Prison Bitch Ch. 04


A gay sex stories: Prison Bitch Ch. 04

Riley held Dylan’s head and pumped inside his mouth. The blond really had a way of holding those plump lips of his perfectly wrapped around Riley’s cock, and they felt as good as a fucking pussy. Yeah, Dylan was fucking right, his ass being on a different level and shit, because Riley had had it just a little earlier, but now he was starting to get why it must have been easy for this feisty blond to get the Best Oral Performer prize.

“Fuck, you mouth feels like a pussy,” he praised and hiked his hips off the bunk bed to push more into Dylan’s mouth.

The green eyes glared at him, and Riley half-expected the obnoxious little fucker to move his lips away as punishment. Instead, Dylan just added more tongue, pushing it out and reaching the balls when he went all the way.

“Wow, baby,” Riley drawled and grinned. “That’s how you want to do me?”

There was another kind of challenge in Dylan’s eyes. Riley liked it. He liked bitches with attitude, and Dylan was one. And boy, was Riley glad that the Niners hadn’t managed to break him completely. He had to be careful around this beautiful bitch. Women tended to mess with his head, and because of them, he tended to do stupid things. He pushed Dylan’s head into his crotch with more strength, making the bitch moan around his cock. The little fucker liked it a bit rough, go figure.

Riley caressed his cheek and then slapped it gently. Dylan moaned louder. Oh, fuck, he was kinky, too. So Riley grabbed a hold of Dylan’s hair at the back of his head and pulled his head away. Dylan stared at him with his mouth slack, his eyes gone, and breathing hard.

“Tongue out,” Riley ordered.

Dylan obeyed.

“Yeah, suck my cock like this now. Make sure to lick my balls while at it.”

Without being told twice, Dylan delved in. Fuck, Riley was starting to go all crazy about that mouth. It was hot and tight on his cock, and his obedient tongue was lapping at Riley’s coconuts like they were fucking ice cream.

“Alright, go sit over there, on your knees,” Riley said roughly and pointed at the middle of the cell.

Dylan scrambled to his feet and hurried to submit. He remained there, head tilted back, tongue lolling out, his fists resting on his knees, and trembling with anticipation. Fuck, the guy was sex on a stick, Riley thought. He got to his feet, too, cock in hand, pumping it hard.

He rested his other hand on Dylan’s forehead, adjusting his position for shooting. The guy’s eyelashes fluttered and he closed his eyes, as Riley began shooting all over him. Soon, there was cum on his forehead, in his hair, over his closed eyelids, on his nose, and very little in his mouth. To correct that, Riley wrung his cock dry of its last drops directly above Dylan’s tongue. The blond began to play with them, rolling the cum he found in his mouth.

“Yeah, baby, like this,” Riley cooed. “How is it?”

Dylan closed his mouth and swallowed. As he opened his eyes, too, there was cum hanging from his eyelids. “You know you taste fucking great, Riley. I bet your women always tell you that.”

Riley laughed and flicked Dylan’s nose playfully. “I want to know what this woman says.”

“Oh, fuck you,” Dylan protested.

“Fuck me? Nice joke, kiddo. You’re the one getting fucked. Come straddle my crotch. I want you to earn your keep.”

Dylan grinned and wiped the cum from his eyes. “You just came, Riley.”

“And I have great rebound. You’ll see.”

“Alright, cannot argue. But what is this about me earning my keep? I thought I was your woman, your princess and shit.”

“Princess, huh?” Riley grabbed Dylan by the scruff of his neck, as they were both standing now. “Where do you get these ideas? I never treat women like princesses and all that. I like putting my cock in them too damn much.”

“Too bad. I thought you were a gentleman,” Dylan said with a knowing grin.

“Where the fuck did you hear that?”

“Sean tells everyone. Cobra wants us to behave like gentlemen, because that’s what he is. Yeah, this is what he says.”

“Damn Sean. Fuck, that reminds me. I’ll have to break it to the boys that you’re mine alone now.”

“Do you mean that I earned my position?” Dylan came closer.

Riley pushed his face away and chuckled. “Damn, you stink of spunk. My little cum dumpster princess.”

Dylan didn’t seem to take it to heart, because he sauntered toward the sink and began washing his face. “Should I brush my teeth, too? Or you don’t mind kissing your woman’s mouth if it’s your jizz?”

Riley smirked. That was one guy full of spunk. He eyed the curve of that plump ass while Dylan got busy at the sink. “Wash that filthy mouth. Not because I jizzed in it, but because you love talking smack too much.”

Dylan obeyed but he kept stealing glances over his shoulder at Riley. Fuck, if only Lola looked at him like that once in a blue moon. But she only cared about being fussy and a total bitch these days. Dylan looked at him like he owed Riley everything. Yeah, a little bit of gratitude wasn’t a bad thing to have. Riley kind of liked it, and he wanted to see more of it.


Dylan moved to straddle Riley’s thighs, as the man had ordered earlier. Now, that was a good boss to have for a change. He didn’t even dare to think about the things he had gone through before. A thoughtless, airheaded bitch, that was what he had been when he had set foot in this place. Now, being under Riley’s thumb was fucking great. And boy, the guy had a cock to die for.

The anxiety from before was slowly pouring out of him. Riley had promised him to turn him into his official prison bitch. Even if he laughed about it, he was kind of a gentleman, too. For the first time in a long time, Dylan could look up to the next morning. Before, it had been nothing but dread.

“Thinking of that guy, Fred?” Riley asked him in a rough voice while holding his hips.

Dylan grinned. “Jealous?”

“Pfft, I don’t get jealous. Told ya.” Riley’s signature devilish grin crept up his lips again.

Maybe he was saying so, but Dylan thought otherwise. Riley was a man of means, someone who had come to money from nothing, or that was what the tabloids said about him. That meant that he wouldn’t take kindly to anyone who tried to steal something from him. He was possessive, and Dylan liked that about him. They couldn’t have been more different. Dylan’s family had been reasonably wealthy, but unreasonably rigid when it came to him liking to take it up the ass. Full of himself, he had turned his back on them, gotten high and ended up doing porn to get by. And then in jail. Boy, that had been a wakeup call.

Now, he was making nice for the meanest guy on the block, and despite what he had learned so far about prison, he had gotten himself a pretty sweet deal for a change.

“Will you kiss me like you kiss your women?” he asked and helped Riley slid his new erection inside his ass.

Riley pulled him close and rubbed his lips hard against Dylan’s mouth, forcing it open. That kind of thing made Dylan weak to the knees. Before, he had known only brutality, being slapped, kicked, pushed around by the Niners and their boss. James, the head asshole, especially liked to humiliate and hurt him. There had never been anything close to kissing, let alone this kind of power that Riley had over him by bringing their mouths together.


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