Meeting The Coach Pt. 01


A gay story: Meeting The Coach Pt. 01 Brandon Davies had been impatiently sitting in his car in the parking lot for the past half an hour staring at the training facility with both anticipation and anxiety. Either his fondest wish was about to come true, his hopes would be dashed, or — perhaps worst … Read more


A Golfing Event


A gay story: A Golfing Event Work had a golfing event, and I’m not much of a golfer, but I was obliged to go. I’m more for flag football myself as I played D1 football in college. Don’t take that to mean I was good. I was good enough to get into a D1 program, … Read more


The German


A gay story: The German I was met in the baggage area of the Munich international airport by a florid, slightly oversized man, obviously Germanic, who apparently knew who I was, although I didn’t have a clue who he was beyond him having introduced himself as Hans when he approached me. They obviously wanted it … Read more


Let the Punishment Fit the Crime


A gay story: Let the Punishment Fit the Crime Jon gradually woke up. His head was woozy and the room was dark, so he couldn’t tell where he was. The only thing he could tell was that he was tied down with his arms above him and his feet spread wide apart, and that he … Read more


Bush Whacked


A gay story: Bush Whacked Having lived in this neck of the woods for some time now my good buddy Trevor and I knew every inch of it from the best hunting and fishing spots to the camp sites that the city folk would use for their weekends. We had been lucky so far that … Read more


Sean and JJ


A gay story: Sean and JJ Sean and JJ This story is a sequel to “Lodge at Lake Tecumseh.” Readers may wish to consider reading “Lodge” first–although this story does stand on its own–the first four paragraphs are a brief summary of the Lodge experience. All characters are fictional, and though some of the places … Read more


A Winter's Tale


A gay story: A Winter's Tale The train pulled into Brighton station exactly on time. It was Christmas Eve and it seemed like half the country was on the move, so I’d been expecting the traditional yuletide delays and endless apologies from bored-sounding tannoy announcers. But everything had gone very smoothly, and I’d even managed … Read more


Work Trip


A gay story: Work Trip Everything this week was deeply exhausting. Work conferences always ended up with long nights, his feet hurting and his body wanting desperately to masturbate. They had, of course, roomed Ivan with his work crush, which was not making it better. Sandy was an adorable, dorky man with long brown hair … Read more