Apocolypse chapter 22+23 by fairieboi69

A gay adult story: Apocolypse chapter 22+23 by fairieboi69

ok so if u like this rate it positive if not rate it negative and please leave a comment so i know why or why not u like it Apocalypse chapter 22 As before time passes faster than it seems and it is now late spring. We have made a lot of progress on repairing the crashed space ship with Adrien’s help. He has managed to get the power system inside repaired and with everyone else’s help some of the other minor damages have been fixed to.

We have managed to get the craft almost flight worthy, yet we are so far from having it done. Life has gone on as usual in the mine, we eat, sleep, play, and have FUN. Cole has recovered from his sickness and wrist injury and is back to his normal cute little self.

I’ve found out more about Nathan’s past and how he came to be in the orphanage and I have tried to help him deal with the pain of that past. The romance between Adrien and Carry has taken off and they have in a sense become a couple. Adrien still has a lot to learn about how to be a boy friend, but hey what 13 year old doesn’t.

I have seen them kissing and cuddling on several occasions, but so far nothing sexual has went on between them as far as I know, and trust me I know. I have made several trips to town to bring back extra supplies to store for when we did get the space ship repaired so we could leave for the tropics as soon as possible. We were going to just put all the stuff in the ship right away, but we realized that may be a bad idea.

It may take us longer than we think to get the thing fixed, or some kind of animal could get to the food and destroy it. The weather has stabilized to warmer temperatures and the threat of the monsters being in the area has returned. We have to be as cautious as ever now when we go outside just incase there is one nearby.

That brings us to the point of the story where we pick up now. “How much longer do you think it will be until we get the ship ready to fly?” AJ asked Adrien.

“I’m not sure. The flight power generator and cloaking fields were damaged. I don’t think we should risk flying the ship with out the cloaking shield on.

If the evil ones see us it will be game over for us. They won’t hesitate to destroy the craft.” Adrien told him.

“Um..ok well that sucks.

” Adam said being sarcastic. “Yeah it sucks but he’s right. We don’t want those damn monsters seeing us flying around in that thing.

” I told AJ. “Ok but I guess I’m asking is how long do you guys think t will take us? Till it gets cold again or what?

” AJ wondered. “Just as a guess I would say any where from a week to a few months. I can not be sure until I try to repair the engines.

” Adrien said. Everyone was at the wreck site of the ship working on either clearing the area of brush, or clearing the rubble and debris off the ship, or actually working on the ship. “Shhhh.

Quiet!” Chris said to every one. He got my attention real quick.

“What is it?” I asked him as he put his super hearing to the air. “Sounds like a ship.

” He answered. Adrien then closed his eyes and I knew he was concentrating on finding what Chris heard. “He is right every one inside the ship now!

” Adrien said in urgency. We all ran inside the crashed ship for cover from the approaching threat. Adrein ran quickly to the control panel and shut down all power to the ship.

“They are scanning for any signs of activity. If they pick up the power signature of the ship while the cloaking shields are down we are dead.” He said shutting things down.

Just as he got everything turned off the sky began to grow dark from the shadow of the ship coming over head. “Every one quiet don’t make a peep.” I whispered to everybody.

I could see that everyone there was terrified of being found by the monsters. We only brought minimal protection with us. We had a rifle and a shot gun that was all.

The sky stayed dark for a few minutes and then began to slowly brighten back up as the huge ship fly over us and away. We all breathed a sigh of relief then. “Glad that’s over with.

” I said letting a huge worry off my shoulders. We all decided right then to call it a day of working on the ship and get our asses back to the mine to safety. We gathered up all our tools and things and made our way back to the mine.

“OH my god!” Carry said as a bear crossed our path on the way home. The bear reared up on it’s hind legs and growled at us.

Lucky began to bark and growel like a vicious dog we had never seen before. “No, no Lucky it’s ok. Guys it’s the bear from last year.

Remember the one that dragged the monsters bodies away.” Donny said. The bear let out another bone shaking roar making some of the guys cry from being scared.

Donny walked right over to the bear as it settles back down to all four legs much to Adam’s dislike. It was growling and muttering something as Donny listened to it. “Guys he said we shouldn’t be out here.

He said those monster things have been out around here and he fought with one of them and killed it.” Donny said. The bear did have a few marks on it’s body from what looks like it had been fighting.

“It’s ok we crossed paths with this big guy before. He didn’t hurt us then and I don’t think he will now.” I told the guys who hadn’t seen the bear before.

“Ok, thanks mister bear.” Donny said before the bear wondered off. “He said we need to get out of the open before dark.

I guess those monsters have been looking for food in the night time.” Donny also told us. That made us increase our pace of getting to the safety of the mine.

A short time later we arrived back at the mine entrance and made our way inside. Checked my watch and it was nearly 7 pm. We were definitely pushing it time wise about getting back here from the ship.

“I think we should make a point to get home a lot sooner from now on.” I suggested leaving the ship earlier. Everyone was in total agreement with that.

I looked around and everyone was fairly dirty and sweaty from working so hard on the ship. This time I didn’t have to say a word as the boys began to wonder to the hot spring a few at a time to get cleaned up. Adrien being one of the first ones in the water was well deserving of it finished his bath quick and went to check on his plans for the ships repairs.

I on the other hand went to our food stores and started a dinner for every one of micro waved soup and stale crackers. The guys sniffed out the warm food as the smell traveled through the cave and found them where ever they were. Once I had enough made for every one I decided to make my way to the warm bath myself.

Justin, Chris, the twins, and Zack were all getting out of the water as I walked into the chamber. I began to strip down and just as my undies came off Carry walked in and began to undress to. I had seen her naked many times before and she had seen me so it wasn’t a major thing to me to take a bath with her, to her how ever it was a different story.

I could sense in her that she was becoming aroused from being alone with me in the hot spring like we were. “Carry I’m sure you know by now what goes on between me and the other guys. I’m not trying to be mean to you, but I just don’t dig girls sorry.

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