A gay story: My Roommate is (Way) Too Hot! Ch.06
Samuel is sexy and he damn knows it, showing off his banging body on social media and in the gym any chance that he gets. Oliver knows that he should not agree to let the vacant room of his apartment to a straight horny jock, exhibitionist on top of everything else. This might only create problems and frustrations… Right? Although, how could he resist?! Sam is WAY TOO HOT!
Chapter 6: Way too narcissistic
Thank God that I did not listen to my brain when it had been time to make a decision on who should be my new roommate.
Whether it was my dick or my guts talking back then, I had made the right call.
Samuel was messy, careless about most things, loud sometimes, he was coming in and out the apartment at any time of the day or night, he had multiples girls coming over (often, in the span of a single night), but he was the best roommate I could have hoped for.
Interacting with him every day had made my life so much more exciting, in all senses of the word.
He was forcing me to be more at ease with myself, he was helping me exercise more, and he had always tons of crazy anecdotes to share.
I had never met someone like him, and I was always amazed by his outlook on life.
Of course, the daily eye candy was also very much appreciated!
Two weeks after he had moved in, Samuel was pretty much naked every time he was at the apartment, and when he was not, it was only because he was wearing his white or light grey tight compression shorts, which were basically translucent.
Exercising in lycra is definitely a bold move but Samuel was not afraid to show the goods.
You might think that after some time, I got tired of seeing his junks all the time, or at the very least, that I got used to it, but believe me, it was impossible to get tired of these particular genitals.
I was now convinced that Samuel was the hottest man on this damn Earth, bearing the most perfect cock of all, and I promised myself to appreciate my luck to be living with him.
Another thing that I learned to appreciate about my new roommate was the way he was going about life. He was such a simple creature.
Maybe all straight men are?
He was concerned by two things only: exercising and getting laid.
His entire life seemed to be revolving around these two activities. Sometimes, he was doing both at the same time.
One afternoon, I came back from work and he was ploughing a girl in our living room, and trust me, it looked more intense than a gym session at a boot camp!
The poor girl was thrown around up and down, left and right. Samuel was an unstoppable fuck machine.
Even my arrival could not disturb him from banging that chick’s asshole.
To be fair, she did not seem to mind either and she even was very close to invite me to join the fun.
I went straight to my room instead, and let my roommate fucking his date in every possible position you can think of for the next forty minutes.
The dude had incredible stamina on top of everything else.
Once the girl was gone, Samuel knocked on my door.
He got in, stark naked, his dick still dripping with cum. He was not even back to being flaccid yet!
“Hope that didn’t bother you, mate. You know me, when I’m into it, it’s like… I cannot stop.”
“I’m just glad my mom didn’t happen to come to visit me today.”
“Oh shit, that would have been embarrassing for sure if she had found me like that. Warn me if she ever comes by!”
It was the first time ever that Samuel was considering something as potentially “embarrassing”.
“Trust me, I will never let you meet my mother! Don’t you dare get close to her!”
Samuel laughed.
He was used to bang many married women in town (my roommate was a big fan of the MILFs), so he did not even try to defend himself.
“That’s fair.” He simply said, going back to the kitchen to eat some proteins after such an intense work-out session.
At work, my friend Franck had become very curious about how Samuel was acting in our everyday life and I had to downplay his sexual feats to get my favourite colleague out of my back.
“Don’t fall for him, remember?” He told me every time we were mentioning my roommate.
I did my best not to get too obsessed or enamoured with Samuel.
He was a fantastic distraction, but he was also an illusion, a fantasy which would never become real. I knew that.
There was one downfall to all of this.
See, I was not very much encouraged to go out and meet other guys when I already had the perfect adonis wandering around and only waiting to be looked at, and be praised, at home.
Samuel loved getting compliments on his shape, but not only that, he was also asking me if I thought that his ass looked good regularly, or if he really had the biggest cock I had ever seen.
“You’re a gay dude, that’s a great point of reference.” He explained to me as he was flexing naked in our living room one evening.
“Point of reference for what exactly?”
“For knowing if I’m hot or not!”
I chuckled.
“You’re playing way too much, man. You already know that you’re hot. You may be the most confident guy I’ve ever met!”
“Well, is it a crime to like for people to like you?”
“Nah, but it’s definitely narcissistic.”
“What does that mean?”
Good Lord, the stud could be dumb sometimes.
Deliciously dumb and innocent of course.
“A narcissist is someone who is obsessed with himself and with getting people’s approval.”
“Oh… I guess I’m a little bit like that then. Although I’m not caring much about approvals.” He admitted naturally.
That made me smile.
Again, his outlook on things was so different from anybody else that I knew. Someone else may have gotten angry or refuted the statement.
“A little bit?” I asked him.
He shrugged his shoulders.
“I just want to be as good as I can be! When I see another guy, instantly, it’s like, he’s my competition you know. I don’t know how other people think but for sure, I need to have better pecs, a better shape, a better…”
“Well, yeah! But for this one, I cannot do much about it. I could only count on Mother Nature.”
He looked down at his hanging cock.
By this point, I was feeling more comfortable with expressing my mind in his presence.
“I can reassure you on that; I’ve seen my fair share of dicks and this one right there looks really good.”
He smirked.
“You, cheeky boy!”
“May I look at something else other than your dick now?”
“What, you mean, my ass?” He turned around to expose his peachy hairy bum.
“No! Damn… I… I meant; will you leave me alone? I was trying to watch some television before you got here and started to show off.”
He seemed surprised that I would disregard him like that.
Frankly, I was surprised myself but sometimes his cockiness and ego were just a bit too much too handle.
Besides, I loved pretending that I did not care that much about his body. Then, Samuel only worked harder to get my attention.
When he sadly walked to go to his bedroom though, I regretted my words immediately.
The truth was, I wanted him there, naked beside me, flexing his muscles, for as long as possible.
“Don’t be like that!” I called him back.