My First Year with Austin Ch. 02

A gay story: My First Year with Austin Ch. 02 This story is a sequel to My First Year in College and My First Year in Prison.

Tyler is finally ready to commit to a serious relationship when he moves in with his former College crush, Austin. After years of entertaining the idea, it is time for those two to figure it out: is their relationship meant to last?

This story is entirely fictional and all characters featured are above 18.



Chapter 2: The honeymoon phase

The first morning waking-up in my new apartment could not have gone any better. Some rays of sunshine on my face, an odour of bacon and eggs, and a naked Austin bringing me breakfast in bed.

Did I mention that my boyfriend looked stunning?

Ok, I know, I am drooling over Austin’s body one every two paragraphs but cut me some slack, that man truly was gorgeous. Especially, when his biceps were put at good use, like when he was holding a tray with freshly baked pancakes, orange juice and strawberries.

“Good morning, babe.” I mumbled in a yawn.

“Slept well?” He asked with a grin.

Austin was well-aware that we had not been sleeping much… He had fucked me for a second time in a raw in the middle of the night.

At one point, I felt his hard dick lodging itself into my ass-crack and things escalated quickly. We barely used any lube; My hole instinctively knew how to stretch itself for Austin’s thick cock. It was not rough though, mostly tender.

Austin bred me and I fell asleep with his male juice coating my hole.

“I had a great night.” I replied.

I picked up the tray and leaned in to kiss my lover. He had already brushed his teeth and taken a shower. He smelt nice.

My kiss extended from his lips down to his neck and once again, I could not help myself but to pull him over me in the bed. My morning wood needed some taking care of, and from what I could tell, Austin’s sausage was waking up also.

“Babe… I have to go.”

“Austin, please, you’re the only breakfast I need.”

Yes. I was cheesy as fuck, but sue me, I was falling in love all over again with my college crush. We were definitely in our “honey moon phase” and I intended to make the best of it.

Austin kissed my forehead gently.

“I do need to get dressed and go to work, Ty.”

“All right…”

I could not really blame him for being the only one with a job. On my side, I had only debts to contribute to our household at this point.

“What are your plans for today?” He asked.

He got out of bed and was searching for some clothes. At least, I had a nice view.

“I have lunch with Janice and afterwards, I’m not too sure.”

I bit into my pancake (delicious, by the way), while I was staring at Austin’s beefy cake. The two birth marks he had on his ass had become my safe place. He was definitely hairier than he was in college, including on his ass cheeks, but I liked that. Being older suited him.

“I guess I should figure out what I’m going to do with my life. I’ll check for job applications.” I added.

I was nervous that Austin would think that I was taking advantage of him. I did intend to get a job and to make my own money.

He turned around and smiled at me. He did not seem worried at all.

“Sounds like a plan.”

Austin was such a tease. He put on a polo shirt before putting any underwear or pants on. He was wandering around, his flaccid cock bouncing between his legs. I ate some more pancakes. I would work-out later on that day to compensate.

After five minutes of his dick fapping against his thighs, Austin finally found some jeans and left for work.

He kissed me one more time before going. His lips tasted like a nice sweety treat.

Was I really that lucky? Sometimes I was afraid I would close my eyes and realize that I was back at the prison or that I had imagined the past few weeks.

This seemed too good to be true.

Unfortunately, or maybe that was just how it was supposed to be, life was about to catch back with me.

I was looking at Austin walking by the pool from the apartment’s window when a blond girl, in a ridiculously tiny red bathing suit, – basically a thong and, on top, two very thin straps to hide her nipples -, ran towards my boyfriend.

“How are you doing Austin?” I vaguely heard her say.

“Hi Allison.”

Wait. That was Allison?! The girl Austin thought was, quote on quote, “cool”?!

Fuck, I was screwed.

I could not really hear their conversation but they did seem to be friendly with each other. I found myself checking on Austin’s crotch. Was he hard? I could not tell from afar.

I mean, I was gay as hell but even I knew that Allison was sex on a stick.

Thankfully, their interaction did not last long, Austin was already late for work.

Once he was gone, I kept on spying on Allison, lounging and tanning by the pool. She definitely wanted to be seen by the entire apartments’ complex. No wonder she did not get along with Mrs. Smith. The old gargoyle (to quote Austin again) was certainly not a fan of such an obscene display!

Although they did share a common trait, they both had gotten a ton of plastic surgeries done. There was no way Allison’s big boobs could have been natural and her lips seemed too luscious to be real.

I decided to stop looking when I realized how much of a pervert that was making me, staring through the window, stark naked, at my neighbour in a bikini.

I wondered if Austin had mentioned me to Allison. Did he tell her that he was gay? Well, he was not gay. Not really… Not at all actually, except for me. Did he tell her that he was with a guy though?

Even then, I was sufficiently self-aware to realize this was not a good thing to get in my head about this. Austin had been perfect with me and I knew better than anyone else that you should not be defined by your past.

When I left to meet up with Janice, the pool was cleared and I did not meet anymore of my new neighbours.

Allison quickly came up in the conversation with Janice though. We were having lunch near Venice Beach. Janice looked very good in a trendy yellow dress; Richard was treating her well.

“How big were the boobs?” She asked to assess of the situation.

I rolled my eyes.

“Very damn big! Two bombshells.”

“And how intense was the hug with Austin?”

“Not too intense but the boobs did get in the way and her pussy was pressing against his crotch. I mean, her bikini was so small, one could barely see her pussy lips.”

I had asked Janice, who was always more reasonable than me, if I should bring that up to Austin or if that would just make me look paranoid and jealous.

“But she was the one coming at him, right?”


She stared at me very seriously and pronounced her verdict.

“You don’t have anything to tell Austin then.”

I shrugged my shoulders.

“He did mention that she was cool though!”

“Well, you have girls’ friends too. You are having lunch with me and Austin does not make a fuss!”

“Yes, Janice, I’m having lunch with you. But I will never say that YOU are cool! Ever!” I bursted out laughing.

She cracked a smile. She knew I was only kidding.

Over the course of our ten years’ friendship, Janice had learnt to take my stupid jokes on how uptight she supposedly was.

Although, this was mainly a thing from where I met her back in college because since then, she had become way more confident, assertive, and well… free. Contrary to what I was telling her, Janice had turned into one of the coolest girls I knew.

We had met as we were both in our freshman year. I was Austin’s roommate while she was the roommate of Ashley, Austin’s girlfriend at the time. Janice and I reconnected when she pursued her degree in psychology on the West Coast, just like me.

“Come on, you wish you had my sense of style.” She replied, putting her new sunglasses on.

“I must admit that you do look somewhat fancy today. I go one year in prison and suddenly, you wear designer clothes.”

“Oh, shut up. Get a job and you might do the same.”

“I wish.” I replied a little more seriously.

“Any idea of what you want to do next?”

“Work in a factory? I mean, who would hire an ex-convict?”

“Not a lot of people, that’s true.”

Janice was working at a rehabilitation centre so she knew what she was talking about. Also, she would always tell it like it is.

“Great encouragement… Thanks.” I mumbled.

“But you don’t need a boss to hire you to have a job, Ty. Sometimes, you have to create your own opportunities.”

“Yeah… I mean… I do have something I’d like to do… But it seems so silly.”


I laughed out loud.

If only I knew she would ultimately not be that far away from the truth. But I was not thinking about porn at the time.

“I’d like to write.” I said in the most neutral tone.

For some reason, I felt very stupid about my desire to become an author.

“Writing. That’s nice. About what?”

I was glad she did not mock me right away.

“Everything. As far back as I can remember, I have always loved to write. I would imagine stories to fall asleep every night when I was a kid, sometimes very elaborate and complex ones. And I don’t know, in prison, when I was forced to think of something I could do outside, the reinsertion projects, this is the first thing that came to mind. Weird, right?”

“Why do you say this is weird? I think that’s great! We all need to be passionate about something.”

“Great? That will not put food on the table, at least, not anytime soon. I don’t even know where to start.”

“Ok, it might not be easy but what is? As far as starting goes, it seems pretty simple to me, you open your computer and you start typing. And in the meantime, you can work at a bar or something.”

“I guess…”

I was already picturing myself in a gay club, serving shots to shirtless drunk dudes dancing to Lady Gaga’s latest bops.

After lunch, we spent most of the afternoon walking by the beach with Janice. The perks of living in L.A. The sun, the jocks training shirtless outside, the bikes, and the weed.

We were having a nice time but I could tell that she was concerned for me.

“I’ve seen this with many guys I’ve worked with. The first couple of months after prison feel amazing but then, it’s a very hard wake-up call when daily life comes back. I just want to make sure you are prepared for that.”

“I know, but I’m not one of your patients. I have no intention of falling in love with another drug dealer any time soon. Trust me, I have learned my lesson. I won’t do anything that might jeopardize my release.”

“I’m not saying that… Depression or anxiety can impact even guys who manage to fully reinsert themselves. Especially after what you’ve been through, this experience does leave some permanent marks and …”

I cut her off.

I knew exactly where she was going with that and I was clearly not ready to talk about the shooting or all the other crazy stuff that had happened in prison.

“I’m fine, Jan. Ok? I’m very lucky, actually. I have you. I have Austin. My brother stood by my side. Most of the guys I met in there had nothing waiting for them on the other side. Me, I have tons of stuff that I want to fight for.”

She smiled.

“I guess you’re right.”

There was something I wanted to tell Janice for a while but why is it always so difficult to share our true feelings? Even when they are positive ones.

“Janice. I… I just needed to say…”


We stopped walking, we had arrived at the end of the Santa Monica Pier.

“I guess I could make a long speech but basically, I just want to say thank you.”

She seemed genuinely surprise. She took her sunglasses off.


I felt my eyes getting teary. I hated that.

“You know why. For everything. You came visit me in prison, you tried to understand what I had done. I mean. You were there. You are here. Always. I can’t believe you have stuck up with me all these years, after each time I’ve messed up.”

She got some tears in her eyes too. She hugged me.

“Tyler, stop being surprised that people love you.”

Janice really was the best.

Be reassured, the moment of deep feelings and emotions did not last for too long. Soon enough, we were back at commenting all the pop culture phenomenon that I had missed while I was in prison.

That suit Shawn Mendes had worn at the Grammies, we had to talk about it!

When I came back home around 6 PM, Austin was still at work. It was still very sunny, and I thought it was a good opportunity for me to try the pool.

I quickly passed by the apartment, put my favourite speedos on, – they were black so they were pretty bland but they fit me nicely -, and I jumped in the pool.

Damn, that felt good!

When I was a therapist, I was often advising my patients to go for a swim to help them clear their minds. The pool of the complex was not huge but was long enough to do a few laps.

I also did some meditation exercise by putting my head under water and holding my breath. Apnoea is another great way to recentre yourself. You have to let go of all the thoughts polluting your brain to focus on your breathing.

However, this time, when I finally got my head out of the water, I wondered if I had not accidentally killed myself and ended-up in Heaven.

My eyes opened up to muscular and hairy thighs and, right above my face, the skimpiest, most outrageous pair of speedos that I had ever seen. Those were definitely not bland (they were bright pink!) and it seemed like they were about to snap in half given how much they were stretched.

For a few seconds, I was stuck on the obscene bulge flaunted before me.


Fuck. The speedos belonged to a man. A man who was talking to me.

*Stop staring at that crotch, Tyler. Get a grip!*

“Hi…” I said, spitting out water from my mouth.

Finally, I looked above the insane pink bulge, I followed the black treasure trail between the abs, went through two large pecs complimenting a broad hairy chest, and I landed on the face of a thirty something Latino guy.

He was smiling down on me like he was straight out of a toothpaste commercial. Bright white perfectly aligned set of teeth. Some L.A. people look so perfect that it is scary sometimes.

“You do know this is a private pool, man.”

He did not look mad or annoyed. The hunk just stared at me, standing above the pool, his legs widely spread. I swear to God that one of his balls was about to get out. Just the rules of gravity!

To be honest, I was kind of hoping it would happen.

“I… Yes… I’m sorry… I mean, no. I’m not sorry. I… I live here. Apartment 3B.”

Pardon my somewhat incoherent blabbering, it was hard (no pun intended) not to be distracted.


“I live with Austin. Austin Prat.” I spoke.

“Oh! Sorry. I did not know you were already here.”

I swam towards the ledge of the pool and he extended his hand. Long hand. I do not think anything about that man could be small.

“I’m Tyler.”

“Sergio. I live right there, 2C.” He pointed to an apartment behind him.

I thought I should get out of the water to properly introduce myself but I realized the encounter had made my dick chubbed. Although my speedos were not close to be as revealing as Sergio’s, one could still easily tell that I was hard.


*When will you stop being turned on by all the hot guys that you meet, Tyler?*

“I arrived yesterday evening. I could not wait to try the pool.”

“I bet! Mind if I join you?”

Great… Now he was going to get even closer to me.

“Of course not. Please.”

Sergio turned around and I got a view of his fat Latino bum for the first time. Seriously, at this point, his speedos might as well have been a thong, his ass was barely contained and both his cheeks were coming out of the pink fabric.

When he bent over to put his phone down, I could even see his thick hair starting from his crack and extending out of the swimsuit.

Clearly, there was no way I could contain my erection. Thank God I was under water. At the same time, Sergio must be expecting this sort of reactions if he was wandering around like that!

He dipped his (very large) feet in the water before diving in.

“How long Austin and you have been together?” He casually asked.

My heart beamed with joy that Austin had already mentioned me to our neighbour.

Given his attitude and his clothing choice, I was getting a strong gay vibe from Sergio, maybe the reason why Austin had already been talking about our relationship.

“A few weeks… I… It’s complicated. But we’ve been knowing each other for years. We met in college.”

I thought I should avoid talking about my time in prison to a stranger.

“First weeks of a relationship. That’s nice. You must be fucking all the time.” He chuckled.

Ok, Sergio was straight to the point.

I mean, I could not really pretend that I was a prude…

“Pretty much.” I grinned at him. “The honeymoon phase, you know.”

“Oh, I know! I miss that.”

I was not too sure where to bring the conversation from this point on.

Sergio was now floating above the water, his bulge once again in full view, except now, the Adonis was all drenched with water. I tried to look away but my eyes were wired to follow the damn crotch. And like a shark, it was getting closer and closer to me.

“Hey guys!”

My heart jumped in my chest. I knew that voice. I turned around, Austin was there.

“Hi Austin, I…”

“You could not resist a swim, eh?” He told me. “What’s up, Sergio?”

“All good, mate.”

Sergio got his big ass out of the pool to shake Austin’s hands. I was hard as a rock so I was still trapped in the water.

“I guess I don’t have to introduce you two.” Austin commented.

“Nope, I met the notorious Tyler myself.”

“Yeah… I… I went in for a quick swim and Sergio had the same idea.”

I thought I had to justify myself. Somehow, I felt guilty like I had been caught doing something wrong.

“That dude is always in the pool when I come back from work.” Austin explained.

“Guilty.” Sergio replied with a cheeky smile.

The more I was looking at him, – and to be fair, I was looking at Sergio a lot -, the more I had a feeling that I had already seen him somewhere. Maybe on my Insta feed or something.

“How was work?” I asked Austin to revert my attention back to him.

“It was good, I’m starting to feel a bit more comfortable with the project and the teams.”

Austin and Sergio discussed football for a few minutes which allowed me to finally get some control over my stupid erection. I came out of the water as soon as it was safe and Austin and I went back to the apartment.

Austin slapped my ass the second he shut the door behind us.

“Nice butt.”

“You think? I feel very self-conscious now that I have met Sergio.”

“Ahah, you should not. You don’t play in the same category. You have a juicy peachy bubble butt…” Austin grabbed it to prove his point.

“…While he has a gigantic hairy cake!” I completed his sentence.

We laughed.

I was glad Austin did not seem the slightest mad to have found me in the pool with another guy.

We chit chatted a little. But less than five minutes later, we were both in the shower together. More specifically, I was on my knees while Austin was enjoying the warm water falling on his back.

He deserved a nice treat after a long day at work.

Although my dick would always react when confronted to a hot hunk, I had no interest in seeking anyone other than my boyfriend. I would have bet everything that Sergio’s precum did not taste as nice as Austin’s.

He did not fuck me this time. Austin had a little accident in the middle of my blowjob. His cock was buried deep in my throat and as I was gagging, my nose against his pubic hair trying to beat another apnoea’s record, Austin blew several fat loads of creamy cum.

I did not expect it and apparently, neither did he.

I almost choked with the amount of jizz filling my mouth but I dutifully swallowed everything, until the last droplet.

“Sorry, babe.”

“Don’t apologize, I’m just too good at this.” I winked at him, bubbles of cum popping in my mouth.

“Yeah… But you have not finished yourself.”

“Well, maybe you can help with that.”

Austin had already sucked my cock but he was still a bit uncomfortable with any position which involved him acting as the bottom or the submissive. I grabbed his right hand and I guided it towards my dick.

He kissed my lips and started stroking me. The hand job, he knew how to do very well. We were both standing up under the water.

“Hmmm… Austin…”

“I thought about your lips and your peachy bum all day.”


He wanked me off harder.

“Yeah… I could not wait to get home and take care of you.”

We French-kissed.

“Austin… I…”

“Cum for me, babe…” He whispered in my ears.

He did not need to ask twice. I jizzed against his abs and legs and we let the water wash it off down the drain. Austin then spent a few minutes massaging and soaping my body.

I loved rough sex but I also loved when he was caring with me.

I made dinner, spaghetti bolognaise, and we drank some wine. We only wore underwear in the apartment.

I got a text from Ralph, the bodybuilder I had shared a cell with in prison, we had plans to see each other later that week since we were living in the same city. However, I did not mention it to Austin.

I wanted to preserve our little bubble of happiness as much as possible and anything relating to prison could damage that.

Austin had gotten a text too. He shared it with me.

“Sergio just asked me if we wanted to go have dinner at his place on Saturday night.”

“I guess… He seems fine.”

Austin gave me a weird look.

“What is it, ty?”

“I don’t know. I mean, have you seen his body and more importantly, his speedos? The dude looks like the perfect mix between a gay Pornstar and a Marvel movie actor. I’m not too sure what to think of him.”

“Are you telling me that you fancy our neighbour?”


He rolled his eyes. Even I did not convince myself. Of course, I was attracted to Sergio! And if Austin had not realized how hot our neighbour was, that meant that he really, really was not gay.

To be honest, my boyfriend’s sexuality was, for the most part, still a mystery.

“I think we should say yes. They’re both “very L.A.” (Austin did the quotations mark with his fingers), but they’re cool once you get to know them.”


“Sergio and Allison. Did not he tell you that he was married?”

This, I was not expecting. Although it was making sense, they shared the same taste in outrageous bathing suits!

Once again, Austin had referred to Allison as being “cool”, whatever that meant.

“No, he did not. Honestly, I thought that he was gay.”

“You really have some biases on people. A straight dude cannot wear sexy speedos? He could also be bisexual you know, that exists.”

In his tone, I sensed that Austin was a little upset. He probably considered himself as a bisexual man.

“Come on, Austin. I simply assumed. Just a hunch.”

“So, what about dinner with them?”

“Sure. I should meet this Allison girl; you seem to like her so much…”

Austin looked at me quizzically but he did not say anything. Ouch. I hoped we had not bursted our bubble already.


I hope you enjoyed chapter 2, guys! See you next week for chapter 3!

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