Cinema visit by mazeyj

A gay adult story: Cinema visit by mazeyj , At the age of 15, I often used my study periods in school to sneak off to the local Cinema in the afternoons. Known as the “slee p it,” it was the oldest Cinema in town and had a shabby interior with worn out seats. The … Read more

Dad's friend John by mazeyj

A gay adult story: Dad's friend John by mazeyj , When I was 18 I re-call a liaison with man called John at the time he was in his late 50’s, he was divorced but in a relationship with a widow called Ann whose son Roger who was my age but in a different class … Read more

Cousin David by mazeyj

A gay adult story: Cousin David by mazeyj , This a tale about my cousin David who was 12 years older than me, because of age difference he was closer to my brother who was 5 years old than me, when David was 21 he married a young woman called Lucy, I attended David and … Read more

Helping Rob's Dad by mazeyj

A gay adult story: Helping Rob's Dad by mazeyj , I lost my anal virginity when I was fifteen, when one of the school prefect’s called Rob made me his personal fuck toy. Later Rob mentioned our fuck sessions to his divorced father. Apparently Rob and his father had a good relationship although Rob lived … Read more

Man with dog by mazeyj

A gay adult stories: Man with dog by mazeyj , I remember when I moved into my first flat or as the Americans would apartment, I had an enjoyable liaison, it was a great flat it was on the first floor, the location was at the end of row of Victorian houses situated next to … Read more