Fredrick by caracol101

A gay adult story: Fredrick by caracol101 A boy named Fredrick changes my life. Get out of my house, you nigger loving faggot. My father, such a way with words. My name is Abraham and I remember the scene of departure from my childhood home all too clearly. The last look on my mother’s face … Read more

Barely Legal Austin by caracol101

A gay adult story: Barely Legal Austin by caracol101 , I have a great time with my son’s friend. Austin. What a fucking tease. Like always, he was on my doorstep, smiling, wearing just a pair of basketball shorts, sweat glistening on his exposed chest. “ Hey Mr. Hunt!” he exclaimed. “ Is Josh home?” … Read more

In The Shower ( First Gay Time Part 2 ) by caracol101

A gay adult story: In The Shower ( First Gay Time Part 2 ) by caracol101 This continues the story of my first gay time. The story is based on the true events but a few changes to help the story, mostly I cut out our shyness. Make sure to read part one first. ============================================================================ … Read more