Apocolypse chapter 22+23 by fairieboi69

In the storage room the twins were beating their little boners like crazy. “I wanna try sucking.” Cole said to his brother.

“Really? Me to.” Cody said.

They then stopped jerking and Cole got on his knees on the hard rocky floor. He then guided his brother in front of him and then sank his little pecker into his mouth. Cody was in heaven as his twin sucked his dick.

Cole squeezed Cody’s but cheeks as he bobbed back and forth on his dick. “Oh gosh that feels so awesome. It’s just as good as when Derrik did it.

” Cody moaned. Cody put his hands on his brothers head and began fucking his face faster and faster. “OH gosh her it comes.

” Cody moaned as he tensed up and his dick jerked in his brothers lips as he had his dry orgasm in his mouth. Cole sucked his brother like he had been doing it for years and enjoyed the first time he tasted the sweet sensation of boy cock. He spit Cody’s dick out then and let him catch his breath before they traded positions.

Cody was now on his knees and Cole standing in front of him. Cody copied what his brother did to him and sucked his small boner in his mouth like a pro. He forced Cole’s dick all the way into his mouth till Cole’s little tight ball sack was against Cody’s chin.

Cody then pulled away till only Cole’s little cock head was still in his lips then he sank back down on him. He bobbed back and forth on him doing a better job than Cole had for him. Cody was definitely enjoying sucking his first dick more than his brother did.

Cole didn’t last long from the great feeling his twin was giving him. “Oh god Cody..

.” he moaned before firing his dry nut into his brother’s mouth. The twins were in their own little world right now as their sister and the hybrid were now in the process of talking about what they had just done.

“Did I do that right?” Adrien asked. “Honey you did that great.

I never thought having the real thing in there would feel so good.” Carry answered before kissing him. Adrien like I said didn’t really know what to do so he just took Carry’s lead in the play.

He gently kissed back and held here as they cuddled in the warm water. The twins finished their play and came out in the common room with flushed looks on their faces and rosey red cheeks. I looked at them and just chuckled and they grinned back.

“How was it?” I asked them. They looked at each other then back to me and smiled.

“Yeah I know. Great isn’t it.” I said.

They went to the kitchen to get some munchies then. A few of the other guys were sitting around playing the video games or board games to kill time. I noticed AJ sitting with his fingers messaging his temples.

“Head hurting again?” I asked. “Yep big time.

” He replied. “Got any aspirins left?” I asked.

“I took the last 1 a little while ago.” He said. “Try laying down.

I’ll make the guys be quiet for you.” I suggested. He then lay down and I told every body, “Hey guys try to stay quiet as much as you can.

Adam has a head ache and we’re out of medicine for him so kind of keep it down ok.” Adrien and Carry were walking from the bathing chamber to the common chamber and holding each others hands when Adrien stopped dead in his tracks. In the common room I was sitting reading one of the old comics we grabbed at the drug store.

It was at that point when it hit us like a freight train. “Holy shit!” I said as I jumped up to find Adrien.

“Did you feel it?” I asked him when I found him and Carry near her bed chamber. “Yes I did.

We need to get to them quickly.” He responded. “What exactly the hell are you two talking about?

” Carry asked. “Something happened at the bunker.” I told her.

“What? And how do you know?” she asked.

“We know because we can sense it in our minds. And I’m not sure what yet, but it’s bad.” I told her.

I got dressed as fast as I could and went to tell some of the others what was up. “Ok guys something has happened at the army bunker. Adrien and I both sensed it and it’s bad.

We need to get to them and see what’s going on.” I said. “Are we all going?

” Nathan asked. It was getting late and I didn’t think it to be wise to take every one to the bunker just incase things were really bad. Adrien and I knew what had happened, but we didn’t want to tell the others exactly what yet so they didn’t freak out.

The best people I though to go to the bunker were AJ, Joey, and Adrien. The only thing was I didn’t want to leave everyone her unprotected so Adrien would need to stay behind. I woke AJ and he wasn’t pleased to say the least.

“Dude what the hell?” he said as I shook him awake. “Sorry Adam but I need your help.

Something bad happened at the army bunker. Some of us are going to see what happened and I need you to go.” I explained.

“Ok, ok. Just give me a second to wake up.” He said rubbing his head.

I knew his head was still hurting, but this was bigger than just him right now. Adrien knowing what needed to be done knelt next to AJ and put his hand on his forehead. “Wow what did you do?

” AJ asked. “A token of my friend ship I thought I’d take the pain away. Derrik needs your help, and you need to be pain free for it.

” He answered. The three of us then got dressed and ready to go. I grabbed a few guns and I decided to take the glove with us just incase we needed some heavy duty weapons.

I surely wasn’t too crazy about going out after dark with those things around, but this had to be done. AJ, Josiah, and I were no on the way to town to get the truck out of the barn and make our way to the army base to see what happened to the others. “Ok Derrik are you going to tell us what’s going on?

” Josiah asked. “I don’t know yet, but I know it was bad.” I told him.

“Come on dude don’t bullshit us. I know you know exactly what’s going on so just tell us.” Adam demanded.

“Ok, ok they were attacked and seriously hurt. That’s why we need to get there as fast as we can.” I said.

I didn’t want to tell them the whole truth, but what I told them was good for now. “Why didn’t more people come with us?” Josiah asked.

“Because most of the other guys are to young or little and Adrien and Carry stayed behind to watch over them. Besides you two are perfect for this situation. AJ you can see shit we can’t, and Joe you got your super strength.

That might come in handy for us.” I explained. Accepting my reasoning we got the truck and drove as fast as possible to the army base where Phil, Alicia, and Gavin were.

I did know something seriously had happened there and they were in pain. What kind of pain exactly I wasn’t sure of, but I did feel it and so did Adrien so I wasn’t imagining it. AJ kept a constant look out for anything abnormal as we went down the road in the old truck.

I could sense the anxiety in Josiah as we got further away from our home and the others. “It’s ok Joe, Chris and the others will be fine. Adrien and Carry are there.

If any one can protect them they can.” I reassured him. “Derrik can you hear me?

” a voice said in my head. It was Adrien contacting me mentally. “Yeah I hear you what’s up?

” I asked. “Just letting you know everything is fine here. If you need anything from us let me know.

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