Summer Break Pt. 01


A gay story: Summer Break Pt. 01 It was approaching the end of the semester, and Dillon worked his way off academic probation so he could get back on the team. But it wasn’t all great news. His program advisor recommended but didn’t require, that Dillon enroll in some supplementary courses during the summer break.

Dillon’s parents had planned a summer vacation many months in advance, and they were ready to cancel everything, even the non-refundable parts, to stay home so Dillon could take the recommended courses and not fall behind in the new semester.

Ben being the sneaky little genius he is, told me all about the situation before he coyly asked what I thought about Dillon moving in with us for the summer. Of course, I could never say no to either of them, so that’s the plan we hatched.

At the end of the semester, a day before Dillon’s parents were leaving, we went to pick Dillon up.

I had met with Dillon’s parents previously when he stayed with us for spring break, but I was happy to meet with them again. It was a pleasant meeting, of course. They explained to us that they were going on a cruise and wouldn’t be reachable while they were at sea, but they’d check in with Dillon as frequently as they could. I reassured them that he’d be under my constant supervision since I had transitioned to a full-time work-from-home position. Dillon mentioned something about time zone differences and school schedules as an excuse for not being able to respond immediately, but he would check in when he could, too. Smart kid – already laying the foundation of an alibi.

It was Sunday afternoon when we went to pick Dillon up from his parents’ house. He rolled out of the house with two large suitcases, his backpack, and his baseball duffle bag.

“You know I own a washer and dryer, right?” I asked jokingly, knowing full well that at least half of the things in his bags were shoes, costumes, and sex toys.

“Yeah, I know, but I don’t want to be a bother,” Dillon said shyly.

“If I thought you were a bother, you wouldn’t be staying with us,” I said as I lifted a suitcase into the trunk of my car.

His parents handed me an index card with all the names of the different places they’ll be along with the dates and contact phone numbers.

“He’ll be fine, I promise. And he’s going to get straight A’s. I’ve seen his course list, and I’ll be tutoring him personally,” I said.

“If he forgot anything, although I can’t imagine he did,” I began as I lifted the second suitcase into the trunk of my car, “Would it be okay for me to bring him back to get it?” I asked his parents.

“Yes, of course,” said his mother. “We just don’t want him unsupervised with us being on the other side of the world. Just be sure to set the alarm before you leave.”

“Perfectly understandable,” I said.

Dillon said his goodbyes, and we all got in my car.

We got back to my place and got out of the car. Everyone grabbed a bag and walked up to the front door. Dillon unlocked it with his key and made his way inside.

“My key still works,” he said with a tone of surprise.

“Why wouldn’t it?” I asked.

“I dunno, I just thought it was all talk,” he said. “My parents don’t trust me home alone. Why should anyone else?” He asked.

“Dude. You threw a party, and your parents literally had to remodel – I can understand why they’re not down with doing that again,” I said.

“Ugh, when is everyone going to let that go?” He asked.

“You parents? Probably when they’re done paying off the loan they had to take out to fix everything. Me? Never,” I said with a laugh.

“They’re doing alright. Did you see all the places they’re going? Kinda bummed to miss it, but I did it to myself,” Dillon said.

We were all still standing in the foyer of my apartment.

“Okay, you know the drill,” I said.

The boys kicked off their shoes by the door, and Dillon started to undo his pants.

“No! Not THAT drill,” I said with a laugh. “Go put your shit away.”

I was genuinely curious to see which room Dillon would pick. I knew he and Ben would fool around when they had a private moment together, but Ben wouldn’t necessarily tell me those types of things first thing when he got home. Which is totally understandable. Everything was very casual, and after all, it was just sex.

Dillon went all the way to the end of the hall and went into my room.

“Nice,” I thought to myself.

Dillon came back out for the rest of his bags and repeated the process.

“I’m going to unpack a few things,” Dillon said from the end of the hallway.

“Go for it,” I said. “There’s room in the closet and dresser.”

Ben crossed his arms and gave me a look that could only mean, “Really? You made room for him?”

“What?” I asked, “Is your room even suitable for habitation?” I asked.

“Of course not,” Ben said. “I’m a free spirit.”

“You’re something,” I said as I rolled my eyes.

Ben and I sat on the couch and turned on the TV. We had some idle chat about what to do over the summer and how we can both help Ben stay on track so he actually passes.

“Are we going anywhere else today?” Dillon asked from the end of the hall.

I looked over at Ben, and he shook his head while shrugging his shoulders.

“Probably not,” I said. “What’s up?”

“Just wondering if you guys were waiting for me to head out or something,” Ben said.

“Nope. Take your time,” I said.

After a long while, I heard my shower turn on.

“He’s settling in fast,” I said to Ben.

“Guess so,” Ben said as he pulled his shirt collar away from his neck and gave himself a sniff test.

“You’re fine,” I said. “No need to join him.”

“I was going to JOIN him,” Ben said defensively. “I have my own shower, but I wanted to make sure I didn’t stink.”

“I’d tell you if you were stinky,” I said as I nudged him playfully. “Don’t make his stay with us weird. We can take turns.”

“What if he doesn’t want to?” Ben asked a little dejectedly.

“That’s what this is about? Because he picked my room instead of yours?” I asked.

“Not just that, but kind of,” Ben said.

“I’m sure it had nothing to do with who, and more with what,” I said. “You know my room is bigger. Plus, I don’t have a bunch of ‘maybe’ clothes all over the place, so it’s a little more inviting.”

“Yeah, I know you’re right,” Ben said. “But still, you two are going to be doing what you two do when you’re in bed together.”

“I mean, I can’t say either way, but you’re probably right,” I said.

“Great,” Ben said disappointedly.

“No one is stopping you from joining us. We’ve all slept in my bed before,” I said encouragingly.

“Yeah, that’s true,” Ben said a little more happily.

“I mean, come on, it’s a king-size bed. The two of us can be in bed comfortably and never touch. What’s a third with some light touching?” I asked.

“Mmm… Good touch,” Ben said as he envisioned it.

“Alright, calm down. Horndog,” I said to snap him back to reality. “There’s going to be plenty of time for all that over the next few weeks.”

“Okay, fine. I know you’re right, but it’s gonna be a fun next couple weeks,” Ben said with a smile.

“Did you hear the shower turn off?” I asked.

We were both quiet for a moment.

“No, but it’s off now,” Ben said.

“I wonder how long he’s been out of the shower,” I mused.

“Eh, whatever. He’ll come out when he’s ready,” Ben said with a shrug.

We went back to watching TV and making small talk when suddenly Ben and I heard the telltale click-clack of high heels coming down the hallway.

Dillon walked into the living room wearing the six-inch stripper heels I had gotten for him over spring break. His legs were shaved smooth. He was wearing a pink tartan-patterned pleated skirt that just barely covered his bulge, a white polo shirt that looked like it was one size too small, and a pink spiked collar.

“Hey, boys,” he said with a smirk as he reached his hands up above his head, which lifted the bottom of his shirt up above his navel, revealing that he had shaved his armpits and pubic area, too.

“Hey,” Ben and I said together.

Dillon turned around and lifted his skirt to show he was wearing boy short panties that had “Daddy’s lil fuck toy” printed across the ass.

Dillon walked over to us, stood right in front and between us, turned around, and started to sit down. Ben and I both instinctively moved away from each other a bit, just enough to make room for Dillon to sit between us.

Dillon stretched one leg out, placed it on the coffee table, then crossed his other leg on top of it, leaned back, put his arms around Ben and me, and asked, “So what are we thinking tonight? Pizza? Chinese?”

I ran my hand up Dillon’s leg to feel how smooth it was and said, “Dressed like that? You can have whatever you want.”

“I know what you like,” Dillon said. “I know what you BOTH like,” he said as he looked between me and Ben.

“I’m down for anything,” Ben said in response to Dillon’s question about dinner.

“We know you are, slut,” Dillon said with a laugh.

“I meant for dinner,” Ben said defensively.

“Yeah, I know. You’ll put anything in your mouth,” Dillon said, continuing to tease Ben.

“You’re such a bitch!” Ben said teasingly.

“Yeah! Why do you think I’m dressed like this?” Dillon asked ironically.

“You’re just jumping right in on the first night, trying to get turned into a finger trap,” I said.

“You know it,” Dillon said. “Let’s just get all the tension gone right from the get-go and not worry about who’s sleeping where or why and who’s gonna bang me first. The only fair way is for both of you to bang me at the same time. And he was right,” he said as he looked at me. “I picked his room because it’s bigger, and there’s really no reason you can’t join us at the end of the night.”

Ben and I both looked at each other and then at Dillon.

“Your walls are much thinner than you think,” Dillon said with a smirk. “But I do love that there was already competition for me before we even got here.”

“Well, okay. You two take care of dinner,” I said to Ben and Dillon, “And I’m gonna go see what my room looks like.”

I got up from the couch and went to my room. It looked exactly the way it did when I left to pick up Dillon with the exception of two suitcases in the corner. I opened one of the drawers I had cleared for Dillon, and his socks, underwear, and a few accessories were all neatly arranged. He brought leather ankle and wrist cuffs. There were a few ball gags, butt plugs, different chastity cages, and nipple clamps. He was definitely ready for a party.

I looked in my closet and saw he had hung most of his shirts, and his jeans were folded neatly in a pile on the shelf. On the floor, in the closet, he had no less than 12 pairs of shoes, all arranged in two rows and stacked on top of each other. On the other side of the closet was his duffel bag that he used for baseball. His uniform was folded on top and his cleats were on top of his uniform. I picked up one of his suitcases, and it felt empty, but it was zipped shut. I didn’t want to snoop too much.

I poked my head out of my bedroom and asked, “Do you mind if I put your suitcases in storage so they’re out of the way?”

“Yeah, that’s fine. They’re completely empty. Thanks!” Dillon said.

“Hey, Ben! Come grab these suitcases and put them in storage. While you’re down there, bring up the box that’s labeled ‘Easter Decorations,'” I said.

“Dammit!” Ben exclaimed as he got up and came into my room.

He grabbed the suitcases and said, “I’ll be right back,” as he left to take them to the storage unit.

As soon as I heard the door close, I called for Dillon to join me in my room.

I went to the dresser, pulled out a chastity cage, tossed it to Dillon as he walked in, and said, “Put it on.”

“Aww, man! You found those already?” Dillon asked defeatedly.

“Of course. You think I’m gonna let you try to bury that cock in me on the first night?” I asked.

“What if I use it to make Ben moan?” Dillon asked pleadingly.

“Tempting,” I said. “Lock it up, and we’ll see how it goes later.”

Dillon lifted his skirt right in the middle of my room and put the chastity cage on. He handed me the keys, which were on a necklace, and I put them around my neck.

I heard the front door open and said, “Quick, get on your knees in front of me.”

Dillon trotted over in his heels, stood in front of me, got on his knees, and put his hands on my hips.

I could hear Ben coming down the hall, so I put my hand on top of Dillon’s head and leaned back a little.

“Oh, what the fuck?” Ben exclaimed as he walked into my bedroom.

I started cracking up and turned around to show Ben that my pants were still on and the zipper was closed. Dillon started laughing, too, and said, “I’m sorry, it was perfect timing, and I couldn’t help myself.”

Dillon put his hand out as if to ask me to help him up. I grabbed his hand and give him a little pull as he stood up. He was a little unsteady on the way up, and I quickly put my hands on his waist to make sure he didn’t fall. We locked eyes for a moment, and then Dillon smirked as he put his hands on my shoulders and said, “My hero.”

“Will you two knock it off?” Ben asked pleadingly. “The food’s going to be here any minute, and if the delivery guy is someone we know, I’m gonna make Dillon answer the door dressed like that.”

“You’re not gonna make anyone do anything,” I said. “But, if you don’t play nice, I’m gonna make you lock up, too.”

“Too?” Ben asked, catching onto the operative word.

Dillon turned to face Ben, lifted his skirt, and lowered his panties to reveal his locked dick.

“Yup, ‘too,'” Dillon said with a hint of resignation in his voice.

Ben’s hands were still on my shoulders, and my hands were still on his waist.

“You being taller than me is weird,” I said as I took my hands off his waist.

“You’re like an inch taller than me, if that,” Dillon said as he took his hands off my shoulders.

“Yeah, when we’re both barefoot, but you’re wearing six-inch heels so now you’re like five inches taller than me, and it’s weird. You’re usually on your back when you wear those for me,” I said jokingly.

“Fair enough,” Dillon said. “I think Ben should dress up, too.”

“I’m not opposed to that,” I said with a smirk.

“I know you’re not, perv,” Ben said jokingly. “I’ll think about it, but you have to promise not to start without me if I’m gonna take forever shave everywhere,” he said.

“Well, I don’t think Dillon has much of a choice but to wait,” I said with a smirk.

“Yeah, but he’s a cock-hungry slut, and you’ll stick your dick in anything that stands still long enough,” Ben said knowingly.

“True,” I said. “But, I suppose we can wait for you if you’re going to put in all that effort.”

“Alright, fine,” Ben conceded. “The food isn’t supposed to come for another 40 minutes. I think I can be done before then,” and he went to the bathroom and started the shower.

Dillon and I sat on the couch and he put his legs across my lap as we watched TV.

“Is this okay?” he asked playfully.

“I dunno, wouldn’t wanna get started without him,” I said mockingly.

“Remember that time you went to a glory hole?” Dillon asked, almost seductively.

“Which time?” I asked.

“Um. You went more than once?” he asked as he sat up.

I started to laugh and said, “I didn’t think you were the jealous type. It was just once and it was your pretty little mouth on the other side of that hole.”

“You were so close to not getting a blowjob tonight,” Dillon said as he sat back and put his legs back on my lap.

“Oh, no” I said in mock disappointment.

“Shut up,” Dillon said as he threw a pillow at me.

I caught the pillow and put it behind my head as I leaned back.

“You can start now, if you want,” I said smoothly.

“We promised we would wait,” Dillon said disappointedly.

“Well, does a hand job count?” I asked mischievously.

“I think so,” said Dillon.

“What if you just rub your feet on my crotch in those high heels?” I asked.

“Totally. I’m just trying to get comfortable, right?” Dillon said with a glint in his eye.

We continued to watch TV, and Dillon was rubbing my dick through my jeans with his high-heel-clad feet.

I was rock hard when the doorbell rang. The food was finally here. I answered the door, brought the food in, and set it down on the coffee table.

I heard the click-clack of high heels coming down the hallway, and Dillon said, “Perfect timing!”

Ben was dressed almost identically to Dillon, except his skirt was blue, and he wore a black spiked collar.

Ben was holding something in his hand, and he said, “I think Dillon should wear this to get warmed up since we’re going to be tag-teaming him later,” as he held up a medium-sized butt plug.

“Oh, good idea!” I exclaimed.

“What? Wait. Are you sure about that?” Dillon asked nervously.

I sat on the couch and said, “Come here.”

Dillon stood in front of me. I grabbed him by the waist, and pulled him down toward me and bent him over my lap. I lifted his skirt and pulled his panties to the side.

“You’ll thank me later,” I said.

Ben put the butt plug in his mouth, and I spit on Dillon’s asshole.

“Take a breath,” I said.

Dillon took a deep breath and said, “You’re lucky I like you guys,” and exhaled slowly.

Ben slowly worked the butt plug into Dillon’s tight little pink asshole, working it slowly in and out until Ben was able to get it deep enough that Dillon’s asshole swallowed the plug, and it settled neatly in place. It was a pink heart-shaped crystal.

“Aww, it matches his skirt,” I said.

“It actually feels really good,” Dillon said.

“Told you he’s a cock-hungry slut,” Ben said as he put Dillon’s panties back in place.

Dillon stood up and wiggled his hips a little. “Perfect,” he said.

We all sat down, ate, and watched TV. Ben and Dillon dressed like schoolgirls and acted like it was part of their daily routine, perfectly normal.

“I forgot how easy these are to walk in,” Ben said as he held up his leg, admiring the shoe and smoothness of his leg.

“Right?” Dillon said in agreement.

After a while of watching TV and small talk, I said, “Okay, I think it’s time.”

“Finally!” Ben said.

“You could’ve said something earlier,” I said.

“You’re not the ones with a hunk of metal up your ass,” Dillon said.

“I wonder if we can fit both of our dicks in there,” Ben contemplated.

“Absolutely not,” Dillon said. “Well, maybe. We’ll see how it goes.”

“He’s such a slut!” Ben said laughingly.

“Only for you two!” Dillon said defensively.

“Okay, okay. You’re both sluts. Now, calm down before you get a spanking,” I said.

“Now I’m definitely not going to calm down,” Dillon said.

“Oh, yeah?” I asked. “Stand up.”

Dillon stood up immediately, and I reached under his skirt to pull down his panties. I let them drop around his ankles and told him to bend over.

He bent over and lifted his skirt just above his butt and I gave it a sharp smack.

“Ooooh, that was perfect,” he said.

Ben matched my force, and Dillon said, “Oh, my God. Yes!”

I started to get hard watching Dillong get so turned on from getting spanked.

I stood up and said, “Kick those panties to the side. I don’t want you to trip when I start tossing you around.”

Dillon kicked the panties to the side and said, “Yes, daddy.”

I grabbed him by the neck and kissed him passionately while groping his locked dick. Then I immediately turned to Ben and did the same thing, except he wasn’t locked. I grabbed his hard dick and started to stroke it.

I broke apart from Ben and said to Dillon, “Blow him.” Dillon got down on his knees and immediately started sucking Ben’s dick. I stood there, watching and stroking inside my boxer briefs. I stood right next to Ben and pulled my dick out. Dillon immediately started sucking my dick while stroking Ben’s. Dillon went back and forth between me and Ben for a few minutes before I said, “Now both.”

Dillon struggled to fill his mouth with both of our dicks, but he got an ‘A’ for effort.

“Stand up,” I said to Dillon.

He stood, and I reached under his skirt from behind and slowly pulled the butt plug out.

“I’m going to pick you up, and you’re going to put my dick in your ass,” I said as I turned him around to face away from me.

I squatted down, put my arms between his thighs and lifted him up. His back was against my chest, and his legs were spread. He reached down between his legs and worked my dick into his ass. I slowly lowered him onto my dick until I was balls deep. I started to bounce lift him up and down on my dick, using his body like a fleshlight. Once I got a good rhythm going, Ben got close and started to kiss Dillon while I was fucking him.

After a little while, I lifted Dillon off my dick and set him down, bent him over, and fucked him in the ass again. Dillon didn’t need any instructions on this one and started blowing Ben while I fucked him in the ass. After a few minutes of fucking and sucking, I looked Ben square in the eyes and said, “Your turn.”

“Wait, what?” Ben asked in surprise.

“Get over here,” I said.

Ben complied without any further hesitation. I repeated the process with Ben. He was squirming a bit as he struggled to take my dick all the way. Once he was loosened up a bit, he started to get into it. He put on arm around the back of my head to help hold himself up.

“Blow him,” I said to Dillon as Ben’s dick flopped around under his skirt.

Dillon bent down and put Ben’s dick in his mouth as I used Ben like a fleshlight. Ben’s dick sliding in and out of Dillon’s mouth as my dick slid in and out of Ben’s ass.

I was starting to get close to cumming, but I didn’t want it to stop.

I set Ben down and told Dillon, “Bend over in front of him. Grab your ankles.”

Dillon did exactly that, and Ben immediately stuck his dick in Dillon’s ass. He started to fuck Dillon when I got behind him and put my dick in Ben’s ass. Ben jumped a little, but I put my arms around his chest and held him by the throat. “Don’t stop fucking him,” I said.

Dillon reached around behind him and held onto Ben’s thighs as he fucked him like a jackhammer. I just stood there and let Ben do all the work.

I started to play with Ben’s nipples and maintained a light grip on his throat as he started to cum.

I immediately held onto Ben’s hips and started to thrust, timing it perfectly to maintain a good rhythm. Once Ben started to cum, and his asshole started to pucker, it felt so damn good, I couldn’t help it, and I shot a hot, sticky load deep inside Ben’s ass just as Ben did the same deep inside Dillon’s ass.

I pulled out of Ben, and Ben pulled out of Dillon. Dillon was trying to catch his breath as he looked at the hardwood floor and saw the load that Ben had fucked out of him.

“Holy shit, you made me cum,” Dillon said as he played with the string of jizz that was coming out of the tip of his chastity cage.

“Nice! No blue balls for anyone tonight,” Ben said as he wiped his dick off with a paper towel.

Ben and Dillon both stood up, fixed their skirts, and Dillon picked up the butt plug he was wearing earlier and casually popped it back in his ass before sitting down on the couch. I picked up the panties Dillon was wearing earlier, sniffed them, and Dillon said, “I was wearing them for like 20 minutes. I’ll put them back on for you, perv.”

I tossed the panties back to Dillon, and he worked them on over his high heels, stood up, and pulled them up so they hugged the curve of his ass, exposing the perfect amount of under-cheek.

I sat next to Dillon, and Ben sat next to me. They both put their legs over my lap and leaned their heads on my shoulders.

“Round one is off to a pretty good start,” I said as I put my arms around both of them.

“Hell yeah, it is,” Dillon said as he fist-bumped Ben.

Once we got through the afterglow of the threesome, I said, “I got to make both of you airtight – that was pretty hot.”

“And unexpected,” Ben said as he was shifting around on the couch, trying to sit comfortably. “Your load is so deep inside me right now.”

“Don’t worry,” I said, “I’m gonna top off Dillon before we go to bed.”

“Promise?” Dillon asked flirtatiously.

“Yup. And if you’re lucky, you might even get unlocked tonight. We’ll see,” I said teasingly.

“So, what’s the plan for the summer?” Ben asked.

“Well, Dillon has class. What’s your schedule?” I asked.

“About that…” Dillon said with a sly grin.

“Don’t tell me you didn’t enroll. Your parents are going to be pissed,” I said.

“No, no, no! I’m totally enrolled,” Dillon said quickly.

“Then what?” Ben asked.

“Well, I told the school that my parents were going on a non-refundable trip, but I didn’t really have a way to get to and from school. I could get groceries delivered easily enough, and I’m an adult after all, so I asked if I could enroll in the online courses instead of the in-person courses, and they said it wouldn’t be a problem,” Dillon explained.

“So what you’re saying is, you can dress like this all day, every day?” I asked mischievously.

“Well, technically yes,” Dillon said.

“Technically yes is best yes,” I interrupted.

“BUT, I only have one school girl outfit… And I’m pretty sure there’s cum on my skirt already,” Dillon finished.

“Ah, gotcha,” I said. “But the point being, you don’t have to wear ‘appropriate’ clothes, and I don’t have to drop you off and pick you up every day, right?”

“Pretty much,” Dillon said.

“Well, that’s a pretty nice surprise,” I said. “And it explains why you packed so much fun stuff and not a ton of actual clothes.”

“Yeah, that’s about it. Plus, we’re all the same size, and I knew you wouldn’t mind if I raided your closets,” Dillon said matter-of-factly.

“You’re not wrong,” Ben said.

“Well, I think this calls for a celebration,” I said. “Ben is going to go lay down on his back on my bed. Dillon is going to get on his hands and knees and blow him. I’m gonna fuck Dillon in the ass until Ben and I both cum. Whether or not Dillon cums is on him.”

“Hey!” Dillon exclaimed.

“You better concentrate really hard. I’m sure I can make you cum again,” I said.

We all got up with Ben leading the way down the hall, the click-clack of their heels echoing down the hallway.

Ben got on his back and started stroking his dick. Dillon got on his hands and knees in front of Ben and took over the stroking. I got behind Dillon, lifted his skirt, pulled his panties off, balled them up, and stuffed them in Ben’s mouth. I got behind Dillon and slowly pulled the butt plug out, and tossed it on the bed. I tugged at Dillon’s cage and caressed his smooth balls.

I walked back over to Ben, took the panties out of his mouth, and smacked my dick against his lips.

Ben immediately opened his mouth and turned his head toward me. I plunged my dick down his throat, and he got to work, fondling my balls and stroking my dick while he gave me a slobbery blowjob.

I walked back around to stand behind Dillon and spread his ass as I slowly pushed into his freshly-shaved, pink, tight butthole.

Ben had his arms up behind his head, and his eyes closed. He was in pure bliss.

I could hear Dillon slurping Ben’s dick as I slowly started to thrust into him, and Ben’s muffled moans through Dillon’s panties I stuffed into his mouth.

I started thrusting harder and deeper, and I could hear Dillon’s mouthful of dick saying, “Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm,” when suddenly, I had an idea.

I tugged at Dillon’s cage while I continued to fuck him, and then I took the keys to his cage off from around my neck and started to unlock him while I was still fucking him. I took the cage off, but left the ring on. I licked my hand and started stroking him while he was still blowing Ben.

I leaned down to whisper in Dillon’s ear.

“Fuck him,” I said.

Dillon immediately stopped blowing Ben, lifted his legs, and plunged his meat into Ben’s ass.

“Whoa!” Ben exclaimed.

Dillon grabbed Ben’s wrists as he plowed into him. I let Dillon get a few thrusts in before I got behind him, and started fucking him, too.

Dillon finished a little faster than I thought he would, considering he got a load fucked out of him earlier, but I guess it’s different when you’re actually fucking someone and not just getting your ass fucked.

Before Dillon could pull out of Ben, I pinned him down on top of, and inside Ben and fucked him fast and hard until I came up Dillon’s cock-hungry asshole.

After I caught my breath, I pulled out of Dillon’s ass, and Dillon rolled off of Ben.

I was wiping off with a towel that was on the floor and asked, “What’s the score now? My load is in both your asses, your loads are in each other’s asses, and no loads in my ass?”

“Seems a little uneven,” Dillon said as he held his unlocked dick, flopping it around.

“It’s gonna stay that way for now,” I said.

“Alright, it smells like butt sex and shame in here,” Ben said. “I’m gonna take a quick shower again.”

“Good idea,” I said. “But first, both of you plug up.” I pointed at the butt plug on the bed that Dillon was using earlier.

Dillon shrugged, picked up the butt plug, and slid it into his ass with ease.

Ben looked at me, rolled his eyes, and said, “Fine.” He opened my bedside table, picked a blue gem butt plug, put it in his mouth, and then put it up his ass.

“Perfect,” I said.

“Can I join you?” Dillon asked innocently.

Ben rolled his eyes again.

“I mean, it’s just that all my stuff is already in that bathroom. I’m sure all three of us could fit, right?” Dillon asked as he looked at me.

“Well, there’s one way to find out,” I said.

Ben smirked and said, “Ugh, you two are so extra.”

“You’re the one getting butt hurt over a quick shower,” I said.

“Yeah, I know. I’m extra, too. Let’s give it a shot but if it’s too cramped, I’ll just go to my bathroom and not be a little bitch about it,” Ben said.

“Attaboy,” I said as I slapped his butt when he walked by.

The boys took off their high heels, slowly unfastening the ankles traps and making various “Oof” and “Ugh” noises as they stood barefoot in my bedroom. They unzipped their skirts and let them fall to the floor and then they took off their shirts and collars. The put the collars on top of my dresser and dropped their shirts on top of the skirts. Dillon took the ring from the chastity cage off and set it down next to his collar.

We all managed to fit in my shower. It was cramped, but we could move around. We took turns washing each other from head to toe, and we all got out at the same time.

I picked a pair of Dillon’s boxer briefs from my drawer and one of his t-shirts from my closet. Ben and Dillon did the same. Dillon grabbed a pair of my boxer briefs and went to Ben’s room to pick one of his shirts. Ben picked a pair of my boxer briefs and one of Dillon’s shirts. It was a mix-match of all our clothes.

I got in bed, Dillon got in bed next to me, and Ben got in bed on the other side of Dillon.

Dillon reached over on either side of him and fondled both my and Ben’s dicks as he laid on his back.

“You really wanna go again?” I asked.

“Not really, I just like how it feels in my hand,” Dillon said.

“Good, because I’m drained. Pun intended,” Ben said, laughing at his own joke.

We soon fell asleep, thinking about what the next day had in store for us.

The next morning, I woke up first, and as hard as I tried, I couldn’t sneak out of bed without waking up anyone else. Dillon woke up and said, “Hey.” Then Ben woke up and asked, “What time is it?”

“Uh, almost 9:00,” I said, looking at my phone.

“Uh… What time does your first class start..?” I asked a little nervously.

“Shit. 9:30,” Dillon said as he sat up quickly.

“Well, it’s totally up to you, but you just showered last night. Grab a pair of jeans, socks, and shoes, and we can make it there on time,” I said. The school was maybe 10-15 minutes away.

Before I had even finished my sentence, Dillon was standing in front of my closet, pulling out a pair of jeans, and then walked over to my dresser and pulled out a pair of socks. He pulled the jeans up and put the socks on. Were those my socks? Oh, well. It doesn’t matter.

Dillon brushed his teeth, splashed some water on his face, fussed with his hair for a minute, grabbed his backpack from the corner of my room, and went down the hall to the living room. He grabbed a cereal bar out of the kitchen pantry, went over to the front door, and stepped into a pair of Ben’s shoes.

“They grow up so fast,” Ben said as he put his head on my shoulder.

“They sure do,” I said as I put my arm around Ben’s waist.

“You two suck,” Dillon said.

“Nice shoes,” Ben said.

“Thanks. I borrowed them from a friend,” he said as he flipped Ben the middle finger.

I had put on a pair of basketball shorts while Dillon was running around getting dressed. I grabbed my wallet and keys from the table, walked over to the front door, and stepped into Dillon’s shoes barefoot.

“You should leave those on all day,” Dillon said with a smirk.

“Maybe I will,” I said as I looked down and rotated my foot. “Are you ready?”

“Yup!” Dillon said as he put his phone in his pocket.

Dillon and I headed out the front door, and I told Ben, “I’ll be right back.”

We got in the car, and I asked, “What time am I supposed to pick you up?”

“Um, 12:30, I think. I’ll text you as soon as I know for sure. I’m only doing this in-person thing today for orientation and to get a laptop issued to me. The rest of the class will be from home,” Dillon said.

We got to the school, and as Dillon was getting out of my car I asked, “Hey, are you still wearing the butt plug from last night?” Dillon’s face turned bright red, and I started to laugh.

“You’re such a slut!” I exclaimed. “I’ll be back in a few hours for you, and that plug better still be in!”

Almost immediately after driving away, my phone began receiving text messages.

Dillon: OMG. I can’t believe I forgot to pull it out. I was in such a hurry. Me: lol Dillon: It’s not funny! Now all I’m going to be thinking about is this hunk of metal up my ass! Me: Think about replacing that hunk of metal with a hunk of meat as soon as you get back. Dillon: …great. Now I’m getting hard, too. Me: Good. Keep thinking about it. Squeeze your butt cheeks together while you’re sitting at your desk to get the plug to move around a little. Dillon: I hate you. Dillon: Keep my shoes on and be ready to fuck me when you pick me up. Me: Will do!

I got back to the apartment, and Ben was sitting on the couch, watching TV, wearing exactly what he had slept in.

“You’ll never guess who’s still wearing his butt plug,” I said.

“Is it me? It’s me,” Ben said as he groped his bulge and tapped on his plug through his underwear.

“Okay. Guess who wore theirs to school,” I said.

“Are you serious?” Ben asked with a laugh.

“He ‘said’ he was in such a hurry, that he forgot it was even there,” I said with a hint of incredulity.

Ben pondered what I just said for a moment. “I can believe that,” he concluded. “I mean, it’s not huge, but it’s small enough to forget about, especially if you slept in it. I just like the way it feels,” Ben said.

“Right. Well, I need to start work soon, so maybe you can clean up a little out here before I need to go pick up Dillon,” I said as I gestured to the clothes and shoes that were strewn about the living room. “I’m sure Dillon packed some kind of French maid outfit, if you want to have some fun,” I concluded with a smirk.

“I’ll go check. How long do we have?” Ben asked.

“He thinks 12:30, so I’d likely leave here by 12:15,” I said.

Ben got up and disappeared down the hallway while I fired up my laptop and got set up at my desk.

After a short while, Ben came up to me wearing the black stripper heels, black fishnet thigh highs, and a tiny black and white maid’s uniform with an apron.

“Nice,” I said. “Now get to work and earn that tip.”

“Just the tip?” Ben asked as he pouted his lower lip.

“We’ll see how good you do,” I said.

I worked for a few hours as Ben cleaned up around the apartment. He got laundry going, put dishes away, changed the sheets on the bed, cleaned the bathroom, and reorganized the pantry. When he was done, he came over to me and said, “This is a lot harder in heels. I could’ve been done an hour ago.”

“Yeah, but you wouldn’t have looked nearly as good doing it,” I said as I ran a hand up his thigh to discover he wasn’t wearing anything under the skirt.

“I think it’s time for you to take a break,” Ben said as he got down on his knees.

I wordlessly lowered my basketball shorts and underwear and leaned back in my chair. Ben immediately started to suck on my dick, getting me rock hard in a matter of seconds.

Ben stood up, faced me, reached behind himself, and pulled the butt plug out of his ass. He set it down on my desk and straddled me.

As he sat on my lap, he worked my dick into his ass and started riding me.

I grabbed his ass to guide him up and down on my dick as he began to moan.

I bounced Ben on my dick harder and harder until I was coming inside him. We were both glistening with sweat. As he was catching his breath, I grabbed his dick and started stroking it while he was still sitting on my lap, and my dick was still in his ass. I looked him straight in the eyes as I gave him a handjob and said, “Cum, you little slut.”

Almost immediately, Ben started to erupt all over my shirt, with some of it landing on my neck. I finished stroking him and wiped the jizz across his lips and stuck my fingers in his mouth.

“Eww, gross!” Ben said as I laughed and opened my mouth.

Ben got close to me and spit in my mouth and I licked his lips.

“It’s not THAT bad,” I said. “Can you bring me another shirt, please?” I asked as I took off the jizz-soaked shirt I was wearing.

“Sure,” Ben said as he slowly stood up, pulling my dick out of his ass. I used my shirt to wipe off my dick and traded him for the clean shirt he had brought me.

I put on the clean shirt and noticed the time, “Oh, shit. It’s going to be time to leave soon. You might want to change if you want to come with me,” I said to Ben as he tossed my shirt in the washing machine.

Suddenly, both of our phones received a text message. My phone was right next to me, so I looked first.

“It’s a group text between you, me, and Dillon,” I said. “He says a bunch of guys from the baseball team are thinking of having a pickup game right after they release everyone.”

“Does that mean we have time for round two?” Ben asked devilishly.

I sent a quick text while Ben was talking.

Me to Dillon privately: Can Ben go? Dillon: I don’t see why not. One sec.

Dillon sent a message to the group chat: Ben, can you come? We’re one guy short.

“I guess there’s no time for round two,” I said. “You don’t want to let everyone down, do you?”

Ben lit up a little, happy to be included.

“Yeah, sure,” Ben responded

Ben in the group chat: Yeah, I’ll get dressed Me in the group chat: Dillon, do I just need to grab your duffel bag? Dillon in the group chat: Yeah. There’s stuff on top. Just shove it all in the bag. Ben in the group chat: What are we wearing? Dillon in the group chat: All the other guys have their full gear. They didn’t know I was coming, so they didn’t mention it until they saw me. Me in the group chat: Okay. Ben, why don’t you take Dillon’s stuff with you and just take my car? I can finish with work by the time you guys come home. Ben dropped a thumbs-up emoji in the group chat.

“I guess I’m gonna go get dressed,” Ben said as he started to unbuckle the ankle strap of the high heels he was wearing.

“Yeah, and I’ll be here. I’ll try to finish work by the time you get back,” I said.

Ben got completely undressed in front of the washing machine and put the fishnets and maid costume in the washer.

“Will you hang this up to dry when it’s done?” Ben asked.

“Sure,” I said.

He walked away down the hall naked and said, “I’m gonna get dressed and then head out.”

“Have fun,” I said.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come watch?” Ben asked.

“I think it’d be a little odd to watch a pickup game, don’t you think?” I asked.

“Yeah, I guess so,” Ben said. “It’s not like an official game where there’s a bunch of people there.

“Yeah. I’d be the one creepy dude watching a bunch of other dudes running around getting sweaty. I’ll make sure the AC is on when you get back; it’s getting warm out there,” I said.

“Thanks,” Ben said as he came back out into the living room.

He was wearing knee-high socks, stirrup straps, baseball knicker pants pulled up to just below his knee, a belt, and a moisture-wicking undershirt tucked into his pants. He stepped into a pair of Osiris D3 2001, and he had both his and Dillon’s duffel bags with him.

“Okay, I think I have all of Dillon’s stuff. My cleats, gloves, bats, and whatever are in my bag,” Ben said as he was working down a mental checklist.

“Hats?” I asked.

“Good call,” Dillon said as he grabbed a hat off one of the dining table chairs.

I was standing by the door and said, “Okay, have fun and let me know when you’re on your way home,” I said.

“I will, thanks,” Ben said as he kissed me and walked out the door.

We both froze.

“Shut up,” Ben said.

I turned and slapped his ass as he walked out the door.

“Go get ’em,” I said.

Ben laughed and said, “You’re so lame.”

I sat back down at my desk and got back to work.

I was able to get a lot more work done than I thought I would, and I finished about two hours after Ben left.

Since I had the apartment to myself, I decided to snoop around in Ben’s room. He had so much stuff I figured I could probably put together another uniform.

I got undressed in his room and started by putting on a jockstrap. It didn’t smell terrible, but it was definitely worn for at least practice. I found a protective cup in his closet that I tucked into the pouch of the jockstrap. He had plenty of socks and stirrups, so I put on a pair of knee-high socks and stirrups. I found a pair of baseball pants, and I pulled those on, pulling the elastic hem up just below my knee. Then I found a compression undershirt that I pulled on over my head and tucked into the pants. It fit perfectly across my chest and abs. Lastly, I found a belt and an old pair of cleats. He usually rotated between three or four pairs of cleats each season so they were pretty well worn, but not falling apart. I put those on and tied them. I went to my room to check myself out in the full-length mirror. I remembered Dillon had given me his hat a few months ago, so I reached into my closet, pulled that off the shelf, and put it on. I was feeling myself get hard in the jockstrap.

I went to relax on my bed while wearing Ben’s uniform, and I started to browse porn on my phone when I got a text message from Ben.

Ben: We’re on our way home. Me: Cool. I’ll be here. Relaxing in my room. Ben: See you soon.

Since they were on their way home, I knew I didn’t have much longer before they’d be walking through the door, so I just played around on my phone for a few minutes before I heard the front door open.

“Honey, I’m home,” Ben said jokingly.

“Back here,” I said from my bedroom.

I heard the click-clack of their cleats come down the hallway. They both walked into my room, surprised to see me dressed in Ben’s uniform.

“Aww, did you feel left out?” Dillon asked teasingly.

“I told you that you could come watch,” Ben said.

“Oh, I’m gonna watch,” I said slyly. “But you’re going to use different balls and bats for this version.”

“Oh, yeah?” Ben asked.

“Yup,” I said. “Set your stuff down over there,” as I pointed to the corner of my bedroom.

“I’m so sweaty and gross,” Dillon said.

“Good,” I said. “I like it dirty.”

“Oh, boy…” Ben said apprehensively.

“Shut up and kiss him,” I said to Ben. “Show me what you do in the locker room when no one else is around.”

Ben and Dillon both turned a little red.

“Don’t act like I don’t know you guys get it on when you can. It doesn’t happen often, but it happens. Show me,” I said.

Ben turned toward Dillon, and they both took their hats off and set them on my dresser. Their hair was slick with sweat.

Ben put his right hand on the small of Dillon’s back and held him close. He used his left hand to hold Dillon’s face and kissed him passionately. Dillon wrapped his arms around Ben and kissed him back.

After a few minutes, they broke apart, and Ben squatted down and began to unbuckle and unbutton Dillon’s pants. Ben pulled Dillon’s pants down to about mid-thigh and pulled his dick out from the side of the jockstrap pouch, and started to suck Dillon’s dick. Dillon put his hands on top of Ben’s head and pushed encouragingly to get Ben to deepthroat.

This went on for a while before Ben pulled back and said, “I can taste it.” Dillon helped Ben stand up and said, “My turn.” Dillon got down on his knees, undid Ben’s pants, and repeated the process, pulling Ben’s dick out and blowing him. Dillon was stroking Ben’s thighs and squeezing his butt when suddenly he slipped a finger in Ben’s ass. Ben jumped and said, “I wasn’t expecting that,” with a nervous laugh.

I lay on the bed, groping my crotch, moving the cup around to accommodate my growing boner.

Dillon stood up and turned Ben around, facing him against the wall. Dillon grabbed Ben’s hands and put them up behind his head. He held Ben’s hands in place with his left hand and used his right hand to work his dick into Ben’s ass. Once he was in, Dillon put his arms around Ben’s arms and interlocked his fingers behind Ben’s head, putting him into a full nelson as he started to thrust deep and hard into Ben’s ass. Ben stood there helplessly getting fucked in my bedroom while Dillon had his way with him.

Dillon finished inside Ben’s ass, of course. He let Ben go and said, “My turn.”

Ben turned around and said, “Bend over.”

Dillon bent forward at the waist and touched the floor; he was very flexible. Ben got behind him and pulled the butt plug out, set it on the dresser, and slipped his dick in Dillon’s ass. Dillon reached behind and held onto Ben’s thighs, and Ben pounded him relentlessly.

Their cleats were clacking as they both tried to keep their position and their balance, which only made the whole scene even hotter.

Eventually, Ben came inside Dillon and let him get up.

“Good,” I said as I stood up. “Now, both of you get on your knees.”

They listened like the good little sluts they were, and I got up from my bed and stood in front of them. I undid my pants and pulled my dick out and said, “Start sucking.”

They took turns sucking my dick, licking it together, and sucking on my balls. It felt amazing to have these two twinks servicing me.

“Get on the bed. Next to each other. On your hands and knees,” I said.

They both listened and got right next to each other. I stood behind Dillon first and just before I put my dick in his ass, I said, “Kiss, and don’t stop until I tell you.”

They turned to each other and started making out as I fucked Dillon hard and fast.

I switched to Ben’s ass and did the same thing, all the while they kept making out.

I switched back and forth between both of their hungry little holes, but just as I felt myself about to cum, I told them, “Get on your knees over here,” as I stood back.

They both got on the floor in front of me, and I said, “Suck it.” Ben started sucking first, and then Dillon took over, and just as I was about to come, I said, “Put your faces together. Cheek-to-cheek, and open your mouths.”

I gripped their hair where their heads met with my left hand and held their heads in place while I stroked myself with my right hand and blew a massive load on both their faces and in their mouths.

Once I was finished blowing my load, I wiped my dick off in both of their mouths and said, “Lick each other clean.”

They turned to each other, both of them looking like a glazed donut, and they started licking each other’s faces. Once their faces were clean, I said, “Kiss again,” and they made out with each other.

Once every last drop was gone, I said, “That was hot.”

“Fuck yeah, it was,” said Dillon.

“I’m so full of jizz,” Ben said with a laugh.

I let out a sigh of relief and said, “Okay, you two need to hit the showers. Go put all your gear in the washer, and I’ll get it started.”

“He’s so much nicer after he blows a load,” Ben said to Dillon.

“Oh, my God! Right?” Dillon said in response.

“Will you two knock it off?” I said with a laugh. “I don’t need you teaming up on me.”

“Hey, now THERE’S an idea,” said Ben.

“Yeah,” agreed Dillon. “He’s made both of us airtight, I think it’s time to return the favor.”

“I don’t like where this is headed,” I said.

“I think it’s only fair. After all, you went through all the trouble of suiting up and you didn’t even get dirty,” said Ben.

“Let’s change that before you put the other uniforms to wash,” said Dillon.

They were both walking toward me and I was backing up until I fell back on the bed. Before I knew what was happening, Ben was sitting on my chest, with his knees pinning my arms down. He pulled out his dick and slapped my face with it, and he started to get hard.

Dillon started fingering my asshole and stroking my dick.

Ben stuck his dick in my mouth, and Dillon started eating my ass as he jerked me off.

After a few minutes, Dillon said, “Flip him over,” and Ben got off my chest and got me on my stomach.

Dillon didn’t even hesitate before jamming his thick, veiny cock into my tight ass.

“Oh, fuck!” I yelled.

“Shh,” Ben said. “You’re gonna get the neighbors curious again.”

“Again?” Dillon asked as he was thrusting into me.

“Yeah,” Ben said as he sat right in front of my face and wiggled his hips down so he could stick his dick in my mouth again.

I tried pushing myself up, and Ben grabbed my arms and pulled them out from under me.

“Hold his arms,” Ben said to Dillon, and Dillon grabbed my arms and put held them behind my back as he continued to thrust into my ass.

Ben’s legs were on either side of my body, and he put a hand on the back of my head and thrust into my mouth with his hips. He was so sweaty and musky – I felt like I was going to cum again just from being used by these two at the same time.

I was trying to say something, but Ben’s dick was hitting the back of my throat, so all they could hear was mumbling. Ben pulled his dick out and asked, “What was that?”

“I’ll go along if you let me up,” I said as I tried to catch my breath.

“Promise?” Ben asked.

“Yeah, I’ll even get into it,” I said.

“I knew he was a slut,” Dillon said as he let go of my arms.

I pushed myself up and got on my hands and knees at the edge of the bed. Dillon got behind me and put his dick back in my ass, and Ben stood on the side of the bed with his hands on his hips, wagging his dick from side to side.

I put Ben’s dick in my mouth and watched them both fuck me in the mirror. I reached down to my dick with my right hand and started stroking as I watched them both use my holes.

Then, of course, Ben put his hands up as high as they would go over my back, and Dillon caught on, and they held hands.

“Eiffel Tower!” Ben exclaimed as they both laughed.

“Okay, switch,” Dillon said as they let go and pulled out of me. As they walked past each other, they high-fived and smacked each other on the ass.

Ben looked at my ass and said, “Oof, sorry,” as he started to work his huge dick into my ass.

Dillon grabbed my head and put his dick in my mouth, and started thrusting.

Ben’s dick hurt so good, and I went back to watching in the mirror while I jerked myself off.

The guys finally saw that I was watching, and they both started to watch, too.

“Hey, this is actually kinda hot,” Ben said.

“Yeah, I look good fucking him in the mouth,” Dillon said as he lifted his shirt to show off his abs flexing with each thrust.

“Oh, fuck. I’m gonna cum. His ass is so tight,” Ben said.

“Hang on, let me get there, I’m close,” Dillon said.

They both synchronized their fucking and I could taste little spurts coming from Dillon’s dick in my mouth just as Ben started to thrust as deep as he could go. I started jerking even faster and just as I could taste Dillon’s full load fill my mouth, Ben let out a moan of pleasure as my ass warmed up with his thick, hot jizz. Right as that happened, I started to cum in my hand and all over the bed.

I came so hard, I had a ringing in my ears. Dillon wiped his dick on my face, Ben pulled out of my ass, and I rolled onto my back to catch my breath.

“Fucking wow,” I said.

“Tell me about it,” Ben said as he started to unlace his cleats and pull them off. He took a whiff and pulled it away quickly, “Oof, I definitely need to shower,” he said as he pushed his cleat onto my face.

I breathed deeply, and my dick twitched a little, which didn’t go unnoticed by either of them.

“Is that all it takes to get you going again?” Ben asked.

Dillon took his cleat off and shoved it in my face. My dick twitched again.

“I guess so!” Dillon said in amusement.

“You two are going to dehydrate me at this rate,” I said as I sat up, took my cleats off, and handed one to each of them. They took a whiff, and Ben said, “It literally smells like me and clean laundry. You didn’t play baseball in the heat for two hours.”

“I wasn’t invited,” I said.

“You said you didn’t want to be some random guy watching a bunch of dudes play a pickup game,” Ben exclaimed.

“You’re right. I wasn’t invited to play,” I amended.

“You said you had to finish work!” Ben exclaimed again, sounding a little defensive.

“Oh, yeah,” I said sheepishly. But the good news is, I did get caught up – I even finished early.

“I’d say you finished right on time,” Dillon said with a smirk.

I laughed and said, “That was actually pretty good.”

“Okay, I don’t know about you guys, but I’m drained,” Ben said.

“That’s another good one,” I said with a laugh.

Ben laughed and said, “Totally accidental, but that too.”

Okay, so let’s shower and just chill in the dark. It’s hot as fuck outside,” Dillon said.

“It’s hot in here, too,” I said as I stood up and grabbed both their dicks.

“Alright, alright. Let’s go shower,” Ben said as he swatted my hand away.

I picked up the cleats and took off the belt I had borrowed from Ben and said, “I’m gonna put these back in your closet where I found them.”

“Thanks,” Ben said as he followed me out of my room and into his. I put his cleats down in the closet and rolled his belt up and put it in his dresser. Ben did the same with his cleats and belt.

“I think the reason I don’t mind you borrowing my stuff is because you always put it back,” Ben said thoughtfully.

“It’s the least I can do,” I said with a grin.

We all walked into the laundry room to get undressed and put the baseball uniforms directly in the washer. I opened the washer and saw the maid costume and other things I was supposed to hang to dry.

“What the hell?” Dillon asked in surprise.

“Oops,” I said.

“Oh, yeah,” Ben said.

Dillon looked between me and Ben with a questioning look on his face.

“Short version: Ben cleaned up after I got back from dropping you off, and I sorta fucked him,” I said.

“It’s a good thing I changed the sheets earlier because they need to be changed again,” Ben said.

“You two are too much,” Dillon said as he rolled his eyes.

“Hey, you’re the one who packed outfits,” Ben said.

“True,” Dillon said. “At least you included me in the dress-up fun when I got back.”

I pulled the laundry out of the washer and hung it to dry nearby on some hangers.

“Yeah, plus now that you don’t have to go to the campus for class, every day can be dress-up day,” I said.

“That’s kind of the idea,” Dillon said as he started to get undressed.

We all stripped down and put everything in the washer. We pulled the cups out of the jockstraps and just set them down on top of the dryer.

“We’ll do something with those later,” I said as I added detergent and started the washer.

“Are we doing any more dress-up tonight?” Dillon asked.

“Totally up to you,” I said. “I’m just grabbing whatever I grab after I get out of the shower.”

“Same,” Ben said.

“Sounds good,” Dillon said.

I walked back down the hallway into my room, and Dillon followed me.

“Are you two gonna fuck to even the score?” Ben asked from the hallway.

“No one is keeping score, and I’m pretty sure I’d shoot dust at this point,” I said.

“Didn’t you two fuck without me earlier, anyway?” Dillon asked.

“Oh, yeah,” Ben said absently.

“Glad it was so memorable,” I said.

“Okay, sorry,” Ben said apologetically.

Dillon and I got in my shower, and we washed up pretty quickly. I got out and Dillon said, “I’m gonna be a minute. I’m gonna touch up with the razor.”

“Sounds good,” I said as I toweled off. “See you out there.”

Ben was still in the shower, so I popped into his room to grab a shirt, underwear, socks, and shorts. I got dressed and put on the Osiris D3 2001’s he left in earlier that afternoon and went back to my room to strip the bed. I put the dirty sheets in the laundry room to wash after the baseball uniforms and then went to relax on the couch.

I heard Ben go into his room, and he came out a few minutes later.

“Nice shirt,” Ben said sarcastically.

I pointed to his shoes on my feet.

“And shoes,” Ben said as he rolled his eyes.

I just stared at him with a smirk on my face.

“And shorts? Bro, what the hell?” He said with a laugh.

I held up one finger in a “wait for it” gesture, and then I pulled the waistband of the shorts down to show him that I was wearing his underwear, too.

Ben laughed and sat next to me and said, “Great minds,” as he pulled his waistband down to show me he was wearing my underwear… and shorts… and t-shirt.

“Be right back,” he said as he got up and disappeared down the hallway.

He came back out a moment later wearing my black and red Jordans.

“There we go,” he said as he put his feet on the coffee table.

“Nice choice,” I said.

I noticed how smooth his legs were and felt his shin.

“Yeah, that’s what took me so long,” Ben said.

“Well the theme of great minds will continue, it would seem,” I said.

“What?” Ben asked.

“You’ll see,” I said with a smirk.

A few minutes later, Dillon came into the living room and sat on the other side of me. He was wearing a mixture of my clothes and Ben’s clothes. He put his legs across both my and Ben’s laps.

“Sorry it took so long,” he said as he rubbed his legs.

“See?” I said to Ben.

Ben started to laugh.

“What?” Dillon asked a little defensively.

“Well, I’m wearing all of Ben’s clothes, and he’s wearing all of mine. Ben said it was ‘great minds,’ and I noticed Ben shaved his legs, and I told him the theme would be continuing because I already knew you were shaving everything from the neck down, too,” I said.

“Ah, gotcha,” Dillon said. “Well, it’s funny you should mention that because I’m wearing both of your guys’ stuff.”

“I noticed,” I said.

“I don’t recognize the shoes,” Ben said.

“That’s because I brought them with me,” Dillon said.

“Careful, or I might steal them,” Ben said.

“I might ‘accidentally’ leave them here,” Dillon said with a shrug.

“That’s how it starts,” I said teasingly.

“Huh?” Dillon asked, a little confused.

“A pair of shoes here, a hoodie there, and then a day’s worth of clothes, and finally a toothbrush,” I said, still teasing.

“I mean, technically, I could go back to my place when my parents get back with just the clothes I’m wearing and still be set,” Dillon said. “Everything I brought could stay here, and I wouldn’t miss anything.”

“Oh, so you want to move in and be the permanent bottom?” I asked with a grin.

“I don’t know about permanent,” Dillon said, his face turning red with embarrassment.

“Well, let’s see how you do on the domestic front,” I said as I stood up. “Let’s get in the kitchen and make dinner instead of ordering in today.”

The boys stood up and followed me into the kitchen. We divided duties evenly between prep, cooking, and cleanup. Everyone made a part of the meal and cleaned up the utensils they used along the way. We sat at the table and had dinner together. Just three dudes wearing each other’s clothes, with loads from one another deep inside them.

We cleared the table and decided to watch a movie. It had been a long day, and as horny as we all were, it was nice to just chill on the couch for an evening.

We eventually decided to call it a night. We went to my room, we all kicked off our shoes, got down to underwear, t-shirts, and socks, got into my bed, and went to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up around 9:00 and tried to sneak out of bed again, but I ended up waking everyone up anyway. I was trying to go over Ben, and he woke up when I was halfway across him, hovering directly above him with my arms and legs supporting me.

He looked up at me, blinked, and smiled. “You should wake me up like this every day,” he said.

“No one makes you sleep in your room,” I said.

“Fair point,” he said.

I got up to go to the bathroom, and then I got dressed. I borrowed a pair of Dillon’s jeans and shoes, and I kept the same shirt, underwear, and socks that I borrowed from Ben the night before.

“I’ve got a few errands to run before I start working – I won’t be gone long,” I said as I stepped into Dillon’s sneakers.

“Do you have set class hours or is it learn at your own pace?” I asked Dillon.

“There’s a lecture portion I need to log in for, but I can keep my camera off,” Dillon said.

“Okay, I’ll try to work around that. Maybe you can do the lecture portion in my room today,” I said.

Dillon shrugged and said, “Whatever you want, daddy.”

“We’ll see if you’re still saying that later,” I said with a smirk. “Be back soon!”

I left to run my errands and came back a short while later.

I got home, and walked through the front door to see Ben doing dishes and Dillon was nowhere to be seen.

“Is he in my room doing his work?” I asked Ben.

“Yeah, he literally just got in there, so he’s probably going to be a while,” Ben said.

“Good. You can help me with this,” I said as I held up a plastic bag from the local hardware store.

“What is it?” Ben asked as he dried his hands and walked over to me.

“We’re going to have some fun,” I said.

There was a doorway that connected the living room and dining room. It was the width of double doors, but there were no doors to open or close.

“Oh? What did you have in mind?” Ben asked curiously.

I handed Ben the bag I was holding; he reached inside and pulled out five thick eye screws.

Ben looked at me quizzically, waiting for an explanation.

“I’m going to put one in each corner and one in the center up top,” I explained. “They’re going to be anchor points for rope.”

“Oh!” Comprehension dawning on Ben’s face. “That DOES sound like fun! How can I help?”

“Just measure the center of the header and mark it with a pencil and start screwing,” I said. “Nothing fancy, but I had to get eye screws big enough and long enough to withstand struggling.”

“Sounds hot,” Ben said.

Ben went to the laundry room and came back with the stepladder. We got to work, measuring, drilling, and screwing the eye screws in and then swept up our mess. We put the tools and stepladder away and admired our handiwork.

“I bet he won’t even notice,” Ben said.

“I bet you’re right,” I said in agreement.

“Let’s give it a shot,” I said after a brief moment.

“Of course you want to,” Ben said, rolling his eyes.

“Well, you two are about the same height and build. It’s for science,” I said with a grin. “Plus, this doorway or whatever is taller than a regular door.”

“I think it’s called a ‘cased opening,'” Ben said thoughtfully.

“Whatever, nerd. Go stand under it,” I said with a grin.

Ben walked over to the “cased door” and stood in the middle.

“Okay, so my thought process here was to restrain the ankles and wrists so you’ll be standing like an “X.” The one in the middle is to tie your hands behind your back and slowly lift up while you bend over and spread your feet. If that knot goes, you’re totally gonna faceplant,” I said.

“An “x”? Like a Saint Andrew’s Cross?” Ben asked.

“Exactly! Wait, what do you know about a Saint Andrew’s Cross?” I asked incredulously.

“I’ve… seen things… online…” Ben answered tentatively.

“You’ll have to show me later,” I said with a smirk. “Do you still have that soft, black shibari rope in your closet?”

“Sure do!” Ben said as he went to his room to retrieve it.

He came back just a few seconds later and handed it to me.

“Okay. Hands, please,” I said as I started to untangle the rope. “And kick off your shoes.”

I put one end through the eye screw on the right, and started to tie it around his wrist. I took the other end and repeated the process on his left. I pulled on both ends at the same time to get his arms to come up until he was on his toes. There was a good amount of space left between his wrists and the eye screws, so I pulled just a little bit more until he was on the tips of his toes, trying to keep his balance. I tied a knot to prevent the rope from slipping back out and walked around him.

“Wow,” Ben said. “I wasn’t expecting to get this turned on.”

I reached down and grabbed his dick.

“Wow, you really are turned on,” I said in genuine surprise.

“Well, while you’re here,” I said. “Just hanging out…”

Ben rolled his eyes.

“Sorry, I couldn’t help it,” I said.

I got down on my knees, pulled his shorts and underwear down just below his dick and started sucking, just for a few seconds. Maybe ten seconds, and then I pulled his shorts back up.

“Ugggh, that is so not fair!” Ben said.

“Yeah, well, what are you gonna do about it?” I asked teasingly.

“I’m not sure yet, but I’ll think of something later when my blood is back in my brain,” he said jokingly.

“Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be right back,” I said.

“What the hell? Where am I going to go?” Ben asked incredulously.

I went into Ben’s room, grabbed his high heels, and came back out to the living room. I knelt down in front of him, took his socks off, slipped his heels on, but didn’t buckle the ankle straps. First the right foot, and then he was able to step up and let his shoulders rest while I did the left foot.

I stood up and asked, “How’s that?”

“Way better,” Ben said. My shoulders were starting to hurt.

“Yeah, sorry about that. I was trying to see how far I could push it,” I said.

“I noticed,” Ben said unamusedly.

“Okay, where was I?” I asked. “Oh, right.”

I stuffed Ben’s socks into his mouth, knelt down again, pulled his shorts down, and started sucking his dick.

I was running my hands up and down his legs, and then I pulled one of high heels off and let him struggle trying to balance on the other high heel, and then I took that one off, too. He was balancing on the tips of his toes, like a ballerina. After a few minutes of teasing his cock, I stood up, pulled his shorts back up, and released the knots that were holding him up.

He pulled his socks out of his mouth, and said, “Okay, this is going to be a lot of fun later.”

I smiled and said, “Yeah, it is.”

I pulled the rope down, bundled it up, and put it under the end table next to the couch.

Ben sat down, put his socks back on, slipped into his sneakers again, picked up his heels, and returned them to his room.

“Now, we wait,” Ben said.

“Wait for what?” I asked.

“Oh, Dillon is definitely going to be the first one up there,” Ben said.

“I’ve got news for you,” I said. “You were just the first one.”

Ben turned a little red and said, “Okay, fine. But as a group.”

“Whatever makes you feel better,” I said.

I noticed his wrists had some marks from the rope and said, “Aww, that’s no good. Are you okay?”

“Huh?” Ben asked as he looked at me and then his wrists. “Oh, wow. I didn’t even notice. I was too focused on everything else that was going on,” he said.

“Well, maybe you should pull out the wrist and ankle cuffs. The leather ones that lock. Those have some padding and will hopefully not leave any marks,” I said.

“Good idea,” Ben said as he got up to get them from his room.

He brought them to me, and I placed them on top of the rope under the end table.

“Any idea where the locks are?” I asked.

“Um, I think so. Let me go check,” Ben said pensively.

After a few minutes, he came back with four small brass locks and the keys and handed them to me.

“Perfect,” I said. “I kind of want to tie you up again in the other positions just to have proof of concept for later.”

“Ugh, fine,” Ben conceded.

“Don’t act like you’re not excited to get tied up again,” I said with a smirk.

“Shut up,” Ben said trying to hide his smile.

“Put the ankle straps on and I’ll help you with the wrist straps,” I said.

Ben put on the soft leather ankle straps and buckled them as tight as he could get them comfortably.

“Don’t forget the locks,” I said.

“Yeah, yeah,” Ben said as he handed me the wrist straps.

I buckled the wrist straps as tight as I could get them comfortably and put the locks on.

“Okay, now strip,” I said.

“What?” Ben asked.

“Get completely naked,” I said matter-of-factly.

“Why?” Ben asked.

“It’ll be less restrictive,” I said.

Ben rolled his eyes and got naked.

We walked over to the case opening, and I connected the wrist straps behind his back using a double-sided bolt snap. I put one end of the rope through the rings on the wrist cuffs, then I wrapped the rope around his wrists, and then a few times around the rope that connected his wrists. I tied it off and then fed the other end of the rope through the eye screw that was in the center of the top of the case opening.

“Spread your feet,” I said to Ben.

He spread his feet about shoulder-width apart.

“Mmm, nope. Keep going,” I said playfully.

He spread his feet about another 24 inches apart, and then I pulled on the rope to make his arms go up behind him at about a 45-degree angle. He was bent over at the waist, and his torso was parallel to the ground. I tied the rope at the eye screw to prevent it from going anywhere, and I walked around him.

“Perfect,” I said as I slapped his ass.

He was standing on his toes, almost like he was wearing an invisible high heel. He tried to wiggle his feet closer together, and I said, “Oh, is that what we’re going to do?”

I went to the laundry room, where we had some general-use nylon rope. It wasn’t as nice as the shibari rope, but it was just going through the rings on the ankle cuffs, anyway. I fed one end through the right ankle cuff and then connected it to the eye screw near the ground and tied it off to prevent him from moving his feet closer together. I did the same thing on the left side. His ass was exposed, and his dick and balls were just dangling.

I walked around in front of him, and his mouth was right at dick height. His head was hanging down, but I picked it up by his hair and rubbed my crotch on his face.

Then I got behind him and rubbed my crotch against his ass. It was the perfect height to fuck him. I reached around in front of him and started stroking his dick.

“Oh, yeah. We’re going to have fun with this,” I said. “Don’t go anywhere.”

“That joke is getting old,” Ben said as I walked away.

I went into my room, and Dillon was sitting on my bed with his computer on his lap.

“Hey,” I whispered.

“You don’t have to whisper. The lecture is over; I’m just finishing up,” Dillon said.

“Cool. Can you take a quick break?” I asked.

“Sure,” Dillon said.

“Follow me,” I said.

I led him out to the living room, where he saw Ben all strung up and ready to be used.

“You two have been busy,” Dillon said.

“Ah, fuck,” Ben said.

“Wanna help me break it in?” I asked Dillon.

“Sure!” Dillon said excitedly as he started to drop his shorts and underwear.

I dropped my shorts and underwear and walked around in front of Ben. I picked up his head by his hair again and wagged my dick in his face. Ben looked up at me, sighed, and opened his mouth. I put my dick in, and he immediately started sucking.

Dillon got under Ben and started sucking Ben’s dick.

I was hard almost immediately, so I pulled out of Ben’s mouth, let his head relax and drop down again, and got behind him. I crouched down, spit on his asshole, and then stood up and started working my dick in while Dillon was still sucking.

I started off slow and told Dillon, “Go get your dick sucked.”

Dillon stood up, walked over in front of Ben, and picked his head up by his chin. Ben looked up at Dillon and opened his mouth. Dillon stuck his dick in Ben’s mouth and held his head by his jaw with both hands. Dillon let the motion of me fucking Ben’s ass push him forward so he would end up deepthroating Dillon.

I continued to fuck Ben, holding onto his hips, and thrusting as deep as I could go. Ben was struggling to keep his balance, standing on his toes, and not being able to move.

Eventually, I came deep inside Ben’s ass and said to Dillon, “Your turn.”

Dillon got behind Ben and fucked him long and hard.

After Dillon came, he pulled out and said, “This is gonna be a fun setup.”

“Can someone untie me now?” Ben asked. “I can feel your jizz leaking out of my ass.”

I walked over to Ben and untied the rope from the top eye screw. I untied the rope from around his wrists, disconnected the wrist straps from each other and Ben brought his hands around in front of him.

I reconnected the wrist straps with the bolt snap and looped the rope around the bolt snap, fed the rope through the eye screw, and pulled on the rope as much as I could to get Ben’s hands up above his head while he stood upright. He was on his toes again, and I tied the rope to prevent him from coming down.

“I think he deserves a reward,” I said to Dillon as I looked from him to Ben’s massive erection.

“I think you’re right,” Dillon said as he squatted down in front of Ben and started sucking his dick again.

While Dillon was sucking Ben’s dick, I grabbed Ben by the throat and started kissing him. I pinched his nipples and spanked his ass while he was tied up and getting blown.

After a few minutes, Ben said, “Oh, fuck. I’m going to cum,” and Dillon started bobbing his head up and down relentlessly until Ben was erupting in his mouth. I expected Dillon to stop, but he kept sucking. Ben was balling his fists and curling his toes. I was pinching and licking his nipples when he came again.

The second time Ben came, he was breathing heavily and trying to catch his breath when he said, “Holy fuck. Okay, that was worth it. Can someone let me down now? I’ve got your jizz running down my leg.”

I untied his hands and pulled on the left ankle rope. When Ben bent over to untie the right ankle rope, Dillon licked the trail of jizz that was rolling down Ben’s thigh all the way up to his ass.

“Fucking hot,” Ben said just before Dillon kissed him.

“Please, I can only cum so much,” Ben said jokingly.

“I think Dillon should get tied up next, and I’ll watch you fuck him,” I said to Ben.

“I’m cool with that,” Dillon said. “This looks hot.”

“But for now, I need a little bit of a break,” Ben said as he put his underwear back on. He stepped into his sneakers barefoot, picked up his shirt, and wiped his legs and mouth off with it before tossing it back on the ground. He sat on the couch next to me wearing the ankle and wrist cuffs, tiny boxer briefs that showed the perfect amount of undercheek, and a pair of well-worn Osiris D3 2001s. He leaned back on the couch and put his feet on the table.

“Man, I’ve never been so full of jizz or so tired halfway through the afternoon,” Ben said.

“Well, you’re becoming more and more of a slut, so you should probably get used to it,” I said jokingly.

“I’m only a slut for you two,” Ben said defensively.

Dillon was putting his underwear back on, and noticed that Ben’s high heels were out so he went over, picked them up, and came to the couch to put them on.

“I really like how these look on me. I’m thinking of painting my toenails,” Dillon said thoughtfully.

“You could totally be the femboy of this throuple,” I said jokingly.

Dillon turned a little red.

“Throuple?” Dillon asked.

“Yeah, you know, the three of us in a relationship,” I said.

“I know what a throuple is, jackass. Is this your way of asking me to be in one with you?” Dillon asked.

“Well, I haven’t really discussed anything with anyone,” I said as I trailed off and looked at Ben.

“But you’ve thought about it?” Dillon asked. “Give me the cuffs,” he said to Ben. Ben started to unlock and undo the ankle and wrist cuffs.

“Of course I have,” I said. “Ever since that time, you missed the away game, and you stayed with me for the weekend.”

Ben handed the cuffs to Dillon.

“I knew it!” Ben exclaimed.

“Oh, pipe down,” I said quickly. “I mentioned it to you after we dropped him off and you were into it.”

“You guys already discussed it?” Dillon asked a little hurt. He accepted the cuffs from Ben and started to put them on his ankles.

“Not really,” I said. “I floated the idea of a throuple because we all obviously have a connection beyond blowing loads.”

“Classy,” Ben interjected.

“We get along,” I continued. “We share common interests, and the best part, we all wear the same size everything. We could easily triple our wardrobe.”

Ben reached out to me to help him with the wrist cuffs. I put them on his wrists and locked the buckles.

“That part seems fun,” Dillon said as he adjusted the wrist cuffs. “Hey, doesn’t my chest harness have a D-ring on the back? I’ve never paid attention.”

“I think so,” I said.

Dillon got up and went to my room.

“Perfect timing for this conversation,” Ben said quietly. “You’ve got us gaped and full of your jizz.”

Dillon came back into the living room, wearing the leather chest harness, and said, “I wonder if the D-ring is functional or just decorative.”

“Only one way to find out,” I said.

“Except I don’t want to bust my face if it’s just for decoration,” Dillon said.

“Fair enough. And it’s such a pretty face,” I said.

Dillon turned a little red. “Shut up,” he said playfully.

“Okay, so we obviously don’t need to decide right now, but it’s something to think about, I guess,” I said. “I know you two have a thing, and I have a thing for each of you. It would be kinda sad if someone got cut out. Plus, this throuple will have a shelf life after one or both of you move away for college.”

“Sounds like your position is pretty clear,” Ben said.

“We can keep everything as-is if that’s what everyone wants,” I said. “I’m totally cool with just fucking you guys whenever I can.”

“Of course you are,” Dillon said with a grin. “Horn dog.”

“I think the biggest obstacle will be who’s fucking who, how often,” Dillon said. “You two live together. You can fuck three times a day if you want to. Sure, I could visit in the evenings and weekends, but it’s not the same.”

“True,” I said, “But how is that any different from a week ago?”

“No one is in a committed relationship,” Dillon said. “I’m sure if Ben and I were in a committed relationship, he wouldn’t fuck you anymore.”

“I hadn’t considered that,” I said.

“Yeah, it’s just been ass on tap since I moved in,” Ben said.

“Seems like the obvious answer is to just do this thing,” Dillon said.

“Okay, well, let’s just stick a pin in it for now, and we can talk about it later when everyone is dressed, at least,” I said. “Your bulges are REALLY distracting.”

Ben reached into his underwear and groped himself to get a semi.

“What’s wrong? Are you easily distracted?” Ben asked teasingly.

“You KNOW I am,” I said, as I threw a pillow at him.

“It would be nice,” Dillon said, “To have some kind of sense of security. Knowing there will be a place for me here.”

“Okay, okay. You don’t have to start giving us puppy eyes. I promise we’ll talk about it later. We’ll have to talk about it a few times and then compare notes,” I said. “Why don’t we all get dressed and go somewhere for dinner tonight? Nothing fancy, just a sit-down place.”

“But I literally just put all of this on,” Dillon said as he gestured to the ankle and wrist cuffs.”

“It’s okay, you can put them back on when we get back – no one will stop you,” Ben said.

We got up and went to the bedrooms to get dressed. I put on a polo shirt and a pair of jeans, and I slipped into Ben’s Osiris D3 2001s without socks. I grabbed my wallet and keys and went back to the living room.

I sat on the couch and played on my phone while I waited for Ben and Dillon. Dillon came out first, wearing one of my shirts, a pair of Ben’s jeans, and a pair of Ben’s black and red Jordans. Dillon sat next to me and started playing on his phone. A few minutes later, Ben came out, and he was wearing a black t-shirt, a pair of my jeans, and a pair of Dillon’s Dr. Marten boots.

“Are we ready?” Ben asked as he stood near the couch?”

“Yup,” I said as I stood up.

Dillon stood up and asked, “Where are we going?”

“There’s a nice little restaurant just around the corner; we can probably walk there,” I said.

We headed out the door, ensuring the door was locked behind us, and walked to the restaurant.

At the restaurant, we had dinner, and talked about a few other things. I talked about work. Dillon talked about school, and Ben talked about wanting to hit the gym a few times a week so he can stay in shape.

“If you’re going to be waking up early to go to the gym, it might be best if you slept in your room on those days so you don’t wake us up on your way out,” I said. “The cuddle puddle gets pretty entangled throughout the night and trying to be slick and sneak away unnoticed is impossible.”

“Fair enough,” Ben said. “Or I can go in the afternoon while Dillon is doing school and you’re working.”

“That’s a much better idea,” I said. I doubt it’ll be super crowded. Just don’t go at lunch. Try it tomorrow and see how busy it is.

“Good idea,” Ben said.

I paid the bill for dinner, and we walked back home.

We got inside and we all sat on the couch and put our feet up on the coffee table.

“I really like those boots,” I said.

“I like those D3s,” Dillon said.

“Those are mine,” Ben said.

“And the boots are mine,” Dillon said.

“Are they, though?” I asked Ben. “I thought we had this whole communal thing going on. Plus, I make sure you take them when you go to practice, or you have a game.”

“Lucky shoes or something?” Dillon asked confusedly.

“No, they’re the only pair he’s been using as ‘regular shoes’ after practice and games for baseball and fooball all last year. He’ll take his cleats off, keep the socks on, and then wear them for the rest of the day. He’s cultivating a his jock smell. It’s not gross; it’s just a little musky. Here, let me show you,” I said as I pulled one shoe off and handed it to him.

Dillon tentatively sniffed and then took a deep inhale through his nose as he handed the shoe back.

“Yeah, I know what you mean now. That’s practically like viagra delivered by shoe,” he said as he started groping his crotch.

I put the shoe back on my barefoot and said, “See? You can just smell all the games and practices in there, but it doesn’t smell terrible. I don’t know what it is about him, but I love to wear them when he’s not,” I said. “Plus, they’re super breathable. You can literally see the sock from the top of the shoe. I think that’s the trick. The sweat doesn’t stay in long enough to make it super stinky, and the only thing left behind is the jock twink goodness.”

“Plus the shoes match the uniform colors, and I like that,” Ben added.

We hung out talking about the next day. Dillon was going to start as soon as he woke up and try to get through as much of the work as possible. I was going to wake up at 8:00 so I had time to shower and get dressed and be at my laptop by 9:00 so I could try to get as much work done as possible. I wasn’t expected to be glued to my laptop from 9:00 – 5:00, but sometimes it ended up happening anyway because of my workload.

Dillon said he’d wake up when we did and stay out of our way until we were settled in and then he’d try to go to the gym. “If it’s not packed, I’ll probably be there about two hours,” he said.

We decided to call it an early night, and we all went to my bedroom. Everyone kicked off their shoes, stripped down to just their underwear, and got in bed.

Sometimes it’s nice to just cuddle.

The next morning, Dillon and I woke up at the same time. We both had our alarms set for 8:00. I got up, took a quick shower, and when I was about to turn off the shower, Dillon said, “Leave it running. I’m right behind you.” I stepped out of the shower, Dillon handed me a towel, and got in the shower. “Thanks,” he said.

The way we were just casually naked and didn’t immediately start fucking was a nice feeling that had some familiarity to it. Obviously, none of us has any trouble being naked around each other, but the fact that it didn’t have to jump straight to sex was kind of interesting.

I toweled off, hung up my towel, and went into my bedroom to start getting dressed. I honestly didn’t even pay attention this time as I grabbed underwear, socks, some basketball shorts, and a t-shirt. Was it mine, Ben’s, or Dillon’s? Was it a combination of all three? It didn’t matter. I stepped into Dillon’s DC Spartan Highs, that were black and lime green, and headed to the living room. As I walked down the hallway, I heard Ben in his shower. I wondered how big the water heater was.

I sat down at the dining room table since I gave up my desk for Dillon and got started with work.

A short while later, Ben and Dillon both went into the kitchen. They were getting some breakfast together and asked if I wanted anything. “No, thanks,” I said. “You know I’m not big on breakfast.”

“Do you at least want a coffee or something?” Ben asked.

I looked up and smiled and said, “Sure thing, little cousin. Thanks.”

Ben turned a little red. He knew I only called him that when he was being sweet.

A little while later, Ben brought me my coffee just the way I like it and Ben started to head down back to my bedroom and said, “I’ll let you know when I’m done for today. I’m gonna leave the door open so let me know if the lecture gets too annoying or whatever.”

Ben sat opposite me at the dining room table while he ate his bowl of cereal.

I looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

“What?” Ben asked self-consciously.

“Dairy before hitting the gym?” I asked.

“Oh, yeah. It’s not gonna be a tough workout; I don’t want to make myself puke or anything,” Ben said.

Ben finished his cereal, asked if he could borrow my car, and headed out to the gym.

I sat in silence, trying to get through my work for the day as quickly as possible, and I could hear Dillon’s lecture very faintly coming from the other side of the apartment.

A few hours had gone by, and I was getting close to being caught up with work when Dillon came out into the living room.

“Study break?” I asked.

“Nope, I’m done for today,” Dillon said.

I checked the time and noticed it had been almost three hours.

“Wow! Time is going by really fast today,” I said.

“Yeah, and there aren’t going to be any more live lectures. It’s all just going to be reading and getting through the worksheets. I’ll have to go back for the test in a few weeks, but now it’s learn at my own pace so I don’t HAVE to be online at a specific time, so that’s nice,” Dillon explained.

“That IS nice,” I said. “I’m thinking of e-mailing my boss and asking if I could work my own hours for the next few weeks or take some PTO,”

“That could be cool,” Dillon said. “Then you wouldn’t have to be up and at your computer at a certain time every day, either.”

“I mean, I can technically work from anywhere if I use my phone as a hotspot,” I said.

“Do you know when Ben is coming back?” Dillon asked.

“I was actually expecting him to be home by now,” I said. “Can you check where he is by tracking his phone?” I asked.

“Yeah, I forgot we’re all sharing our locations with each other,” Dillon said as he reached into his pocket to pull out his phone.

“It’s almost like we’re already a throuple,” I said with a grin.

“Almost,” Dillon said. “Or just three guys that are really close friends.”

“So close, that sometimes we’re inside each other for extended periods of time,” I said with an even bigger grin.

Dillon laughed and said, “Okay, fair enough. Maybe it’s already happened, and we haven’t labeled it. Looks like he’s still at the gym.”

“He’s probably taking his time, so he’s not just sitting in silence by himself when he gets back,” I said. “It’ll be a nice surprise for him to find us done with our work today by the time he gets home.”

“I have an idea,” Ben said. “I’ll need your help after I change.”

“Okiedoke,” I said. “Take your time because I’m going to put in this request with my boss to see if I can work more flexible hours or if he’d rather I just take time off.

A few minutes later, Ben came back out into the living room wearing nothing but the high-heel stripper shoes, the leather chest harness, the ankle cuffs, and the wrist cuffs.

“Tie me up like you did to Ben, so I’m just spread and waiting when he walks in,” Dillon said. “But we have to hurry because he just left,” he continued as he looked at his phone.

Ben put his phone on the dining room table and turned around, facing away from me. He put his hands behind his back, where I tied them together and strung them up through the center eye screw at the top of the cased opening. I tied his ankles to the eye screws that were in the bottom corners and pulled his feet just far apart where he was balancing on his toes and bent over at the waist.

“Do you want to warm me up?” Dillon asked.

“No,” I said. “I think Ben should go first this time, but I’ll put a butt plug in you to start stretching you a bit. Then you can suck my dick to get yourself even hornier.”

“Sounds good to me,” Dillon said.

“Just hang out for a minute. I’ll be right back,” I said.

Dillon sighed and said, “You’re never going to run out of these stupid puns, are you?”

“Probably not,” I said with a smile.

I went to my room, got some lube, and a butt plug. I came back to the living room, but a small amount of lube on Dillon’s tight, pink, puckered asshole and some lube on the butt plug.

I dropped my shorts to mid-thigh and stood in front of him, wagging my dick in his face. He found it with his mouth and started sucking. I started fingering his hole, working the lube in, and then I started to slowly push the butt plug in. There was a little bit of resistance and then finally it popped into place.

I held his head in place and fucked his face for a few seconds before pulling my shorts back up and going back to sit at my computer.

“Ben’s home,” I said as I checked my phone. “Hang in there!”

“Oh, my God. These puns are so stupid!” Dillon said.

I went back to checking e-mail, occasionally looking over the top of my laptop to see Dillon’s legs flexing to keep his balance and his spread ass plugged with a bright blue jewel.

“Looks like my boss said I can work whenever I want, as long as I don’t leave e-mails unanswered for too long; he said 1-2 business days. So I kinda get PTO without having to use PTO,” I said happily.

Ben walked in the front door, looking a little tired and sweaty.

“Hey,” Ben said.

“Hey,” I said in return. “I just got an e-mail from my boss saying I can basically work whenever I have time for the next few weeks as long as I keep up with e-mails.”

“Nice!” Ben said.

“Yeah, I was just telling Dillon,” I said.

“Oh? Where’d he go?” Ben said looking at the empty couch.

“He’s in here, waiting for you,” I said.

“If he’s under the table…” Ben said annoyedly.

“Nope, take a look,” I said as I nodded toward the other side of the dining room that was outside of Ben’s view from where he was standing. He walked all the way into the dining room and saw Ben strung up and waiting.

“Is that what I looked like?” Ben asked as he set his things down.

“Pretty much,” I said. “You both have that lean twink look going on. He’s all yours. I figured you can go first this time.”

“What’s up, slut?” Ben asked Dillon as he walked around to stand in front of him.

“Just hanging out,” Dillon said.

“See? You can’t help it!” I said with a laugh.

“Dammit!” Dillon exclaimed.

Ben dropped his shorts to his ankles and stepped out of the pile of clothes, pushing them to one side with his foot. He was left standing there in his compression shirt and jockstrap. He pulled his dick out from the side of the pouch of the jockstrap and started to tug on his dick and smack it on Dillon’s face.

“Open up,” Ben said.

Dillon opened his mouth, accepted Ben’s dick, and started sucking. Ben held Dillon by the head and slowly pumped in and out of his mouth. Once he was rock hard, he walked around behind Dillon, pulled the plug out, set it down on the floor next to him, and slowly started to work his dick into Dillon’s ass.

Dillon jumped with surprise, but he wasn’t able to go anywhere since he was so tightly restrained in my contraption.

Ben grabbed the back of Dillon’s leather chest harness and used it as leverage to push his dick all the way into Dillon’s ass. Once he was all the way in, Ben started fucking Dillon at a steady pace. I sat at my computer, watching and enjoying the show. Ben’s ass perfectly framed by the straps of his jockstrap and Dillon’s legs spread just far enough for him to have to work to stay on his feet in those high-heels.

After a few minutes, Ben reached in front of Dillon and started to stroke his dick while he fucked his ass. Dillon started to cum almost immediately and Ben said, “Oh, fuck. It feels so good when your ass grips my dick while you’re cuming.” Ben let go of Dillon’s dick, put both his hands firmly on Dillon’s waist, and pumped his ass hard and fast until he came.

Ben pulled out of Dillon’s ass, picked up his shorts, wiped his dick off with his shorts, tucked his dick back into his jockstrap pouch and said, “Fuck, that was exactly what I needed.”

I had been watching all of this, and I was rock hard. I stood up and walked over to Ben. I slapped Dillon’s ass as I passed him, and we stood in front of Dillon, and I said, “My turn.”

I bent Ben over right in front of Dillon. We were maybe four feet away from him, and he was holding his head up to watch as I slipped my dick up Ben’s ass. I stood Ben up, put an arm around his chest and put my other hand into the pouch of his jockstrap to fondle his dick and balls as I pumped deep inside of him.

Ben was whimpering with pleasure, and then I bent him over so his hands were touching the floor, and his legs were spread apart as I grabbed his hips and pounded him hard and fast until I came deep in his ass.

I pulled my dick out of Ben’s ass slowly, picked up the shorts he used to wipe himself off, and wiped myself off. Ben was lying on the floor, catching his breath, and Dillon was still just hanging out.

I walked over to untie Dillon from the eye screw above him, but left his hands tied behind his back, and as he stood up straight, Ben put his mouth on Dillon’s dick and started sucking.

I pulled my underwear and shorts back up and sat on the couch to watch. Ben was taking his time and was lightly pumping his dick into Ben’s mouth. Dillon was fondling Ben’s balls with one hand and feeling around for the butt plug with the other hand. He found it and raised it up to Dillon’s ass, and pushed it in just as Dillon started cumming in Ben’s mouth. Ben used both of his hands to work Dillon’s shaft and milked every last drop out into his mouth.

Ben stood up and wiped his mouth with his thumb and then stuck his thumb in Dillon’s mouth.

Ben reached around behind Dillon, untied his wrists, and came to sit next to me on the couch.

Dillon reached down to his left ankle, untied the rope, and then over to the right ankle, and untied the rope. He pulled the rope out through the D-rings on the ankle cuffs, and then came to sit next to me on the other side of the couch.

“That was fun,” Dillon said.

“Fuck yeah, it was,” Ben agreed.

“I actually liked watching more than I thought I would,” I said.

“You’ve always liked watching,” Ben said.

“True,” I said. “But watching you take him like that was pretty hot. Especially since he had nowhere to go and he was so into it.”

“Well, you had me tied up, and you teased me for a good while before Ben got here,” Dillon said.

“And it worked perfectly,” I said.

“So now what?” Ben asked.

“I don’t know about you, but I could use a nap,” I said.

“Let’s do it!” Dillon said.

“Mind if I take a shower first?” Dillon asked. “I’m smelly from the gym.”

“Go for it,” I said. “Just don’t wake us up when you come in.

We all got up and walked to my room. I closed the light-blocking curtains, sending my room into pitch darkness. Dillon got on the bed, still wearing the ankle and wrist straps, high heels, and chest harness.

I kicked off my shoes and got in bed. Dillon immediately put his head on my shoulder, his arm across my chest, and his leg over my legs.

Ben came into my room, holding a towel and fresh clothes

“You don’t mind if I use your bathroom, do you?” Ben asked.

“Of course not,” I said. “There’s plenty of room for you to join us.”

Ben took a quick shower and came out wearing a clean jockstrap and knee-high baseball socks. He got in bed next to me and copied Dillon’s pose. Ben put his head on my other shoulder, put an arm across my chest and Dillon’s arm, and put a leg across my legs and Dillon’s leg. I was the meat in this twink sandwich, and it was fantastic. We all fell asleep shortly after Ben settled in.

We only slept for about an hour and a half, which isn’t terrible for a mid-afternoon Summer nap.

“That’s exactly what I needed,” Dillon said.

“Me, too,” Ben and I both agreed.

“You guys don’t mind if I keep this on, do you?” Dillon asked.

“As long as you don’t mind that this is as dressed as I get for the rest of the day,” Ben said as he reclaimed his Osiris D3 2001’s and put on a spiked leather collar.

“Fine with me,” I said.

“Do you mind?” Ben asked as he handed me a butt plug and rolled over to face away from me. “I want to be a little more prepared for the next time.”

“I absolutely don’t mind,” I said as I spread his butt cheeks with one hand and worked the plug into his ass with another hand.

Ben jumped a little and said, “Cold!”

“Sorry,” I said with a grin.

We lay in the dark and relaxed for a little bit until I felt a hand working its way into my waistline.

“Are you ready to give me what you wouldn’t earlier?” Dillon asked.

“I’m sure I can manage,” I said with a smirk.

Ben reached into my shorts and started fondling my balls.

Dillon sat up and put his mouth on my dick, and started sucking.

Once he got me hard, he pulled the plug out of his ass, and straddled me in reverse cowgirl. He held onto his heels as he started to gyrate his hips and I took the opportunity to connect the wrist cuffs to the ankle cuffs using the double-sided bolt snaps that were still attached to the wrist cuffs.

Ben got up, pulled out his plug, and got on his hand and knees in front of Dillon, coaxing Dillon’s dick into his ass. It took a little bit of work and adjusting, but Dillon was able to stick his dick in Dillon’s ass while still riding me in reverse cowgirl.

We found a pretty good rhythm and I could tell we were all getting close to coming. I said, “First one to cum has to make dinner.” The boys laughed and I reached up and started pinching Dillon’s nipples.

Dillon’s wrists were still attached to his ankles so he couldn’t push my hands away, and he said, “No fair!” I started to thrust into his ass as I played with his nipped and Ben started to work his ass all the way down to Dillon’s balls when suddenly Dillon cried out in pleasure.

“Oh, fuuuuuuck!” Dillon said as I could feel his asshole pulsing around my dick.

I let go of his nipples and held onto the back of his chest strap as I pumped my load into his ass.

Ben stood up and put his dick in Dillon’s mouth and skull fucked him.

Ben and I came at the same time, filling Dillon’s holes with yet another load of hot, sticky semen.

Dillon swallowed Ben’s load and licked his dick clean before I undid the bolt snaps and let him up.

Ben reached behind himself and put his finger in his ass. He showed the tip of his finger covered in jizz and said, “You came first,” to Dillon.

Dillon was laying on his back with a stupid smile on his face.

“Totally not fair. You know my nipples are sensitive,” Dillon said to me.

“Who said anything about fair?” I asked with a laugh.

“Just put an apron on. You’re perfect just like that,” Ben said.

“I’ve got so many loads in me now, but I’m still gonna plug up. I’ll try to empty my ass after dinner,” Ben said.

“Me, too” said Dillon in agreement as he also put his butt plug back in.

Ben put on a short-sleeve compression shirt that could’ve been about one size too small. So now he was wearing a spiked collar, a skin-tight t-shirt, a jockstrap, knee-high baseball socks, and his well-worn Osiris D3 2001’s.

Dillon was wearing leather wrist and ankle cuffs, a leather chest harness, and high-heeled stripper shoes.

I was wearing a t-shirt, basketball shorts, no-show socks, and DC Spartan Highs that I borrowed from Dillon. I have no idea what happened to the underwear I was wearing earlier. I’m pretty sure the socks were from Ben’s side of the dresser, but it didn’t really matter.

“Do you need the locks on those cuffs or are you going to behave?” I asked Dillon.

“Hmm, better not risk it,” Dillon said playfully. “I’ll be right back.” The click-clack of his high heels faded away as he walked down the hallway.

“Are we really going to fuck like this all day every day?” Ben asked.

“Who knows. Probably,” I said.

“Just wondering if it’ll ever get old,” Ben said.

“I’m sure it will, but right now the novelty is fun and everyone is all horned up, so just enjoy it while it lasts,” I said.

Dillon came back with the four little brass locks in his hand and asked, “Do you mind?”

He sat on the bed next to me and I locked each of his wrists and ankles. Dillon handed me the keys and said, “I’ll take them off when you say I can,” with a hint of submissiveness in his voice.

“Such a good little slut,” I said.

“So what are you making for dinner?” Ben asked.

“I don’t know, I’m pretty full now,” Dillon said as he wiped the corners of his mouth.

“I bet you are. You’re such a good cumslut,” Ben said as he spanked Dillon’s ass.

“Ooh, I felt that in the plug. That was nice,” Dillon said. “I’ll figure dinner out. I know there’s a bunch of stuff in the fridge that needs to get eaten before it goes bad.”

“Aww, such a responsible cum slut,” I said as I caressed one of his nipples.

Dillon’s dick immediately started to get hard.

“Are you serious?” I asked.

“I TOLD you they were sensitive!” Dillon said embarrassedly.

“Don’t be embarrassed! This might be my favorite new toy,” I said as I gently twisted the other nipple.

“Stooooop, I can only cum so much,” Dillon said playfully.

I stopped playing with his nipples, and he turned to walk away. I slapped his butt, and he made a little moan of pleasure.

Dillon got in the kitchen, put on an apron, and got to work. We, of course, asked if he needed help, and he said, “No, no. I lost fair and square. I got this.”

A short while later, Dillon brought out a platter full of cheeseburgers surrounded by fries.

“Wow! That looks great!” I said as he walked back into the kitchen to grab the condiments.

“The food or my ass?” Dillon asked playfully.

“I wanna eat both, so… both!” I said.

“You’re such a kiss-ass,” Ben said.

“That’s what I’m trying to do. Maybe even a little brown-nosing,” I said.

“Oh, my God. Did you get him pregnant or something? These dad jokes are awful,” Ben said with a laugh.

We had dinner, watched TV, and relaxed together. At the end of the night, we all showered and went to bed.

The next morning, I was woken up to Ben fucking Dillon on the bed, right next to me, in doggy style. I was immediately turned on and started stroking my dick as I watched them fuck. Ben noticed I was awake and said, “Are you going to join or just watch?”

I got up on my knees and put my dick next to Dillon’s face. He turned his head and started sucking my dick. I put my hand on the back of his head and shoved it down on my dick until I was hitting the back of his throat.

Once I got nice and slobbery, I got behind Ben, spread his ass cheeks, spit on his asshole, and slipped my dick up his ass. I stood still and let Ben do all the work. He was thrusting his hips, fucking Dillon and his own ass at the same time with every thrust. I put my hands on his shoulders and started to thrust when he was coming toward me.

“Oh, fuck!” Ben exclaimed.

I let him continue fucking Dillon for a few minutes when finally, I grabbed his hair, yanked back on his head, and jackhammered his asshole.

I fucked him long and hard until I came deep inside his ass. I pulled out and he slowly continued to fuck Dillon as I stood up on the bed, facing Ben, and put my dick in his mouth. He cleaned my dick off, sucking it hard and licking my balls.

I got down from the bed, and Ben finished inside Dillon’s ass. My jizz was leaking out of Ben’s ass.

I said to Ben, “Sit on his face so he can clean you up.”

Dillon rolled over to lay on his back, and Ben squatted over his face as Dillon buried his face in Ben’s ass.

“Your turn,” I said to Dillon.

They swapped positions and repeated the process.

Once they were all cleaned off, I said, “I’m gonna take a quick shower.”

“Me, too,” Ben and Dillon said together.

I went to my bathroom, closed the door behind me, and got in the shower.

A few minutes later, Dillon came in and closed the door.

“Do you mind if I join you?” Dillon asked.

“Of course not,” I said.

Dillon got in the shower with me and got under the water.

I was washing my body and handed him a loofah as I turned around to face away from him.

“Do you mind?” I asked.

Dillon started washing my back wordlessly. Taking his time with the soapy lather.

He got down to my lower back and then my ass and said, “I didn’t get to finish this morning.”

“Shame,” I said a little sarcastically.

“The real shame would be letting a perfect opportunity pass me by,” he said just before he put his dick in my ass.

I put my hands up on the wall to brace myself and said, “Fuck me like you mean it!”

Dillon grabbed my waist and started thrusting into me all the way down to his balls. It felt so good to be taken in the shower by a varsity baseball player. He was in peak physical condition, hairless, and I was at his mercy.

“Where do you want it?” he asked. I could tell he was getting close to finishing.

“Inside me,” I said in between thrusts. “I want it deep inside all day.”

Dillon finished inside me with half a dozen spasms. It was a HUGE load; I could feel it filling me up.

He reached out of the shower and felt around the sink until he found what he was looking for. A metal butt plug with a blue jewel.

He pulled his dick out of my ass and quickly replaced it with the butt plug.

“Let’s see how long you can keep this in,” he said as he kissed the back of my neck and nibbled my ear.

We finished showering, got dressed, and went out into the living room.

Ben was sitting on the couch in a t-shirt, basketball shorts, mismatched socks, and a pair of Dillon’s DCs.

“So…” Ben started. “When are we gonna talk about what’s going on?”

“What’s going on?” I asked, thinking he heard us fucking in the shower.

“I’m having fun,” Ben said, “and I think you both are, too. But, is this going anywhere, or are we just having an orgy every day until Dillon goes home?”

“Oh, are we doing this now?” Dillon asked as he sat next to Ben.

“Looks like it,” I said as I sat next to Dillon.

“What does everyone want to do?” Ben asked.

“Well, I’m just going to put this out there, and if anyone has a better idea, say so now,” I said. “Why don’t we write down what each of us wants, and we all flip it over at the same time?”

“Seems like the least awkward way to do this,” Ben said.

“Sure,” Dillon agreed.

I took a piece of paper, tore it into thirds, and handed each of them to Ben and Dillon with a pen. We each wrote something and placed it face down on the coffee table. We stared at the strips of paper for a few moments in awkward silence before I started shuffling the strips like a three-card monte.

Ben rolled his eyes and Dillon giggled.

“You’re so lame,” Ben said.

“Pick one,” I said to Ben.

He flipped the one in the middle over.

“Throuple” it said, in my handwriting.

“Your turn,” I said to Dillon.

He hesitated a moment and picked the one on the left.

“Throuple” it said in his own handwriting.

“Last one. What are the odds it matches?” I said.

I flipped it over, and it said, “Throuple” in Ben’s handwriting.

We all sat in stunned disbelief for a moment.

“Well, I guess it’s settled,” I said. “We’re officially a throuple.”

“Neat” Dillon said.

“So, how’s this gonna work?” Ben asked.

“No idea,” I said. “You two aren’t out at school, so it’s not like you’re going to walk across campus holding hands. You’ll obviously be spending more time together between school and sports, but we’ll have the evenings and weekends. Dillon already has a key and closet space. Seems like this was just a formality.”

“Pretty much,” Dillon said. “Looks like a lot more sleepovers are going to be happening in the future.”

“Ben is such a good tutor, and his cousin is always home to make sure we don’t get into trouble,” Ben said in a mock Dillon voice.

“Good one,” I said.

So, that’s how it started.

Next time, I’ll tell you about how Ben and Dillon made money selling used/worn sports gear.

Thanks for reading!


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