The Retirees Club – Chapter 10: Moving on

Gay stories 2016: The Retirees Club – Chapter 10: Moving on

by NormJohnson

I resumed my daily gym time. The boys were still shooting pool most days, with Bill resuming his attendance. I wouldn’t say I was ignoring them, but I wasn’t saying hello either. I did consider Bill a victim of the whole Cindy scheming, if his situation works out to having some discretion with his sex partners, I hope he calls me. Then again, some pussy would be nice too.

Andie was off work that week, but I was glad to see her back on Monday. She’s really friendly, and has a beautiful smile. The snack bar emptied out after a bit and I went over to the counter for a refill on my coffee. Well, to admire her figure too. She asked if she could help with anything, and I answered, “Maybe I can offer something to you. Would you like to have dinner with me?”

She gave me a big smile and said, “I’d love to. I’m off here early, so any day would do.”

“Do you like Italian food?” She did, so I said I’d pick her up tomorrow at five. I got her address, we did a little small talk and I headed home.

There was an email from my lawyer, asking me to give him a call.

“Hey Ed, it’s Pete Adams.”

He chuckled and said, “You’re going to love this. You must have put the fear of God into Cindy.”

“I did threaten to file a wrongful death suit at one point in the discussion.”

“Well, they’ve asked us again to sign the quit claim, but have added some hush money to it.”

Imagine that. I didn’t expect that. “How much we talking here?”

“Oh, not an insignificant figure but you wouldn’t retire on it. Twenty five grand. And they’ve added a clause that basically says this is a final settlement, so there’s no revisiting it in the future. Sounds like a decent carrot to me.”

I thought about it, but only for a second or so. “My silence can be bought, sure, I agree. I’ll be in town Thursday, can I stop by then to sign?”

Ed said, “I’m busy most of the day, but tell you what, let’s grab lunch. You available about 12:30? Meet me at the office so we can get the document notarized.”

That worked for me.

Andie and I had a very nice dinner. I discovered this place soon after moving to town, and really liked their seafood. She had a shrimp scampi. It turns out we’d both worked in office equipment at competing companies, so we had some common names. I did a little gardening but she was quite proud of her roses. (I can grow them but they don’t thrive for some reason.)

Towards the end of dinner, I told her about my wife’s demise, and she seemed genuinely concerned. I told her that I appreciated that, and she touched my arm and wished me the best in moving on.

She had noticed that I wasn’t playing pool with the fellows anymore. I vaguely said that some complications had come up, I’d tell her about it someday. I mumbled something about people not being what they seemed; she paused and nodded knowingly.

I drove her home; she rested her hand on my arm. That was nice. Trading cock with those guys, even fucking Molly, was hot sex but the feminine touch was special. We agreed to do something on the weekend; we had a quick goodnight kiss at her door and I headed home.
I was at Ed’s office a few minutes early, but he’d gotten out of court early so I signed the papers and his admin notarized them. I also got his bill so I could send him a check. Then we went to lunch at the deli across the street.

He didn’t have a lot of time but we reviewed this whole affair. He said that the McMaster family was not easy to deal with, but he’d done worse. At one lull, he said, “Just a pure nosey curiosity, Pete. You told me the basics about your group of friends there. Can I ask a very personal question?”

“If I’m comfortable with answering, I will. I trust you.”

“Was that type of get-together something you’d done in the past?”

“No, it was new to me. I never even had a teen frolic, like some guys did. But I had an open mind and I admit I did enjoy it. So, why do you ask?”

Ed looked me in the eye for a second, then said, “Well, I’ve had some curiosity about that myself lately. Do you suppose we can ‘discuss’ this further?”

What a fun idea. I said, “Sure. Would you like to come to my place for dinner and a drink?”

He countered, ” I’d prefer you come to my house, if you don’t mind the drive. Next week some day?”

We arranged a time. Ed had a client meeting so we parted. There was a development I didn’t expect. The thought of showing the ropes to a newbie was turning me on. The excitement of a new friend kept my erection coming and going for the whole two hour drive home. I thought about jerking off during the drive, but thought better of it.

As soon as I got home though, I stripped and got into bed with my tablet, and looked up some pictures as I stroked my meat and played with my balls. It didn’t take long for me to feel that pleasure rising, followed by it overflowing. I watched as my cock dumped its load all over my belly. Then, a new action since I’d been blowing those fellows – I scooped it up and ate it. I was getting to like it a lot.


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