A Winter's Tale


A gay story: A Winter's Tale The train pulled into Brighton station exactly on time. It was Christmas Eve and it seemed like half the country was on the move, so I’d been expecting the traditional yuletide delays and endless apologies from bored-sounding tannoy announcers. But everything had gone very smoothly, and I’d even managed to get a seat for the last part of the journey from London. Watching the white frosted fields and cosy little towns racing past in the darkening afternoon I was feeling warm and quite festive, and suddenly excited to be going home to my family for the first time in a year.

I’m at university in the north of Scotland, pretty much as far from Brighton as you could get. As a result it’s quite a slog to get home and not cheap either. Anyway there are plenty of other distractions to keep a young man busy and occupied even in small town Scotland. There’s my studies, involving increasing hours of lectures, seminars and research. Then there’s a busy social life to keep up with. Living with friends for the first time, in a small house in the town, has been an amazing experience. Just being able to buy what you like to eat, sit up all night watching crap horror films, sleep in all day if there’s no lectures, have a sexy, naked, hard body in the bed with you when you wake up…ah, yes, that brings me to Paul.

I’d gone away to uni knowing that I was gay, constantly feeling horny, wanking about three times a day, and feeling absolutely terrified that I might finally have the chance to do something about it. The first term had been quite quiet, sexually speaking, as I’d settled in, got drunk too often and bonded with the disparate mix of people on my corridor in halls.

I’d joined quite a few different student societies too, notably the rowing club as I’d had a bit of previous experience of rowing at school, and found I was actually pretty good at it. There was also the constant pleasure of being surrounded by fit, muscular guys, and surreptitiously eyeing their cocks bulging in their lycra shorts didn’t exactly put me off either. The training sessions involved getting up really early, puffing and panting up and down a sometimes freezing stretch of water, then back to someone’s house for a cup of tea and a fry-up. It was great fun! Paul and I were on the same team, and shared much the same sense of humour, so we became firm friends pretty quickly. I vaguely knew that I quite fancied him. He was tall and solid, dark featured, and had great muscular legs. He also filled out a pair of lycra shorts very nicely, at both front and back but I knew he had a girlfriend, was a Christian, and led a fairly sedate life.

Until, that is, the Easter holidays of my first year. I was staying in Scotland, I had a part-time waiting job and badly needed some time and space to catch up on some research work in the library. Paul was also staying in town for the holidays, and as we lived fairly near each other he popped over to my place quite often. So when his boiler packed in a few days after the end of term, it was only natural he should turn to me for help. I, of course, said he was more than welcome to come and crash at mine, although it would involve us sharing my double mattress.

The first night he stayed was a pretty normal night really. We had a drink in the pub, came home, stayed up a while with a smoke and another drink, then got ready for bed. I couldn’t help but cast admiring glances his way as he stripped down quickly to a very fetching pair of faded grey cotton briefs, the bulge of his cock prominent in the worn pouch. It was unseasonably warm so he took his t-shirt off too, and I was able to surreptitiously get a good luck at his lean muscled torso and firm pecs. God! He really was a beautiful man. He had let his thick dark hair grow out a little bit over the term, and he now ran his fingers through it, settling it behind his ears. He had a couple of days growth of dark stubble, but the rest of his skin was creamy white, clear and healthy. His eyes were a beautiful hazel colour, large and fringed with thick dark lashes. He saw me looking at him, gave me a slightly bashful smile, and quickly got in between the sheets. I stripped down quickly too, turning my back to him so he wouldn’t see the little tent pushing out my jockey shorts, and slid onto my side of the bed leaving my clothes in a heap on the floor.

We lay side by side for a while, talking about this and that, then I yawned and reached up to turn off the light. The room was still quite well lit from the full moon shining onto the back of the house, and I remember hearing the steady rise and fall of Paul’s breathing as I drifted off into sleep…

I woke up, must have been some hours later, to feel a hand sliding up my inner thigh. I didn’t move, was hardly breathing, wondered if Paul was moving around heavily in his sleep? This half-formed question in my sleepy mind was answered almost immediately as the hand tentatively found the cotton edge of my boxers and worked it’s way underneath, travelling higher to stop just at the side of my heavy scrotum. I became aware that Paul was breathing heavily and I sensed that he had turned his body to face me. I didn’t know yet if he thought I was awake or not, but my cock had definitely woken up and was beginning to lengthen and thicken where it lay on my thigh.

I was feeling seriously aroused, though aware at the same time that Paul was straight and had a girlfriend. However, any misgivings I may have had about what was happening were quickly banished as Paul’s fingers tenderly cupped my hairy balls and I heard a sharp intake of breath. I moaned gently, as if in my sleep I hoped, and turned my body slightly towards him, opening my thighs a bit wider as I did so. Paul’s hand stopped abruptly, as did the heavy breathing, so I quickly settled myself and began to breath regularly and deeply, hoping this would just pass for restless sleep movements. A minute or so later his soft hand resumed it’s gentle caress of my hairy sack, then moved to circle the base of my throbbing hard prick. He gingerly moved his hand higher until my cock was lying flat on his palm, then he gently closed his fingers around my stiff shaft. There was another intake of breath as he felt it’s hardness and length.

I couldn’t very well play at sleep now, with a man’s hand wrapped around my swollen cock, so taking a chance, but still not saying anything, I slowly reached out my own hand and rested it on his bare hip on top of the elasticated band of his undies. Paul didn’t say anything but I felt his hand freeze around my cock. I began to make small circular movements with my hand, hoping to relax him enough that he’d carry on and after another few seconds passed I felt the first tentative movement of his fingers on my throbbing stiffy.

We were now lying facing each other and as he began slowly wanking me my hand slipped under the leg of his briefs. I laid my hand flat on his hip then slid it down over the smooth muscular expanse of his arse until I could cup his cheek in my hand. It felt amazing, solid and muscular when his arse tensed, as it first did on my contact, then smooth, meaty and round as he relaxed. I moved my hand around to his front, brushing his lightly haired belly, pulling out the front of his briefs as I did so. I could feel the weight of his prick pushing out his briefs, so I gently reached in and slipped my fingers around his length. His cock was fat and hard, filling my hand like a warm fleshy banana. Paul’s breath was coming in ragged pants, and he moaned softly as I moved my hand back to push his briefs onto his hairy thighs, exposing his prick in it’s full hardness. And still, neither one of us said a word…

I pushed back the bedclothes and manoeuvred myself between his bent legs, making Paul lie back on the rumpled mattress. Half kneeling over his panting frame I slowly drew his undies down over his arse, noticing in the strong white moonlight that flooded the bedroom that a patch of dark grey was highlighted on the pouch where his stiff tool had leaked precum. I could see his eyes were tightly closed. His hand had relinquished it’s hold on my cock when I moved, and he now put both arms behind his head, thrusting his chest out towards me.

I slowly leaned in towards his groin and as my nose made contact with the wiry hair on his balls, I breathed in the heady scent of an aroused male groin. I ran my tongue over his slightly sweaty balls and, as he gasped and wriggled slightly, I licked my way to the base of his cock. I tongued my way up his thick length until his massive swollen head was against my lips. I could feel his precum coating my lips with a slippery discharge so I opened them over his fat mushroom. He groaned, louder this time, and then louder again as I took him into my mouth, my lips stretched wide over his thick shaft.

I hadn’t given that many blow-jobs in my time, but I thought I knew roughly what I was doing, and Paul certainly seemed to enjoy the sensation. He wriggled again on the bed, gripping the sheets with his hands, and when I moved back to get a better angle on his cock, he raised his arse off the bed, panting to keep his length stuffed into my tight mouth. I grabbed his smooth arse cheeks and used them to pull him in and out of my mouth. His stiff prick slid easily in and out, his arse rhythmically clenching and softening, and time seemed to slow for a few minutes as I feasted on his large knob.

I found my fingers sliding over Paul’s smooth bum cheeks until they came to rest on each side of his crack. He strained upwards to fuck my mouth and as he relaxed before the next thrust I slipped a finger further along his damp, lightly haired arse crack and found his tightly puckered hole. I rubbed a finger over it, flattening the ring of damp hair around the hole, feeling the ridges of his muscle. The tip of my finger fit perfectly in his small hole and, using the natural lubrication from his sweaty cheeks, I slowly wiggled my finger inside. Paul let out a stifled gasp as my finger slid past his tight sphincter muscle but continued bucking his hips to drive his shaft into my eager mouth. Slowly, as he released after every thrust, my finger slid deeper and deeper into his guts until my knuckles came to rest against his straining hole. It was an incredible sensation for me, having my finger up my mate’s muscular bum, feeling the velvet softness of his insides, the heat and tightness where it gripped the base of my finger.

I moved my finger around in a small circular motion, and this movement inside his bowels seemed to prove the tipping point for Paul’s increasingly frantic thrusting. His faint moans suddenly built in intensity and speed. His hands grabbed my hair, just above my ears, and he held my head steady as he gave a small cry and his cock stiffened to a steel bar. His thrusts almost stopped. Sensing he was about to cum I tightened my lips around his shaft. He pulled his cock half way out of my mouth and slowly slid it in again a couple of times, then moaned and squirted a long jet of spunk against the back of my throat. This was followed by another, and another, and I swallowed his warm salty cum greedily, revelling in it’s taste and feel as it slid down my throat.

Eventually Paul’s thrusts stopped and I let his slippery knob out of my mouth and slowly withdrew my finger from his tight arsehole. A string of cum hung off my lip and I wiped it away. I eased myself up to straighten my back, which was having a weird cramp from being bent over so long. A minute or two passed as I kneaded the parts of my back I could reach and Paul recovered his breath. He gave a small cough and I looked up. He was looking at me, holding my eyes. I didn’t know what I’d see in his handsome face: fear, guilt, loathing? But instead he looked deep into my eyes, reached out a hand and stroked my cheek tenderly.

“I’d better go” he said, the first words since we’d gone to bed. That felt like days ago.

“No” I said quickly. “Stay. We both need some sleep.”

“OK” Paul said quietly. “OK.”

We lay down, side by side, and I pulled the blanket over us. My mind was a whirl with all that the night meant, but I must have fallen asleep despite this. In the morning, when I awoke, Paul was gone…


I eventually managed to get a taxi from the station and by the time it pulled up outside my parents house I was excited and anxious to get inside. Christmas had always been a pretty big deal in my family and, as we were now older and had left home, I knew my mum was looking forward to having her children home for a few days. My sister and her boyfriend had come down from Liverpool and my twin brother and his girlfriend had arrived from London yesterday, so my arrival completed the gathering.

It was great to see my family. I dumped my bags in the hall and enjoyed a frantic five minutes of hugs, kisses and ‘good to see you’ greetings before I noticed an unfamiliar figure had entered the kitchen and was leaning against the door frame. My brother made the introductions.

“Rich, this is Ben. Ben, meet Rich.” As we shook hands cheerfully I quickly took in the artfully tousled dark blond hair, even white teeth and lean build. On first impressions he was very cute. His voice was warm and light, with an unmistakeably American accent.

Matt, my brother, cleared his throat. “Ben was due to be going back to Ohio for the holidays, but something came up so he’s kind of stuck in Britain. He’s spending Christmas here, with us.”

“Great” I said. “Good to have you.” I gave Matt a questioning look that said ‘so what’s the story’, and got a clear ‘we’ll talk about this later’ look in return.

“I’m really looking forward to spending a traditional British Christmas with you guys” Ben said, with an easy smile. “It’s great of your folks to put me up like this.”

“Well, the more the merrier” I replied, smiling back, and as mum had just called us all for dinner we began to make our way to the dining room. It was a lovely evening, loads of food and wine and laughter, everybody catching up with everybody else’s news, and the house felt warm and cosy, twinkling with lights and decorations, a log fire burning brightly in the sitting room. I’ve always loved Christmas Eve, probably more than Christmas Day itself, as the anticipation of the ‘Big Day’ is still with you, the promise of the long drawn-out build-up to Christmas finally nearly arrived.

It was as I was helping to clear the dishes into the kitchen that Matt collared me in the hall.

“I hope you’re OK with this matey” he began quickly, flashing me a conciliatory grin. “Mum’s made up a bed for Ben on your bedroom floor. It was all very last minute, him coming here to stay, I’m sure he’ll explain it all to you later. I just wanted to check that it was OK with you.”

“Yeah, I guess so” I said. My room was pretty big and despite not having much of a chance to talk to Ben at dinner he seemed like a nice enough man. We’d caught each others eye a few times over dinner and smiled. I instinctively liked him, and he had a faintly geeky, slightly bookish look about him that I always found quite appealing.

Sure enough, when I eventually took my bags up to my old room a mattress was set out on the floor, the covers neatly folded back and a bag and some shoes arranged tidily against the wall. I’d already said my goodnights, and had a brief shower, as I was pretty knackered after my day spent travelling so I quickly stripped down to my brief undies and t-shirt and clambered into bed. I was just reaching out to the bedside table to turn the lamp off when the door opened slowly and Ben poked his head in the room. Seeing that I was awake he came in, closing the door after him.

“Hey, I wasn’t sure if you were still awake. Thank you so much for letting me crash with you” he said, moving to the side of the mattress. “I really appreciate it.”

“That’s fine” I replied. “Are you…uuhh…coming to bed now?”

“Yeah” Ben said, pulling off his jumper in one go. “It’s been a long day, huh?”

“Oh yes” I replied. “Scotland seems a long way away down here”. I was suddenly aware that Ben may be about to take his clothes off in front of me. “I just hope you’ll be comfortable enough down there.”

“Oh, I’m sure I’ll be fine” Ben said, unbuttoning his shirt and shucking it off his shoulders. Fuck, I thought, nice chest! He had a lean torso, tapering nicely from quite broad shoulders. His chest was covered (to my surprise) with a dark blond fur that curled up to the base of his throat and disappeared enticingly into the band of his jeans. His nipples were small and pink, standing out proud on defined pecs.

Ben reached over to his bag and took out a folded white t-shirt. He shook it out, gave a theatrical shiver and quickly put it on.

“It’s a bit parky, isn’t that what you guys say?” he asked with a smile.

“Yeah” I replied, then added cheekily “well done.”

“Why thank you” Ben deadpanned, raising an eyebrow. “I’m almost a native.” These last words were said in a faux English accent, and I laughed.

“So how come you’re spending Christmas with my nutty family rather than your own?” I enquired, propping myself up on one elbow.

“Well” Ben began, unbuttoning his jeans. “My family’s kind of imploded, if you know what I mean. My dad left my mom recently, she’s gone to her mom’s and I just couldn’t deal with all that shit right now. ‘Happy Christmas son!'” he finished, flashing a rather forced smile. “It could have been better timing.”

“Shit, you’re not wrong” I sympathised. “I’m sorry it’s turning so crap for you.”

Ben’s jeans hit the floor. Despite the rather intense news we were sharing I couldn’t resist a sly peek at his legs and I got a flash of snug-fitting white briefs before his t-shirt dropped down over his waist. Good legs though! And thighs! They looked very shapely in the warm orangey lamp-light, long and muscular, covered in a fuzz of lighter blond hairs. I looked up at Ben, and caught him looking straight back at me. Shit, maybe he knew I was checking him out….

Ben smiled at me, and ran a hand through his hair. “Hey, don’t worry. Your brother’s been a life-saver though. Not sure what I would have done if he hadn’t been around.”

Ben slipped between his own sheets and propped his pillows behind his back, maintaining our eye contact. We chatted on for a while, about family and England, his friendship with my brother (they were on the same course at uni), and the more we chatted the more comfortable and relaxed I felt with this relative stranger in my bedroom. He was funny, in a dry self-deprecating way, and had some amusing stories about what he and my brother got up to at university. I was feeling a connection to this man, a growing sense of attraction. Not just because physically he was extremely handsome (and just looking at him so intently was beginning to arouse me beneath the duvet) but also because of the way he listened to me, encouraged me to talk, laughed at my crap humour. And all the while, as we talked, we kept looking into each other’s eyes, smiling at each other, listening to each others words. I realised that I was flirting with him, and began to get a feeling that he was doing exactly the same with me …

After about half an hour or so, during which we talked about anything and everything, I had willed my erection down enough that I could get out of bed, needing to use the loo. When I came back into the bedroom, Ben was no longer lying on his mattress but was now kneeling on my bed and had put his face up close to the window.

He heard me come in. “Come look at this” he said excitedly. I made my way over to the bed and knelt up next to him, aware that our sides were nearly touching. I rubbed a patch in the condensation on the window and looked out. It was snowing!

“Isn’t it beautiful” Ben breathed beside me. “It’s magical!”

Sure enough the effect of the light snow on the houses and trees outside was almost like something from a fairytale. We were up quite high, in a house part way up a hill, and white covered roof tops stretched away in front of our eyes.

“Hang on” I said. “Let’s open the window.”

We leaned back, and I undid the catch on the old wooden frame. We both gave a small shiver as the shock of the cold night air touched our faces, but we were soon engrossed in watching the individual snowflakes falling silently onto the window frame and catching them in our hands for the second before they melted.

I noticed Ben give a little shiver.

“Are you getting cold?” I asked.

“A little” he said, but smiled to show that he was willing to put up with it.

Before I even thought about what I was doing, I gathered up the duvet from my bed and draped it around both our shoulders.

Is that OK?” I asked Ben and, when he nodded, we both wrapped a bit of the duvet around ourselves. Together but still separate.

“So…uuhh…you got anybody special in your life” Ben asked casually, apparently busy with flicking snow off the window cill.

“No” I replied. “There was somebody, for a while, but it didn’t work out. He…….”

I stopped suddenly as I realised ‘it’ was now out there. I hadn’t meant to talk about the ‘gay thing’ yet, I was carefully feeling my way around Ben, not quite sure yet if we were singing from the same song sheet.

He smiled. “He…” he murmured.

“Yeah, I….uhmmm…well, you know….” I finished lamely, looking away, suddenly bashful. When I did raise my eyes and look at Ben he was looking straight back at me.

“What about you?” I ventured. “Anybody…for you?”

“No” he said. He cleared his throat. “I was also involved with ‘a him’ for a while, back in the States, part of my coming over here for this exchange was to put a bit of distance between us.”

“Right” I said. “So you were…in love?”

“Were” Ben agreed. “Not now.” He smiled at me again. I suddenly felt light-headed, unaccountably nervous.

“It’s getting chilly isn’t it?” I motioned outside, the snow now falling more heavily. “Let’s shut the window.”

I leaned towards the latch at the same time as Ben, and our faces came up close to each other. I pulled the window closed, but Ben didn’t move away. I was aware of my heart thumping painfully in my chest, my breath caught in my throat. Ben’s face moved nearer to mine. I caught the scent of minty toothpaste as his breath caressed my face. I looked into his dark eyes, saw the mix of lust and anticipation, and thought I might explode if I held my breath much longer…our lips met. I breathed again.

His lips felt incredible. Silky, soft, firm, warm…all at the same time. I leaned in towards Ben, and turned my head. His tongue found mine, insistent and probing. I wrapped my arms around his back and melted into him.

We kissed for what felt like ages. Eventually, though my head was spinning, I became aware of something poking into the top of my thigh and looking down I saw that he had sprung a stiffy in his briefs, the large round head straining against the white cotton, a small damp spot staining the point where his cock poked out the fabric.

My heart was racing, my breathing shallow, but I tentatively lowered my hand and caressed the front of his pants, my fingers finding the thick fleshy tube of his penis pressing against the tight white fabric. Ben moaned quietly and thrust his hips further forward, filling my hand with his length. I fished around the fly opening in his underwear and slid my hand into the opening. My fingers made contact with hard warm flesh and as I drew his swollen length out through the front of his briefs Ben’s kisses increased their intensity and he panted into my mouth.

From the feel of his cock I could tell that Ben was circumcised, no hood of skin to peel back over the swollen head. I’d been expecting this, as I knew American men mostly were, so I let go of his dick and licked my hand, wetting it with my spit, before returning it to his shaft and slowly sliding my hand over the warm, fleshy length. Ben gasped and his legs buckled slightly.

“Fuck, I’ve wanted you to do that since you walked in tonight” he panted. “Your hand feels so good.”

In response I pushed Ben down onto the bed, leaving his cock sticking out of the fly of his pants. He lay back in all his glory, his large stiff penis arcing back towards his hairy belly, thighs slightly spread. He was looking at me with undisguised lust and pulled me in for a hot kiss. As we released his hands kept hold of my t-shirt and he drew it over my shoulders, exposing my torso to the cooler night air.

I lay down on Ben, our bellies, thighs and nipples almost in perfect contact. I could feel his prick poking into my belly, his precum making a slippery surface where his cock rubbed my skin.

I knelt up slightly, forcing Ben’s thighs apart, and kissed my way down his neck to the top of his chest. As my tongue flicked over his erect nipple he jumped like an electric shock was passing through him, and grabbed hold of my thick hair. I continued licking, kissing and trailing my tongue down his chest and belly until I reached the waistband of his underwear. I hooked my fingers underneath and drew it down slightly, exposing the top of his bushy pubic hair. My fingers brushed the swollen head of his cock, and I ran my tongue over his lower belly, making him gasp and grip my head more tightly. Then I did something I don’t think he was expecting….

I let my lips lose contact with his belly for a few seconds until they reconnected with his upper thighs. He squirmed and spread his thighs wider as my tongue flicked around the sensitive skin. I lifted Ben’s thighs and bent them back towards his chest. His arse lifted off the bed and came nearer to my face. He looked at me, his face flushed and full of lust, so I dropped my head to his undies and started tonguing the area of fabric covering his arsehole. Each lick of my tongue brushed the cotton pants deep inside the cleft of his arse, and my head spun with the realisation that only a thin piece of cotton separated his hole from my probing tongue.

Ben brought his knees back as far as he could, stretching his arse cheeks even wider. I moved back slightly from his arse, causing him to moan in disappointment and frustration, then I hooked my fingers under the elastic on one side of his pants and pulled them roughly to one side. I was looking directly at his exposed, hairy crack. His taut creamy white cheeks were spread wide, a dusting of dark hair filling the valley between them. The sight of his stretched pink pucker hidden amongst the wisps of hair almost made me cum in my pants.

I leaned in and blew gently on his arse, making his hole twitch and pout. The opening looked so inviting I sucked the end of my finger and touched it to the knot of his sphincter muscle. It gave way easily, and hearing Ben’s groan, I slowly slid my finger a little way into his tight hole. The muscle clenched it like a vice.

I was almost losing control now, so turned on was I by the sight of my finger up Ben’s spread, muscular bum. I quickly reached down with my free hand and lowered my own skivvies for the first time. My prick bounced up to slap my lower belly. Ben’s eyes widened as he got a first look at my large, stiff, throbbing cock and he reached around and fingered it’s length in his hand.

Ben suddenly let go of my cock and lay back on the crumpled sheet. He reached under his muscular thighs and pulled his legs in towards his chest as far as he could. This lifted the small of his back clear of the sheet, spreading his cheeks and hole as wide as he could, and brought it to within an inch of my cockhead.

I looked at Ben, uncertain suddenly about where this was going. Ben however seemed quite certain. “Fuck me” he said in a barely audible whisper, and then added more loudly “Please….”

The top drawer of my bedside cabinet had an old condom and a tube of KY hidden at the back, a remnant of my last trip home. I hadn’t wanted to present my mother with a set of cum stained bedding after a night-time wank, so I would roll on a condom before slipping a greased carrot or candle, or whatever was handy, up my bum.

I got the condom out of it’s pack, not losing eye contact with Ben, and handed it to him. He rolled it down over my length and covered it in the cold jelly, the feel of his slippery hands running over my cock almost pushing me over the edge. He squirted some of the KY onto my finger and I gently smeared it over his small hole, feeling it pulsate and open slightly under my probing finger. He then guided my prick between his cheeks and positioned it at the entrance to his hole.

I grabbed his ankles, and leaned forward slightly. There was a little resistance at first as his tight muscle stretched to accommodate my thickness, then in a rush I felt the head of my prick suddenly push through the sphincter and I slid in a couple of inches. Ben gasped and placed his hands on my thighs to prevent me pushing in too fast. I waited, panting over him, until I felt his hands reach around to caress my thighs, and then slipped a bit further in. The sensation was incredible, and in a sudden rush of lust I leaned forward, pushed firmly and felt my cock slowly slide right up inside Ben until my balls bounced onto his warm skin.

My whole length felt like it was sliding into a warm, tight, velvet sock. I pulled my cock out a bit, about half of it’s length, then leaned back slightly, overwhelmed to see my stiff tool sliding easily into another man’s arsehole.

I would like to see to say that this first fuck with Ben was a long lasting, sweaty fuckathon. The reality was that after ten or twelve strokes I was nearly ready to burst my balls. The sight of Ben lying stretched out before me, his handsome face flushed and excited, his muscular chest heaving with his pants as I stuck my hard cock between his tight bum cheeks, was sending me wild with desire. I held his thighs back to allow myself a better angle to stick my cock as deep into his guts as I could, then slowly pulled completely out of him. The stretched muscle of his bumhole gaped open before my eyes, a dark tunnel aching to be filled, and as the muscle began to close I quickly positioned my cock at it’s entrance and slotted my full length back up Ben’s hole.

By now Ben was stroking his own dick, his hand movements quickening as he heard my breathing become heavier, my thrusts up his arse more rapid. I could feel the cum rising up through my balls, knew that I was almost at the point of spewing my load, and gripped Ben’s thighs tightly.

“Oh….oh…I’m gonna shoot” I groaned, and with a last three or four quick hard stabs up Ben’s hole I felt my cum shoot from my cock to fill the little sack high up inside Ben’s guts. Three, four more long spurts and I was empty, my chest heaving, my head spinning.

Ben’s groans were reaching a fever pitch, his hand almost flying over his slippery knob. I slowly pulled my softening prick out of his arse, but wanting him to keep the sensation I quickly filled it’s place with two of my fingers, driving them hard as far up his bum as I could. With a moan Ben’s cock seemed to grow even longer and then, with a final cry, a long string of white spunk flew from his piss hole to spatter high up on his chest and belly. Two further ropes of cum arced into the night air, spraying Ben’s torso. Some of his cum pooled in the hollow at the base of his throat and as he fell back into the twisted sheet it dribbled down his neck to drip off onto the bed.

I collapsed softly on top of Ben, feeling my heart banging away quickly in my chest, his breath coming in ragged pants. We lay that way for a couple of minutes, calming down, until our breathing returned to almost normal. It was getting colder in the room, the temperature outside obviously falling as the night set in, so I quickly mopped up the biggest patches of semen, then pulled the duvet over our bodies.

Ben looked at me, and smiled a broad, delighted grin. “That was amazing!” he said. “Thank you so much.”

I kissed him, revelling in the taste and smell of this incredibly sexy man. “Wow, that was so incredible” I whispered. “That felt just…amazing.” I ran out of words and we both laughed quietly at my echo of his own word.

Ben suddenly looked at me, his eyes widening. “Hey, it’s gone midnight. Merry Christmas” he said, and enveloped me in a warm hug.

I pulled back and looked at him in the soft lamplight. I thought I had never seen a more beautiful sight. My heart flipped over as I pulled him in for a kiss.

“You’ve given me such a special present” I said softly. “Thank you.”

“It was my pleasure” said Ben. He reached over me and stroked a hand slowly up my sweaty arse crack, his fingers tickling my hole. “And in the morning, I hope to get a present of my own.”

I grinned back at him and caressed his cheek gently.

“Absolutely. It’s not just the turkey getting a stuffing on this Christmas morning.”


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