Prison Bitch Ch. 04

This man knew what he wanted. He was a charmer, too, and he liked using his force but not to dominate like a tyrant. He used it to make his partner understand that he was in good hands, protected.

Or maybe Dylan was reading too much into everything because he was an emotionally-starved bitch. Riley kissed him deeper, pushing his tongue in and then promptly slapped Dylan’s ass. “Get to work, girl,” he teased.

And he knew Dylan wasn’t into being called a woman or a girl. He was starting to think Riley just liked riling him up, to see what he would do. “Girl, huh? Would a girl give you a hard screw like this?” He squeezed his ass muscles and pulled up, making Riley grin and bite his lower lip. “How do you like it? Does your woman do it like this?”

“You make me want to put you two up to compete against each other,” Riley said and slapped his ass again.

Dylan felt the sting, but it only made him hotter for it. Had the Niners’ leader turned him into a bitch gagging for punishment, too? But no, Riley just spanked him playfully, like he had a beef with him, but a minor one, the kind that made his cock hard.

Dylan narrowed his eyes. “You enjoy this, don’t you? Provoking me to say stupid shit.”

“Aren’t you the one wanting to be allowed to speak freely? Do more of that, sweetie.” Riley smirked and smacked Dylan’s ass once more.

“Keep that up and I’ll ruin you for Lola and your conjugals.” Dylan glared for good measure, but his ass was twitching, not because he was ordering it to do it, but because he liked Riley spanking him.

“Put your money where, hmm, you ass is,” Riley challenged him some more. “Come on, sweetie, ride my cock. Do it like the pro you are.”

Dylan had to admit that Riley was bent on bringing the best and worst in him. He wrapped his hands around Riley’s throat and began bouncing his ass up and down. Riley grunted and tightened his neck muscles to fight back the slight choke.

“How do you like this?” Dylan challenged. “Oh, fuck, daddy.” His eyes were rolling in his head from all the pleasure building.

“Daddy?” Riley squeezed out the word. “I’m not that old.”

“Yeah, but you care for my ass,” Dylan breathed out and continued to ride his owner. “Daddy.”

Riley’s eyes flashed. Maybe he liked being called that for some reason. Dylan licked his lips and played with his tongue, the blue eyes set on him like fire. His hips were moving with more and more speed, until Riley grabbed him by the throat and made their mouths meet again. He held Dylan down on his cock and blew in his ass.

Damn, the man had spunk to feed an army of cum-hungry whores. Dylan loved that he was getting all of that inside him. Riley continued to kiss him even after his cock began to soften.

“Good work, sweetie,” Riley praised him and slid out of him.

Dylan lay on one side while Riley went to the sink and washed his cock. He watched him, his own cock twitching. Fuck, having proper sex with the right man was fucking everything. As experienced as he was, Dylan hadn’t had much of that in his life. Only scumbags.

Riley came back but didn’t lie on the bed, although there was plenty of room. He leaned against the top bunk and looked at him, with that intense blue gaze of him.

“Do you want me to get to my bed?” Dylan asked.

Riley shook his head. He had a lopsided grin that Dylan had no idea what to make of.

“You’ll sleep with my cock in your mouth.”

Dylan laughed. “Wow. You know, it might get all wrinkly.”

“I don’t mind. I want you to drink some more milk from daddy.”

Dylan’s eyes grew wide. “Oh, you fucker. So you liked it, after all.”

Riley stretched. “Lola used to call me that when she wanted to buy some expensive shit. She got all pouty, begging on her knees. And she sucked me off for good measure until my balls were dry.”

“Used to? Not anymore?”

Riley shrugged. “Gave the gal as much as she can spend. She wants other stuff now.”

“Like a ring,” Dylan recalled.

“Yeah.” Riley moved to lie by his side. He stretched one arm and gestured for Dylan to rest his head on his shoulder. “And that’s so not going to happen.”

“Why?” Dylan caressed Riley, moving his fingers through the coarse dark hair on the manly chest. “Don’t tell me that you want your wife to be some high-class debutante with perfect pedigree. You know, the kind that’ll want picket fences and all that.”

“Nah. I don’t like fussy bitches. And I’m not going to reform for some woman’s sake. I just don’t see myself married. My folks had one shitty marriage. I just don’t want one.”

“Not all marriages are like that.”

“Maybe.” Riley didn’t add anything.

Dylan decided he shouldn’t talk anymore, either. Riley seemed lost in thought, probably recalling a shitty childhood. Dylan had had a good childhood, but a shitty coming of age. In life, you couldn’t be sure of anything.

“What’s with all the questions about that?” Riley suddenly asked. “Don’t tell me you want a ring, too.”

Dylan laughed. “Yeah, right. Maybe a cock ring.”

“Hmm, is that something I could use to discipline you?” Riley asked.

“I don’t think you could cage me if you tried,” Dylan teased back.

“Is that a challenge?” Riley ruffled his hair. “Don’t give me any reason to bring your ass back in line, is all I’m saying. Otherwise, you’re free to do whatever you want.”

“That’s very vague, Riley.”

“Deal with it. I love keeping you on your toes.” The man kissed Dylan’s head. “Now go to sleep. As soon as we’re out of lockdown, everyone’s going to know you’re taken.”

“Thank you, Riley,” Dylan said softly.


Riley stared at nothing, without being able to fall asleep. Yeah, Lola was starting to get aggravating with her pretentions to become his missus. If anything, Riley disliked a clingy bitch. Or a too demanding one. She was like a dog with a bone. And all that bickering didn’t lead to any fucking, and that had gotten him frustrated. While here, by his side, he had a nice little bitch, ready to lift his tail and get fucked, each time Riley wanted.

Nothing said Dylan wouldn’t become an annoying ass, too, given time, but for now, Riley had to admit that fucking that plump ass had felt a lot better than the last 10 fucks he had given Lola. Dylan liked to challenge him, too, but for now, he didn’t want stupid, impossible things. So yeah, his folks’ marriage had been shit, and that didn’t mean his would also be shit, but if it was with Lola…

Nah, she was a bitch through and through. Knowing to play her hand to get what she wanted, but a total shrew when she didn’t succeed. She must have thought him to be soft since she could spend so much cash and impress her bird-brained girlfriend with the latest purse or shoes. But cash was one thing. Riley liked being generous with the right people. Only chicks were allowed to think they could take him for a schmuck when it came to money. Anyone who had tried doing business with him had learned the hard way that he wasn’t playing.

He would have to cut ties with Lola. Fucking her had been fun, but if she was trying to wear him down with her insistence, she had to go. There was no way he would give her what she wanted, and she didn’t want to give him what he wanted. And he didn’t even want much. Just some nice blowjobs, pussy and ass. She was probably giving some of that to some shithead on the outside.

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