it up.” Short and to the point and I did as I was told, now tasting the last cum oozing out of his cock.

I stayed the night and Melanie fucked me twice more. I had gone out that night as a ‘top’ but ended as a ‘bottom’.

What would happen next?

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