Harry Potter and the Hot Blood Prince by Chico63

A gay adult story: Harry Potter and the Hot Blood Prince by Chico63 , Harry has become more promiscuous since the lust powder incident. However, when it happens with a boy, he uses magic to make him forget. Harry was putting his trousers back on, as he looked at her curvy waist. Cho Chang explained … Read more


A gay adult story: A NEARLY FORGOTTEN HERO by Chico63 , Phone rings, “Thank you for calling the Forgotten Hero Hotline! We care about you! May I have your code name please?” said the young masculine voice in the receiver. “Hi, my name is Nightwing” “Oh hello Rrr… Nightwing!, sorry about that! My name is … Read more

Harry Potter and the Lust Powder by Chico63

A gay adult stories: Harry Potter and the Lust Powder by Chico63 , George and Fred Weasley normally test their inventions on them selves, This time it was unintentional! Fred and George Weasley were in the room of requirements which had been transformed into a laboratory. “With this powder, we will be able to make … Read more