Life of Brock 4 by Brock Evans

A gay adult story: Life of Brock 4 by Brock Evans “…..making negative three over two equal x…….” RiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnggggggggggThe bell signaled that the lunch period had started. “And don’t forget that you have a quiz over radicals tomorrow!” Mrs. Crown, the algebra 2 teacher, piped at the dispersing room of students. I hated Mondays. Escpecially … Read more

Not Too Shabby by Brock Evans

A gay adult story: Not Too Shabby by Brock Evans I moved into my mothers three story apartment building on October 31st. The morning of Halloween. My fathers home was less than an hour away in a small town called City View with the irony that City View had nothing but the view of a … Read more