Sexual escapes of Raj(en) and John

A gay story: Sexual escapes of Raj(en) and John Rajen was sitting at his home doing his usual task, which was to eat food, do some work, and trying not to waste John’s food. He was feeling that good today but was happy that John was allowing him to live under his rented roof. He had been living for about 6 months and had really got used to the layout of everything after a couple of months. It was a reasonably sized accommodation where, they both lived in relative comfort. John’s room was the larger of the two, which made sense because he was the richer of the two and owned the apartments thanks to his family wealth which meant that he could afford this stuff. John worked in the managerial payroll department of a warehouse and drove to and from every day in a small hatchback whereas he (Rajen) had to get the bus or work every day. Although luckily most of Rajen’s work could be done online and often was.

Additionally, further to Rajen’s delight many of the necessary amenities apart from work were close by. There were convenience stores, a utility market, a pharmacy, and other shops, about a few shops distance from the apartment complex. Due to this one, could get all necessary items (food, clothing and toiletries) without travelling much and sometimes John would actually bring back the item’s food, or toiletries for the both of them as well as other items or essential’s while he was in his care.

The apartment complex was actually quite spacious and included three rooms (one room for John, one room for Rajen) and a shared kitchen between them. All the rooms (especially) the kitchen was fitted with pretty much everything you need and could fit just about anything (*hint *hint if you get my drift). John’s room was normally left unlocked but he dare not have entered. Although his rent owner’s name was John to him (“Rajen”) his name in reality was actually master, and their arrangement was also a reason why he got such a big discount.

John or his master’s room was so much bigger than this. There were a lot of niceties in his room. These included a dual monitor set-up (something Rajen could never afford and something he was hoping to get-up to for productivities sake). In contrast Rajen’s rented room which he rented for about half the market price could only fit a small table and laptop into where his work items snuggled into. He therefore had to be wary of items like computers overheating.

The shared kitchen was of a reasonable in-between size between the two, and there was a table for eating on as well. This table was of a reasonable size where they could both eat and cook if they wanted. They tended to go in and out of their rooms very mindfully while both of them were careful of crumbs and spilling materials like “milk and cream” on the floor. The kitchen was, not so large however, that accidents did not happen and sometimes they did. Thank God for handheld vacuum cleaners. Any “unfortunate” mistakes that happened could therefore be hoovered up very quickly using a variety of simple accessories and whatnot’s.

A word out there for anyone reading about this series of events about me (Rajen) and John. A silicone rolls out dog feeding Mat can actually be used in human’s. Silicone products are very often non-stick and easy to clean, and you can easily tap away the crumbs when you are done into bin, window, and garden. Sometimes many products bought in the animal retail world are cheaper than human retail products because of marketing and certification requirements although you do have to be careful of some items (Always do you own double checking beforehand). Sometimes the cost difference can be amazing for someone like a student, self-employed or home worker; it can be a lot. If you do not believe me, think of somewhere like the medical industry where office chairs had to be certified regularly and somehow adding the word medical to the word office chair seemed to add on an extra zero to the office price. Even moreso, although such items were technically meant for animals and not humans (Rajen – the writer of this story) was a animalistic moron and deserved to be punished and treated like one.

Still, it did not matter because Rajen was an animal and he deserved to be treated like one and things between him (Rajen and John) were going fine and well. Rajen did not just have John for company and more, he also had various animalistic plane mentor (APM) and animal soul streams (ASS) to his name guiding his behavior that he like to walk, explain, share, and talk with (More about these in another chapter). John was a stern white young male, and they had some fun together were as Rajen was a similarly aged South Asian (I am not going to say how old for privacies sake). The following chapters are just an excerpt of the fun they went through during their time together and this is just a carefully selected curation handpicked for you the reader. Enjoy.

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