Sean and JJ

A gay story: Sean and JJ Sean and JJ

This story is a sequel to “Lodge at Lake Tecumseh.” Readers may wish to consider reading “Lodge” first–although this story does stand on its own–the first four paragraphs are a brief summary of the Lodge experience. All characters are fictional, and though some of the places actually exist, the activities described in this story and some of the features of those places are figments of my imagination. All characters engaged in sex are over 18. © 2023. All rights reserved. Brunosden

It was registration day at Trinity College, Dublin. Sean O’Connor, an Irish national, was matriculating as a first year student, with a potential for advanced standing and a declared major in Anglo-Irish Literature. He was 21, having lost two years at school due to a childhood illness many years before, a little over six foot tall, light-skinned, but tanned, with copper hair and emerald eyes. His cheeks were sprinkled with freckles, which had proliferated in the summer sun. He was an athlete (rugby) and in shape, mostly from hard work, but not muscled like a full time gym rat. He had the archetypal Irish wit and “gift for gab”–both perfected in his years working in his Da’s pub, near Cork where the patrons regularly teased him and engaged him in conversation. Sean was intelligent, precocious and inquisitive–a genuine scholar.

John Jacob (JJ) McGrath was a third year student of about the same age. He was taking a year abroad from Boston College and had enrolled in “BC at Trinity.” He was majoring in Modern European History. He was of Anglo-Irish descent, but an American. He had clear skin, blond, almost white hair, and sparkling blue eyes. JJ was about 5-11 and slim–the total preppy. He had been schooled in the best prep schools in Massachusetts and was the son of wealthy Bostonians.

Sean and JJ had met at a summer resort in New Hampshire. JJ was there with his mother, step-father and sister on vacation. Sean was there on a student work visa, a waiter in the grand dining room of the Lodge, living in the employee dormitory. Both guys were gay–neither really in the closet, but neither broadcasting sexual preference at the conservative resort. (Sean had been careful to preserve his hetero cred at the Lodge, and JJ was still experimenting.) They were attractive, masculine young men. They had linked in JJ’s bed (at JJ’s invitation) and in several all night encounters, in one of which JJ confessed family abuse, and bonded at the Lodge and for several weeks in Boston after Sean was dismissed from the Lodge (at the urging of JJ’s step-father, for reasons not relevant here–or true).

JJ’s family was really messed up. The last “man of the house” had been his mother’s third husband. He was a philandering bi tennis pro, 20 years younger than the mother. (The hunky Dad had fucked Sean a few times at the Lodge and had abused his step son previously in Boston.) In fact, both of JJ’s parents had lovers–many and serial–on the side. JJ’s mother had, somewhat hypocritically, called Peter out during the vacation, announced that she had sold the family business in which the pro had been employed as an executive, and threw him out. This had resulted in a stormy but quick divorce, thanks to a carefully negotiated pre-nup. Mother was already dating again–this time, a man 25 years younger. JJ’s sister was mentally incompetent because of an infant accident. In short, the family was completely dysfunctional–as JJ’s demeanor reflected it. To escape the family issues and to see if a relationship with Sean might develop, JJ had decided to go to Dublin for a year where he knew Sean was enrolling. Sean was his first love–he had fallen deep and fast.

JJ had taken an apartment in the BC residence on the edge of the Trinity campus. It was large, and he insisted he wanted to be “alone” (no room-mate). BC gave him anything he wanted as his family had been major benefactors for years, and of course he could afford it. Then he had invited Sean to move into the second bedroom of the suite. A combination of concern for JJ’s psyche, perhaps affection, and lack of funds convinced Sean to accept.

Today was their official first day. Late in the day, Sean and JJ met back at the apartment. They compared class schedules–and realized that they were similar–and in fact both had signed up for a course in Irish History and Culture–a large lecture, team taught by the renowned professors of the College, mandatory for all students, but with smaller sections led by TA’s, made up of students of similar backgrounds and achievement. Thus, they would share the lectures, but not the section/seminars. All of their other classes were different, but met on the same mornings and afternoons. Sean was set to achieve third year status after only one year, provided he did well in the intermediate courses that continued his advanced placement work in secondary school. This was a unique feature of Irish higher ed: secondary school advanced placement counted only if the student took a more advanced course at the university and passed. This avoided the need for AP exams and more or less equalized the opportunities of students from good or not so good prep schools.


JJ was glowing and smiling. Everything had worked out as he had planned. For two weeks in August, Sean had shared his bed at the Beacon Hill townhouse–while his mother remained on vacation. They had toured all of Boston, eaten at a few of the iconic restaurants, and spent hours teasing each other in bed and exploring various sexual permutations. Sean was well-endowed with a long, thick uncut cock–and he knew how to use it. He was an affectionate and considerate partner. Although JJ was a preferred bottom, Sean insisted that JJ top from time to time (on the assumption that doing so might help JJ to overcome his feelings of inadequacy and guilt because of the childhood abuse). And Sean was making deposits inside JJ on a regular basis–often several times a day. Each time he did so, he was careful to insure that JJ experienced the same relief. JJ was becoming addicted. He was already pretty sure he wanted to spend his life with Sean. Presumably the next year would provide the answers.

Sean was also insisting on daily workouts. He didn’t want to lose his tone–and he wanted to see JJ bulk up a bit to enhance his self-confidence. Sean didn’t want a partner whose psyche had been permanently damaged by an abusive step-father. Nor did he want a dependent twink partner. He understood that trying to change someone while starting a sexual relationship was dangerous stuff. But, he thought he could pull it off–and JJ was worth it, even if they didn’t end up together. Sean was effectively practicing psychiatry and sexual healing–without a license, by providing affection, conversation and healthy sexual experience.

A week ago they had flown in to Dublin; then bussed to Cork. Sean had invited JJ to visit his home and meet his parents before the school year opened. Sean’s mother had picked them up at the bus station and driven them to the small farm they owned just outside Cork. The farm was a typical Irish family farm–small, not commercial, with a small vegetable plot and a barn with a few animals. This was not the family business, just the normal way of traditional life for middle class Irish who preferred the country to the city.

O’Connor’s Pub (The Double Orb–a name of nondescript origin, but identified from the two golden globes in the sign over the entrance) was a mainstay in the small village, serving as eating and drinking spot, de facto town hall, and rec center for most of the adults of the community. It had the largest TV–in fact several–and thus was ground zero for major sporting events: football (soccer), rugby, curling, and cricket. Cork had a second tier football squad which was followed closely by everyone who was attached to the pub. On game days, the pub was packed and the beer and whiskey flowed. Fortunately, most patrons lived within walking distance of the small town center.

At the station, Sean’s mother, Fiona, greeted her son with a bear hug; then stood back to scan his body–reasonably pleased that he had not lost weight–or gained weight (as she was told was likely in America). “You’re looking okay, son. I guess you’re getting enough to eat. I’ll be able to let you go to Trinity after all.” She laughed deeply as Sean reddened. She had not intended a double entendre, but he had heard one. And so had JJ who smiled and turned aside. He, of course, had been the source of most of the eating for the last month.

Fiona was a large, strong woman. She had obviously been engaged in labor for much of her life–at the farm and in the pub. JJ noted where Sean had gotten his red hair and freckles. She had a massive bird’s nest of red curls and in the late summer, the freckles totally covered her face, arms and neck. Fiona was dressed in a two piece grey wool outfit, “business proper”, brightened only by a fake silk corsage that drew out the deep green of her eyes–which she had also bequeathed to her youngest son. “Now who is this nice young lad, you’ve brought with you?”

“Ma, this is JJ Mcgrath. He’s from Boston. He’s going to be my roommate at Trinity next week. I met him this summer at the Lodge, and we’ve become friends. He’s taking his junior year at Boston College at Trinity. He came over to Ireland with me on the plane, but the dorms don’t open until Sunday, and registration is not until Monday. So I thought we could play hosts for a few days and show him some of the real Ireland.”

“Of course. Welcome JJ. Is that your real name?”

“No, it’s John Jacob McGrath, ma’am. My father was a third generation Irish-American. My mother’s family is from Birmingham–England, not Alabama.” JJ decided not to go into family details. They were painful, and probably would set him off on the wrong foot with this Irish Catholic matron that he had heard so much about from Sean. But, at least he was part Irish–and to the Irish, blood was almost as important as religion.

“Well, welcome again. Let’s get you boys home. I’ve made supper and Sean’s sister is watching it. As concerned as she is about her lad, I’ll just have to hope she isn’t watching it burn. We need to put some meat on those bones, JJ. Da’s at the pub until later. He’s asked his assistant to handle the place, but he really can’t leave until the match is over–that should be about an hour or so from now.” So they all piled into the wagon–each guy had only one large duffel–and headed out. The drive was short, about five miles (or 8 kilometers, as the Irish would have it) and pretty. After they had driven past about a mile of mostly grey industrial buildings, everything was, as expected, very green and pastoral. Harvest seemed to be underway at several spots along the trip.

Soon they passed through a small town (one main road), centered on the pub, and turned into the dirt road that served as a drive. Before them was a whitewashed stucco house, with charming small-paned windows, window boxes teaming with flowers, and a thatched roof, punctuated with four chimneys and several large dormers. The O’Connors may not have a fortune, but they did have a charming and beautiful homestead that had been in the family for many years. It was picturesque, in the best sense. Animals, mostly sheep and two cows, were grazing in the paddock that served as the front lawn. The garden was behind, and a large barn was to the right of the house.

They entered the small foyer and Fiona once again spoke, addressing her comments to JJ. “Sean is the last boy at home. His two older brothers are now working in high tech businesses in Dublin. One just married. So, Neil and I have decided to turn this place into a B&B. Most of the rooms we use, including our daughter’s, the youngest, are downstairs. The three boys shared two large rooms upstairs, separated by a bath. This summer we remodeled the bath. That’s going to be the rental space. So you can have one of the guest suites. Sean will have his old room, of course, although he may not recognize it clean and uncluttered. You’ll have to share the bath, but it’s designed for four, so that should be okay.” She looked over at Sean, “I’ll expect you to leave your room in the same condition you find it when you go off in a few days.”

Sean had not mentioned that he and JJ were enjoying one bed most nights, and didn’t think now was the time to do so. Fiona was relatively liberal–she had even married outside her faith. Although she was tolerant of homosexuality and knew Sean was gay, she hadn’t reached the point of accepting same sex marriage, and she was a little queasy about same sex coupling. But, she was a mother, and accepted Sean unconditionally. Without comment, Sean and JJ picked up their duffels and began the careful climb up the narrow staircase that surrounded the large foyer hearth. “I presume we have time for showers? Maybe a short nap? We’ve been traveling for nearly 12 hours, and didn’t get much sleep on the plane last night.”

“Let’s say dinner will be in about a hour and a half. That will give you both time for a nap.”

“Perfect. Thanks, Ma, for picking us up and for preparing the homecoming feast.”

Sean led JJ to the guest suite after dropping his own duffel in his old room. He grabbed JJ and pulled him into a long welcome kiss. “I’m glad you’re here with me, JJ. I hadn’t warned Ma about you–although I did tell her that I might be bringing a friend for a few days before Trinity opens. Let’s try out that new shower.”

Both guys removed their travel clothes and headed for the “new” bath. It was nicer than Sean could have imagined. The contractor had borrowed space from the bedrooms and had created a large bath, really two if the center door was closed–with a two vanities and a large white tiled walk in shower with wall jets and a rain head. The shower even had a tiled bench and brushed chrome grab bars. An old-fashioned claw-foot tub sat in an alcove on the other side. Each half had a closet WC. Dark green towels set off the brilliant clean whiteness of the floor and wall tile. They were not going to be roughing it!

Sean stepped in and adjusted the nozzles and temperature. Then he turned to face JJ who had followed close behind. JJ was already erect and ready. Sean never failed to marvel at the large thick cock that hung on such a slight boy. JJ hadn’t had a dose of Sean’s love serum in nearly a day. He was anxious to get Sean into his ass. So he pushed Sean onto one wall where the jets would tease his nipples and balls as JJ soaped and massaged his back. The liquid soap was scented with lavender–they were really going at this B&B stuff good and proper! JJ stroked the arms; then he slapped Sean’s legs apart and knelt to soap and clean his calves, moving up slowly to the thighs–just barely touching the low hangers. He planted kisses on each of Sean’s bubble cheeks and, after massaging the cheeks, pulled them apart. He squirted a bit of conditioner on his fingers and began to probe the cavity, soon reaching the sensitive spot. After only a few strokes, Sean stiffened, bucked, sighed loudly, turned and placed his arms over around JJ’s shoulders. Sean drew him in as their cocks dueled for position. Then, JJ broke the clinch. “Your turn. Do me. I want way more than a tease.”

JJ assumed Sean’s spot on the jetted wall until the jets were firing directly at the spot between his cock and balls and at his sensitive nipples. He quickly hardened again. Sean stepped up, but used a different technique. He pressed his body into JJ’s and rested his cock in the crevice, sliding it up and down in the moist soapy space, teasing the rim with each pass. Then Sean reached around and began to caress and soap JJ’s chest, focusing on his nipples which he playfully pinched before moving down to the abs and finishing with a tight squeeze of JJ’s cock. JJ bent and backed into Sean, his long fingers reaching for the stabilizing grab bar.

“Oh, you got me. Do me now. Use the conditioner for lube. I want you inside now. Right now.” Sean reached over, extracted a handful of conditioner and coated his cock. Then he separated JJ’s ass cheeks. JJ’s arms dropped on the wall to the grab bar as he pushed his butt up and into Sean’s gut and rock hard dick. That’s all it took. Sean was perfectly lined up, his hood drawn back by the stiffest of erections, precum leaking on the shower floor. He aimed and penetrated, steadying himself by taking JJ’s deeply dimpled hips, then moving over and pressing his chest into JJ’s back. He took possession of his JJ’s cock and balls and pulled him close. He started slowly, pushing in and pulling out, his precum lubing deeply. Then he geared up and using his rugby thighs, he slammed repeatedly, bottoming each time before withdrawing almost completely. JJ became louder. Moans became “Yes, fuck me” and “Deeper Sean, deeper” and “You’re so hard and big.”

It only took a few strokes. Sean bottomed, pulled back and pushed again into the warm wet sheath. “I’m cuming, JJ. I can’t hold it any longer.” JJ too was at the peak of arousal. The needle jet of the spray had been teasing, his cock and his balls for several minutes and Sean’s grip had taken him to the edge. Sean thrust forward, slammed hard, and started to shoot deep into JJ’s gut. JJ felt it and he too quickly deposited his accumulated spunk on the white tile wall.

They remained pinned to each other by Sean’s erection as their breathing slowed. Then, Sean pulled his chest up, releasing JJ from the submissive bend. They turned and kissed. JJ slumped into Sean, completely dominated by the rough ride. JJ was always weak-kneed when Sean fucked him. He always gave everything and released all he had. Sean was a powerful lover–and JJ was a fully receptive sub. Seconds later, they quickly rinsed themselves, as JJ began to leak onto the tile floor. Then they wiped down the tile and stepped out into the bath.

“Ma is going to know something is going on. Shall I tell her or let her guess? She knows I’m gay. She knows I don’t usually bring home friends. And she is going to realize that the shower was used only once. And you were pretty loud–and it didn’t sound like you were practicing opera arias.”

“Your call, love.”

“I’m going to tell her that we’re good friends–and that we are going to be using only my bed. I don’t really need to add any more.”

A brief nap was ended with a call to supper. Da and Sean’s younger sister, Melody, were both home. Sean and JJ quickly dressed and moved down to the large kitchen where an Irish feast was steaming on the old oak kitchen table. Introductions were made. Fiona said grace, welcoming JJ again into their home. Then all sat and began to eat. After some basic family background facts were established for JJ, he and Sean began to regale the family with the funny incidents of the Lodge summer. Both carefully avoided any discussion of JJ’s mother’s divorce, initiated at the Lodge, Sean’s dismissal, the brothel-like atmosphere, and their liaisons.

Since JJ had “hosted” Sean for several weeks in Boston after the discharge, Sean had not come home early. He had returned on the pre-booked AerLingus flight–so the family had no clue that his last weeks in the US were not at the Lodge or that he had been dismissed. And of course, they had no idea that the Lodge was a high class brothel, with the waiters, busboys and chambermaids on offer to the hotel guests. But, by the way the boys kept eyeing each other, both Da and Ma knew, by the end of the meal, that something was already going on between the two of them. Neither was troubled. From what they knew, JJ was a nice young man from a good Boston family–and a university student. He was polite, well-spoken and attractive, although perhaps a bit fey for their taste. Their boy needed someone, and he was old enough to make his own choices–and knew how to be safe.

Da hadn’t planned on having Sean’s assistance at the pub before school began and so plans were made for several days of sightseeing. After a long meal, the boys pled fatigue and jet lag and went upstairs. Da and Ma exchanged knowing looks and smiled.


Sightseeing was mostly pastoral and beach-oriented. There was a day trip to the rock strewn beaches of the west coast, where the water temperatures, even late in the summer, rivaled the chill of the Lake at the Lodge.

There was a mandatory visit to the Irish crystal manufacturing village and the Blarney Stone. Their late-in-the-day visit to the rock found the tourists had all gone to their nearby hotels, so they were alone. Sean explained the ritual: kissing the stone required each person to lie on his/her back, scootch back under while someone held legs to avoid a drop over the cliff, and then reach up and kiss. So as each boy crawled under the stone on his back to kiss the stone for luck, the other held down his legs while unbuttoning his jeans. As one kissed the stone for luck, the other kissed and sucked on his semi for even more luck. This gave a new meaning to the ritual.

There were visits to fairy and leprechaun forests with so many hidden clearings. In these, the boys found a different pot of gold as they wrestled with abandon in the emerald grass: fistfuls of cum that were quickly consumed. Usually, they picnicked with lunches prepared by Ma. And one day when they planned to visit Cork and shop, JJ insisted that Ma and Melody accompany them. JJ treated for lunch and each of the two women were gifted with beautifully patterned sweaters (coals to Newcastle?)–with JJ’s thanks for being such good hostesses.

After each day, they would visit the pub, where JJ was introduced to many of the townsfolk. He was captivated by the deep brogues and noticed the obvous feelings these country folk held for each other. They were all family.

By the end of the week, Ma was captivated. She had learned some of the details of JJ’s family troubles and recognized that Sean had once again taken up with a guy with family issues. He had always been the one to bring home strays and orphans–dogs, cats, and boys. He was the most sensitive, and most intelligent of her children. She hoped that Sean was not confusing compassion and affection.

And then it was time to leave for Dublin. Da drove them to the bus before he opened the pub for the day. With promises of return visits, JJ made his farewell. And with profound love and gratitude, Sean tearfully hugged his Da and left home to begin a new life.

They arrived in Dublin, transferred their belongings from their bags and storage, and went to see their apartment for the first time. The building was one of those ancient Gothic dark brick mansions at the edge of the campus. It had been divided into several dozen small apartments–JJ’s being one of the largest, on the top floor.

They entered a large reception room with a carved oaken mantle, flanked by two sets of desks, bookcases and comfortable chairs. Large windows with stained glass insets looked out over roof tops to the grey Gothic “cathedrals of learning” that made up the extensive Trinity campus. Set in the center of the room and facing the fireplace was a wine colored Chesterfield leather sofa. Behind the sofa were a dozen large boxes that JJ had shipped from Boston.

Doors from either side opened to light-filled bedrooms, each with two twin beds. (The apartment had been designed for four students.) But, there was no kitchen–meals would be served in a large refectory on the first floor–, but a micro, tea water pot and small fridge had been carefully fitted into a closet. JJ claimed the larger room, announcing that it was going to be “our” room. Then he carried a large box which had been shipped from the States into the room. He called to Sean. “A little help here, please.” JJ and Sean pushed the twins together and JJ opened the box. As soon as the vacuum pack had been pierced, a king foam mattress topper sprung out and began to enlarge. The bed was then remade with the foam pad and king linens that were in another box. “Now we have a playpen. I think it’s time to make this room our own.”

JJ bent over to remove his shoes. Sean, taking the invitation to play seriously, stepped behind him and pushed him into the center of the bed. He jumped on top, nuzzled JJ’s neck. JJ turned and Sean took his lips. Then, he reached under, unbuttoned the jeans and with one firm tug removed them–leaving JJ stretched out on his stomach, commando of course, with his nice pink bubble butt invitingly displayed. Sean’s eyes bulged. That beautiful ass always took his breath away. Before JJ could recover, Sean pounced again and stretched out fully over JJ. He tickled him under the arms, bent down and nipped his neck, and cocooned JJ”s legs with his own strong thighs. JJ was pinned and reveling in the capture.

JJ began to struggle, but Sean held him in place with one arm as he slowly removed all of his own clothes and then, reaching under, pulled JJ’s tee over his head, trapping both arms. Sean licked the armpits where he knew JJ was ticklish, and, while JJ was distracted, he swiveled and rested his calves on JJ’s shoulders. Then he bent over, separated the rosy cheeks and started to dine at the magnificent little hole. He licked and ate, and cooled the moisture with his breath. Then he curled his tongue and penetrated. Then he repeated. JJ was nearly convulsed with the pleasure. He was laughing, whimpering, hissing, swearing–and urging Sean to continue the feast while pounding his fists into the new foam mattress, pushing his ass from the bed, and urging Sean into his hole. He loved being at Sean’s mercy.

Finally, when he was sure JJ could take no more, Sean released the shoulders and knelt between JJ’s outstretched legs. He lubed, not much was needed, and positioned his hooded cock head at the gateway. Sean was huge. JJ felt the swollen head and suddenly, he rose on his knees, and impaled himself deeply onto Sean’s rock hard pole. JJ was full of surprises. Sean leaned forward, bottomed, then reached under JJ and knelt back on his thighs, pulling JJ him into his lap. Sean fisted JJ’s shaft and cupped his swollen, hot balls. JJ turned his head and Sean captured his mouth. JJ was a prisoner again, this time with a very different hold.

JJ was going to pop. So Sean reached out for the tee and wrapped it around the soaking cock to catch the precum and the coming explosion. (He wasn’t ready to christen the new sheets quite yet–they were going to be responsible for laundry.) Then he rose on his knees, thrust forward three times, feeling his abs tightening to cock the cannon shot. And he let loose. JJ screamed when the hot lava hit his gut and loosed enormous gobs of his own cum. It was almost a chain reaction. Sean wrapped the tee tightly around JJ’s dick and fell forward, covering JJ again as he had when they first started to play. He continued to spasm in post-orgasmic repetitions. Sean stayed hard for a long time as their breathing returned to semi-normal. Each time he started to withdraw, JJ would tighten his anal muscles. “Stay with me, Sean.” Finally, he withdrew, pulled back and bent down to suck his own cum from the dripping cavity. JJ groaned again in pleasure.

“My God, Sean. That was the best yet. I can’t believe how good you are. I can’t see how we’re going to get any studying done or have any sleep. I want more, and more, and more.”

“And you shall have it, luv.”

Classes started the next day. Each boy had about ten hours of lectures per week, three or four “seminar” sections, mandatory chapel (which had become a secularized convocation designed to build class comradeship), meals at the refectory, and hours of reading, studying and paper writing. Much of the time they were together in the apartment. And after the first two weeks of virtually non-stop sex, the guys had developed a routine and a rule: sex was a reward for work well done, not an intermission or an excuse not to study.

Both did well and at mid-term they were rewarded with honor grades in all their courses. It looked like Sean was going to received full credit for course work done at his prep school. He would have junior status in his second year. JJ loved studying with some of the instructors who had become scholars in various areas of interest–Ireland’s nefarious pro-Nazi role in World War II, Britain’s “underhanded” tactics during the Troubles in the North, and the continuing role of the Catholic-Protestant schism on contemporary life in Northern Ireland. Studying history in the US was always about the past; in Europe, at least in Ireland, on the other hand it was about the continuing influence of history on the present. Americans tend to ignore or disregard history; the Irish lived it every day. JJ wondered which was healthier, but he understood that the “Irish-way” certainly brought life to long ago.

JJ, being attractive, American and obviously wealthy, was a celebrity and hit on almost every day, by nice young ladies and various hunky guys. They were charmed by his Boston accent and desperately wanted to get a fistful of that silver blond hair or maybe that huge sausage he was carrying around. Others were attracted to his apparent softness and that nice ass. They knew he would be a great toy to have in bed. It seemed that Irish students were far bolder than their BC counterparts. There didn’t seem to be a stigma to being thought gay. JJ’s self-esteem soared, but he had rebuffed all advances, pleading, “I’m taken.”

Sean’s favorite course was an introduction to Irish poets and dramatists. Ireland had a rich history of literature–much of it co-opted by the Brits. (In the US, Irish literature is taught in the English lit department ay most schools.) Trinity was hosting a post-holiday festival of GB Shaw’s plays. Sean tried out and won a part in “Man and Superman.” He would get a chance to see whether his garrulous wit translated into acting talent in this wonderful satire. In the play a wealthy young lady captivates a brilliant revolutionary–and the battle between them ensues. JJ was already convinced that Sean’s stage presence would exude sexuality–and he began to worry a bit about competition. At least Sean was not playing John Tanner, the lead, who spent a good deal of the play teasing his fiancé. Superficially, it was about rival philosophies of life, but underlying this was a profound sexual tension–Shaw’s forte.

And of course the sex got better and better. There was no routine. Sean was full of surprises. Sometimes he would take JJ quickly and bring him to climax in seconds, often without even undressing–just unbuttoning his jeans, yanking JJ’s down and plunging in. Other times, Sean would caress and hug and lick until JJ begged for release. And JJ was glowing with an inner light that suggested he was capable of love and being loved. Sean was helping him to overcome a childhood of sublime neglect. JJ was in love and completely dependent on Sean for his very existence. Meanwhile, Sean was doing all he could to boost JJ’s confidence and self-esteem. He often relaxed into JJ’s big spoon. And at time, he urged JJ to top. Each time he did, Sean loved the intense stimulation of his love nut and felt JJ’s desire to pleasure his partner. The enormous size of JJ’s instrument of pleasure was a nice plus.


After about six weeks, they visited the farm for the weekend to celebrate Melody’s 18th. She had acquired a beau who followed her every move like a puppy, with big saucer eyes drinking her in, his tongue often wetting his lips. Sean was pretty sure that Da had put the fear of God in Kyle–and he knew that Ma had had the talk with Melody. But, she was a beauty and the young guys (including Kyle) were around all the time. She was a willowy blonde with her mother’s ample bosom. She walked like a princess. Kyle was protecting his territory, or at least trying. They talked and Sean learned that Melody had applied to Trinity. If she enrolled, all four of the O’Connor children would be in Dublin. When he had this thought, Sean suddenly realized that he hadn’t been with his two brothers (or one sister-in-law or one nephew) since the previous Christmas. Here they all were in Dublin and he hadn’t reached out.

Upon the return to Trinity, Sean phoned each of his brothers. He, JJ, Kevin and Colin would all go pub-crawling next Friday. The first location and time were set. Pubs near the Trinity campus tended to be a little cheaper (and a little livelier). So, Celtic Crown was selected as the first. Coincidentally, it had four kinds of Guinness on tap–so Sean couldn’t lose.

Friday night came along and after supper, Sean and JJ returned to change into their pub gear–which remarkably resembled club wear, at least clubs that catered to macho gays. That meant tight, old jeans, long sleeve woven shirts, worn open over tight white tees, and sneakers (or trainers as they were called). Both of the guys had allowed their hair to get very long. JJ’s long silver was thin and totally unmanageable unless gel-ed or tied in a tail. Not wanting to appear too effeminate for the first outing with Sean’s brothers, he gel-ed it and brushed it into a very preppy parted do. Sean’s hair had wildly curled–in fact, JJ reveled in running his hands through the loose curls that sat on his head like a rosy crown. To the gay older patrons of the pub–and to many of the “liberated” young lasses, both looked like ripe, young prey.

The pub was crowded–it was just after mid-terms and the second round of assignments had just been made. But the proprietor knew the O’Connor boys–he was a friend of their Da’s. Places at a central table were found for them. There was no big game that night, so it was music night. Several tables had been removed and part of the floor cleared–and cleaned. The four made a handsome set, and since this was also ladies’ night (BOGO on tap for ladies only), the dance floor was filled. At one point all four were exhibiting their moves with attractive slim young coeds. Colin reminded Kevin that he had left someone at home, but Kevin blew him off. “I’m not gonna shag her. I’m just having some fun and letting off some steam.”

Everyone caught up. Conversation was lively, peppered with sarcasm and wit, and punctuated with tours on the dance floor. The two older boys had good jobs, nice apartments, and enough money to enjoy life. Colin was planning to take a two week vacation in the States after a course at Alphabet’s Campus–that his firm was paying for. They knew Sean was gay and assumed that JJ was his current partner. But Sean and JJ did not give any evidence of sexual attraction during the evening, nor did either present as gay. Both danced with attractive bosomy young coeds–although mostly fast numbers. JJ reveled in the family and looked forward to having a couple of handsome, fun-loving bros in Ireland at some time in the future.

Two more pubs were found and enjoyed–the famous Cock and Bull, and the Three Silver Balls. Both brought out lewd jokes. The O’Connor boys were definitely sexual animals. Their lives seemed to revolve around work, drinking, and shagging–and probably not in that order. As the time approached midnight, Kevin was the first to leave, “I’ve promised that I will take care of Michael tomorrow while Liz has a day with the girls. She’ll probably bankrupt us–and bring home bags of stuff for Michael and perhaps even a few things for herself–but I can’t deny her. She’s my luv. She needs time away. She’s planning on returning to work in about a month, assuming we can find a suitable nanny.”

JJ was the first to speak. “If you guys ever want to go out for a night–or even get a weekend away, call us. We’d be happy to oblige.”

“Thanks, JJ. My bro here never made that offer.”

“Michael was only born in May and I was leaving for the States. I’ve only been back six weeks. Gimme a break, Kevin. But, I agree. It would be fun to be around a helpless little copy of you for awhile. You’ve been bullying me all my life.”

“I am not a bully. You’re too easy to tease. You’re too serious and sensitive. I will not allow you to bully my proxy,” he laughed. “But you may regret that offer. He’s already a holy terror. Only six months and he’s already the alpha in our flat. But, I’ll convey your offer to Liz. I’m guessing she’ll be pleased. How about next Saturday night?”

“Wow, you work fast.”

“Tell me about it bro. I married Liz six months after we started dating–and Michael was born ten months after that. We O’Connors know when we’ve found a life keeper. And we’ve got powerful baby-making equipment to make sure that happens.” With the latter comment, he patted his basket, drawing JJ’s stare.

“Well, the offer stands. And better to take us up on it early in the second half of the term before we’re loaded with work.”

Kevin rose, and since he and Colin were sharing an uber home, Colin downed the last of his stout and followed. “Take care of this guy, Sean. He looks like he might be a keeper.” JJ smiled from ear to ear.

“I think we’re going to leave now too.”

A few minutes later they entered the apartment. “Being with you and your hot brothers all night has had me leaking in my briefs. I am totally horned. I couldn’t wait another minute to feel you in me. They’re bigger than you. Does that apply to all departments?”

“Honestly, I’ve never seen either of them erect, but I think I got the trophy–unless they’re world-class growers.”

“No, I’m pretty sure I’m getting your trophy.”

Sean moved to the Chesterfield and slipped out of his sneakers. Then he unbuttoned and slid down so his ass was perched at the end of the cushion. “I think you can start by giving me a tongue bath, boy. I need some trophy worship.” JJ slipped to his knees and moved into Sean’s crotch. He reached to cup the balls. “No hands, boy, just lips and tongue.” His eyes widened. This was a master-slave game–and he was ready to play. He opened and drew the head into his beery mouth. The tongue came into play as he tried to push the hood back. Finally, in frustration, he backed off, pursed his lips and forced his mouth over the wood–holding it tightly with his lips as he did, so the hood would retract as his lips slid down. He could smell the rich musk of Sean’s arousal.

“Smart move, boy. I guess I need to give you ten points for that tactic.” He tongued the slit and circled the sensitive head as Sean’s ass rose from the sofa. Then he went deep and sucked hard as he pulled back, swirling the underside with his tongue. Sean’s dickhead expanded and darkened. “That’s another ten. Five more and you get a prize.” So he released and gobbled each ball in turn, giving it a thorough “gum-ball” tour of his mouth and cheeks. “Okay, boy, you’ve got 25. You can choose your prize: Door #1, you can continue with this game, suck out and swallow my cum or Door #2, you can move to the bed and strip and wait for me to pound you. Door #3 is a mystery prize–it could be a trick or a treat. After all it’s only a week to Halloween.”

“I’m going to take a chance, sir. I’ll take Door #3.”

“You’re gonna love the prize.” He joked, “Ms. Taylor here is going to give you a lap dance that you’ll never forget. Or, you can give me one.”

“I choose you. Is that really a surprise?”

Sean pulled JJ up from the floor and released him from the tight jeans and the soaking boxer briefs. Then he pulled the shirt up and off without unbuttoning. Sean moved to the edge again and pulled JJ into his lap, chest to chest. He pinched the nipples and then raised JJ as his rocket ship stood tall on the launch pad. JJ dropped back when he was released, but he thus impaled himself. He squirmed from side to side, using Sean to massage his swollen prostate. Sean’s eyes widened. “JJ, you’re so tight.” JJ’s hands went to Sean’s neck and their lips collided. JJ pulled back, leveraging himself and seemed to hang in the air, but doing so placed Sean’s erection directly on JJ’s nut. JJ squirmed, and the erection massaged the nerve center. He moaned and sat up to take Sean’s lips again. Back and forth he went, lips, then swing back to tap the prostate, repeat. Each time JJ moved higher up his arousal curve. The musk was filling the air. Nostrils were flaring. Perspiration was flowing. It was almost a frenzy.

Sean rose from the sofa, his hands holding JJ’s ass cheeks tightly. He circled the sofa, slipped out, and placed JJ on the humped back, chest down. The hump was tall. JJ’s feet did not quite reach the floor, so he balanced on the top and his toes–which stretched him out and positioned him for Sean’s re-entry. Thus, JJ was tensed and tight. Sean plunged, held JJ balanced on the sofa, and then allowed JJ to fall back into him, deepening the penetration. Sean’s thick upper arms shot out and held JJ under his arms. In this position, Sean could bounce JJ to jack his cock. JJ was practically foaming with excitement. Then Sean dropped his chest to JJ’s back and pulled himself deeper inside and nipped at the base of JJ’s neck. Seans rugby-developed thighs began to lurch, the muscles in his ass clinching with each forward thrust. JJ exploded. He had been edged almost to oblivion, then taken to paradise. But Sean wasn’t there yet. He pumped and pumped as his hands stroked JJ’s ultra-sensitive post-orgasmic shaft. Then Sean too gave it up and filled JJ with his rich Irish cream. JJ was, by then, a ragdoll, although a rare bare one. Once again JJ had that “used up” feeling. Sean always took him there.

Sean bent and cradled him like a bride and walked him slowly to their bed, their eyes never straying. Sean placed him in the center carefully and climbed in behind, pulling JJ into a hard, deep spoon, one arm and one leg spreading possessively over JJ’s warm body. This was the position that Sean knew JJ loved–protected, loved, and powned. He pulled up the duvet, and the two boys slept.


Kevin did call. They were definitely on for a quickie weekend in Dublin. So, the boys uber-ed out to the apartment to babysit. Kevin and Liz were going to have a grand dinner at the FitzGerald–and they had taken a suite for the night–their first real outing since Michael had been born. An elaborate Irish breakfast would be served to them in bed. Sean and JJ arrived at about five and were given all the instructions required for Michael’s care: an early dinner (left by Liz), a nice warm bath, some cuddling time, then warm milk and bedtime around 8. Michael was a good sleeper–he was very active during the day and wore himself out. He rarely woke for a nighttime bottle and diaper change–but the excitement of having two “uncles” caring for him would probably make this one of those nights.

Michael was indeed a marvel, a miniature Kevin, with a full mop of curly red hair, rosy cheeks, a chubby arms and legs. (Kevin, however, was NOT chubby.) He had a perpetual smile and was very noisy, although no decipherable words could be interpreted from the stray sounds he made–except one, “more”. He loved being bounced, swung, manhandled by the two guys and shouted “more” after each exercise.

Sean and JJ were enthralled. “I want one of these someday. Maybe more than one. I think I’d be a very good Da.”

Michael was in bed by 8:30–only a little later than planned and asleep soon thereafter. The apartment was small, so there was no guest room. Liz had remade the master bed and invited her sitters to use it. The couch, although pull-out, wasn’t very comfortable. Sean and JJ settled into the couch, each with a beer, and began to make-out. “I always wanted to do this when I was a baby-sitter, but I was always alone. Somehow this feels dangerous and illicit. Let’s play. You’re the sitter, JJ, and I’m your boyfriend. We never have time alone. So when you signed up for this gig, I agreed to stop by with food and beer. This is our first time alone–and without parents lurking upstairs. I’m going to see if you’ll let me get to third base. If I’m lucky I might even hit a home run.”

So Sean pulled JJ into his lap, kissed him passionately, and began to open the shirt buttons. Soon his hand was inside cupping the pecs and pinching the nipples. He pushed JJ back into a recline, bent over, and took the nipples into his mouth, tonguing them and then nipping them with teeth. JJ’s arms went up around Sean’s neck, pulling him into his chest and fisting Sean’s now long curls. “Oh, babe, you’ve got me so hot.”

Sean finished unbuttoning and pushed the shirt aside. Then he reached down and unbuttoned the fly. His hand was soon inside, fondling JJ’s dick. “What do you have here, my dear? Is this a surprise?” JJ laughed and pushed his jeans down to his knees. Then he palmed Sean’s rigid piece behind the denim.

“It looks like you have one too. But, yours is bigger. Do you think when I grow up, I’ll have a bigger one too?”

“You can have this one whenever you want, babe.” Both guys laughed heartily. It really wasn’t that funny. And it obviously wasn’t the first time that JJ had teased Sean about his size. Sean flipped JJ so that he was straddling Sean’s thighs, positioning his bubbles for a massage. He began to work the muscles. “JJ, those squats are working. I can feel the muscles–and you now have dimples. I love dimples. They make good hand-holds. The dick is big enough for me. And these are just about the ripe size.”

Sean spread, licked his fingers and began to work the pink rosebud. Slowly it opened and quivered. Then he was inside, working toward the pleasure point. JJ was squirming in pleasure. “I think that is technically third base. Are you up for a homer?”

“With you, I always hit homers.” Sean pushed JJ off his lap and they walked to the bedroom. It turned into another night of terrific coupling. JJ was a perfect bottom. The night definitely called for missionary. So JJ pulled his legs up and rolled a bit, offering his butt to Sean. It was going to be a slow fuck. Sean prepared JJ with fingers and tongue. Then he lubed himself and leaned into JJ’s thighs, positioning his bulb at the inviting entrance. Slowly he pushed in, stroked the love nut over and over again, and finally plunged and bottomed. JJ squeezed, then, using his anal muscles began the massage that would draw Sean’s seed into his gut. Sean darkened, tensed and exploded. JJ followed instantly. “You just planted a little Sean in me. Now you’ve got to make an honest man out of me.” Sean rolled off, pulled JJ into a spoon and then plugged with his semi-hard cock, trapping the cum inside his lover–at least for a little longer. If JJ wanted to be planted, Sean was ready to insure the seed took good root.

But the domesticity of the night triggered Sean’s imagination. He began to think about the future, but soon was lulled to sleep by JJ’s quieting presence in his arms.

Early the next morning, as Sean awakened, entangled in the arms and legs of his lover, both reeking of the previous night’s activities, he stared up into the ceiling. He began to think. This is all a dream. We are not of the same class, not even of the same country. Remembering the summer, Sean realized that JJ, although at that time an innocent son of a wealthy family, was still his patron. Now, he lived in Sean’s apartment–and dined on the BC food (however horrible it was at times) as the guest of a wealthy resident. JJ was very much his host, and he was just a toy. Sean’s careful nurturing of JJ was bearing fruit: JJ was growing in confidence and glowing in the physical enhancement of his body thanks to the gym time. Soon JJ would realize he could do much better and Sean would be left to fend for himself. Sean began to wonder. What kind of therapist am I? I fall for my patient, and then I use him for my own pleasure. And begin to fear that my success with him professionally will result in my losing him to another.

Sean had turned JJ into his sub. He had taken advantage of JJ’s unfortunate family situation, his hunger for affection. Or was it really compassion-turned-to-affection? Would JJ tire of this? He had money, and much more experience. He soon realized that whatever he might offer to JJ, there were others who were bigger, more talented, and wealthier. Sean devolved into a funk. Thinking about the future often did that to him, even though his own experience (after the childhood illness) had been joyful and loving. Why was he always so insecure? And when would JJ realize his confident demeanor was just a cover? His wit and sarcasm were costumes. These feelings, which struck him from time to time, would pass. He only needed to get busy. He decided to put all of his frustrations into his course work–and the role in the Shaw play.

He reached over to take JJ into his arms again–to reassure himself that JJ was his.

However, his thoughts were interrupted by a call from Michael, “More!!” This was his all purpose word for everything. It was time to return to domestic responsibilities. Sean put aside his gloomy thoughts and rose to care for Michael. JJ watched him leave the bed, got up himself, and stripped the bed. Then joined him in the kitchen. Time with Michael was precious. He wanted to make the most of it.

Later in the morning, Liz and Kevin returned and all four (plus Michael) went to the neighborhood café for lunch.

As lunch ended, JJ hugged Michael and added, “We’d be pleased to help with this little guy anytime. Just call.”

They returned to the BC dorm and their apartment. Routines were soon re-established. As Christmas break neared, course work took up much of their time. It was hard to believe that their time together in Dublin was near the half-way point. No discussion of plans for the Christmas break had been made, but JJ did have an invitation from Fiona to join the O’Connors if he wasn’t flying home to Boston.

JJ noticed the change in his apartment mate, but decided, at least for the time to ignore it. He knew Sean was a pretty complex guy–it was one of the things that attracted him to Sean. Sean was being really introspective–and at least some of his old humor was now restrained. JJ was enjoying the regular sex; in fact, most of the time he was in pre or quasi-orgasmic pleasure just being in the same room at Sean. He loved that, at least usually, Sean topped and brought him to increasingly harder orgasms. And he grew to love the intensity of study at Trinity. What more could either of them want?

What was going on with Sean? As things deteriorated (not the sex, as Sean regularly continued to use JJ and bring him to mind-blowing orgasms), their personal interactions became colder. JJ reluctantly decided it was time to talk. He was so happy with Sean. He didn’t want to lose him. And he couldn’t understand why Sean might be slipping away.

One night, just before dinner–when the guys had already decided that a mediocre dinner in the refectory was preferable to off-campus pizza, or perhaps Indian take-out–JJ initiated the discussion.

“Okay, Sean. What’s wrong? I know there’s something going on. Something’s eating you. We are now family. I want to hear what you are thinking.”

“Nothing’s wrong. How could anything be wrong? We have a perfect apartment. Our courses are going well. And I love your ass.”

“So why are we drifting?”

“This is not serious JJ, Don’t worry. Let me start from the beginning. I think I owe you that. Back at the Lodge, you were a guest, no, a wealthy guest. I knew my job: serve tables in the dining room. I didn’t know until I got there that part of the job meant being available to hotel guests afterwards. I am sure that you know that Peter fucked me–more than once, and pretty rough. He wasn’t the only one. I was basically a young Irish stud-whore. You were the exception. I enjoyed my time with you–but you were paying–even when I asked you not to. I was a rent-boy. I tried to forget about that, but then you paid for everything in Boston–and I know that everything here in Dublin is on your tab.”

“As time went on, I began to rationalize. I wasn’t only taking from you. I was your therapist. I was bringing you back to life. I noticed you opening like an exotic flower.”

“I’m a man, JJ. My job is to provide. I can’t be beholden to anyone–even someone as beautiful and generous as you. I can fuck you–until you scream for release. That’s a macho thing. And you obviously know that I like being in control. I can be in bed with you. Then, I’m definitely the man. But, outside of bed, it’s all yours. I’m falling in love. No paid trick can afford to fall in love with a john. And no therapist is permitted to have a physical relationship with his patient. This is not a fairy tale where the wealthy handsome prince carries off his love. We’ve got this all wrong. I’m feeling kept. I’m feeling insecure. And on other days, I’m feeling like I’m betraying the trust you have placed in me.”

“Somehow, I think I’m reliving Ms. Saigon–but fortunately, I don’t have a child to care for. You are the big rich American–and in a few months you are going home, not forced by war, but by wealth. You are going back to Boston society. I would be just another poor immigrant there. I’ve got a chance here. Look at my brothers. I can be like them. There are great jobs and good money–and I can be me.

“Now get ready for this. In the last few weeks, I’ve been thinking that I’m going to change my major. I think I want to be a psychiatrist. I think I’d be a good one–at least if I can keep my hands from my patients and my dick out of their asses. You need to release me, JJ. I can’t be tied to you forever–whatever I might feel and however much money you might have.”

“This is perhaps the hardest speech of my life. When it was just physical–and when I was earning my keep by fucking you every way possible–I was able to put these thoughts aside. Then when I realized how dependent you were becoming on me as you matured from the difficulties of your childhood, I began to feel guilt. This was just a temporary, enjoyable chapter in my life. But, then we spent that night caring for Michael–and I realized that you were thinking family and children. I also realized that you were beginning to plan the us. You have exchanged your need for family love to an attachment to a guy who gives you pleasure. When I even begin to think about a long term future, I can’t help but become depressed.”

“I’m speechless.” JJ went silent and then he climbed into Sean’s lap. (He wasn’t really speechless. It was just an expression to buy time.) “I was so inexperienced at receiving and giving affection until we met. I guess I’ve misinterpreted what we have and what we’ve become to each other. I’m sorry I hurt you, Sean. I guess I’m too weak a character to be a real partner to a big, confident Irish hunk. All I can say is that I do love you. I love you as I’ve never loved anyone in my life. I feel protected in your arms. I feel loved when you are inside me. I want us to be together. I don’t want this to end. I’ve totally forgotten my horrible family.” Sean tightened around JJ and JJ looked up and kissed Sean with all the passion he could manage. “Let me think for a few days. Then we can talk again.”

“Is it too much to ask you to be inside me tonight?”

“If that’s what you want. It’s what you’re paying for.”

“My God, Sean. It isn’t about money. I have never felt that I was buying you. I have a little more than you do–and my family has given me some material advantages. Yours on the other hand has made you into a loving, beautiful man. Do you want me to give it all away? If that is what I need to do to keep you, I’d do it in a second. Stop pricing everything. Only whores do that.”

“And as to the therapy, yes, I do know you are good for me. You’ve brought me to a new place in my life. I couldn’t be with anyone else. If you want to be a psychiatrist, I can live with that. In fact, I’ll help you to get there. But, as of this minute, I’m not your patron–or your patient.”

“Let’s take this slow. I’m not trying to blow us up. But, I’m trying to understand you. I know you don’t consciously think of me as your whore–or you as my patient. But, that may be the reality. And if that is so, our relationship is really screwed up–the doctor is being paid to screw the patient to rescue him from feelings that he’s not loved. Can you imagine anything worse?”

“Are you kidding me? Do you have any idea how many times you have taken my ass in the last three months? I don’t believe that it was all paid sex or therapy. You are very definitely a man, a hunky man, with a giant talented cock. I’ve seen the parasites of the world. Peter was one. I know how parasites work. And I’ve seen the boy-toys that Mother has in her bed all the time. I know how they think. I just don’t believe it. Sean, you are not my whore, not my toy, not my doctor. You are my love.”

“Grow up, Sean. We have different economic situations. So what? Let’s get real. I want you in my life–and in my ass–every day if possible. Don’t let your feelings of being kept come into the picture. Nor these phony feelings of guilt about pseudo-therapy. Surely, you realize that we are much more than that. Why don’t you hold off on the feelings of guilt until after you have your degree? I’m happy to talk more about this, but I won’t hear you talking about being kept. Or guilty. Period. Full stop.”

JJ had rarely been so forceful–or so explicit. Sean had to accept that their relationship was real. The thick cock in his denims was testament to that. JJ was so beautiful. And not only his ass–although that would earn trophies. He was beautiful inside–his abuse had helped to mold him into a caring man.

“I’m through with this–for now. Let’s take our ‘argument’ to the bedroom. I’m going to plow your ass–like the good rent-boi you’ve paid for.”

“You can plow, boi. I’d love it. But, I’m not going to be ass-fucked by a rent-boi–or a therapist. I want a lover. And, I think the time has come for me to expect that. Are you with me, Sean? If you take me now, it’s because we are lovers. Nothing else will do.”

Sean thought for a few seconds, smiled, and said, “I’m ready to prove to you that we are lovers. Even if you are a descendant of Boston Irish-ass-fuckers.” The old sarcastic Sean was coming back.

“No you don’t, guy. It’s my ass that is being fucked–and I think you are going to be doing the fucking. Deal?”

“Deal. How could it be otherwise, I’m in love with the cute little butt. And, I think I’m in love with you. We’ll make this work.”

Sean carried JJ to their bed. Sean carefully undressed JJ and placed him lovingly in the center of the king. Then, as Sean stood and stripped, JJ raised his legs in a wide V, gripped behind his knees and rolled back. Sean was hypnotized by the prize that was being offered to him. He knelt and his tongue reached out to taste the familiar musk of his boy. The tongue curled and invaded. JJ gasped. He was half-way to the moon already. Lubed fingers were replaced by Sean’s enormous pole. Slowly he rocked, driving into JJ’s tight sheathe with each stroke. He was patient, using hands to tease JJ’s sensitive nips. When he saw the precum dripping onto JJ’s abs and felt the anal massage, he knew JJ was near. He leaned in, pulled JJ’s legs around his waist and reached down to take JJ’s lips. JJ squeezed and pulled Sean ever deeper. And then the passion tipped. JJ reached up and drew Sean’s mouth to his. As he did so, they both simultaneously erupted. Sean reached around and brought JJ up to his chest and they embraced and kissed. By the end, JJ was in tears. “That was absolutely the best I’ve ever experienced. How could you ever think of doing anything else?”

Later JJ told Sean that he was going to accept Fiona’s invitation–they would be together for Christmas. There was no one and nothing in Boston for him. He was cutting himself off. Then, he added, almost as an afterthought, “I’ve applied to transfer to Trinity. I’m pretty sure I can finish my degree here next year. I’m not sure yet whether it will be a degree from Trinity or BC, but I really don’t care. I’ve decided to do grad work in history– here. The history profs are by far the best I’ve ever studied with. I like the passion they bring to the subject. I presume that Trinity has a Psych Department. We can be together.”

“I’m not sure whether we can keep this apartment, but it really doesn’t matter. We’ll find something–so long as we are together.” Sean just smiled. But, inside he realized that JJ had gotten what he wanted–a long term relationship. And that prospect did not trouble Sean at all. In fact, it was what Sean wanted as well. Like a lightening bolt, it hit him that his outburst the previous day was just fear of commitment, the pre-nuptial potential bridegroom’s remorse. But JJ was what he wanted.

End of term papers and exams–many oral at Trinity–were looming, and Sean’s performance in the Shaw play was the week after the new year began–before classes resumed for the second term. It was just okay. Sean was not cut out for the theatre–and he had already begun to think of himself as a therapist anyway. Poetry and drama would be lifelong avocations. Both guys re-dedicated themselves to the hard work–they were scholars. Each took enormous pride in academic achievement–and they shared the work ethic which true scholarship demanded.

It began to look like JJ was moving, perhaps permanently, to Ireland. There he was pretty sure that his wealth would not be the roadblock to relationship that he would find to be true in Boston. Sean was not going to be happy in the States–and JJ wasn’t going to be happy without Sean. At Trinity, excellent scholarship trumped wealth every time. It was the great equalizer. And that is precisely what JJ needed. He was confident that there was a long future with Sean. He had found his mate–and his mate had helped him to find himself. There could be no better gift. Soon he hoped he would be able to share Sean’s gift with others. But, absolutely not his body which was all his.


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