Taking My Boss in the Locker Room

A gay sex story: Taking My Boss in the Locker Room

You never really know a guy until you know his kinks. I mean really think about it…if you’re here, then I’m guessing there are sexual things about you that the people you are closest to would be shocked to discover…Right? Maybe they would look at you in a different light.

So…James was my boss. He was SUCH a cool guy, I loved working with him. He always had my back, and I really looked up to him.

I always felt he liked me as an employee because I was so by the book, yet had a great report with my members.

This story takes place several weeks after me and Miguel…you can find that story if you haven’t read it already on my profile. It will make this make more sense.

A lot of the other gym managers would dress for work like they were gonna go workout at any minute…not James. He would wear these silky, tight-fitted button-downs that clinged to his body like a wet t-shirt. Let me put it this way, I knew he had a 6-pack, albeit I had never seen him with his shirt off.

His body was in competition shape. Muscles everywhere, vascular and cut. He was blonde-ish (more dirty blonde) with piercing eyes. I have to laugh because I never really realized how much I paid attention to the details of this man. ALL the girls wanted him. Many guys too. Members would pretend to have issues just to go spend time with him in his office. Sometimes I would feel sorry for him when that type of attention would come his way.

He was super straight-laced, almost dorky, with these thick rimmed glasses. And he was a career minded professional.

I had a bit of a crush on him but not a physical one…If that makes sense…more like I was attracted to his authoritative ease. He just seemed like he was in total control. But physically I wasn’t turned on by him. Anytime we shared space, I would feel self conscious and nervous; he was an imposing guy that’s for sure. I always wanted to have his leadership confidence.

Anyway, I was reeling from events that had happened earlier that day with Miguel. I was so numb I didn’t care if members could tell that I had been crying.

Closing time came and James was there working on his audit…so I thought. I was doing my walk through, making sure nobody was still working out. When I got back to the desk the phone rang.

“Hey James!” I answered, having noted the caller ID.

“Come into my office please,” His voice, unreadable. If I was allowing myself to feel emotion, I would have been super nervous at this point. James liked me, and was so friendly…But I have seen him toss out members and fire employees. You don’t want to be on his naughty list.

I go in, not knowing what to expect. I have a seat while he is staring away from me, looking at some expense report, or something on his computer. He begins without addressing me with eye contact.

What could this be? Am I in trouble? I’m a great employee…Is this a raise or a promotion?

“You know, I’m really disappointed in you.”

…Definitely not a promotion

He finally looks over at me. I’m confused. What could he be talking about? Just as I have time to wonder, he pulls out his phone and shows me a screen recording of our security cameras. It shows me and Miguel exiting the locker room.


And long after hours.

What can I say? I mean it would have been easy to lie and say that the shower head broke and Miguel helped me to fix it. Or something?

But I felt a steely dangerous fire stirring inside me. It was a rough shift, and I didn’t like the way he confronted me. It angered me.

“I’ve seen you with this member before. Why were you spending so much time in the locker room after hours?” He demanded an answer and I couldn’t avoid it. I just sat there quietly for what seemed like an eternity.

“Are you gonna tell me what this is?” He presses. Something in his voice…I couldn’t quite place it…but there was something there.

“What do you think it is?” I retort. I know he’s taken back because I’m usually so agreeable. This is the part where a Brooks with more fucks to give would start apologizing profusley, begging for his job and good standing.

“What it looks like to me, is that you are spending time on the clock engaging in possible…behaviors, with one of our members.”


How could I have been so dumb. When Miguel and I were getting it on in the locker room, I was still clocked in! It must have flagged the system…James would have then checked the security cameras. I knew enough to know that HR doesnt take kindly to “stealing” company time, and definitely not to have sex. This was grounds for immediate termination, no matter how great of an employee you were.

I looked up at him. I must have seemed like a total badass. I wasn’t. My voice however was low, unnaturally calm. When I spoke next I almost purred. “I could show you, better than I can tell you.” At this moment I knew I had him. He broke for just a microsecond. He didn’t show much, but it was there. Just a hard swallow and a slight dilation of his pupils. I get up and tower over him. “Stand up.”

I proceed to go into the locker room. James follows. I avoid the shower Miguel and I fucked in…it just didnt feel right to take James there. Instead I go to the larger handicap shower and turn the water on. It begins to steam.

I stand in the water soaking my clothes. I must have seemed completely mad. “You wanted to know what we were doing right?” I said to him. This is the point of no return.

He stands on the outside of the shower as I get drenched. He takes a step closer…closer. I reach out and pull him in. For a brief moment we just stood there. My eyes trained on him. He was looking down and away from me. But I knew he wanted it. He just needed permission. I reached out and gently moved his face to mine.

He was pouty…almost sobbing. I leaned in so close to him and saw his eyes half close and his lips pucker out.

Our lips touched. It was slow and sweet. Like Miguel. But I didn’t want slow and sweet, not right now. I began to kiss him more deeply than before. I removed the tie shackling his neck and let it fall to a wet thud on the ground. I reached for his top button, and with one quick motion yanked his shirt open clean down the middle, sending buttons ricocheting all over the shower.

He yelped in surprise. Honestly, I surprised myself.

I remove his belt and drape it around my neck, as I get his pants down around his ankles. I pull his underwear off and his rock hard 6.5 inch cock springs up at me. I was glad to know he was enjoying it.

I take his belt and tie his hands behind his back. Gently caressing his body, I slowly made my way up to his soaked hair. I grab a handful of it and pull. That in combination with his hands behind his back, and his pants around his ankles, makes him fall to his knees.

I stand back for a moment just to admire my handiwork. He was panting, bright red and staring at me with a look of resentment. There was guilt there, as if I had found his dirty secret. But also there was desire. Years and years of wanting to be treated like this. It was like I was seeing the real him for the first time. The James that I looked up to…the James that hired me…the James that almost was a big brother type figure to me – always in control, always so on top of everything, was on his knees begging me to take him.

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